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Logiciel SMTCoq
SMTCoq - Plug-in de communication entre Coq et prouveurs externes
Date de dernière version : 01 mars 2016

Responsable : KELLER Chantal

SMTCoq is a Coq plugin that checks proof witnesses coming from external SAT and SMT solvers. It provides:
- a certified checker for proof witnesses coming from the SAT solver ZChaff and the SMT solvers veriT and CVC4. This checker increases the confidence in these tools by checking their answers a posteriori and allows to import new theroems proved by these solvers in Coq;
- decision procedures through new tactics that discharge some Coq goals to ZChaff, veriT and CVC4.

Pour en savoir plus:

Logiciel - Licence : CeCILL-C

Activités de recherche


  Vérification d'Algorithmes, Langages et Systèmes

Logiciels et brevets
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