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Logiciel OpenScop

OpenScop - OpenScop
Date de dernière version : 10 février 2014

Responsable : BASTOUL Cédric

OpenScop is an open specification that defines a file format and a set of data structures to represent a static control part (SCoP for short), i.e., a program part that can be represented in the polyhedral model. The goal of OpenScop is to provide a common interface to the different polyhedral compilation tools in order to simplify their interaction. To help the tool developpers to adopt this specification, OpenScop comes with an example library (under 3-clause BSD license) that provides an implementation of the most important functionalities necessary to work with OpenScop.

Pour en savoir plus:

Logiciel - Licence : BSD License

Activités de recherche

  BASTOUL Cédric
  POUCHET Louis-Noel

  Systèmes Parallèles

Logiciels et brevets
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