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Faculty positions hiring committees
Faculty positions hiring committees Faculty positions hiring committees

The hiring committees have ranked the candidates for the six positions available at the Computer Science department.
Professor position #158 (IUT d'Orsay) :
  1. Jean-Claude MARTIN (LIMSI AMI)
  2. Mirian HALFELD (LRI IASI)
  3. Nicolas ROUSSEL (LRI InSitu)
  4. Sylvain MARCHAND (LIMSI A&A)
  5. Yacine BELLIK (LIMSI AMI)
Assistant Professor position #1691 (Centre d'Orsay) :
  1. Paul DORBEC (GraphComb)
  2. Delphine LONGUET (ForTesSE)
  3. Lin CHEN (Réseaux)
  4. Louis ESPERET (Algo)
  5. Andriy PASKEVYCH (Démons)
  6. Simon PERDRIX (Algo)
  7. Kim NGUYEN (BD)
Assistant Professor position #1695 (Centre d'Orsay) :
  1. Yann PONTY (BioInfo)
  2. Delphine LONGUET (ForTesSE)
  3. Lin CHEN (Réseaux)
  4. Louis ESPERET (Algo)
  5. Andriy PASKEVYCH (Demons)
  6. Simon PERDRIX (Algo)
  7. Kim NGUYEN (BD)
Assistant Professor position #1225 (IUT d'Orsay) :
  1. Louis ESPERET (Algo)
  2. Paul DORBEC (GraphComb)
  3. Julien SOPENA (Parall)
  4. Andriy PASKEVYCH (Demons) 
  5. Colin RIBA (Demons) 
Assistant Professor position #1679 (IUT d'Orsay) :
  1. Andriy PASKEVYCH (Demons)
  2. Julien SOPENA (Parall)
  3. Tara ALI YAHIA (Réseaux)
  4. Cédric TEDESCHI (Parall)
  5. Fabien TARISSAN (BioInfo)
  6. Benoît MASSON (Algo)
  7. Laure DANTHONY-GONNORD (Parall)
For the Assistant Professor position #1643 (IUT d'Orsay), all candidates are for LIMSI.
Note : these rankings are being submitted to the University councils, which determine the final results. 

Pour en savoir plus:
Yannis Manoussakis passed away
6 June 2021
We have just learned of the death of Yannis Manoussakis, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, on Saturday June 5.

He was the leader of the GALaC team and had been for many years director of the LRI, we lose a friend and a dear colleague.


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Wizard project
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Innovation Area: Public Safety, IoT, Mobility