Contributions to the training of highly qualified personnel (1994-2000)

Doctor degree of Paris Sud University, France (equivalent to Ph. D. degree)

Name, Year, Title of dissertation, Present position, Co-supervisor (if any).

  1. A. Vartanian, 2000, "Parallel Architecture for real-time 3D based on Commodity Components" in French, Engineer, Co-supervisors: J-L Bechennec & N. Drach-Temam,.
  2. P. Bosch, 2000, "Decoupling in superscalar microprocessors" in French, Engineer, Co-supervisors: J-L Bechennec & N. Drach-Temam.
  3. O. Richard, 1999, "Clusters of PCs" in French, Assistant Professor in Grenoble, France, Co-supervisor: F. Cappello
  4. A. Pavlov, 1998 "Performance evaluation of desktop PCs" in French, Engineer
  5. V. Branger, 1997 "Data prefetching for L2 caches with superscalar processors" in French, Engineer, Co-supervisor: N. Drach-Temam.
  6. D. Gautier de Lahaut, 1996 "Optimization of communications for a synchronous SPMD execution model" in French, Engineer, Co-supervisors: C. Germain-Renaud.
  7. M. Benouni, 1995, "Design and implementation of a very high bandwidth emitting system using GaAs HBTs" in French, Engineer
  8. K. Navi, 1995, "Current mode multivalued circuits for arithmetic circuits" in French, Engineer
  9. V. Neri, 1995, "Hardware features for a statically controlled massively parallel architecture" in French, Engineer.
  10. F. Cappello, 1994, "PTAH: A massively parallel architecture with balanced resources and compiled communications" in French, CNRS Researcher