Olivier Chapuis


CNRS Research Scientist at Laboratoire Interdisplinaire des Sciences du Numérique, LISN (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS & Inria, a lab created by teams from the LIMSI and the LRI).
Head of the Human Centered Interaction department of the LISN.
Member of the ILDA team (LISN & Inria Saclay).

      olivier chapuis photo

Mail: Olivier Chapuis <olivier.chapuis@lisn.upsaclay.fr>
tel: +33 1 69 15 61 56, mobile: +33 6 82 06 82 78
Office : 1021 (Bât. Claude Shannon - 660)

Université Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 660
F-91405 Orsay, France
Université Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 660
Rue René Thom
F-91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Google Map

Research Interests

Human-Computer Interaction; Window systems and window management; Novel graphical interaction techniques; Wall display, mobile devices, and mixed reality; Evaluation of interactive techniques and systems; Multiscale navigation; Pointing techniques and Fitts' law; Collaborative interaction phenomenons and techniques.


Publications List

Some Projetcs & Software

ANR project InterPlay Interacting with Rich Display Ecosystems with CEA Tech, ITRIT and Telecom Paris.

pointsverts, a user interface for counting objects in an image or a video by hand.

A framework for developing application with WallTokens, abstract tangibles for collaborative interaction with wall-display applications.

The Smarties system provides an easy way to add mobile interactive support to collaborative applications for wall displays.

Metisse is an X-based window system developed to design and evaluate innovative window management techniques.

I also work on ZVTM (E. Pietriga) and in particular is wall cluster part, and on MarkPad (B. Fruchard, E. Lecolinet)

Short Bio

Olivier Chapuis is Research Scientist (CRHC) at CNRS. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1994 from University Paris VII Diderot. He was recruited by the CNRS in 1995 and spent 8 years at Institut Girard Desargues (CNRS & Lyon-I University) where he worked on model theory, group and field theory and algebraic complexity, and published papers in journals such as Journal of Algebra and Journal of Symbolic Logic.

In 2004, he switched to Human-Computer Interaction and joined the InSitu team (LRI -- University Paris-Sud & CNRS, INRIA). His current research mainly concerns window systems and window management, pointing techniques and Fitts' law, multiscale interaction, graphical interaction techniques, wall displays, mobile devices, AR, VR, collaborative interaction, and the evaluation of interactive systems. He has published and served as reviewer and associated chair in conferences such as ACM CHI and ACM UIST, and received several best paper awards.

He is currently head of the Human Centered Interaction department of the LISN, and member of the ILDA team (Inria Saclay, LISN). He was deputy head of the HCC team (LRI, 09/2013 -- 12/2020), deputy director of the LRI (06/2017 -- 12/2019), member of the executive team of the LRI (06/2014 -- 06/2017), and co-head of the InSitu LRI team (08/2010 -- 07/2012).

Detailed CV: doc (October 2024)