Library FSetAVL

This module implements sets using AVL trees. It follows the implementation from Ocaml's standard library.

Require FSetInterface.
Require FSetList.

Require ZArith.
Import Z_scope.
Open Scope Z_scope.

Notation "[]" := (nil ?) (at level 1).
Notation "a :: l" := (cons a l) (at level 1, l at next level).

Set Ground Depth 3.

Module Make [X : OrderedType] <: Sdep with Module E := X.

  Module E := X.
  Module ME := MoreOrderedType X.

  Definition elt := X.t.


  Inductive tree : Set :=
  | Leaf : tree
  | Node : tree -> X.t -> tree -> Z -> tree.

The fourth field of Node is the height of the tree

Occurrence in a tree

  Inductive In_tree [x:elt] : tree -> Prop :=
  | IsRoot : (l,r:tree)(h:Z)(y:elt)
             (X.eq x y) -> (In_tree x (Node l y r h))
  | InLeft : (l,r:tree)(h:Z)(y:elt)
             (In_tree x l) -> (In_tree x (Node l y r h))
  | InRight : (l,r:tree)(h:Z)(y:elt)
              (In_tree x r) -> (In_tree x (Node l y r h)).

   Hint In_tree := Constructors In_tree.

In_tree is compatible with X.eq

  Lemma eq_In_tree: (s:tree)(x,y:elt)(E.eq x y) -> (In_tree x s) -> (In_tree y s).

In_tree is height-insensitive

  Lemma In_height : (h,h':Z)(x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)
    (In_tree y (Node l x r h)) -> (In_tree y (Node l x r h')).
   Hints Resolve In_height.

Binary search trees

lt_tree x s: all elements in s are smaller than x (resp. greater for gt_tree)

  Definition lt_tree [x:elt; s:tree] := (y:elt)(In_tree y s) -> ( y x).
  Definition gt_tree [x:elt; s:tree] := (y:elt)(In_tree y s) -> ( x y).

   Hints Unfold lt_tree gt_tree.

Results about lt_tree and gt_tree

  Lemma lt_leaf : (x:elt)(lt_tree x Leaf).

  Lemma gt_leaf : (x:elt)(gt_tree x Leaf).

  Lemma lt_tree_node : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
    (lt_tree x l) -> (lt_tree x r) -> ( y x) ->
    (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)).

  Lemma gt_tree_node : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
    (gt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) -> ( x y) ->
    (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)).

   Hints Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node.

  Lemma lt_node_lt : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
     (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> ( y x).

  Lemma gt_node_gt : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
     (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> ( x y).

  Lemma lt_left : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
     (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (lt_tree x l).

  Lemma lt_right : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
     (lt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (lt_tree x r).

  Lemma gt_left : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
     (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (gt_tree x l).

  Lemma gt_right : (x,y:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
     (gt_tree x (Node l y r h)) -> (gt_tree x r).

   Hints Resolve lt_node_lt gt_node_gt
                lt_left lt_right gt_left gt_right.

  Lemma lt_tree_not_in :
    (x:elt)(t:tree)(lt_tree x t) -> ~(In_tree x t).

  Lemma lt_tree_trans :
    (x,y:elt)( x y) -> (t:tree)(lt_tree x t) -> (lt_tree y t).

  Lemma gt_tree_not_in :
    (x:elt)(t:tree)(gt_tree x t) -> ~(In_tree x t).

  Lemma gt_tree_trans :
    (x,y:elt)( y x) -> (t:tree)(gt_tree x t) -> (gt_tree y t).

   Hints Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans
                gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans.

bst t : t is a binary search tree

  Inductive bst : tree -> Prop :=
  | BSLeaf :
      (bst Leaf)
  | BSNode : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
      (bst l) -> (bst r) ->
      (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
      (bst (Node l x r h)).

   Hint bst := Constructors bst.

Results about bst

  Lemma bst_left : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
    (bst (Node l x r h)) -> (bst l).

  Lemma bst_right : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
    (bst (Node l x r h)) -> (bst r).

   Implicits bst_left. Implicits bst_right.
   Hints Resolve bst_left bst_right.

  Lemma bst_height : (h,h':Z)(x:elt)(l,r:tree)
    (bst (Node l x r h)) -> (bst (Node l x r h')).
   Hints Resolve bst_height.

Key fact about binary search trees: rotations preserve the bst property

  Lemma rotate_left : (x,y:elt)(a,b,c:tree)(h1,h2,h3,h4:Z)
    (bst (Node a x (Node b y c h2) h1)) ->
    (bst (Node (Node a x b h4) y c h3)).

  Lemma rotate_right : (x,y:elt)(a,b,c:tree)(h1,h2,h3,h4:Z)
    (bst (Node (Node a x b h4) y c h3)) ->
    (bst (Node a x (Node b y c h2) h1)).

   Hints Resolve rotate_left rotate_right.

AVL trees

avl s : s is a properly balanced AVL tree, i.e. for any node the heights of the two children differ by at most 2

  Definition height : tree -> Z :=
    [s:tree]Cases s of
            | Leaf => 0
            | (Node _ _ _ h) => h end.

  Definition max [x,y:Z] : Z :=
    if (Z_lt_ge_dec x y) then [_]y else [_]x.

Instead of writing h = 1 + (max (height l) (height r)) we prefer the following relation height_of_node l r h to ease the use of Omega

  Definition height_of_node [l,r:tree; h:Z] :=
    ((height l) >= (height r) /\ h = (height l) + 1) \/
    ((height r) >= (height l) /\ h = (height r) + 1).

  Inductive avl : tree -> Prop :=
  | RBLeaf :
      (avl Leaf)
  | RBNode : (x:elt)(l,r:tree)(h:Z)
      (avl l) -> (avl r) ->
      `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
      (height_of_node l r h) ->
      (avl (Node l x r h)).

   Hint avl := Constructors avl.

Results about avl

  Lemma avl_left :
    (avl (Node l x r h)) -> (avl l).

  Lemma avl_right :
    (avl (Node l x r h)) -> (avl l).

   Implicits avl_left. Implicits avl_right.
   Hints Resolve avl_left avl_right.

   Tactic Definition MaxCase x y :=
    Unfold max; Case (Z_lt_ge_dec x y); Simpl.

  Lemma avl_node: (x:elt)(l,r:tree)
     (avl l) -> (avl r) ->
     `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
     (avl (Node l x r ((max (height l) (height r)) + 1))).
   Hints Resolve avl_node.

The AVL tactic

  Lemma height_non_negative :
    (s:tree)(avl s) -> (height s) >= 0.
  Lemma height_equation :
    (avl (Node l x r h)) ->
    `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` /\
    (((height l) >= (height r) /\ h = (height l) + 1) \/
     ((height r) >= (height l) /\ h = (height r) + 1)).

   Implicits height_non_negative.
   Implicits height_equation.

If h is a proof of avl (Node l x r h), then tactic AVL h is adding all information about h to the context

   Tactic Definition AVL h :=
    (Generalize (height_non_negative h); Try Simpl);
    (Try Generalize (height_equation h)); Intros.

Sets as AVL trees

A set is implement as a record t, containing a tree, a proof that it is a binary search tree and a proof that it is a properly balanced AVL tree

  Record t_ : Set := t_intro {
    the_tree :> tree;
    is_bst : (bst the_tree);
    is_avl : (avl the_tree) }.
  Definition t := t_.


  Lemma t_is_bst : (s:t)(bst s).
   Hints Resolve t_is_bst.

  Lemma t_is_avl : (s:t)(avl s).
   Hints Resolve t_is_avl.

Logical appartness

  Definition In : elt -> t -> Prop := [x:elt][s:t](In_tree x s).

  Definition Equal := [s,s'](a:elt)(In a s)<->(In a s').
  Definition Subset := [s,s'](a:elt)(In a s)->(In a s').
  Definition Add := [x:elt;s,s':t](y:elt)(In y s') <-> ((E.eq y x)\/(In y s)).
  Definition Empty := [s](a:elt)~(In a s).
  Definition For_all := [P:elt->Prop; s:t](x:elt)(In x s)->(P x).
  Definition Exists := [P:elt->Prop; s:t](EX x:elt | (In x s)/\(P x)).

  Lemma eq_In: (s:t)(x,y:elt)(E.eq x y) -> (In x s) -> (In y s).

   Hints Resolve eq_In.

Empty set

  Definition t_empty : t.

  Definition empty : { s:t | (x:elt)~(In x s) }.

Emptyness test

  Definition is_empty : (s:t){ Empty s }+{ ~(Empty s) }.


The mem function is deciding appartness. It exploits the bst property to achieve logarithmic complexity.

  Definition mem : (x:elt) (s:t) { (In x s) } + { ~(In x s) }.

Singleton set

  Definition singleton_tree [x:elt] := (Node Leaf x Leaf 1).

  Lemma singleton_bst : (x:elt)(bst (singleton_tree x)).

  Lemma singleton_avl : (x:elt)(avl (singleton_tree x)).

  Definition singleton : (x:elt){ s:t | (y:elt)(In y s) <-> (E.eq x y)}.

Helper functions

create l x r creates a node, assuming l and r to be balanced and |height l - height r| <= 2.

  Definition create :
    (bst l) -> (avl l) -> (bst r) -> (avl r) ->
    (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
    `-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
    { s:tree |
        (bst s) /\
        (avl s) /\
        (height_of_node l r (height s)) /\
        (y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
            ((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r)) }.

bal l x r acts as create, but performs one step of rebalancing if necessary, i.e. assumes |height l - height r| <= 3.

  Definition bal :
    (bst l) -> (avl l) -> (bst r) -> (avl r) ->
    (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
    `-3 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 3` ->
    { s:tree |
       (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
       (((height_of_node l r (height s)) \/
         (height_of_node l r ((height s) + 1))) /\
        (`-2 <= (height l) - (height r) <= 2` ->
         (height_of_node l r (height s)))) /\
       (y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
              ((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r)) }.


  Definition add_tree :
    (x:elt)(s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) ->
    { s':tree | (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
                0 <= (height s')-(height s) <= 1 /\
                ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') <-> ((E.eq y x)\/(In_tree y s))) }.

  Definition add : (x:elt) (s:t) { s':t | (Add x s s') }.


Same as bal but does not assumme anything regarding heights of l and r. Code is

    let rec join l v r =
      match (l, r) with
        (Empty, _) -> add v r
      | (_, Empty) -> add v l
      | (Node(ll, lv, lr, lh), Node(rl, rv, rr, rh)) ->
          if lh > rh + 2 then bal ll lv (join lr v r) else
          if rh > lh + 2 then bal (join l v rl) rv rr else
          create l v r

  Definition join :
    (bst l) -> (avl l) -> (bst r) -> (avl r) ->
    (lt_tree x l) -> (gt_tree x r) ->
    { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
               ((height_of_node l r (height s)) \/
                (height_of_node l r ((height s)+1))) /\
               ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
                       ((X.eq y x) \/ (In_tree y l) \/ (In_tree y r))) }.

Extraction of minimum and maximum element

  Definition remove_min :
    (s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) -> ~s=Leaf ->
    { r : tree * elt |
        let (s',m) = r in
        (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
        ((height s') = (height s) \/ (height s')=(height s)-1) /\
        ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') -> ( m y)) /\
        ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <-> (E.eq y m) \/ (In_tree y s')) }.

  Definition remove_max :
    (s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) -> ~s=Leaf ->
    { r : tree * elt |
        let (s',m) = r in
        (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
        ((height s') = (height s) \/ (height s')=(height s)-1) /\
        ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') -> ( y m)) /\
        ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <-> (E.eq y m) \/ (In_tree y s')) }.

Merging two trees

merge t1 t2 builds the union of t1 and t2 assuming all elements of t1 to be smaller than all elements of t2, and |height t1 - height t2| <= 2. Code is

    let merge t1 t2 =
      match (t1, t2) with
        (Empty, t) -> t
      | (t, Empty) -> t
      | (_, _) -> let (m,t'2) = remove_min t2 in bal t1 m t'2

  Definition merge :
    (s1,s2:tree)(bst s1) -> (avl s1) -> (bst s2) -> (avl s2) ->
    ((y1,y2:elt)(In_tree y1 s1) -> (In_tree y2 s2) -> ( y1 y2)) ->
    `-2 <= (height s1) - (height s2) <= 2` ->
    { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
               ((height_of_node s1 s2 (height s)) \/
                (height_of_node s1 s2 ((height s)+1))) /\
               ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
                       ((In_tree y s1) \/ (In_tree y s2))) }.

Variant where we remove from the biggest subtree

  Definition merge_bis :
    (s1,s2:tree)(bst s1) -> (avl s1) -> (bst s2) -> (avl s2) ->
    ((y1,y2:elt)(In_tree y1 s1) -> (In_tree y2 s2) -> ( y1 y2)) ->
    `-2 <= (height s1) - (height s2) <= 2` ->
    { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
               ((height_of_node s1 s2 (height s)) \/
                (height_of_node s1 s2 ((height s)+1))) /\
               ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
                       ((In_tree y s1) \/ (In_tree y s2))) }.


  Definition remove_tree :
    (x:elt)(s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) ->
    { s':tree | (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
                ((height s') = (height s) \/ (height s') = (height s) - 1) /\
                ((y:elt)(In_tree y s') <-> (~(E.eq y x) /\ (In_tree y s))) }.

  Definition remove : (x:elt)(s:t)
                      { s':t | (y:elt)(In y s') <-> (~(E.eq y x) /\ (In y s))}.

Minimum element

  Definition min_elt :
     (s:t){ x:elt | (In x s) /\ (For_all [y]~( y x) s) } + { Empty s }.

Maximum element

  Definition max_elt :
     (s:t){ x:elt | (In x s) /\ (For_all [y]~( x y) s) } + { Empty s }.

Any element

  Definition choose : (s:t) { x:elt | (In x s)} + { Empty s }.


Same as merge but does not assume anything about heights. Code is

    let concat t1 t2 =
      match (t1, t2) with
        (Empty, t) -> t
      | (t, Empty) -> t
      | (_, _) -> join t1 (min_elt t2) (remove_min_elt t2)

  Definition concat :
    (s1,s2:tree)(bst s1) -> (avl s1) -> (bst s2) -> (avl s2) ->
    ((y1,y2:elt)(In_tree y1 s1) -> (In_tree y2 s2) -> ( y1 y2)) ->
    { s:tree | (bst s) /\ (avl s) /\
               ((y:elt)(In_tree y s) <->
                       ((In_tree y s1) \/ (In_tree y s2))) }.


split x s returns a triple (l, present, r) where

  • l is the set of elements of s that are < x
  • r is the set of elements of s that are > x
  • present is true if and only if s contains x.

    let rec split x = function
        Empty ->
          (Empty, false, Empty)
      | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
          let c = x v in
          if c = 0 then (l, true, r)
          else if c < 0 then
            let (ll, pres, rl) = split x l in (ll, pres, join rl v r)
            let (lr, pres, rr) = split x r in (join l v lr, pres, rr)

  Definition split :
    (x:elt)(s:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) ->
    { res:tree*bool*tree |
      let (l,res') = res in
      let (b,r) = res' in
      (bst l) /\ (avl l) /\ (bst r) /\ (avl r) /\
      ((y:elt)(In_tree y l) <-> ((In_tree y s) /\ ( y x))) /\
      ((y:elt)(In_tree y r) <-> ((In_tree y s) /\ ( x y))) /\
      (b=true <-> (In_tree x s)) }.


    let rec inter s1 s2 =
      match (s1, s2) with
        (Empty, t2) -> Empty
      | (t1, Empty) -> Empty
      | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
          match split v1 t2 with
            (l2, false, r2) ->
              concat (inter l1 l2) (inter r1 r2)
          | (l2, true, r2) ->
              join (inter l1 l2) v1 (inter r1 r2)

  Definition inter :
    { s':t | (x:elt)(In x s') <-> ((In x s1)/\(In x s2))}.


     let rec diff s1 s2 =
      match (s1, s2) with
        (Empty, t2) -> Empty
      | (t1, Empty) -> t1
      | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
          match split v1 t2 with
            (l2, false, r2) ->
              join (diff l1 l2) v1 (diff r1 r2)
          | (l2, true, r2) ->
              concat (diff l1 l2) (diff r1 r2)

  Definition diff :
    { s':t | (x:elt)(In x s') <-> ((In x s1) /\ ~(In x s2))}.


elements_tree_aux acc t catenates the elements of t in infix order to the list acc

  Fixpoint elements_tree_aux [acc:(list X.t); t:tree] : (list X.t) :=
    Cases t of
    | Leaf =>
    | (Node l x r _) =>
        (elements_tree_aux (x :: (elements_tree_aux acc r)) l)

then elements_tree is an instanciation with an empty acc

  Definition elements_tree := (elements_tree_aux []).

  Lemma elements_tree_aux_acc_1 :
    (s:tree)(acc:(list elt))
    (x:elt)(InList E.eq x acc)->(InList E.eq x (elements_tree_aux acc s)).
   Hints Resolve elements_tree_aux_acc_1.

  Lemma elements_tree_aux_1 :
    (s:tree)(acc:(list elt))
    (x:elt)(In_tree x s)->(InList E.eq x (elements_tree_aux acc s)).

  Lemma elements_tree_1 :
    (x:elt)(In_tree x s)->(InList E.eq x (elements_tree s)).
   Hints Resolve elements_tree_1.

  Lemma elements_tree_aux_acc_2 :
    (s:tree)(acc:(list elt))
    (x:elt)(InList E.eq x (elements_tree_aux acc s)) ->
      (InList E.eq x acc) \/ (In_tree x s).
   Hints Resolve elements_tree_aux_acc_2.

  Lemma elements_tree_2 :
    (x:elt)(InList E.eq x (elements_tree s)) -> (In_tree x s).
   Hints Resolve elements_tree_2.

  Lemma elements_tree_aux_sort :
    (s:tree)(bst s) -> (acc:(list elt))
    (sort acc) ->
    ((x:elt)(InList E.eq x acc) -> (y:elt)(In_tree y s) -> ( y x)) ->
    (sort (elements_tree_aux acc s)).

  Lemma elements_tree_sort :
    (s:tree)(bst s) -> (sort (elements_tree s)).
   Hints Resolve elements_tree_sort.

  Definition elements :
    (s:t){ l:(list elt) | (sort l) /\ (x:elt)(In x s)<->(InList E.eq x l)}.


  Fixpoint cardinal_tree [s:tree] : nat := Cases s of
    | Leaf => O
    | (Node l _ r _) => (S (plus (cardinal_tree l) (cardinal_tree r))) end.

  Lemma cardinal_elements_1 :
    (s:tree)(acc:(list X.t))
    (plus (length acc) (cardinal_tree s)) =
    (length (elements_tree_aux acc s)).

  Lemma cardinal_elements_2 :
    (s:tree)(cardinal_tree s)=(length (elements_tree s)).

  Definition cardinal :
    (s:t) { r : nat | (EX l:(list elt) |
                              (Unique E.eq l) /\
                              ((x:elt)(In x s)<->(InList E.eq x l)) /\
                              r = (length l)) }.

Induction over cardinals

  Lemma sorted_subset_cardinal :
    (l',l:(list X.t))(sort l) -> (sort l') ->
    ((x:elt)(InList X.eq x l) -> (InList X.eq x l')) ->
    (le (length l) (length l')).

  Lemma cardinal_subset :
    (a,b:tree)(bst a) -> (bst b) ->
    ((y:elt)(In_tree y a) -> (In_tree y b)) ->
    (le (cardinal_tree a) (cardinal_tree b)).

  Lemma cardinal_left :
    (lt (cardinal_tree l) (cardinal_tree (Node l x r h))).

  Lemma cardinal_right :
    (lt (cardinal_tree r) (cardinal_tree (Node l x r h))).

  Lemma cardinal_rec2 :
       ((y,y':tree)(lt (plus (cardinal_tree y) (cardinal_tree y'))
                       (plus (cardinal_tree x) (cardinal_tree x'))) ->(P y y'))
       -> (P x x')) ->
    (x,x':tree)(P x x').

  Lemma height_0 : (s:tree)(avl s) -> (height s)=0 -> (x:elt)~(In_tree x s).
   Implicits height_0.


union s1 s2 does an induction over the sum of the cardinals of s1 and s2. Code is

    let rec union s1 s2 =
      match (s1, s2) with
        (Empty, t2) -> t2
      | (t1, Empty) -> t1
      | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
          if h1 >= h2 then
            if h2 = 1 then add v2 s1 else begin
              let (l2, _, r2) = split v1 s2 in
              join (union l1 l2) v1 (union r1 r2)
            if h1 = 1 then add v1 s2 else begin
              let (l1, _, r1) = split v2 s1 in
              join (union l1 l2) v2 (union r1 r2)

  Definition union : (s1,s2:t)
                    { s':t | (x:elt)(In x s') <-> ((In x s1)\/(In x s2))}.


    let filter p s =
      let rec filt accu = function
        | Empty -> accu
        | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
            filt (filt (if p v then add v accu else accu) l) r in
      filt Empty s

  Definition filter_acc :
     (P:elt->Prop)(Pdec:(x:elt){P x}+{~(P x)})
     (s,acc:tree)(bst s) -> (avl s) -> (bst acc) -> (avl acc) ->
     { s':tree |
         (bst s') /\ (avl s') /\
         ((compat_P E.eq P) ->
          (x:elt)(In_tree x s') <->
                 ((In_tree x acc) \/ ((In_tree x s)/\(P x)))) }.

  Definition filter : (P:elt->Prop)(Pdec:(x:elt){P x}+{~(P x)})(s:t)
     { s':t | (compat_P E.eq P) -> (x:elt)(In x s') <-> ((In x s)/\(P x)) }.


    let partition p s =
      let rec part (t, f as accu) = function
        | Empty -> accu
        | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
            part (part (if p v then (add v t, f) else (t, add v f)) l) r in
      part (Empty, Empty) s

  Definition partition_acc :
    (P:elt->Prop)(Pdec:(x:elt){P x}+{~(P x)})
    (bst s) -> (avl s) ->
    (bst acct) -> (avl acct) -> (bst accf) -> (avl accf) ->
    { partition : tree*tree |
        let (s1,s2) = partition in
        (bst s1) /\ (avl s1) /\ (bst s2) /\ (avl s2) /\
        ((compat_P E.eq P) ->
         (x:elt)(((In_tree x s1) <->
                 ((In_tree x acct) \/ ((In_tree x s) /\ (P x)))) /\
                (((In_tree x s2) <->
                 ((In_tree x accf) \/ ((In_tree x s) /\ ~(P x))))))) }.

  Definition partition :
    (P:elt->Prop)(Pdec:(x:elt){P x}+{~(P x)})(s:t)
    { partition : t*t |
        let (s1,s2) = partition in
        (compat_P E.eq P) ->
        ((For_all P s1) /\
         (For_all ([x]~(P x)) s2) /\
         (x:elt)(In x s)<->((In x s1)\/(In x s2))) }.


    let rec subset s1 s2 =
      match (s1, s2) with
        Empty, _ ->
      | _, Empty ->
      | Node (l1, v1, r1, _), (Node (l2, v2, r2, _) as t2) ->
          let c = v1 v2 in
          if c = 0 then
            subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
          else if c < 0 then
            subset (Node (l1, v1, Empty, 0)) l2 && subset r1 t2
            subset (Node (Empty, v1, r1, 0)) r2 && subset l1 t2

  Definition subset :
    (s1,s2:t){ Subset s1 s2 } + { ~(Subset s1 s2) }.

for_all and exists

  Definition for_all : (P:elt->Prop)(Pdec:(x:elt){P x}+{~(P x)})(s:t)
     { (compat_P E.eq P) -> (For_all P s) } +
     { (compat_P E.eq P) -> ~(For_all P s) }.

  Definition exists : (P:elt->Prop)(Pdec:(x:elt){P x}+{~(P x)})(s:t)
    { (compat_P E.eq P) -> (Exists P s) } +
    { (compat_P E.eq P) -> ~(Exists P s) }.


  Module L := Raw(E).

  Fixpoint fold_tree [A:Set; f:elt->A->A; s:tree] : A -> A :=
    Cases s of
    | Leaf => [a]a
    | (Node l x r _) => [a](fold_tree A f l (f x (fold_tree A f r a)))
   Implicits fold_tree [1].

  Definition fold_tree' :=
   [A:Set; f:elt->A->A; s:tree] (L.fold f (elements_tree s)).
   Implicits fold_tree' [1].

  Lemma fold_tree_equiv_aux :
     (A:Set)(s:tree)(f:elt->A->A)(a:A; acc : (list elt))
     (L.fold f (elements_tree_aux acc s) a)
     = (fold_tree f s (L.fold f acc a)).

  Lemma fold_tree_equiv :
     (A:Set)(s:tree)(f:elt->A->A; a:A)
     (fold_tree f s a)=(fold_tree' f s a).

  Definition fold :
   { r : A | (EX l:(list elt) |
                  (Unique E.eq l) /\
                  ((x:elt)(In x s)<->(InList E.eq x l)) /\
                  r = (fold_right f i l)) }.


Relations eq and lt over trees

  Definition eq : t -> t -> Prop := Equal.

  Lemma eq_refl: (s:t)(eq s s).

  Lemma eq_sym: (s,s':t)(eq s s') -> (eq s' s).

  Lemma eq_trans: (s,s',s'':t)(eq s s') -> (eq s' s'') -> (eq s s'').

  Lemma eq_L_eq : (s,s':t)
    (eq s s') -> (L.eq (elements_tree s) (elements_tree s')).

  Lemma L_eq_eq : (s,s':t)
    (L.eq (elements_tree s) (elements_tree s')) -> (eq s s').
   Hints Resolve eq_L_eq L_eq_eq.

  Definition lt : t -> t -> Prop :=
    [s1,s2:t]( (elements_tree s1) (elements_tree s2)).

  Definition lt_trans : (s,s',s'':t)(lt s s') -> (lt s' s'') -> (lt s s'')
    := [s,s',s'':t][h][h'](L.lt_trans h h').

  Lemma lt_not_eq : (s,s':t)(lt s s') -> ~(eq s s').

Comparison algorithm

The code for compare s1 s2 is basically comparing elements s1 and elements s2 in lexicographic order. But it builds these lists lazily (it is doing deforestation). It uses a function compare_aux comparing two lists of trees.

We slightly modify the original code to get a simplest termination argument. The resulting code is even a bit more efficient.

    let rec compare_aux l1 l2 =
        match (l1, l2) with
        ([], []) -> 0
      | ([], _)  -> -1
      | (_, []) -> 1
      | (Empty :: t1, Empty :: t2) ->
          compare_aux t1 t2
      | (Node(Empty, v1, r1, _) :: t1, Node(Empty, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
          let c = v1 v2 in
          if c <> 0 then c else compare_aux (r1::t1) (r2::t2)
      | (Node(Empty, v1, r1, _) :: t1, Empty :: t2) ->
          compare_aux (Node(Empty, v1, r1, 0) :: t1) t2
      | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _) :: t1, t2) when l1 <> Empty ->
          compare_aux (l1 :: Node(Empty, v1, r1, 0) :: t1) t2
      | (Empty :: t1, Node(Empty, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
          compare_aux t1 (Node(Empty, v2, r2, 0) :: t2)
      | (t1, Node(l2, v2, r2, _) :: t2) (* when l2 <> Empty *) ->
          compare_aux t1 (l2 :: Node(Empty, v2, r2, 0) :: t2)

Lists of trees

flatten l returns the list of elements of l i.e. the list of elements actually compared

  Fixpoint flatten [l:(list tree)] : (list elt) :=
     Cases l of
     | nil => []
     | (cons t r) => (app (elements_tree t) (flatten r)) end.

sorted_l l expresses that elements in the trees of l are sorted, and that all trees in l are binary search trees.

  Inductive In_tree_l : elt -> (list tree) -> Prop :=
    | InHd : (x:elt)(s:tree)(l:(list tree))(In_tree x s) ->
             (In_tree_l x (cons s l))
    | InTl : (x:elt)(s:tree)(l:(list tree))(In_tree_l x l) ->
             (In_tree_l x (cons s l)).

   Hint In_tree_l := Constructors In_tree_l.

  Inductive sorted_l : (list tree) -> Prop :=
    | SortedLNil :
        (sorted_l [])
    | SortedLCons :
        (s:tree)(l:(list tree))
        (bst s) -> (sorted_l l) ->
        ((x:elt)(In_tree x s) -> (y:elt)(In_tree_l y l) -> ( x y)) ->
        (sorted_l (cons s l)).

   Hint sorted_l := Constructors sorted_l.

  Lemma sort_app :
    (l1,l2:(list elt))(sort l1) -> (sort l2) ->
    ((x,y:elt)(InList E.eq x l1) -> (InList E.eq y l2) -> ( x y)) ->
    (sort (app l1 l2)).

  Lemma in_app :
    (x:elt)(l1,l2:(list elt))
    (InList E.eq x (app l1 l2)) ->
    ((InList E.eq x l1) \/ (InList E.eq x l2)).

  Lemma in_flatten :
    (x:elt)(l:(list tree))
    (InList E.eq x (flatten l)) -> (In_tree_l x l).

  Lemma sorted_flatten :
    (l:(list tree))(sorted_l l) -> (sort (flatten l)).

Termination of compare_aux

The measure is given by m([]) = 0, m(s :: l) = m(s) + m(l), m(Leaf) = 1, and m(Node(l,_,r,_) = 1 + 3m(l) + m(r)

  Fixpoint measure_t [s:tree] : Z :=
    Cases s of Leaf => 1
             | (Node l _ r _) => 1+3*(measure_t l)+(measure_t r) end.

  Fixpoint measure_l [l:(list tree)] : Z :=
    Cases l of nil => 0
             | (cons s l) => (measure_t s)+(measure_l l) end.

   Tactic Definition Measure_t := Unfold measure_t; Fold measure_t.
   Tactic Definition Measure_l := Unfold measure_l; Fold measure_l.

  Lemma measure_t_1 : (s:tree)(measure_t s) >= 1.

   Tactic Definition Measure_t_1 s := Generalize (measure_t_1 s); Intro.

  Lemma measure_t_3 : (l,r:tree)(x:elt)(z:Z)
    (measure_t (Node l x r z)) >= 3.

   Tactic Definition Measure_t_3 l x r z := Generalize (measure_t_3 l x r z); Intro.

  Lemma measure_l_0 : (l:(list tree))(measure_l l)>=0.

   Tactic Definition Measure_l_0 l := Generalize (measure_l_0 l); Intro.

Induction principle over the sum of the measures for two lists

  Definition compare_rec2 :
    (P:(list tree)->(list tree)->Set)
    ((x,x':(list tree))
       ((y,y':(list tree))
            (measure_l y)+(measure_l y') < (measure_l x)+(measure_l x')
            ->(P y y'))
       -> (P x x')) ->
    (x,x':(list tree))(P x x').

Lemmas for the correctness of compare

  Lemma lt_nil_elements_tree_Node :
    (l,r:tree)(x:elt)(z:Z)( [] (elements_tree (Node l x r z))).

  Lemma lt_app : (l1,l2,l3:(list elt))
    ( l1 l2) -> ( l1 (app l2 l3)).

  Lemma lt_app_eq : (l1,l2,l3:(list elt))
    ( l2 l3) -> ( (app l1 l2) (app l1 l3)).

  Lemma lt_eq_1 : (l1,l2,l3:(list elt))
    l1=l2 -> ( l1 l3) -> ( l2 l3).

  Lemma lt_eq_2 : (l1,l2,l3:(list elt))
    l2=l3 -> ( l1 l2) -> ( l1 l3).

  Lemma eq_eq_1 : (l1,l2,l3:(list elt))
    l1=l2 -> (L.eq l1 l3) -> (L.eq l2 l3).

  Lemma eq_eq_2 : (l1,l2,l3:(list elt))
    l2=l3 -> (L.eq l1 l2) -> (L.eq l1 l3).

  Lemma l_eq_cons : (l1,l2:(list elt))(x,y:elt)
    (X.eq x y) -> (L.eq l1 l2) -> (L.eq (x :: l1) (y :: l2)).

   Hints Resolve lt_nil_elements_tree_Node lt_app lt_app_eq
                lt_eq_1 lt_eq_2 eq_eq_1 eq_eq_2 l_eq_cons.

  Lemma elements_app : (s:tree)(acc:(list elt))
    (elements_tree_aux acc s) = (app (elements_tree s) acc).

main lemma for correctness of compare

  Lemma compare_flatten :
    (l,r:tree)(x:elt)(z:Z)(tl:(list tree))
    (flatten ((Node l x r z) :: tl))
  = (flatten (l :: ((Node Leaf x r z) :: tl))).

   Hints Resolve compare_flatten.

same lemma, expressed differently

  Lemma compare_flatten_1 :
    (t0,t2:tree)(t1:elt)(z:Z)(l:(list elt))
    (app (elements_tree t0) (t1 :: (app (elements_tree t2) l)))
  = (app (elements_tree (Node t0 t1 t2 z)) l).

   Hints Resolve compare_flatten_1.

invariant for compare l1 l2: Leaf may only occur on head of l1 and l2, and only when the other list is non-empty

  Fixpoint no_leaf [l:(list tree)] : Prop := Cases l of
    | nil => True
    | (cons Leaf _) => False
    | (cons _ r) => (no_leaf r) end.

  Inductive leaf_invariant : (list tree) -> (list tree) -> Prop :=
  | LI_nil_l : (l:(list tree)) (no_leaf l) -> (leaf_invariant [] l)
  | LI_l_nil : (l:(list tree)) (no_leaf l) -> (leaf_invariant l [])
  | LI_leaf_leaf : (l1,l2:(list tree))(no_leaf l1) -> (no_leaf l2) ->
                   (leaf_invariant (Leaf :: l1) (Leaf :: l2))
  | LI_leaf_l : (l1,l2:(list tree))(no_leaf l1) -> (no_leaf l2) ->
                ~l2=[] -> (leaf_invariant (Leaf :: l1) l2)
  | LI_l_leaf : (l1,l2:(list tree))(no_leaf l1) -> (no_leaf l2) ->
                ~l1=[] -> (leaf_invariant l1 (Leaf :: l2))
  | LI_l_l : (l1,l2:(list tree))(no_leaf l1) -> (no_leaf l2) ->
                ~l1=[] -> ~l2=[] -> (leaf_invariant l1 l2).

   Hint leaf_invariant := Constructors leaf_invariant.

  Lemma no_leaf_invariant : (l1,l2:(list tree))
    (no_leaf l1) -> (no_leaf l2) -> (leaf_invariant l1 l2).

   Hints Resolve no_leaf_invariant.

compare_aux and compare

  Definition compare_aux :
    (l1,l2:(list tree))(sorted_l l1) -> (sorted_l l2) ->
    (leaf_invariant l1 l2) ->
    (Compare L.eq (flatten l1) (flatten l2)).

  Lemma flatten_elements :
    (s:tree)(flatten (s::[])) = (elements_tree s).

  Definition compare : (s1,s2:t)(Compare lt eq s1 s2).

Equality test

  Definition equal : (s,s':t){ Equal s s' } + { ~(Equal s s') }.

  Write State toto.

End Make.

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