I like to practice graphic and web design as an amateur. This page presents a selection of the work I did over the past few years.


JDD 22 — Journée des doctorants du LISN2022

I designed this poster to advertise for the 2022 edition of the Journées des Doctorants, the Ph.D. days of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN).

Contacts et numéros utiles à l'ENS2021

I designed this poster upon request from the administration of the École normale supérieure, who asked for help to better design a poster with important contacts and numbers they display in the building.

Présentation de la K-Fêt2019

I designed this poster to introduce the K-Fêt (the student bar & hall of the École normale supérieure) to new students, as well as to encourage interested students to join its organisation.

Tri sélectif dans les cuisines2019

I designed this poster upon request from Écocampus, the student association for ecology of the École normale supérieure, to help students living in the school's buildings with recycling.

Les 48h des Arts — Ruptures2019

I designed this poster for the 2019 edition of Les 48h des Arts, an annual art festival organised by the students of the École normale supérieure. I also created the website of the event, as well as other communication material not shown here.

La Nuit — Entre Chien et Loup2018Co-created with Evarin

I designed this poster for the 2018 edition of La Nuit, the gala ball of the École normale supérieure. I also created the website of the event, as well as other communication material not shown here.

Soirée d'Halloween2017

I designed this poster for a Halloween-themed party organised by the COF, the main student association of the École normale supérieure.

Carte blanche au Boum #22017

I designed this poster for an electronic music party organised by the Boum, a group of student DJs at the École normale supérieure.

La nuit gravement à votre santé2017

I designed this poster for a screening on the theme of smoking organised by the Ciné club, a group of students projecting films at the École normale supérieure.


Les 48h des Arts — Ruptures2019

I designed this website for the 2019 edition of Les 48h des Arts, an annual art festival organised by the students of the École normale supérieure. It reuses the templates created for the website of La Nuit — Entre Chien et Loup.

La Nuit — Entre Chien et Loup2018

I designed and developed this website for the 2018 edition of La Nuit, the gala ball of the École normale supérieure. The template I created on this occasion was later reused for the 2019 and 2021 editions. It was also used for the 2019 edition of the 48h des Arts, and will be reused for the 2022 edition.