Library basis.decidable_set

Require Import Relations.

Module Type S.

Parameter A : Set.
Axiom eq_dec : forall a1 a2 : A, {a1 = a2} + {a1 <> a2}.

End S.

Module Type ES.

Parameter A : Set.
Parameter eq_A : relation A.
Axiom eq_dec : forall a1 a2 : A, {eq_A a1 a2} + {~eq_A a1 a2}.
Axiom eq_proof : equivalence A eq_A.

  Add Relation A eq_A
  reflexivity proved by (equiv_refl _ _ eq_proof)
    symmetry proved by (equiv_sym _ _ eq_proof)
      transitivity proved by (equiv_trans _ _ eq_proof) as EQA.

End ES.

Module Convert (DS : S) :
  ES with Definition A := DS.A
       with Definition eq_A := @eq DS.A.

Definition A := DS.A.

Definition eq_A := @eq A.

Lemma eq_dec : forall a1 a2 : A, {eq_A a1 a2} + {~eq_A a1 a2}.
unfold eq_A; apply DS.eq_dec.

Lemma eq_proof : equivalence A eq_A.
unfold eq_A; split.
intro a; reflexivity.
intros a1 a2 a3 H1 H2; transitivity a2; trivial.
intros a1 a2 H; symmetry; trivial.

  Add Relation A eq_A
  reflexivity proved by (equiv_refl _ _ eq_proof)
    symmetry proved by (equiv_sym _ _ eq_proof)
      transitivity proved by (equiv_trans _ _ eq_proof) as EQA.

End Convert.