Multivalued Logic Circuits

I have spent twenty years working on multivalued logic circuits.

Design of a 4-valued BiCMOS encoder and decoder circuits for transmission

Design of different 4-valued adders in CMOS and ECL technologies

Algorithms and circuits for 4-valued current-mode multi-operand addition.

From 1974 to 1994, I have presented 23 communications on Multivalued Logic Circuits in the following international conferences: International Symposium on Multiple Valued Logic (18), Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium (1), Compcon Spring(1), Compcon Fall (1), ESSIRC (1), Computer Arithmetic Conference (1) and 7 papers in the following international journals: Computer (1), IEEE Transactions on Computers (2), IEEE J. Solid State Circuits (1), IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (1), Euromicro Journal (1), Digital Processes (1).