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Logiciel MultiBoost

MultiBoost - MultiBoost
Date de dernière version : 01 janvier 2014

Responsable : KÉGL Balázs

The MultiBoost package is a multi-class / multi-label / multi-task classification boosting software implemented in C++. It implements essentially a multi-class version of AdaBoost (namely AdaBoost.MH) along with several multi-class weak-learning algorithms and cascades. It is free and easy to build into other applications due to its high modularity.

If you use this software in any publication, please refer to the following article:

D. Benbouzid, R. Busa-Fekete, N. Casagrande, F.-D. Collin, and B. Kégl
MultiBoost: a multi-purpose boosting package
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13:549–553, 2012.

Pour en savoir plus:

Logiciel - Licence : GPL

Activités de recherche
  Fouille de données
  Big Data Analytics

  KÉGL Balázs

  Apprentissage et Optimisation

Logiciels et brevets
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