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Deep Learning in Practice

Chapter 7: Small data, weak supervision, robustness / Modeling: incorporating priors or physics

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I - Small data, weak supervision, robustness II - Modeling: incorporating priors or physics

I - Small data, weak supervision, robustness

Small data

Weak supervision, self-supervision

Multi-task and transfer learning

Data augmentation, synthetic data, invariances

→ Edouard's slides
related exercise

or [2020-]
dedicated chapter

II - Modeling: incorporating priors or physics

This section is about modeling the task: exploiting known invariances, priors or physical properties

Curriculum learning (from easy task to harder task)

[Curriculum learning; Y Bengio, J Louradour, R Collobert, J Weston; ICML 2009]
Other example:

Example of invariance enforcement by design: permutation invariance

Deep Sets

[Deep Sets; Manzil Zaheer, Satwik Kottur, Siamak Ravanbakhsh, Barnabas Poczos, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Alexander Smola; NIPS 2017]

Examples of applications: when dealing with unordered set of points

Equivariance to rotations

Learning the invariance

Instead of requiring the network to be invariant by construction to some given transformation group, or of encoding explicitely this known invariance in the network, one lets the network find out the invariance: it will apply a learned, input-dependent transformation $T_x$ to its input $x$, which thus maps its to a canonical transformation-free form:
$$x \mapsto T_x(x) \text{ then apply the network to } T_x(x) \text{ instead of to } x$$ If $G$ is a group of spurious transformations $g$, one hopes that the network will learn a transformation $T$ such that: $$\forall g \in G, \; \forall x, \;\;\; T_{gx}(gx) = T_x(x)$$ i.e. non-informative transformations will be removed, i.e. inputs will be aligned w.r.t. $G$.
$\implies$ data complexity reduction

Example of rotation invariance, or invariance to small deformations: "Spatial Transformer"
[Spatial Transformer Networks; Max Jaderberg, Karen Simonyan, Andrew Zisserman, Koray Kavukcuoglu; NIPS 2015]

Choosing physically meaningful metrics

In particular when dealing with distributions.
Issues with Kullback-Leibler.

Optimal transport (Sinkhorn approximation)

Minimum Mean Discrepancy

to be detailed

Metric learning: Siamese networks

[Signature Verification using a "Siamese" Time Delay Neural Network; Jane Bromley, Isabelle Guyon, Yann LeCun, Eduard Sickinger and Roopak Shah; NIPS 1994]

Noisy data (can be seen as noise modeling)

Denoising auto-encoder

[Extracting and composing robust features with denoising autoencoders; Vincent, H. Larochelle Y. Bengio and P.A. Manzagol; ICML 2008]

What if noise is already present in the dataset, but unknown? (no denoised target available)

Incorporating physical knowledge: Example of learning dynamics equations

Example: weather forecast, with training data
Predict weather from various sensor fields (temperature, pressure, ...) on a grid

Range of possibilities: from using a pre-existing model to learning everything from scratch

Data assimilation

Equation known, just a few coefficients to estimate, or conditions to re-estimate regularly (e.g., if chaotic behavior)
$\implies$ statistical estimates, Kalman filter

Learning a Partial Differential Equation (real equation not known)

Incorporating invariances/symmetries of the problem

Knowing an equation that the solution has to satisfy : solving PDEs!

[DGM: A deep learning algorithm for solving partial differential equations; Justin Sirignano and Konstantinos Spiliopoulos; Journal of Computational Physics 2018]

Important example in chemistry

[Machine Learning of coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics Force Fields; Jiang Wang, Christoph Wehmeyer, Frank Noe', Cecilia Clementi]

Form of the solution known

[Deep Learning for Physical Processes: Incorporating Prior Scientific Knowledge; Emmanuel de Bezenac, Arthur Pajot, Patrick Gallinari; 2017]

In practice

Learn from real samples (usually few) or from simulations (goal: improve simulation speed, or learn where to focus for good accuracy...)

Deep for physic dynamics : learning and controlling the dynamics

Consider a dynamical system:
Koopman - von Neumann classical mechanics using a quantum mechanics formalism:
[Deep Dynamical Modeling and Control of Unsteady Fluid Flows; Jeremy Morton, Freddie D. Witherden, Antony Jameson, Mykel J. Kochenderfer; NIPS 2018]
Cf also Steven Brunton's lab page, e.g.:
Active topic:
cf workshop : Machine Learning for Computational Fuild and Solid Dynamics

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