Library list_extensions.more_list

Some additional properties for the Coq lists.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.

Lemma tail_prop : forall A : Type, forall (P : A -> Prop), forall a, forall l,
  (forall b, In b (a::l) -> P b) -> (forall b, In b l -> P b).
intros Ar P a l H b In_b; apply H; right; trivial.

Lemma tail_set : forall A : Set, forall (P : A -> Set), forall a, forall l,
  (forall b, In b (a::l) -> P b) -> (forall b, In b l -> P b).
intros Ar P a l H b In_b; apply H; right; trivial.

Relations between length, map, append, In and nth.

Definition length_app := app_length.
Definition length_map := map_length.

Lemma nth_error_map :
  forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) (l : list A) i,
  match nth_error (map f l) i with
  | Some f_li =>
           match nth_error l i with
            | Some li => f_li = f li
            | None => False
  | None =>
            match nth_error l i with
            | Some li => False
            | None => True
induction l as [ | a l ];
intro i; destruct i as [ | i ]; simpl; trivial.
apply IHl; trivial.

Lemma split_list :
  forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 l3 l4 : list A), l1 ++ l2 = l3 ++ l4 ->
  {l | l1 = l3 ++ l /\ l4 = l ++ l2} + {l | l3 = l1 ++ l /\ l2 = l ++ l4}.
intros A l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1].
right; exists l3; split; trivial.
intros l2 [ | a3 l3] l4 H.
left; exists (a1 :: l1); split; trivial.
rewrite H; trivial.
injection H; clear H; intros H a1_eq_a3; subst a3.
destruct (IHl1 _ _ _ H) as [H' | H'].
destruct H' as [l [H1 H2]]; subst l1 l4.
left; exists l; split; trivial.
destruct H' as [l [H1 H2]]; subst l2 l3.
right; exists l; split; trivial.

Lemma map_id : forall (A : Set) l, map (fun t : A => t) l = l.
intros A l; induction l as [ | t l]; simpl; trivial.
rewrite IHl; trivial.

Lemma map_eq : forall (A B : Set) (f g : A -> B) l, (forall a, In a l -> f a = g a) -> map f l = map g l.
intros A B f g l; induction l as [ | a l]; intros H; trivial.
simpl; rewrite (H a).
rewrite IHl; trivial.
intros; apply H; right; trivial.
left; trivial.

Lemma map_duplicate : forall (A : Set) (ll : list (A*A)),
   map (@fst A A) ll = map (@snd A A) ll ->
   forall a b, In (a,b) ll -> a = b.
intros A ll; induction ll as [ | [a1 a2] ll]; intros H a b ab_in_ll.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros H H'; subst a2.
simpl in ab_in_ll; destruct ab_in_ll as [ab_eq_a12 | ab_in_ll].
injection ab_eq_a12; intros; subst a b; trivial.
apply IHll; trivial.

Lemma split_map :
  forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B) l k1 k2, map f l = k1 ++ k2 ->
  {l1 : list A & {l2 : list A | l = l1 ++ l2 /\ map f l1 = k1 /\ map f l2 = k2}}.
intros A B f l; induction l as [ | a l].
intros k1 k2 H; exists (@nil A); exists (@nil A); split; trivial.
simpl in H; destruct k1 as [ | b k1].
simpl in H; subst k2; split; trivial.
intros [ | b k1] k2 H; simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros; subst.
exists (@nil A); exists (a :: l); do 2 (split; trivial).
destruct (IHl k1 k2 H) as [l1 [l2 [H1 [H2 H3]]]].
exists (a :: l1); exists l2; subst; do 2 (split; trivial).

Lemma length_add :
  forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 : list A) a, length (l1 ++ a :: l2) = S (length (l1 ++ l2)).
intros A l1 l2 a; rewrite app_length; simpl;
rewrite plus_comm; simpl; rewrite plus_comm;
rewrite app_length; trivial.

A measure on lists based on a measure on elements.

Fixpoint list_size (A : Set) (size : A -> nat) (l : list A) {struct l} : nat :=
  match l with
  | nil => 0
  | h :: tl => size h + list_size size tl

Lemma list_size_tl_compat :
  forall (A : Set) (size : A -> nat) a b l, size a < size b ->
    list_size size (a :: l) < list_size size (b :: l).
intros A size a b l H; simpl; apply plus_lt_compat_r; trivial.

Lemma list_size_app:
 forall (A : Set) (size : A -> nat) l1 l2,
 list_size size (l1 ++ l2) = list_size size l1 + list_size size l2.
induction l1 as [ | a1 l1 ]; trivial.
intros; simpl; rewrite IHl1; auto with arith.

Lemma list_size_fold :
  forall (A : Set) (size : A -> nat) l,
  (fix size_list (l0 : list A) : nat :=
   match l0 with
   | nil => 0
   | t :: lt => size t + size_list lt
   end) l = list_size size l.
intros A size l; induction l; trivial.
simpl; rewrite IHl; trivial.

Lemma list_size_size_eq :
  forall (A : Set) (size1 : A -> nat) (size2 : A -> nat) l,
 (forall a, In a l -> size1 a = size2 a) -> list_size size1 l = list_size size2 l.
intros A size1 size2 l; induction l as [ | a l]; simpl; trivial.
intros size1_eq_size2.
rewrite (size1_eq_size2 a (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))).
apply (f_equal (fun n => size2 a + n)); apply IHl;
intros; apply size1_eq_size2; right; trivial.

Induction principles for list.

Induction on the length.
Definition list_rec2 :
  forall A, forall P : list A -> Type,
    (forall (n:nat) (l : list A), length l <= n -> P l) ->
    forall l : list A, P l.
intros A P H l; apply (H (length l) l); apply le_n.

Induction on the the size.
Definition list_rec3 (A : Set) (size : A -> nat) :
  forall P : list A -> Type,
    (forall (n:nat) (l : list A), list_size size l <= n -> P l) ->
    forall l : list A, P l.
intros A size P H l; apply (H (list_size size l) l); apply le_n.

How to remove an element in a list, whenever it is present.

Lemma in_split_set :
  forall (A : Set)
    (eq_dec : forall a1 a2 : A, {a1 = a2}+{a1 <> a2})
   (a : A) (l : list A), In a l -> {l1 : list A & { l2 : list A | l = l1 ++ a :: l2}}.
intros A eq_dec a l; induction l as [ | e l].
destruct (eq_dec e a) as [e_eq_a | e_diff_a].
intros _; exists (@nil A); exists l; simpl; subst; trivial.
intro a_in_el; destruct IHl as [l' [l'' H]].
destruct a_in_el as [e_eq_a | a_in_l]; trivial.
absurd (e = a); trivial.
exists (e :: l'); exists l''; subst l; simpl; trivial.

Lemma in_in_split_set :
  forall (A : Set)
   (a b : A) (l1 l2 k1 k2 : list A), l1 ++ a :: l2 = k1 ++ b :: k2 ->
   {l | l1 = k1 ++ b :: l /\ k2 = l ++ a :: l2} +
   {l | k1 = l1 ++ a :: l /\ l2 = l ++ b :: k2} +
   {a = b /\ l1 = k1 /\ l2 = k2}.
intros A a b l1; generalize a b; clear a b; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1];
intros a b l2 k1 k2 H; destruct k1 as [ | b1 k1].
simpl in H; injection H; intros l2_eq_k2 a_eq_b; right; repeat split; trivial.
simpl in H; injection H; intros l2_eq_k a_eq_b1; subst; clear H.
left; right; exists k1; repeat split; trivial.
simpl in H; injection H; intros l_eq_k2 a1_eq_b; subst; clear H.
left; left; exists l1; repeat split; trivial.
simpl in H; injection H; intros l_eq_k a1_eq_b1; subst; clear H.
destruct (IHl1 _ _ _ _ _ l_eq_k) as [[H | H] | H].
destruct H as [l [H1 H2]]; subst.
left; left; exists l; repeat split; trivial.
destruct H as [l [H1 H2]]; subst.
left; right; exists l; repeat split; trivial.
destruct H as [a_eq_b [H1 H2]]; subst.
right; repeat split; trivial.

Function remove (A : Set) (eqA : A -> A -> Prop)
    (eqA_dec : forall a1 a2 : A, {eqA a1 a2}+{~eqA a1 a2})
  (a : A) (l : list A) {struct l} : (option (list A)) :=
  match l with
  | nil => None
  | h :: tl =>
    if (eqA_dec a h : sumbool _ _)
    then Some tl
        match @remove A eqA eqA_dec a tl with
        | Some rmv => Some (h :: rmv)
        | None => None

Lemma in_remove :
  forall (A : Set) (eqA : A -> A -> Prop)
  (eqA_dec : forall a1 a2 : A, {eqA a1 a2}+{~eqA a1 a2}) a l,
  match remove eqA eqA_dec a l with
  | None => forall a', eqA a a' -> ~ In a' l
  | Some l' =>
              exists a', exists l', exists l'',
              eqA a a' /\ l = l' ++ a' :: l'' /\ remove eqA eqA_dec a l = Some (l' ++ l'')
intros A eqA eqA_dec a l;
functional induction (remove eqA eqA_dec a l)
     as [ l l_eq_nil | l a' l' l_eq_a'_l' a_eq_a' _H | l a' l' l_eq_a'_l' a_diff_a' _H IH rmv H | l a' l' l_eq_a'_l' a_diff_a' _H IH H].
clear _H; exists a'; exists (@nil A); exists l'; intuition.
rewrite H in IH; destruct IH as [a'' [l'' [l''' [H' [H'' H''']]]]].
exists a''; exists (a' :: l''); exists l'''; subst l'; rewrite app_comm_cons; injection H'''; intros; subst.
simpl; intuition.
rewrite H in IH.
intros a'' a_eq_a'' [a''_eq_a' | a''_in_l'].
subst a''; absurd (eqA a a'); trivial.
apply (IH a''); trivial.

Lemma in_insert :
forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 : list A) e a, In a (l1 ++ l2) -> In a (l1 ++ e :: l2).
intros A l1 l2 e a a_in_l1_l2;
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ a_in_l1_l2) as [a_in_l1 | a_in_l2];
apply in_or_app; [left | right; right]; trivial.

Lemma diff_in_remove :
forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 : list A) e a, a <> e -> In a (l1 ++ e :: l2) -> In a (l1 ++ l2).
intros A l1 l2 e a a_diff_e a_in_l1_e_l2;
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ a_in_l1_e_l2) as [a_in_l1 | [a_eq_e | a_in_l2]];
apply in_or_app;
[left | absurd (a=e); subst | right]; trivial.


Lemma fold_left_in_acc :
  forall (A B : Type) (f : list B -> A -> list B) x l,
  (forall acc x y, In y acc -> In x l -> In y (f acc x)) ->
  forall acc, In x acc -> In x (fold_left f l acc).
  intros A B f x l; induction l as [ | a l]; intros Hf acc x_in_acc; simpl; trivial.
  apply IHl.
  intros; apply Hf; [idtac | right]; trivial.
  apply Hf; [idtac | left]; trivial.

Lemma fold_left_in_acc_split :
  forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> list B),
    let g := fun acc x => (f x) ++ acc in
      forall acc1 acc2 x l,
        In x (fold_left g l (acc1 ++ acc2)) <-> In x (fold_left g l acc1) \/ In x acc2.
  intros A B f g acc1 acc2 x l.
  revert acc1 acc2;induction l as [ | y l]; simpl.
  split; auto with *.
  intros acc1 acc2; rewrite <- IHl.
  unfold g.
  rewrite ass_app.

Fixpoint fold_left2 (A B C : Set) (f : A -> B -> C -> A) (a : A) (l1 : list B) (l2 : list C)
  {struct l1} : option A :=
  match l1, l2 with
  | nil, nil => Some a
  | b :: t1, c :: t2 => fold_left2 f (f a b c) t1 t2
  | _, _ => None

more properties on the nth element.

Lemma nth_error_nil : forall (A : Set) n, @nth_error A nil n = None.
intros A [ | n]; simpl; trivial.

Lemma nth_error_ok_in :
  forall (A : Set) n (l : list A) (a : A),
  nth_error l n = Some a -> {l1 : list A & {l2 : list A | length l1 = n /\ l = l1 ++ a :: l2}}.
intros A n l; generalize n; clear n; induction l as [ | a' l].
intros n a; rewrite nth_error_nil; intros; discriminate.
intros [ | n] a; simpl; intros H.
injection H; intro; subst a'.
exists (@nil A); exists l; split; trivial.
destruct (IHl n a H) as [l1 [l2 [L H']]].
exists (a' :: l1); exists l2; simpl; split; subst; trivial.

Lemma nth_error_at_pos :
  forall (A : Set) l1 a l2, nth_error (l1 ++ a :: l2) (length l1) = @Some A a.
intros A l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1]; intros a l2; simpl; trivial.

Lemma nth_error_remove :
  forall (A : Set) (a : A) k k' n,
    nth_error (k ++ a :: k') (if le_lt_dec (length k) n then S n else n) =
        nth_error (k ++ k') n.
intros A b k; induction k as [ | a k]; intros k' m.
simpl; trivial.
simpl length; simpl app.
destruct m as [ | m].
simpl; trivial.
generalize (IHk k' m);
destruct (le_lt_dec (length k) m) as [k_le_m | k_gt_m];
destruct (le_lt_dec (S (length k)) (S m)) as [k_le_m' | k_gt_m'].
simpl; trivial.
absurd (S m <= m); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (length k); auto with arith.
absurd (S m <= m); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (length k); auto with arith.
simpl; trivial.

Association lists.


Function find (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
(a : A) (l : list (A * B)) {struct l} : option (B) :=
 match l with
 | nil => None
 | (a1,b1) :: l =>
     if (eqA a a1 : sumbool _ _)
     then Some b1
     else find eqA a l

Lemma find_diff :
     forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2}) a1 a2,
      a1 <> a2 -> forall l1 l2 b, find eqA a2 (l1 ++ (a1,b) :: l2) = find (B:= B) eqA a2 (l1 ++ l2).
intros A B eqA a1 a2 a1_diff_a2 l1; induction l1 as [ | [a b] l1]; intros l2 b'; simpl.
destruct (eqA a2 a1) as [a2_eq_a1 | _]; [absurd (a1 = a1); subst | idtac]; trivial.
destruct (eqA a2 a); trivial.

Lemma find_mem :
   forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (a : A) (l : list (A * B)) (b : B),
  find eqA a l = Some b -> {l1 : list (A * B) & {l2 : list (A * B) | l = l1 ++ (a,b) :: l2 } }.
intros A B eqA a l b;
functional induction (find eqA a l)
    as [ A B eqA a l l_eq_nil | A B eqA a l a1 b1 l' l_eq_a1_b1_l' a_eq_a1 _ | A B eqA a l a1 b1 l' l_eq_a1_b1_l' a_diff_a1 _H IH]; intro H.
injection H; clear H; intros;
exists (@nil (A*B)) ; exists l'; subst; trivial.
destruct (IH b H) as [l1 [l2 H']];
exists ((a1,b1) :: l1); exists l2; subst; rewrite app_comm_cons; trivial.

Lemma find_not_mem :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (a : A) (b : B) (l : list (A * B)) (dom : list A),
  ~In a dom -> (forall a', In a' dom -> find eqA a' ((a,b) :: l) = find eqA a' l).
intros A B eqA a b l dom a_not_in_dom a' a'_in_dom; simpl;
destruct (eqA a' a) as [a'_eq_a | a'_diff_a].
subst a'; absurd (In a dom); trivial.

Lemma find_not_found :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (a : A) (b : B) (l : list (A * B)), find eqA a l = None -> ~In (a,b) l.
intros A B eqA a b l; induction l as [ | [a1 b1] l].
intros _ ab_in_nil; contradiction.
simpl; destruct (eqA a a1) as [a_eq_a1 | a_diff_a1].
intro; discriminate.
intros H [a1b1_eq_ab | ab_in_l].
apply a_diff_a1; injection a1b1_eq_ab; intros; subst; trivial.
apply (IHl H); trivial.

Lemma In_dec_app :
  forall (A : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2}) a
  (l1 l2 : list A) P Q,
  (if In_dec eqA a (l1 ++ l2) then P else Q) <->
  (if (In_dec eqA a l1)
  then P
  else if (In_dec eqA a l2) then P else Q).
intros A eqA a l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1]; intro l2; simpl.
intros P Q; destruct (eqA a1 a) as [a1_eq_a | a1_diff_a].
generalize (IHl1 l2 P Q); destruct (In_dec eqA a (l1 ++ l2)).
destruct (In_dec eqA a l1); intuition.
destruct (In_dec eqA a l1); intuition.

Lemma find_app :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2}) a
  (l1 l2 : list (A * B)),
  find eqA a (l1 ++ l2) =
     if In_dec eqA a (map (fun st => fst st) l1)
     then find eqA a l1
        else find eqA a l2.
intros A B eqA a l1; induction l1 as [ | [a1 b1] l1]; intro l2; simpl.
destruct (eqA a a1) as [a_eq_a1 | a_diff_a1];
destruct (eqA a1 a) as [a1_eq_a | a1_diff_a]; trivial.
subst a1; absurd (a = a); trivial.
subst a1; absurd (a = a); trivial.
rewrite IHl1;
destruct (In_dec eqA a (map (fun st : A * B => fst st) l1)); trivial.

Lemma find_map :
  forall (A B C : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2}) (f : B -> C),
  forall a l,
   match find eqA a l with
   | Some b => find eqA a (map (fun xval : A * B => (fst xval, f (snd xval))) l) = Some (f b)
   | None => find eqA a (map (fun xval : A * B => (fst xval, f (snd xval))) l) = None
intros A B C eqA f a l; induction l as [ | [a1 b1] l]; simpl; trivial.
destruct (eqA a a1) as [a_eq_a1 | a_diff_a1]; trivial.

Fixpoint merge (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
                         (eqB : forall (b1 b2 : B), {b1=b2}+{b1<>b2})
                        (partial_res l : list (A*B)) {struct l} : option (list (A*B)) :=
  match l with
  | nil => Some partial_res
  | (a,b) :: l =>
       match find eqA a partial_res with
       | Some b' => if eqB b b' then merge eqA eqB partial_res l else None
       | None => merge eqA eqB ((a,b) :: partial_res) l

Lemma merge_correct :
   forall (A B : Set) eqA eqB (l1 l2 : list (A*B)),
       (forall a2 b2 c2, In (a2,b2) l2 -> In (a2,c2) l2 -> b2 = c2) ->
       match merge eqA eqB l1 l2 with
       | Some l => (forall a b, find eqA a l1 = Some b -> find eqA a l = Some b) /\
                            (forall a b, find eqA a l2 = Some b -> find eqA a l = Some b) /\
                            (forall a b, find eqA a l = Some b -> (find eqA a l1 = Some b \/
                                                                                       find eqA a l2 = Some b))
        | None => exists a, exists b1, exists b2,
                                                  find eqA a l1 = Some b1 /\
                                                  find (A:=A) eqA a l2 = Some b2 /\
                                                  (b1 <> b2)
intros A B eqA eqB l1 l2; generalize l1; clear l1;
induction l2 as [ | [a2 b2] l2]; intros l1 Hl2; simpl.
case_eq (find eqA a2 l1).
intros b H; destruct (eqB b2 b) as [b2_eq_b | b2_diff_b].
subst b.
assert (H' := IHl2 l1); destruct (merge eqA eqB l1 l2) as [l | ].
destruct H' as [H1 [H2 H3]].
intros a3 b3 c3 H1 H2; apply (Hl2 a3); right; trivial.
split; trivial.
intros a b; destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | a_diff_a2].
intros H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros; subst a b; apply H1; trivial.
apply H2; trivial.
intros a b H'; destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | a_diff_a2].
subst a; rewrite (H1 a2 b2 H) in H'.
injection H'; clear H'; intros; subst b.
right; trivial.
apply H3; trivial.
destruct H' as [a [c1 [c2 [H1 [H2 H3]]]]].
intros a3 b3 c3 H1 H2; apply (Hl2 a3); right; trivial.
exists a; exists c1; exists c2; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | a_diff_a2].
subst a.
rewrite (Hl2 a2 b2 c2); trivial.
left; trivial.
right; destruct (find_mem _ _ _ H2) as [l2' [l2'' H']]; subst.
apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
exists a2; destruct (eqA a2 a2) as [_ | a2_diff_a2].
exists b; exists b2; split; trivial; split; trivial.
intro; subst b2; absurd (b = b); trivial.
absurd (a2 =a2); trivial.

intro H;
assert (H' := IHl2 ((a2,b2) :: l1)); destruct (merge eqA eqB ((a2, b2) :: l1) l2) as [l | ].
destruct H' as [H1 [H2 H3]].
intros a3 b3 c3 H1 H2; apply (Hl2 a3); right; trivial.
intros a b H'; apply H1; simpl.
destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | a_diff_a2]; trivial.
subst a; rewrite H' in H; discriminate.
intros a b; destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | a_diff_a2].
intros H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros; subst a b; apply H1.
simpl; destruct (eqA a2 a2) as [_ | a2_diff_a2]; trivial.
absurd (a2 =a2); trivial.
apply H2; trivial.
intros a b H'; generalize (H3 a b H'); simpl; destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | a_diff_a2].
right; rewrite (Hl2 a b2 b); trivial.
subst; left; trivial.
destruct (@find_mem A B eqA _ _ _ H4) as [k1 [k2 K]]; subst.
right; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
assert (Hl2' : forall (a2 : A) (b2 c2 : B), In (a2, b2) l2 -> In (a2, c2) l2 -> b2 = c2).
intros a3 b3 c3 H1 H2; apply (Hl2 a3); right; trivial.
destruct (H' Hl2') as [a [c1 [c2 [H1 [H2 H3]]]]]; clear H'.
simpl in H1; destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | a_diff_a2]; trivial.
injection H1; clear H1; intros; subst b2 a2.
absurd (c1 = c2); trivial.
apply (Hl2 a c1 c2).
left; trivial.
right; destruct (find_mem _ _ _ H2) as [k1 [k2 K]]; subst.
apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
exists a; exists c1; exists c2; subst; split; trivial; split; trivial.
destruct (eqA a a2) as [a_eq_a2 | _]; trivial.
absurd (a = a2); trivial.

Lemma merge_inv :
  forall (A B : Set) eqA eqB (l1 l2 : list (A*B)),
       (forall a1 b1 c1, In (a1,b1) l1 -> In (a1,c1) l1 -> b1 = c1) ->
       (forall a2 b2 c2, In (a2,b2) l2 -> In (a2,c2) l2 -> b2 = c2) ->
       match merge eqA eqB l1 l2 with
       | Some l => (forall a b c, In (a,b) l -> In (a,c) l -> b = c)
       | None => True
intros A B eqA eqB l1 l2; generalize l1; clear l1;
induction l2 as [ | [a2 b2] l2]; intros l1 Inv1 Inv2; simpl.
exact Inv1.
case_eq (find eqA a2 l1).
intros b H; destruct (eqB b2 b) as [b2_eq_b | b2_diff_b].
subst b.
assert (H' := IHl2 l1 Inv1); destruct (merge eqA eqB l1 l2) as [l | ].
apply H'.
intros a3 b3 c3 K1 K2; apply (Inv2 a3); right; trivial.

intro H;
assert (H' := IHl2 ((a2,b2) :: l1));
case_eq (merge eqA eqB ((a2, b2) :: l1) l2).
intros l H''; rewrite H'' in H'; apply H'.
intros a1 b1 c2 [a1b1_eq_a2b2 | a1b1_in_l1] [a1c1_eq_a2b2 | a1c1_in_l1].
injection a1b1_eq_a2b2; clear a1b1_eq_a2b2; intros; subst.
injection a1c1_eq_a2b2; clear a1c1_eq_a2b2; intros; subst; trivial.
injection a1b1_eq_a2b2; clear a1b1_eq_a2b2; intros; subst.
assert False.
apply (find_not_found eqA a1 c2 l1); trivial.
injection a1c1_eq_a2b2; clear a1c1_eq_a2b2; intros; subst.
assert False.
apply (find_not_found eqA a1 b1 l1); trivial.
apply (Inv1 a1); trivial.
intros a3 b3 c3 K1 K2; apply (Inv2 a3); right; trivial.

number of occurences of the first element of a pair.

Function nb_occ (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (a : A) (l : list (A * B)) {struct l} : nat :=
  match l with
  | nil => 0
  | (a',_) :: tl =>
     if (eqA a a' : sumbool _ _) then S (nb_occ eqA a tl) else nb_occ eqA a tl

Lemma nb_occ_app :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  a (l1 l2 : list (A * B)),
  nb_occ eqA a (l1++l2) = nb_occ eqA a l1 + nb_occ eqA a l2.
intros A B eqA a l1; induction l1 as [ | [a1 b1] l1]; simpl; trivial.
intro l2; rewrite IHl1; destruct (eqA a a1) as [_ | _]; trivial.

Lemma none_nb_occ_O :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (a : A) (l : list (A * B)),
  find eqA a l = None -> nb_occ eqA a l = 0.
intros A B eqA a l;
functional induction (find eqA a l)
     as [ A B eqA a l l_eq_nil | A B eqA a l a1 b1 l' l_eq_a1_b1_l' a_eq_a1 _ | A B eqA a l a1 b1 l' l_eq_a1_b1_l' a_diff_a1 _H IH].
intros; discriminate.
intros; simpl; rewrite _H; apply IH; trivial.

Lemma some_nb_occ_Sn :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (a : A) (l : list (A * B)) b,
  find eqA a l = Some b -> 1 <= nb_occ eqA a l.
intros A B eqA a l;
functional induction (find eqA a l)
     as [ A B eqA a l l_eq_nil | A B eqA a l a1 b1 l' l_eq_a1_b1_l' a_eq_a1 _H | A B eqA a l a1 b1 l' l_eq_a1_b1_l' a_diff_a1 _H IH].
intros; discriminate.
intros; simpl; rewrite _H; auto with arith.
intros; simpl; rewrite _H; apply IH with b; trivial.

Lemma reduce_assoc_list :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2}),
  forall (l : list (A * B)), exists l',
 (forall a, nb_occ eqA a l' <= 1) /\ (forall a, find eqA a l = find eqA a l').
intros A B eqA l; induction l as [ | [a b] l].
exists (nil : list (A * B)); split; trivial; auto.
destruct IHl as [l' [IH1 IH2]].
assert (H := @f_equal _ _ (fun a => find eqA a l') a); cbv beta in H;
destruct (find eqA a l') as [ b' | ];
generalize (sym_eq (H _ (refl_equal _))); clear H; intro H.
destruct (find_mem eqA a l' H) as [l1 [l2 H'']];
exists ((a,b) :: l1 ++ l2); split.
intro a'; generalize (IH1 a'); subst l'; simpl; do 2 rewrite nb_occ_app; simpl;
destruct (eqA a' a); [rewrite plus_comm; simpl; rewrite plus_comm | idtac]; trivial.
intro a'; simpl; destruct (eqA a' a); [trivial | rewrite IH2; subst l'].
clear IH1 IH2 H; induction l1 as [ | [a1 b1] l1].
simpl; destruct (eqA a' a) as [a'_eq_a | _]; [absurd (a' = a) | idtac]; trivial.
simpl; rewrite IHl1; trivial.
exists ((a,b) :: l'); split.
intro a'; simpl; destruct (eqA a' a) as [a'_eq_a | _]; [idtac | trivial];
subst a'; rewrite (none_nb_occ_O eqA _ _ H); auto with arith.
intro a'; simpl; rewrite IH2; trivial.

Lemma insert_1 :
forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 r1 r2 : list A) (a b : A), l1 ++ l2 = r1 ++ b :: r2 ->
 exists r1', exists r2', l1 ++ a :: l2 = r1' ++ b :: r2'.
intros A l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1].
simpl; intros l2 r1 r2 a b H; rewrite H; exists (a :: r1); exists r2; simpl; trivial.
intros l2 [ | b1 r1] r2 a b H; simpl in H;
injection H; clear H; intros H a1_eq; subst a1.
exists (@nil A); exists (l1 ++ a :: l2); simpl; trivial.
destruct (IHl1 _ _ _ a _ H) as [r1' [r2' H']]; simpl; rewrite H'.
exists (b1 :: r1'); exists r2'; simpl; trivial.

Lemma insert_2 :
forall (A : Set) (l1 l2 r1 r2 r3 : list A) (a b b' : A),
  l1 ++ l2 = r1 ++ b :: r2 ++ b' :: r3 ->
 exists r1', exists r2', exists r3', l1 ++ a :: l2 = r1' ++ b :: r2' ++ b' :: r3'.
intros A l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1].
simpl; intros l2 r1 r2 r3 a b b' H; rewrite H;
exists (a :: r1); exists r2; exists r3; simpl; trivial.
intros l2 [ | b1 r1] r2 r3 a b b' H; simpl in H;
injection H; clear H; intros H a1_eq; subst a1.
destruct (insert_1 l1 l2 r2 r3 a b' H) as [r2' [r3' H']]; simpl; rewrite H'.
exists (@nil A); exists r2'; exists r3'; simpl; trivial.
destruct (IHl1 l2 r1 r2 r3 a b b' H) as [r1' [r2' [r3' H']]]; simpl; rewrite H'.
exists (b1 :: r1'); exists r2'; exists r3'; simpl; trivial.

Function list_forall (A : Set) (f : A -> bool) (l : list A) {struct l} : bool :=
  match l with
  | nil => true
  | a :: l => ifb (f a) (list_forall f l) false

Lemma list_forall_app :
   forall (A : Set) (f : A -> bool) (l1 l2 : list A),
   list_forall f (l1 ++ l2) = Bool.andb (list_forall f l1) (list_forall f l2).
intros A f l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1]; simpl; trivial.
intro l2; rewrite (IHl1 l2); destruct (f a1); simpl; trivial.

Lemma list_forall_is_sound :
  forall (A : Set) P (P_dec : forall a, {P a}+{~P a}) (l : list A),
  list_forall (fun a => if P_dec a then true else false) l = true <->
  (forall a, In a l -> P a).
intros A P P_dec l; induction l as [ | a l]; simpl.
destruct (P_dec a) as [Pa | not_Pa]; simpl; split; intro H.
intros b [a_eq_b | b_in_l]; [subst | apply ((proj1 IHl) H) ]; trivial.
setoid_rewrite IHl; intros; apply H; right; trivial.
absurd (P a); trivial; apply H; left; trivial.

Lemma list_forall_impl :
  forall (A : Set) (f f' : A -> bool) (l : list A),
  (forall a, In a l -> f a = true -> f' a = true) ->
  (list_forall f l) = true -> (list_forall f' l) = true.
intros A f f' l; induction l as [ | a l]; simpl; trivial.
intros Hl; assert (Ha := Hl a (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))).
destruct (f a); simpl.
intro H; rewrite IHl; simpl; trivial.
rewrite (Ha (refl_equal _)); trivial.
intros; apply Hl; trivial; right; trivial.
intro; absurd (false = true); trivial; discriminate.

Function list_forall2 (A B : Set) (f : A -> B -> bool) (l : list A) (l' : list B){struct l} : bool :=
  match l, l' with
  | nil, nil => true
  | (a :: l), (b :: l') => ifb (f a b) (list_forall2 f l l') false
  | _, _ => false

Lemma list_forall2_is_sound :
  forall (A B : Set) (f : A -> B -> bool) (l : list A) (l' : list B),
  list_forall2 f l l' = true <->
  (length l = length l' /\ forall a b, In (a,b) (combine l l') -> f a b = true).
intros A B f l; induction l as [ | a l]; destruct l' as [ | b l'].
simpl; intuition.
simpl; intuition; discriminate.
simpl; intuition; discriminate.
simpl; intuition.
destruct (f a b); try discriminate; simpl in H;
destruct (proj1 (IHl l') H) as [H' _]; rewrite H'; trivial.
injection H1; intros; subst a0 b0;
destruct (f a b); try discriminate; trivial.
destruct (f a b); try discriminate; simpl in H;
destruct (proj1 (IHl l') H) as [_ H']; apply H'; trivial.
rewrite (H1 a b (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); simpl.
apply (proj2 (IHl l')); split.
injection H0; trivial.
intros; apply H1; right; trivial.

Function list_forall_option (A : Set) (f : A -> option bool) (l : list A)
  {struct l} : option bool :=
  match l with
  | nil => Some true
  | a :: l => match f a with
                  | None => None
                  | Some true => list_forall_option f l
                  | Some false =>
                         match list_forall_option f l with
                         | None => None
                         | Some _ => Some false

Lemma list_forall_option_is_sound :
  forall (A : Set) f l,
  match @list_forall_option A f l with
  | Some true => forall a, In a l -> f a = Some true
  | Some false => (exists a, In a l /\ f a = Some false) /\
                            (forall a, In a l -> f a = None -> False)
  | None => exists a, In a l /\ f a = None
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l].
simpl; intros; contradiction.
simpl; assert (Fa : forall b, b = a -> f b = f a).
intros; subst; trivial.
destruct (f a) as [ [ | ] | ]; generalize (Fa _ (refl_equal _)); clear Fa; intro Fa.
destruct (list_forall_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ].
intros b [b_eq_a | b_in_l]; [subst; rewrite Fa | rewrite IHl]; trivial.
destruct IHl as [[b [b_in_l fb_eq_false]] IHl].
exists b; split; trivial; right; trivial.
intros c [c_eq_a | c_in_l];
[ subst; rewrite Fa; discriminate | apply IHl; trivial].
destruct IHl as [b [b_in_l fb_eq_none]]; exists b; split; trivial; right; trivial.
destruct (list_forall_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ].
exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.
intros b [b_eq_a | b_in_l];
[ subst; rewrite Fa | rewrite IHl; trivial]; discriminate.
destruct IHl as [[b [b_in_l fb_eq_false]] IHl].
exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.
intros c [c_eq_a | c_in_l];
[ subst; rewrite Fa; discriminate | apply IHl; trivial].
destruct IHl as [b [b_in_l fb_eq_none]]; exists b; split; trivial; right; trivial.
exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.

Lemma list_forall_option_is_complete_true :
  forall (A : Set) f l, (forall a, In a l -> f a = Some true) ->
    @list_forall_option A f l = Some true.
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l].
simpl; intros; trivial.
intro H; simpl; rewrite (H _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)));
apply IHl; intros; apply H; right; trivial.

Lemma list_forall_option_is_complete_false :
  forall (A : Set) f l, (exists a, In a l /\ f a = Some false) ->
                            (forall a, In a l -> f a = None -> False) ->
    @list_forall_option A f l = Some false.
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l].
intros [a [a_in_nil _]] _; contradiction.
intros [b [[b_eq_a | b_in_l] fb_eq_false]] H; simpl.
subst b; rewrite fb_eq_false.
generalize (list_forall_option_is_sound f l);
destruct (list_forall_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ]; trivial.
intros [c [c_in_l fc_eq_none]].
assert (H' := H c (or_intror _ c_in_l) fc_eq_none); contradiction.
generalize (H a (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); destruct (f a) as [ [ | ] | ].
intros _; apply IHl.
exists b; split; trivial.
intros c c_in_l; apply H; right; trivial.
generalize (list_forall_option_is_sound f l);
destruct (list_forall_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ]; trivial.
intros [c [c_in_l fc_eq_none]].
assert (H' := H c (or_intror _ c_in_l) fc_eq_none); contradiction.
intro H'; generalize (H' (refl_equal _)); contradiction.

Function list_exists (A : Set) (f : A -> bool) (l : list A) {struct l} : bool :=
  match l with
  | nil => false
  | a :: l => ifb (f a) true (list_exists f l)

Lemma list_exists_app :
   forall (A : Set) (f : A -> bool) (l1 l2 : list A),
   list_exists f (l1 ++ l2) = Bool.orb (list_exists f l1) (list_exists f l2).
intros A f l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1]; simpl; trivial.
intro l2; rewrite (IHl1 l2); destruct (f a1); simpl; trivial.

Lemma list_exists_is_sound :
  forall (A : Set) (f : A -> bool) (l : list A),
  list_exists f l = true <->
  (exists a, In a l /\ f a = true).
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l]; simpl.
split; [intros; discriminate | intros [a [Abs _]]; contradiction].
assert (H: forall a', a' = a -> f a' = f a).
intros; subst; trivial.
destruct (f a) as [fa | not_fa]; simpl;
generalize (H _ (refl_equal _)); clear H; intro H;
split; intro H'.
exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.
destruct ((proj1 IHl) H') as [a' [a'_in_l fa']]; exists a'; split; trivial; right; trivial.
destruct H' as [a' [[a_eq_a' | a'_in_l] fa']].
subst a'; rewrite H in fa'; absurd (false = true); trivial; discriminate.
apply (proj2 IHl); exists a'; split; trivial.

Lemma list_exists_impl :
  forall (A : Set) (f f' : A -> bool) (l : list A),
  (forall a, In a l -> f a = true -> f' a = true) ->
  (list_exists f l) = true -> (list_exists f' l) = true.
intros A f f' l; induction l as [ | a l]; simpl; trivial.
intros Hl; assert (Ha := Hl a (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))).
destruct (f a); simpl.
rewrite (Ha (refl_equal _)); trivial.
intro H; rewrite IHl; simpl; trivial.
destruct (f' a); trivial.
intros; apply Hl; trivial; right; trivial.

Function list_exists_option (A : Set) (f : A -> option bool) (l : list A)
 {struct l} : option bool :=
  match l with
  | nil => Some false
  | a :: l => match f a with
                  | Some true => Some true
                  | Some false => (list_exists_option f l)
                  | None =>
                         match list_exists_option f l with
                         | Some true => Some true
                         | _ => None

Lemma list_exists_option_is_sound :
  forall (A : Set) f l,
  match @list_exists_option A f l with
  | Some true => exists a, In a l /\ f a = Some true
  | Some false => forall a, In a l -> f a = Some false
  | None => (exists a, In a l /\ f a = None) /\
                   (forall a, In a l -> f a = Some true -> False)
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l].
simpl; intros; contradiction.
simpl; assert (Fa : forall b, b = a -> f b = f a).
intros; subst; trivial.
destruct (f a) as [ [ | ] | ]; generalize (Fa _ (refl_equal _)); clear Fa; intro Fa.
destruct (list_exists_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ];
exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.
destruct (list_exists_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ].
destruct IHl as [b [b_in_l fb_eq_true]]; exists b; split; trivial; right; trivial.
intros b [b_eq_a | b_in_l]; [subst; rewrite Fa | rewrite IHl]; trivial.
destruct IHl as [ [b [b_in_l fb_eq_none]] IHl]; split.
exists b; split; trivial; right; trivial.
intros c [c_eq_a | c_in_l];
[ subst; rewrite Fa; discriminate | apply IHl; trivial].
destruct (list_exists_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ].
destruct IHl as [b [b_in_l fb_eq_true]]; exists b; split; trivial; right; trivial.
exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.
intros b [b_eq_a | b_in_l];
[ subst; rewrite Fa | rewrite IHl; trivial]; discriminate.
exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.
destruct IHl as [ _ IHl]; intros b [b_eq_a | b_in_l];
[ subst; rewrite Fa; discriminate | apply IHl; trivial].

Lemma list_exists_option_is_complete_true :
  forall (A : Set) f l, (exists a, In a l /\ f a = Some true) ->
                       @list_exists_option A f l = Some true.
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l].
simpl; intros [a [a_in_nil fa_eq_true]]; contradiction.
intros [b [[b_eq_a | b_in_l] fb_eq_true]]; simpl.
subst b; rewrite fb_eq_true; trivial.
destruct (f a) as [ [ | ] | ]; trivial.
rewrite IHl; trivial; exists b; split; trivial.
rewrite IHl; trivial; exists b; split; trivial.

Lemma list_exists_option_is_complete_false :
  forall (A : Set) f l, (forall a, In a l -> f a = Some false) ->
                       @list_exists_option A f l = Some false.
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l].
intros; simpl; trivial.
intros H; simpl.
rewrite (H _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)));
apply IHl; intros; apply H; right; trivial.

Lemma list_exists_option_is_complete_none :
 forall A f l, (exists a, In a l /\ f a = None) ->
                   (forall a, In a l -> f a = Some true -> False) ->
                       @list_exists_option A f l = None.
intros A f l; induction l as [ | t l].
intros [a [a_in_nil _]]; contradiction.
simpl; intros [a [[a_eq_t | a_in_l] fa_eq_none]] H.
subst a; rewrite fa_eq_none.
generalize (list_exists_option_is_sound f l);
destruct (list_exists_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ]; trivial.
intros [a [a_in_l fa_eq_true]];
assert False; [idtac | contradiction].
apply (H a); trivial; right; trivial.
generalize (H t (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); destruct (f t) as [ [ | ] | ].
intro H'; assert (H'' := H' (refl_equal _)); contradiction.
intros _; apply IHl.
exists a; split; trivial.
intros b b_in_l; apply H; right; trivial.
intros _; generalize (list_exists_option_is_sound f l);
destruct (list_exists_option f l) as [ [ | ] | ].
intros [b [b_in_l fb_eq_true]];
assert False; [idtac | contradiction].
apply (H b); trivial; right; trivial.

Definition list_exists_rest (A : Set) (P : A -> Prop) l
(P_dec : forall a, In a l -> {P a}+{~P a}) : bool.
intros A P l; induction l as [ | a l]; intro P_dec.
exact false.
case (P_dec a (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))).
intros; exact true.
intros; assert (P_dec' : forall a : A, In a l -> {P a} + {~ P a}).
intros; apply P_dec; right; trivial.
exact (IHl P_dec').

Lemma list_exists_rest_is_sound :
  forall (A : Set) (P : A -> Prop) l P_dec,
  list_exists_rest P l P_dec= true <-> (exists a, In a l /\ P a).
intros A P l; induction l as [ | a l]; intros P_dec; simpl.
split; [intros; discriminate | intros [a [Abs _]]; contradiction].
destruct (P_dec a) as [Pa | not_Pa].
split; trivial.
intros _; exists a; split; trivial; left; trivial.
intro H; setoid_rewrite IHl in H.
destruct H as [b [b_in_l Pb]]; exists b; split; trivial; right; trivial.
intro H; destruct H as [b [[b_eq_a | b_in_l] Pb]].
subst b; absurd (P a); trivial.
setoid_rewrite IHl; exists b; split; trivial.

Fixpoint mapi (A : Set) (f : A -> A) (l : list A) {struct l} : list (list A) :=
  match l with
  | nil => nil
  | a :: l => ((f a) :: l) :: (map (fun k => a :: k) (mapi f l))

Lemma mapi_spec :
  forall (A : Set) (f : A -> A) l l',
  (In l' (mapi f l) <-> exists l1, exists a, exists l2, l = l1 ++ a :: l2 /\ l' = l1 ++ (f a) :: l2).
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l]; intros l'; split; intro H.
destruct H as [[ | a1 l1] [a [l2 [H _]]]]; discriminate.
simpl in H; destruct H as [H | H].
exists (@nil A); exists a; exists l; split; subst; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [l'' [H1 H2]].
setoid_rewrite (IHl l'') in H2.
destruct H2 as [l1 [b [l2 [K K']]]].
exists (a :: l1); exists b; exists l2; subst; split; trivial.
destruct H as [l1 [b [l2 [K K']]]]; subst.
destruct l1 as [ | a1 l1]; simpl in K; injection K; clear K; intros; subst.
simpl; left; trivial.
right; simpl; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
exists (l1 ++ f b :: l2); split; trivial.
setoid_rewrite IHl.
exists l1; exists b; exists l2; split; trivial.

Fixpoint mapii (A : Set) (f : A -> list A) (l : list A) {struct l} : list (list A) :=
  match l with
  | nil => nil
  | a :: l => (map (fun b => b :: l) (f a)) ++ (map (fun k => a :: k) (mapii f l))

Lemma mapii_spec :
  forall (A : Set) (f : A -> list A) l l',
  (In l' (mapii f l) <-> exists l1, exists a, exists b, exists l2,
                                  In b (f a) /\ l = l1 ++ a :: l2 /\ l' = l1 ++ b :: l2).
intros A f l; induction l as [ | a l]; intros l'; split; intro H.
destruct H as [[ | a1 l1] [a [b [l2 [_ [H _]]]]]]; discriminate.
simpl in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H' | H']; clear H; rename H' into H.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [b [H1 H2]].
exists (@nil A); exists a; exists b; exists l; subst; repeat split; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [l'' [H1 H2]].
setoid_rewrite (IHl l'') in H2.
destruct H2 as [l1 [a' [b [l2 [K [K' K'']]]]]].
exists (a :: l1); exists a'; exists b; exists l2; subst; repeat split; trivial.
destruct H as [l1 [a' [b [l2 [K [K' K'']]]]]]; subst.
destruct l1 as [ | a1 l1]; simpl in K'; injection K'; clear K'; intros; subst.
simpl; apply in_or_app; left; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists b; split; trivial.
simpl; apply in_or_app; right; simpl; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
exists (l1 ++ b :: l2); split; trivial.
setoid_rewrite IHl.
exists l1; exists a'; exists b; exists l2; repeat split; trivial.

Section DepFun.
Variable A : Set.

Inductive dep_fun : Set :=
  | Dep_fun : forall (l : list A) (f : forall t, In t l -> list A), dep_fun.

Definition o_length (lf1 lf2: dep_fun) :=
  match lf1, lf2 with
  | Dep_fun l1 _, Dep_fun l2 _ => length l1 < length l2

Lemma wf_length : well_founded o_length.
unfold well_founded, o_length.
intros [l f]; apply Acc_intro.
generalize (length l); clear f l.
intro n; induction n as [ | n].
intros [y f] Abs; absurd (length y < 0); auto with arith.
intros [y f] Sy; inversion Sy; subst.
apply Acc_intro; intros x Sx; apply IHn; trivial.
apply IHn; trivial.

Definition dep_fun_tail (a : A) (l : list A) (f : forall t, In t (a :: l) -> list A) : dep_fun.
intros a l f.
assert (f' : forall t, In t l -> list A).
intros t t_in_l; exact (f t (or_intror _ t_in_l)).
exact (Dep_fun l f').

Lemma map_dep_call :
  forall a l f, o_length (dep_fun_tail f) (Dep_fun (a :: l) f).
intros a f l; simpl; auto with arith.

Definition F_mapii:
    forall (lf : dep_fun) (mrec : forall lf', o_length lf' lf -> list (list A)), list (list A).
intros [l f] mrec; destruct l as [ | a l].
exact nil.
exact (map (fun b => b :: l) (f a (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) ++
          (map (fun k => a :: k) (mrec (dep_fun_tail f) (map_dep_call f)))).

Definition mapii_dep : dep_fun -> list (list A) :=
Fix wf_length (fun lf => list (list A)) F_mapii.

Lemma mapii_dep_unfold :
  forall lf : dep_fun, mapii_dep lf = @F_mapii lf (fun y _ => mapii_dep y).
intros lf; unfold mapii_dep.
refine (Fix_eq _ _ _ _ lf).
clear lf; intros [l f] F G H.
unfold F_mapii; destruct l as [ | a l]; simpl; auto.
rewrite H; trivial.

Lemma mapii_dep_spec :
  (forall a1 a2 : A, {a1 = a2}+{a1 <> a2}) -> forall l f l',
  (forall a a_in_l a_in_l', f a a_in_l = f a a_in_l') ->
  (In l' (mapii_dep (Dep_fun l f)) <-> exists l1, exists a, exists a_in_l, exists b, exists l2,
                                  In b (f a a_in_l) /\ l = l1 ++ a :: l2 /\ l' = l1 ++ b :: l2).
intros eqA l; induction l as [ | a l]; intros f l' proof_ir; split; intro H.
destruct H as [[ | a1 l1] [a [a_in_l [b [l2 [_ [H _]]]]]]]; discriminate.
rewrite mapii_dep_unfold in H; simpl in H.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H' | H']; clear H; rename H' into H.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [b [H1 H2]].
exists (@nil A); exists a;
exists (or_introl
             ((fix In (a : A) (l : list A) {struct l} : Prop :=
                 match l with
                 | nil => False
                 | b :: m => b = a \/ In a m
                 end) a l) (refl_equal a));
exists b; exists l; subst; repeat split; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [l'' [H1 H2]].
unfold dep_fun_tail in H2.
setoid_rewrite IHl in H2.
destruct H2 as [l1 [a' [a'_in_l [b [l2 [K [K' K'']]]]]]].
exists (a :: l1); exists a'; exists (or_intror (a = a') a'_in_l);
exists b; exists l2; subst; repeat split; trivial.
intros; apply proof_ir; right; trivial.
destruct H as [l1 [a' [a'_in_l [b [l2 [K [K' K'']]]]]]]; subst.
destruct l1 as [ | a1 l1]; simpl in K'; injection K'; clear K'; intros.
subst l2 a'.
simpl; rewrite mapii_dep_unfold; simpl.
apply in_or_app; left; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists b; split; trivial.
simpl; rewrite <- (proof_ir a a'_in_l); trivial.
rewrite mapii_dep_unfold; simpl.
apply in_or_app; right; simpl; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
exists (l1 ++ b :: l2); split; subst a1; trivial.
unfold dep_fun_tail.
setoid_rewrite IHl.
intros; apply proof_ir; right; trivial.
destruct (eqA a a') as [a_eq_a' | a_diff_a'].
subst a'.
assert (a_in_l : In a l).
clear K; subst l; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
exists l1; exists a; exists a_in_l; exists b; exists l2; repeat split; trivial.
rewrite <- (proof_ir a a'_in_l); trivial.
assert (a'_in_l' : In a' l).
clear K; destruct a'_in_l as [a'_eq_a | a'_in_l]; trivial.
absurd (a = a'); trivial.
exists l1; exists a'; exists a'_in_l'; exists b; exists l2; repeat split; trivial.
rewrite <- (proof_ir a' a'_in_l); trivial.

Lemma mapii_dep_eq :
  forall l f g, (forall t (t_in_l : In t l), f t t_in_l = g t t_in_l) ->
  mapii_dep (Dep_fun l f) = mapii_dep (Dep_fun l g).
intro l; induction l as [ | a l]; intros f g H; do 2 rewrite mapii_dep_unfold; simpl; trivial.
rewrite (H a).
apply (f_equal (fun ll =>
 map (fun b : A => b :: l)
  (g a
        ((fix In (a0 : A) (l0 : list A) {struct l0} : Prop :=
            match l0 with
            | nil => False
            | b :: m => b = a0 \/ In a0 m
            end) a l) (refl_equal a))) ++
   map (fun k : list A => a :: k) ll)).
unfold dep_fun_tail.
apply IHl.
intros; apply H; right; trivial.
End DepFun.

map_without_repetition applies a function to the elements of a list, but only a single time when there are several consecutive occurences of the same element. Moreover, the function is supposed to return an option as a result, in order to simulate exceptions, and the abnormal results are discarted.

Function map_without_repetition (A B : Set)
  (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (f : A -> option B) (l : list A) {struct l} : list B :=
    match l with
    | nil => (nil : list B)
    | a1 :: l1 =>
           match l1 with
           | nil =>
              match f a1 with
              | None => nil
              | Some b1 => b1 :: nil
           | a2 :: _ =>
              if (eqA a1 a2 : sumbool _ _)
              then map_without_repetition eqA f l1
                 match f a1 with
                 | None => map_without_repetition eqA f l1
                 | Some b1 => b1 :: (map_without_repetition eqA f l1)

Lemma prop_map_without_repetition :
 forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (P : B -> Prop) f l,
  (forall a, In a l ->
   match f a with
   | None => True
   | Some f_a => P f_a
   end) ->
   (forall b, In b (map_without_repetition eqA f l) -> P b).
intros A B eqA P f l H;
functional induction (map_without_repetition eqA f l)
     as [ (* Case 1 *) A B eqA f | (* Case 2 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil fa1_eq_none | (* Case 3 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil b1 fa1_eq_b1 | (* Case 4 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_eq_a2 _ IH | (* Case 5 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ fa1_eq_none IH | (* Case 6 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ b1 fa1_eq_b1 IH H1 H2 H3 H4 H5].
intros b [b_eq_b1 | b_in_nil];
[subst b; generalize (H a1 (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1; trivial | contradiction].
apply IH; intros; apply H; right; trivial.
apply IH; intros; apply H; right; trivial.
intros b [b_eq_b1 | b_in_map_l1];
[subst b; generalize (H a1 (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1; trivial | apply IH; trivial; intros; apply H; right; trivial ].

Lemma exists_map_without_repetition :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (P : B -> Prop) f l,
  (exists a, In a l /\ match f a with
                        | None => False
                        | Some b => P b
                        end) ->
  (exists b, In b (map_without_repetition eqA f l) /\ P b).
intros A B eqA P f l [a [a_in_l P_fa]];
functional induction (map_without_repetition eqA f l)
     as [ A B eqA f l l_eq_nil | A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil fa1_eq_none | A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil b1 fa1_eq_b1 | A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_eq_a2 _ IH | A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ fa1_eq_none IH | A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ b1 fa1_eq_b1 IH].
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_nil];
[subst a; rewrite fa1_eq_none in P_fa | idtac]; contradiction.
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_nil];
[subst a; exists b1; split; [ left | rewrite fa1_eq_b1 in P_fa]; trivial | contradiction].
apply (IH P a);
[destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a2 | a_in_l1] ; [left | idtac]
| idtac ]; trivial.
apply (IH P a);
[ destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_l1];
                  [subst a; rewrite fa1_eq_none in P_fa; contradiction | trivial]
| trivial].
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_l1].
exists b1; split; [left | subst a; rewrite fa1_eq_b1 in P_fa]; trivial.
destruct (IH P a a_in_l1 P_fa) as [b [H1 H2]];
exists b; split; [right | idtac]; trivial.

map12_without_repetition is similar to map_without_repetition, but the applied function returns two optional results instead of one.

Function map12_without_repetition (A B : Set)
  (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (f : A -> option B * option B) (l : list A) {struct l} : list B :=
   match l with
    | nil => (nil : list B)
    | a1 :: l1 =>
           match l1 with
           | nil =>
              match f a1 with
              | (None, None) => nil
              | (Some b1, None) => b1 :: nil
              | (None, Some c1) => c1 :: nil
              | (Some b1, Some c1) => b1 :: c1 :: nil
           | a2 :: _ =>
              if (eqA a1 a2 : sumbool _ _)
              then map12_without_repetition eqA f l1
                 match f a1 with
                 | (None, None) => map12_without_repetition eqA f l1
                 | (Some b1, None) => b1 :: map12_without_repetition eqA f l1
                 | (None, Some c1) => c1 :: map12_without_repetition eqA f l1
                 | (Some b1, Some c1) => b1 :: c1 :: map12_without_repetition eqA f l1

Lemma prop_map12_without_repetition :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (P : B -> Prop) f l,
  (forall a, In a l ->
   match f a with
   | (None, None) => True
   | (Some b, None) => P b
   | (None, Some c) => P c
   | (Some b, Some c) => P b /\ P c
   end) ->
 (forall d, In d (map12_without_repetition eqA f l) -> P d).
intros A B eqA P f l H;
functional induction (map12_without_repetition eqA f l)
     as [ (* Case 1 *) A B eqA f l l_eq_nil | (* Case 2 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil fa1_eq_none | (* Case 3 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil b1 fa1_eq_b1 | (* Case 4 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil c1 fa1_eq_c1 | (* Case 5 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil b1 c1 fa1_eq_b1_c1 | (* Case 6 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_eq_a2 _ IH | (* Case 7 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ fa1_eq_none IH | (* Case 8 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ b1 fa1_eq_b1 IH | (* Case 9 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ c1 fa1_eq_c1 IH | (* Case 10 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ b1 c1 fa1_eq_b1_c1 IH].
intros d [d_eq_b1 | d_in_nil];
[ subst d; generalize (H a1 (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1; trivial | contradiction].
intros d [d_eq_c1 | d_in_nil];
[ subst d; generalize (H a1 (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_c1; trivial | contradiction].
intros d [d_eq_b1 | [d_eq_c1 | d_in_nil]];
[ subst d; generalize (H a1 (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1_c1; intuition | subst d; generalize (H a1 (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1_c1; intuition | contradiction].
apply (IH P); intros; apply H; right; subst; trivial.
apply (IH P); intros; apply H; right; subst; trivial.
intros d [d_eq_b1 | d_in_map_l1];
[ subst d; generalize (H _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1 | apply IH; trivial; intros; apply H; right]; trivial.
intros d [d_eq_c1 | d_in_map_l1];
[ subst d; generalize (H _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_c1 | apply IH; trivial; intros; apply H; right ]; trivial.
intros d [d_eq_b1 | [d_eq_c1 | d_in_map_l1]];
[ subst d; generalize (H _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1_c1 | subst d; generalize (H _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))); rewrite fa1_eq_b1_c1 | apply IH; trivial; intros; apply H; right ]; intuition.

Lemma exists_map12_without_repetition :
  forall (A B : Set) (eqA : forall (a1 a2 : A), {a1=a2}+{a1<>a2})
  (P : B -> Prop) f l,
  ((exists a, In a l /\ match f a with
                        | (None, None) => False
                        | (Some b, None) => P b
                        | (None, Some c) => P c
                        | (Some b, Some c) => P b \/ P c
                        end) ->
  (exists d, In d (map12_without_repetition eqA f l) /\ P d)).
intros A B eqA P f l [a [a_in_l P_fa]];
functional induction (map12_without_repetition eqA f l)
     as [ (* Case 1 *) A B eqA f l l_eq_nil | (* Case 2 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil fa1_eq_none | (* Case 3 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil b1 fa1_eq_b1 | (* Case 4 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil c1 fa1_eq_c1 | (* Case 5 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 l1_eq_nil b1 c1 fa1_eq_b1_c1 | (* Case 6 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_eq_a2 _ IH | (* Case 7 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ fa1_eq_none IH | (* Case 8 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ b1 fa1_eq_b1 IH | (* Case 9 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ c1 fa1_eq_c1 IH | (* Case 10 *) A B eqA f l a1 l1 l_eq_a1_l1 a2 l2 l1_eq_a2_l2 a1_diff_a2 _ b1 c1 fa1_eq_b1_c1 IH].
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_nil];
[subst a; rewrite fa1_eq_none in P_fa | idtac]; contradiction.
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_nil];
[subst a; exists b1; split; [ left | rewrite fa1_eq_b1 in P_fa]; trivial | contradiction].
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_nil];
[subst a; exists c1; split; [ left | rewrite fa1_eq_c1 in P_fa]; trivial | contradiction].
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_nil].
subst a; rewrite fa1_eq_b1_c1 in P_fa; destruct P_fa as [P_b1 | P_c1];
[ exists b1; split; [left | idtac]
| exists c1; split; [right; left | idtac]]; trivial.
apply (IH P a);
[ destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a2 | a_in_l1] ; [left | idtac]
| idtac ]; trivial.
apply (IH P a);
[ destruct a_in_l as [a1_eq_a | a_in_l1];
   [ subst a1; rewrite fa1_eq_none in P_fa; contradiction | trivial]
| trivial].
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_l1].
exists b1; split; [left | subst a; rewrite fa1_eq_b1 in P_fa]; trivial.
destruct (IH P a a_in_l1 P_fa) as [b [H1 H2]];
exists b; split; [right | idtac]; trivial.
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_l1].
exists c1; split; [left | subst a; rewrite fa1_eq_c1 in P_fa]; trivial.
destruct (IH P a a_in_l1 P_fa) as [b [H1 H2]];
exists b; split; [right | idtac]; trivial.
destruct a_in_l as [a_eq_a1 | a_in_l1].
subst a1; rewrite fa1_eq_b1_c1 in P_fa; destruct P_fa as [P_b1 | P_c1].
exists b1; split; [left | idtac]; trivial.
exists c1; split; [right; left | idtac]; trivial.
destruct (IH P a a_in_l1 P_fa) as [b [H1 H2]];
exists b; split; [right; right | idtac]; trivial.

Section S.
Variable A:Set.
Variable A_dec : forall x y:A, {x=y}+{~x=y}.
Fixpoint mem (x:A) (l:list A) : bool :=
  match l with
    | nil => false
    | y::l => if (A_dec x y) then true else mem x l
Lemma In_mem : forall x l, mem x l = true -> In x l.
  intros x.
  fix 1.
  intros l;case l.
  intro abs;discriminate abs.
  intros y l'.
  unfold mem.
  case (A_dec x y).
  intros Heq _;left;symmetry;exact Heq.
  apply In_mem.
  exact H.

Fixpoint included_list (l1 l2:list A) {struct l1} : bool :=
  match l1 with
    | nil => true
    | x::l1 => andb (mem x l2) (included_list l1 l2)

Lemma included_list_sound :
  forall l1 l2, (included_list l1 l2 = true) -> forall x, In x l1 -> In x l2.
  fix 1.
  intros l1 l2;case l1.

  intros _ x abs;elim abs.
  intros a l H x H0.
  case H0.
  intros Heq;rewrite <- Heq.
  apply In_mem.
  case (andb_prop _ _ H );auto.
  apply included_list_sound.
  case (andb_prop _ _ H );auto.


End S.