Affiche du club

Étoile Noire

Weekly go meeting (囲碁, 圍棋, 바둑) on the plateau de Saclay

Every Wednesday 5:45 - 7:45pm

Happy new year - Meetings resume Jan. 10th, 2024

(Version française)

Affiche du club

As long as this website is online, meetings are taking place every week. Come and play with us, just once for the experience or as many times as you want. Beginners are welcome, attending is free and for all levels.

The teachers are Élian Mangin (3 dan) and Benjamin Hellouin (1 dan).

What is it about?

We play go (chinese: weiqi, korean: baduk), a strategy game of tibetan origin, played everywhere in the world today. Every player puts stones to surround the largest territory without being captured.

Come learn with us, or follow the links below to learn on your own and see what this is about.

If you like to play to other strategy games, do not hesitate to bring it and share it with us.

To find us:

We meet on the 1st floor of the CROUS cafeteria in the IUT d'Orsay. This is behind the Hubert Coudanne amphitheater, in front of the Eiffel building of CentraleSupélec.

Maps: Openstreetmaps, Google maps.

Larger map
From the avenue des sciences
From the Eiffel building

If you are lost, do not hesitate to...

Contact us:

Learn or play elsewhere:

Learn by yourself:

Go clubs around here:

Orsay (site), Antony, Versailles (site).

Go servers (online):


Go events calendar:

on the federation website.
See you soon!