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Logiciel bibtex2html
bibtex2html - Traducteur BibTeX vers HTML
Date de dernière version : 01 janvier 2014

Responsable : FILLIÂTRE Jean-Christophe

bibtex2html is a collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML. They allow to produce, from a set of bibliography files in BibTeX format, a bibliography in HTML format. Here are some features:

* Handle any BibTeX style (even those producing multiple bibliographies);
* Use additional fields like abstract, url, ps, etc. to insert web links;
* Crossrefs are also replaced by links;
* Sort by dates or authors, in increasing or decreasing order;
* Read simple macros in TeX or LaTeX files;
* Show syntax errors in BibTeX files;
* Extract from one or several BibTeX files the set of entries satisfying a given criterion.

Pour en savoir plus:

Logiciel - Licence : GPL

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Logiciels et brevets
open source framework for running competitions

Deep Neural Architectures for DNA