I'm a PhD student at the GALaC team of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Sciences du Numérique (LISN) at Université Paris-Saclay, supervised by Nathalie Aubrun.''

I will be defending my thesis in June, and I am currently looking for postdoc positions.

Research interests

I am interested in symbolic dynamics, combinatorial and geometric group theory, computability theory, self-avoiding walks and computational complexity. In particular, I aim to understand how different algebraic and geometric properties of a finitely generated group influence dynamical and computability properties of subshifts (in particular subshifts of finite type) over the group.

Where to find me?

Bureau 233, Bâtiment 650 Ada Lovelace, Rue Raimond Castaing 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

arXiv | Google Scholar | CV (last update March 2024)