(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) Jean-Christophe Filliatre                               *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        *)
(*  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public           *)
(*  License version 2.1, with the special exception on linking            *)
(*  described in file LICENSE.                                            *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*                                                                        *)

(*s Heaps *)

module type Ordered = sig
  type t
  val compare : t -> t -> int

exception EmptyHeap

(*s Imperative implementation *)

module Imperative(X : Ordered) = struct

  (* The heap is encoded in the array [data], where elements are stored
     from [0] to [size - 1]. From an element stored at [i], the left
     (resp. right) subtree, if any, is rooted at [2*i+1] (resp. [2*i+2]). *)

  type t = { mutable size : int; mutable data : X.t array }

  (* When [create n] is called, we cannot allocate the array, since there is
     no known value of type [X.t]; we'll wait for the first addition to
     do it, and we remember this situation with a negative size. *)

  let create n =
    if n <= 0 then invalid_arg "create";
    { size = -n; data = [||] }

  let is_empty h = h.size <= 0

  (* [resize] doubles the size of [data] *)

  let resize h =
    let n = h.size in
    assert (n > 0);
    let n' = 2 * n in
    let d = h.data in
    let d' = Array.create n' d.(0) in
    Array.blit d 0 d' 0 n;
    h.data <- d'

  let add h x =
    (* first addition: we allocate the array *)
    if h.size < 0 then begin
      h.data <- Array.create (- h.size) x; h.size <- 0
    let n = h.size in
    (* resizing if needed *)
    if n == Array.length h.data then resize h;
    let d = h.data in
    (* moving [x] up in the heap *)
    let rec moveup i =
      let fi = (i - 1) / 2 in
      if i > 0 && X.compare d.(fi) x < 0 then begin
        d.(i) <- d.(fi);
        moveup fi
      end else
        d.(i) <- x
    moveup n;
    h.size <- n + 1

  let maximum h =
    if h.size <= 0 then raise EmptyHeap;

  let remove h =
    if h.size <= 0 then raise EmptyHeap;
    let n = h.size - 1 in
    h.size <- n;
    let d = h.data in
    let x = d.(n) in
    (* moving [x] down in the heap *)
    let rec movedown i =
      let j = 2 * i + 1 in
      if j < n then
        let j =
          let j' = j + 1 in
          if j' < n && X.compare d.(j') d.(j) > 0 then j' else j
        if X.compare d.(j) x > 0 then begin
          d.(i) <- d.(j);
          movedown j
        end else
          d.(i) <- x
        d.(i) <- x
    movedown 0

  let pop_maximum h = let m = maximum h in remove h; m

  let iter f h =
    let d = h.data in
    for i = 0 to h.size - 1 do f d.(i) done

  let fold f h x0 =
    let n = h.size in
    let d = h.data in
    let rec foldrec x i =
      if i >= n then x else foldrec (f d.(i) x) (succ i)
    foldrec x0 0


(*s Persistent implementation *)

module type PersistentSig = sig
  type elt
  type t
  val empty : t
  val add : elt -> t -> t
  val maximum : t -> elt
  val remove : t -> t
  val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
  val fold : (elt -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

module Persistent(X : Ordered) = struct

  (* Heaps are encoded as complete binary trees, i.e., binary trees
     which are full expect, may be, on the bottom level.
     These trees also enjoy the heap property, namely the value of any node
     is greater or equal than those of its left and right subtrees.

     The representation invariant is the following: the number of nodes in
     the left subtree is equal to the number of nodes in the right
     subtree, or exceeds it by exactly once. In the first case, we use
     the constructor [Same] and in the second the constructor [Diff].
     Then it can be proved that [2^(h-1) <= n <= 2^h] when [n] is the
     number of elements and [h] the height of the tree. *)

  type elt = X.t

  type t =
    | Empty
    | Same of t * X.t * t (* same number of elements on both sides *)
    | Diff of t * X.t * t (* left has [n+1] nodes and right has [n] *)

  let empty = Empty

  let rec add x = function
    | Empty ->
        Same (Empty, x, Empty)
    (* insertion to the left *)
    | Same (l, y, r) ->
        if X.compare x y > 0 then Diff (add y l, x, r) else Diff (add x l, y,r)
    (* insertion to the right *)
    | Diff (l, y, r) ->
        if X.compare x y > 0 then Same (l, x, add y r) else Same (l,y, add x r)

  let maximum = function
    | Empty -> raise EmptyHeap
    | Same (_, x, _) | Diff (_, x, _) -> x

  (* extracts one element on the bottom level of the tree, while
     maintaining the representation invariant *)
  let rec extract_last = function
    | Empty -> raise EmptyHeap
    | Same (Empty, x, Empty) -> x, Empty
    | Same (l, x, r) -> let y,r' = extract_last r in y, Diff (l, x, r')
    | Diff (l, x, r) -> let y,l' = extract_last l in y, Same (l', x, r)

  (* removes the topmost element of the tree and inserts a new element [x] *)
  let rec descent x = function
    | Empty ->
        assert false
    | Same (Empty, _, Empty) ->
        Same (Empty, x, Empty)
    | Diff (Same (_, z, _) as l, _, Empty) ->
        if X.compare x z > 0 then Diff (l, x, Empty)
        else Diff (Same (Empty, x, Empty), z, Empty)
    | Same (l, _, r) ->
        let ml = maximum l in
        let mr = maximum r in
        if X.compare x ml > 0 && X.compare x mr > 0 then
          Same (l, x, r)
          if X.compare ml mr > 0 then
            Same (descent x l, ml, r)
            Same (l, mr, descent x r)
    | Diff (l, _, r) ->
        let ml = maximum l in
        let mr = maximum r in
        if X.compare x ml > 0 && X.compare x mr > 0 then
          Diff (l, x, r)
          if X.compare ml mr > 0 then
            Diff (descent x l, ml, r)
            Diff (l, mr, descent x r)

  let remove = function
    | Empty -> raise EmptyHeap
    | Same (Empty, x, Empty) -> Empty
    | h -> let y,h' = extract_last h in descent y h'

  let rec iter f = function
    | Empty -> ()
    | Same (l, x, r) | Diff (l, x, r) -> iter f l; f x; iter f r

  let rec fold f h x0 = match h with
    | Empty -> x0
    | Same (l, x, r) | Diff (l, x, r) -> fold f l (fold f r (f x x0))


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