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Download CQAPri

Download CQAPri. See README file for instructions on how to run it.

Software requirements


The CQAPri benchmark available on this page consists in the modified LUBM ontology, a set of 20 queries and 30 inconsistent databases of growing size and ratio of conflicts. It is described in details in Section 3.1.1 of Inconsistency Handling in Ontology-Mediated Query Answering.


We extended the modified LUBM benchmark from Lutz et al., which provides the DL-LiteR version of the original LUBM ELI TBox. We added negative inclusions to state the disjointness of pairs of concepts or roles appearing at the same level in the TBox (that is, having the same distance to the top concept “Thing”) and having the same closest super-concept. We excluded a small number of such inclusions when they did not seem to reflect the intended meaning of the concepts / roles.

Download the ontology file.


Download the queries files. To use CQAPri, all queries should be placed in the same folder.


Inconsistencies were introduced by contradicting the presence of an individual in a concept assertion with probability p, and the presence of each individual in a role assertion with probability p/2. Additionally, for every role assertion, its individuals are switched with probability p/10. For each university, we used this method to generate 50 batches of SQL queries that insert such assertions by setting p=0.002. We obtain inconsistent ABoxes with growing ratios of assertions involved in some conflict by running the n first batches of queries over each university of the original consistent ABox, n ranging from 1 to 50.

Naming conventions:

The characteristics of the ABoxes are displayed in the following table.


Install the databases:

Data is encoded: set CQAPri parameter "encoded" to 1.

Older versions

The experimental settings of our different papers, using older versions of the CQAPri benchmark, are provided on the following pages (for reproducibility purpose, but please use rather the last improved version of the benchmark for new experiments).


Camille Bourgaux: *firstname*.*lastname*@telecom-paristech.fr