Monique Laurent is leader of the research group Algorithms,
and Optimization at CWI in Amsterdam and professor at
the University of Tilburg. She received her PhD degree in Mathematics
at the University
Paris Diderot in 1986. Before joining CWI in 1997, she has held
positions at CNET and at CNRS in Paris.
She was also a Humboldt fellow at the University of Bonn in 1991/92 and
had visiting positions e.g. at Yale University,
IASI-CNR in Rome, and Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Her research field is combinatorial optimization with a focus on
algorithmic methods using algebraic tools and semidefinite programming.
She has more than 80 publications and co-authored the book `Geometry of
Cuts and Metrics'.
She is an editor of Mathematics of Operations Research, SIAM Journal on
Optimization and SIAM Journal on Discrete
Mathematics. She has been involved in national and international EU
projects and in the organization of
various scientific events, including workshops and seminars on
Combinatorial Optimization, Semidefinite Programming, and on Algorithms
for Real Algebraic Geometry in Oberwolfach, and a thematic semester
program on Optimization at IPAM in Los Angeles.
More information is available at