Library examples.cime_trace.ring_extention

Require Import ZArith.
Require Import ZArithRing.
Require Import Ring_polynom.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Function all_coef_pos (p:Pol Z) : bool :=
  match p with
    | Pc c => match Zcompare 0 c with
                | Gt => false
                | _ => true
    | Pinj _ p => all_coef_pos p
    | PX p _ q => andb (all_coef_pos p) (all_coef_pos q)

Function all_mem_pos (l:list Z) : Prop :=
  match l with
    | nil => True
    | c::l => (0<=c)%Z /\ all_mem_pos l
Open Scope Z_scope.

Import InitialRing.
Import BinList.
Functional Scheme jump_ind := Induction for jump Sort Prop.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma all_mem_pos_def : forall l, (forall c, In c l -> 0<= c) <-> all_mem_pos l.
intro l;split;intro H.
induction l. simpl. trivial.
apply H;simpl;auto.
apply IHl;intro;simpl in H;auto.
functional induction (all_mem_pos l).
destruct H;simpl.
intros x H';simpl in H';destruct H'.

Lemma tail_in : forall A (l:list A) x, In x (tail l) -> In x l.
  induction l.

Lemma jump_in : forall A n l (x:A), In x (jump n l) -> @In A x l.
intros a n l;functional induction (jump n l).
intros;apply tail_in;eauto.
intros;apply tail_in;auto.

Lemma pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux :
  forall (p:Pol Z), all_coef_pos p = true -> forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
    0<=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l p.
  intros p;functional induction (all_coef_pos p).


  intros _.
  destruct c;simpl in y;try discriminate;simpl;auto with zarith.
  unfold IDphi;auto with zarith.

  intros H l H0.
  apply IHb.
  exact H.
  rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H0|-*.
  intros c H1.
  apply H0.
  apply jump_in with _x;exact H1.

  intros H l H0.

  assert (0<=hd 0 l).
  clear - H0.
  induction l.

  rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H0;simpl in H0;eauto.
  assert (0<= pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l) _x).
  set (u:=hd 0 l) in *;clearbody u.
  clear - H1.
  induction _x.
  simpl; auto with zarith.
  simpl; auto with zarith.
  simpl; auto with zarith.
assert (0 <=
   Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l p0).
apply IHb.
symmetry in H.
destruct (@andb_true_eq _ _ H);auto.
assert (0<=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (tail l) q).
apply IHb0.
symmetry in H;destruct (@andb_true_eq _ _ H);auto.
rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H0|-*.
  intros c H4; apply H0;apply tail_in;exact H4.
auto with zarith.
Lemma pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux' :
  forall (p:Pol Z), all_coef_pos p = true -> forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
    @Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l p.
  intros p H l H0.
  replace ( @Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l p)
    with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (@IDphi Z) l p).
  apply pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux;assumption.
  symmetry;eapply Pphi_pow_ok with (1:=InitialRing.Zsth) (C:= Z).
  exact InitialRing.Zeqe.
  exact (@Rth_ARth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InitialRing.Zsth InitialRing.Zeqe InitialRing.Zth).
  eexact (@IDmorph Z Z0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ InitialRing.Zsth Zeq_bool InitialRing.Zeqb_ok).
  exact Zpower_theory.
  destruct c;simpl;try (intros;discriminate).

Lemma pos_expr_if_all_pos' :
  forall pe,
    (norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil pe) = true ->
    forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
    0<= ( PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe) .
  intros p H l H0.
  rewrite Zr_ring_lemma2 with (n:=ring_subst_niter) (lH:=@nil (PExpr Z * PExpr Z)) (l:=l)
    (lmp:=@nil (Mon * Pol Z)) (pe:=p) (npe:=norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil
  apply pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux';assumption.
  vm_compute;exact I.

Lemma pos_expr_if_all_pos :
  forall pe1 pe2,
    all_coef_pos ( norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil (PEsub pe2 pe1)) = true ->
    forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
      PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe1 <=
    PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe2 .
  intros pe1 pe2 H l H0.
  assert (0<= PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l (PEsub pe2 pe1)).
  apply pos_expr_if_all_pos'.
  simpl in H1;auto with zarith.

Lemma jump_nil : forall p, jump p (@nil Z) = nil .
  induction p;simpl.

  do 2 rewrite IHp;reflexivity.

  do 2 rewrite IHp;reflexivity.


Lemma Pphi_nil : forall p,
  Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) nil p =
  match p with
    | Pc c => c
    | Pinj _ p => Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) nil p
    | PX _ _ p => Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) nil p
destruct p.

simpl;unfold IDphi;reflexivity.

rewrite jump_nil;reflexivity.

replace (pow_pos Zmult 0 p2) with 0.
clear;induction p2;simpl;auto with zarith.
rewrite <- IHp2;reflexivity.

Lemma strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux :
  forall (p:Pol Z), all_coef_pos p = true -> forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
    0 < Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (@nil _) p ->
    0< Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l p.
  intro p;
    rewrite Pphi_nil.
  induction p;simpl.


  intros H l H0 H1.
  apply IHp.
  rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H0|-*.
  intros c H2.
  apply H0.
  apply jump_in with (1:=H2).
  destruct p0;simpl in H1.
  unfold IDphi;assumption.
  rewrite jump_nil in H1;assumption.
  replace (pow_pos Zmult 0 p0) with 0 in H1.
  rewrite Zmult_comm in H1; simpl in H1;assumption.
  clear;induction p0;simpl;auto.
  rewrite <- IHp0;auto.

  intros H l H0 H1.
  assert (0<=hd 0 l).
  clear - H0.
  induction l.

  rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H0;simpl in H0;eauto.
  assert (0<=pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l) p2).
  set (u:=hd 0 l) in *;clearbody u.
  clear - H2.
  induction p2; simpl; auto with zarith.
  assert (0<= Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l p1).
  eapply pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux.
  symmetry in H.
  destruct (@andb_true_eq _ _ H);auto.
  assert (0 < Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (tail l) p3).
  apply IHp2.
  symmetry in H.
  destruct (@andb_true_eq _ _ H);auto.
  rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H0|-*.
  intros c H5.
  apply H0. destruct l;simpl in H5|-*. tauto. auto.
  clear - H1; destruct p3;simpl in H1.
  exact H1.
  rewrite jump_nil in H1;assumption.
  replace (pow_pos Zmult 0 p) with 0 in H1.
  rewrite Zmult_comm in H1; simpl in H1;assumption.
  clear;induction p;simpl;auto.
  rewrite <- IHp;auto.
  set (u:=pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l) p2) in *;clearbody u.
  set (v:=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l p1) in *;clearbody v.
  set (w:=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (tail l) p3) in *;clearbody w.
  clear - H3 H4 H5.
  assert (0<= v*u) by auto with zarith.
  auto with zarith.

Lemma strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux' :
  forall (p:Pol Z), all_coef_pos p = true -> forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
    0< @Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) nil p ->
    0< @Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l p.
  intros p H l H0.
 replace ( @Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l p)
    with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (@IDphi Z) l p).
 replace (Pphi_pow 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp 0 1 Zeq_bool
     (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) nil p)
    with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (@IDphi Z) nil p).
 apply strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux;assumption.
 symmetry;eapply Pphi_pow_ok with (1:=InitialRing.Zsth) (C:= Z).
  exact InitialRing.Zeqe.
  exact (@Rth_ARth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InitialRing.Zsth InitialRing.Zeqe InitialRing.Zth).
  eexact (@IDmorph Z Z0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ InitialRing.Zsth Zeq_bool InitialRing.Zeqb_ok).
  exact Zpower_theory.
  destruct c;simpl;try (intros;discriminate).
 symmetry;eapply Pphi_pow_ok with (1:=InitialRing.Zsth) (C:= Z).
  exact InitialRing.Zeqe.
  exact (@Rth_ARth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InitialRing.Zsth InitialRing.Zeqe InitialRing.Zth).
  eexact (@IDmorph Z Z0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ InitialRing.Zsth Zeq_bool InitialRing.Zeqb_ok).
  exact Zpower_theory.
  destruct c;simpl;try (intros;discriminate).

Lemma strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos' :
  forall pe, all_coef_pos (norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil pe) = true ->
    forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
      0 < PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower (@nil Z) pe ->
      0< ( PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe) .
  intros p H l H0.
  rewrite Zr_ring_lemma2 with (n:=ring_subst_niter) (lH:=@nil (PExpr Z * PExpr Z))
    (lmp:=@nil (Mon * Pol Z)) (pe:=p) (npe:=norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil
  rewrite Zr_ring_lemma2 with (n:=ring_subst_niter) (lH:=@nil (PExpr Z * PExpr Z))
    (lmp:=@nil (Mon * Pol Z)) (pe:=p) (npe:=norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil
  apply strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos_aux';assumption.
  vm_compute;exact I.
  vm_compute;exact I.

Lemma strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos : forall pe1 pe2,
  all_coef_pos (norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil (PEsub pe2 pe1)) = true ->
  forall l, all_mem_pos l ->
      PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower (@nil Z) pe1 < PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower (@nil Z) pe2 ->
      PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe1 < ( PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe2) .
  intros pe1 pe2 H l H0 H1.
  assert (0< PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe2 -
   PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe1).
  replace (PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe2 -
   PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l pe1) with
  (PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l (PEsub pe2 pe1)) by (vm_compute;reflexivity).
  apply strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos'.
  simpl. auto with zarith.
  auto with zarith.

Ltac ring_ineq :=
  match goal with
    | |- ?p <= ?q =>
      let mkFV := FV Zcst Zpow_tac Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zpower in
        let mkPol := mkPolexpr Z Zcst Zpow_tac Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zpower in
          let fv := mkFV p (@List.nil Z) in
          let fv := mkFV q fv in
            let pe := mkPol p fv in
            let qe := mkPol q fv in
              let p' := constr:(PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower fv pe) in
                let q' := constr:(PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower fv qe) in
                  let H:= fresh "H" in
                  (assert (H':p' <= q');[
                    apply pos_expr_if_all_pos;
                      [vm_compute;reflexivity| simpl;repeat split;assumption]
                    | vm_compute in H';exact H'
    | |- ?p < ?q =>
      let mkFV := FV Zcst Zpow_tac Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zpower in
        let mkPol := mkPolexpr Z Zcst Zpow_tac Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zpower in
          let fv := mkFV p (@List.nil Z) in
          let fv := mkFV q fv in
            let pe := mkPol p fv in
            let qe := mkPol q fv in
              let p' := constr:(PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower fv pe) in
                let q' := constr:(PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower fv qe) in
                  let H:= fresh "H" in
                  (assert (H':p' < q');[
                    apply strict_pos_expr_if_all_pos;
                      [vm_compute;reflexivity| simpl;repeat split;assumption| vm_compute;reflexivity]
                    | vm_compute in H';exact H'

Function all_le (l1 l2:list Z) {struct l1}: Prop :=
  match l1 with
    | nil =>
      match l2 with
        | nil => True
        | _ => False
    | x::l1 =>
      match l2 with
        | nil => False
        | y::l2 =>
          x <= y /\ all_le l1 l2

Lemma all_le_def : forall l1 l2, all_le l1 l2 <-> (length l1 = length l2 /\ forall x y, In (x,y) (combine l1 l2) -> x <= y).
intros l1 l2;functional induction (all_le l1 l2).


destruct l2.
split;try tauto.
split;try tauto.
simpl;inversion 1;discriminate.

split;try tauto.
simpl;inversion 1;discriminate.

destruct IHP as [lhs rhs].
intros [H1 H2].
destruct (lhs H2) as [Heq Hforall];split.
exact Heq.
intros x' y' [h|h].
injection h;clear h;intros;subst;exact H1.

clear lhs.
intros [H1 H2].

Lemma jump_length : forall A n (l1 l2:list A), length l1 = length l2 -> length (jump n l1) = length (jump n l2).
  induction n;simpl;intros l1 l2 Hlenght.
  do 2 apply IHn.
  destruct l1;destruct l2;simpl in Hlenght;try discriminate.
  simpl. injection Hlenght;auto.
  do 2 apply IHn.
  destruct l1;destruct l2;simpl in Hlenght;try discriminate.
  simpl. injection Hlenght;auto.

Lemma jump_combine :
  forall A n (l1 l2:list A), jump n (combine l1 l2) = combine (jump n l1) (jump n l2).

  induction n; simpl.

  intros l1 l2.
  do 2 rewrite <- IHn.
  do 2 f_equal.
  destruct l1;destruct l2;simpl;try reflexivity.
  destruct l1;simpl; reflexivity.

  intros l1 l2.
  do 2 rewrite <- IHn.
  do 2 f_equal.

  intros l1 l2.
  destruct l1;destruct l2;simpl;try reflexivity.
  destruct l1;simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma pos_pol_incr :
  forall (p:Pol Z), all_coef_pos p = true ->
    forall l1 l2, all_le l1 l2 -> all_mem_pos l1 ->
     0<=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l1 p <= Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l2 p.
  intros p;functional induction (all_coef_pos p).
  intros _.
  destruct c;simpl in y;try discriminate;simpl;split;unfold IDphi;auto with zarith.
  intros H l1 l2 H0 H1.
  apply IHb.
  exact H.
  rewrite all_le_def in H0|-*.
  destruct H0 as [Hlength Hforall].
  apply jump_length;exact Hlength.
  intros x y H0;apply Hforall;apply jump_in with _x.
  rewrite jump_combine;assumption.
  rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H1|-*.
  intros c H2;apply H1;apply jump_in with _x;assumption.
  intros H l1 l2 H0 H1.
  assert (0<=pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l1) _x <= pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l2) _x).
  destruct l1;destruct l2;simpl in H0;try tauto;simpl;auto with zarith.
  clear;induction _x;simpl;auto with zarith.

  destruct H0.
  simpl in H1;destruct H1 as [ H1 _ ].
  clear - H0 H1.
  assert (0<=z0);auto with zarith.
  generalize dependent z0;generalize dependent z.
  induction _x;simpl;intros.
  assert (0<=pow_pos Zmult z _x) by (clear -H1;induction _x;simpl;auto with zarith).
  assert (z*pow_pos Zmult z _x <= z0 * pow_pos Zmult z0 _x).
    destruct (IH_x _ H1 _ H0 H);apply Zle_trans with (z0*pow_pos Zmult z _x);
      auto with zarith.
    auto with zarith.
    destruct (IH_x _ H1 _ H0 H).
    do 2 rewrite Zmult_assoc.
    apply Zle_trans with (z*pow_pos Zmult z _x * pow_pos Zmult z0 _x);auto with zarith.

    destruct (IH_x _ H1 _ H0 H).
    split;auto with zarith.
  assert (0<= pow_pos Zmult z0 _x).
  apply Zle_trans with (pow_pos Zmult z _x);auto with zarith.
  apply Zle_trans with (pow_pos Zmult z _x*pow_pos Zmult z0 _x);auto with zarith.
  auto with zarith.

assert (0 <= Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l1 p0 <= Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l2 p0).
apply IHb.
symmetry in H.
destruct (@andb_true_eq _ _ H);auto.
assert (0<=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (tail l1) q <= Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (tail l2) q).
apply IHb0.
symmetry in H;destruct (@andb_true_eq _ _ H);auto.
destruct l1;destruct l2;simpl in H0;simpl;auto;try tauto.
rewrite <- all_mem_pos_def in H1|-*.
  intros c H4; apply H1;apply tail_in;exact H4.
destruct H2;destruct H3;destruct H4;split;auto with zarith.
assert (0<=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l2 p0) by
  (apply Zle_trans with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l1 p0);auto with zarith).
assert (0<=Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (tail l2) q) by
  (apply Zle_trans with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) (tail l1) q);auto with zarith).
assert (0 <= pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l2) _x) by
  (apply Zle_trans with (pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l1) _x);auto with zarith).
assert (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l1 p0 * pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l1) _x <=
  Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l2 p0 * pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l2) _x)
by (apply Zle_trans with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (IDphi (R:=Z)) l2 p0 * pow_pos Zmult (hd 0 l1) _x);auto with zarith).
auto with zarith.

Lemma pos_pol_incr' :
  forall (p:Pol Z), all_coef_pos p = true ->
    forall l1 l2, all_le l1 l2 -> all_mem_pos l1 ->
     0<=@Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l1 p <=
     @Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l2 p.
  intros p H l1 l2 H0 H1.
 replace (@Pphi_pow _ 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ 0 1 Zeq_bool (IDphi (R:=Z)) _ Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l1 p)
    with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (@IDphi Z) l1 p).
 replace (Pphi_pow 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp 0 1 Zeq_bool
     (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower (get_sign_None (C:=Z)) l2 p)
    with (Pphi 0 Zplus Zmult (@IDphi Z) l2 p).
 apply pos_pol_incr;assumption.
 symmetry;eapply Pphi_pow_ok with (1:=InitialRing.Zsth) (C:= Z).
  exact InitialRing.Zeqe.
  exact (@Rth_ARth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InitialRing.Zsth InitialRing.Zeqe InitialRing.Zth).
  eexact (@IDmorph Z Z0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ InitialRing.Zsth Zeq_bool InitialRing.Zeqb_ok).
  exact Zpower_theory.
  destruct c;simpl;try (intros;discriminate).
 symmetry;eapply Pphi_pow_ok with (1:=InitialRing.Zsth) (C:= Z).
  exact InitialRing.Zeqe.
  exact (@Rth_ARth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ InitialRing.Zsth InitialRing.Zeqe InitialRing.Zth).
  eexact (@IDmorph Z Z0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp _ InitialRing.Zsth Zeq_bool InitialRing.Zeqb_ok).
  exact Zpower_theory.
  destruct c;simpl;try (intros;discriminate).

Lemma pos_expr_incr_aux :
  forall pe,
  all_coef_pos (norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil pe) = true ->
  forall l1 l2, all_le l1 l2 -> all_mem_pos l1 ->
    0 <= PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l1 pe
    <= ( PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l2 pe) .
  intros pe H l1 l2 H0 H1.

  rewrite Zr_ring_lemma2 with (n:=ring_subst_niter) (lH:=@nil (PExpr Z * PExpr Z))
    (lmp:=@nil (Mon * Pol Z)) (pe:=pe) (npe:=norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil
  rewrite Zr_ring_lemma2 with (n:=ring_subst_niter) (lH:=@nil (PExpr Z * PExpr Z))
    (lmp:=@nil (Mon * Pol Z)) (pe:=pe) (npe:=norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil
  apply pos_pol_incr';assumption.
  vm_compute;exact I.
  vm_compute;exact I.

Lemma pos_expr_incr :
  forall pe,
  all_coef_pos (norm_subst 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool ring_subst_niter nil pe) = true ->
  forall l1 l2, all_le l1 l2 -> all_mem_pos l1 ->
    PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l1 pe
    <= ( PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower l2 pe) .
  intros pe H l1 l2 H0 H1.
  destruct (pos_expr_incr_aux pe H l1 l2 H0 H1) as [_ h];exact h.

Ltac modify_FV H l :=
  match l with
    | nil => constr:(@nil Z)
    | ?x::?l =>
        match type of H with
          | ?p <= x =>
            match p with
              | 0 => fail 1
              | _ =>
    | ?y::?l =>
      let fv' := modify_FV H l in

Ltac set_as_var_if_needed p :=
  let set_as_var :=
    let x := fresh "x" in
      assert (0<=p) by ring_ineq
        match p with
          | context [Zplus _ _] => set_as_var
          | context [Zmult _ _] => set_as_var
          | context [Zminus _ _] => set_as_var
          | context [Zopp _] => set_as_var
          | _ => idtac

Ltac ring_ineq_same_pol H :=
  try exact H;
  match type of H with
    | ?p <= ?q =>
      (set_as_var_if_needed p;
      set_as_var_if_needed q)

  match goal with
    | |- ?p <= ?q =>
      let mkFV := FV Zcst Zpow_tac Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zpower in
        let mkPol := mkPolexpr Z Zcst Zpow_tac Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zpower in
          let fv2 := mkFV q (@List.nil Z) in
            let fv1 := modify_FV H fv2 in
            let qe := mkPol q fv2 in
              let p' := constr:(Ring_polynom.PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower fv1 qe) in
                let q' := constr:(Ring_polynom.PEeval 0 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (IDphi (R:=Z)) Z_of_N Zpower fv2 qe) in
                  let H':= fresh "H" in
                  (assert (H':p' <= q');[
                    apply pos_expr_incr;
                        cbv beta iota zeta delta [all_le all_mem_pos];
                          repeat split;auto with zarith|
                            cbv beta iota zeta delta [all_le all_mem_pos];
                          repeat split;auto with zarith
                    | vm_compute in H'|-*;exact H'

Ltac prove_ineq :=
  match goal with
    | H:?p <= ?x |- context C [ ?x ] =>
      match p with
        | 0 => fail 1
        | _ =>
          let e := context C [ x ] in
            match e with
              | _ <= ?e =>
                let e' := eval pattern x in e in
                  match e' with
                    ?f _ =>
                    apply Zle_trans with (f p);
                      [clear H;prove_ineq|
                        let H' := fresh "H" in
                          assert (H':forall a b, 0 <= a -> a <= b -> f a <= f b);
                              let h := fresh "h" in
                                (cbv beta;do 3 intro;intro h;ring_ineq_same_pol h)
                                cbv beta in H'; refine (H' _ _ _ H);ring_ineq
              | _ < ?e =>
                let e' := eval pattern x in e in
                  match e' with
                    ?f _ =>
                    apply Zlt_le_trans with (f p);
                      [clear H;prove_ineq|
                        let H' := fresh "H" in
                          assert (H':forall a b, 0 <= a -> a <= b -> f a <= f b);
                              let h := fresh "h" in
                                (cbv beta;do 3 intro;intro h;ring_ineq_same_pol h)
                                cbv beta in H'; refine (H' _ _ _ H);ring_ineq
    | _ => ring_ineq

Ltac soft_prove_ineq :=
  match goal with
    | H:?p <= ?x |- context C [ ?x ] =>
      match p with
        | 0 => fail 1
        | _ =>
          let e := context C [ x ] in
            match e with
              | _ <= ?e =>
                let e' := eval pattern x in e in
                  match e' with
                    ?f _ =>
                    apply Zle_trans with (f p);
                      [clear H;soft_prove_ineq| try ring_ineq_same_pol H]
              | _ < ?e =>
                let e' := eval pattern x in e in
                  match e' with
                    ?f _ =>
                    apply Zlt_le_trans with (f p);
                      [clear H;soft_prove_ineq| try ring_ineq_same_pol H ]
    | _ => try ring_ineq

Ltac check_pos p :=
  match p with
    | xH => constr:true
    | xI ?p => check_pos p
    | xO ?p => check_pos p
    | _ => constr:false

Ltac check_Z n :=
  match n with
    | Z0 => constr:false
    | Zpos ?p => check_pos p
    | Zneg ?p => check_pos p
    | _ => constr:false

Ltac simplify_one_ineq H :=
  match type of H with
    ?p <= ?x =>
    match p with
        | 0 => fail 1 | 1 => fail 1
      | ?n =>
        match check_Z n with
          | true =>
            match type of H with
              ?p <= ?x =>
              let e := eval pattern p in x in
                match e with
                  ?f _ =>
                  let f' := let f'' := eval cbv beta in (f 1) in constr:f'' in
                    let prov := fresh "prov" in
                      let H' := fresh "H" in
                    (assert (prov:x = p*f') by ring;
                      assert (H':1<= f') by omega; clear prov H;repeat rewrite Zmult_1_l in H' )||fail 1
          | false => fail 0
Ltac simplify_ineq := repeat (match goal with H: _ <= _ |- _ => simplify_one_ineq H end).