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Séminaire du LRI
Model Based Software and Data Integration (MBSDI) in our Distributed, Heterogeneous and Autonomous World
Dr. Ralf-Detlef Kutsche

05 June 2018, 15h00
Salle/Bat : 435/PCRI-N
Contact :

Activités de recherche : Intégration de données et de connaissances

Résumé :
The running trends in computer science research about “data and information management“ are: ‘Big data’, 'data analysis/analytics/science' and 'machine learning'. “Data is the gold of the information age", or "Data scientist is the sexiest job of the 21st century” are well-known statements in politics, business and in science.

However, beside all these generally accepted trends and statements, the basics of industrial software development, particularly the special problem of „integration software“, having a market share of 80% (!) of the total software development in the world, have a huge impact on the ‚every-day-bread-and-butter‘ tasks in software companies.

This presentation will give an overview, and, additionally, technicals details and many examples on a long personal record of successful experiences in information systems development & integration methodology, based on three essential paradigms:

· Model (and meta-model) based methods for MBSDI: Why is it (still…) useful to “waste" a lot of time in the initial phases of software development in modeling?

· Semantic concepts and ontologies: Why mathematics and formal logic (still…) is a needed skill for each computer scientist and each software developer?

· Patterns: Why we should not re-invent the wheels in each decade from scratch?

Pour en savoir plus :
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