IEEE VIS Publication Dataset

StoryFlow: Tracking the Evolution of Stories
2. 2445
Storyline visualizations, which are useful in many applications, aim to illustrate the dynamic relationships between entities in a story. However, the growing complexity and scalability of stories pose great challenges for existing approaches. In this paper, we propose an efficient optimization approach to generating an aesthetically appealing storyline visualization, which effectively handles the hierarchical relationships between entities over time. The approach formulates the storyline layout as a novel hybrid optimization approach that combines discrete and continuous optimization. The discrete method generates an initial layout through the ordering and alignment of entities, and the continuous method optimizes the initial layout to produce the optimal one. The efficient approach makes real-time interactions (e.g., bundling and straightening) possible, thus enabling users to better understand and track how the story evolves. Experiments and case studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the optimization approach.
Shixia Liu;Yingcai Wu;Enxun Wei;Mengchen Liu;Yang Liu
Storylines, story-telling visualization, user interactions, level-of-detail, optimization
Understanding Interfirm Relationships in Business Ecosystems with Interactive Visualization
2. 2535
Business ecosystems are characterized by large, complex, and global networks of firms, often from many different market segments, all collaborating, partnering, and competing to create and deliver new products and services. Given the rapidly increasing scale, complexity, and rate of change of business ecosystems, as well as economic and competitive pressures, analysts are faced with the formidable task of quickly understanding the fundamental characteristics of these interfirm networks. Existing tools, however, are predominantly query- or list-centric with limited interactive, exploratory capabilities. Guided by a field study of corporate analysts, we have designed and implemented dotlink360, an interactive visualization system that provides capabilities to gain systemic insight into the compositional, temporal, and connective characteristics of business ecosystems. dotlink360 consists of novel, multiple connected views enabling the analyst to explore, discover, and understand interfirm networks for a focal firm, specific market segments or countries, and the entire business ecosystem. System evaluation by a small group of prototypical users shows supporting evidence of the benefits of our approach. This design study contributes to the relatively unexplored, but promising area of exploratory information visualization in market research and business strategy.
Basole, R.C.;Clear, T.;Mengdie Hu;Mehrotra, H.;Stasko, J.
Business ecosystems, market research, strategic analysis, design study, interaction, network visualization
Using Concrete Scales: A Practical Framework for Effective Visual Depiction of Complex Measures
2. 2435
From financial statistics to nutritional values, we are frequently exposed to quantitative information expressed in measures of either extreme magnitudes or unfamiliar units, or both. A common practice used to comprehend such complex measures is to relate, re-express, and compare them through visual depictions using magnitudes and units that are easier to grasp. Through this practice, we create a new graphic composition that we refer to as a concrete scale. To the best of our knowledge, there are no design guidelines that exist for concrete scales despite their common use in communication, educational, and decision-making settings. We attempt to fill this void by introducing a novel framework that would serve as a practical guide for their analysis and design. Informed by a thorough analysis of graphic compositions involving complex measures and an extensive literature review of scale cognition mechanisms, our framework outlines the design space of various measure relations-specifically relations involving the re-expression of complex measures to more familiar concepts-and their visual representations as graphic compositions.
Chevalier, F.;Vuillemot, R.;Gali, G.
Univ. of Toronto & OCAD Univ., Toronto, ON, Canada|c|;;
Concrete scale, scale cognition, visual comparison, graphic composition, visual notation
Variant View: Visualizing Sequence Variants in their Gene Context
2. 2555
Scientists use DNA sequence differences between an individual's genome and a standard reference genome to study the genetic basis of disease. Such differences are called sequence variants, and determining their impact in the cell is difficult because it requires reasoning about both the type and location of the variant across several levels of biological context. In this design study, we worked with four analysts to design a visualization tool supporting variant impact assessment for three different tasks. We contribute data and task abstractions for the problem of variant impact assessment, and the carefully justified design and implementation of the Variant View tool. Variant View features an information-dense visual encoding that provides maximal information at the overview level, in contrast to the extensive navigation required by currently-prevalent genome browsers. We provide initial evidence that the tool simplified and accelerated workflows for these three tasks through three case studies. Finally, we reflect on the lessons learned in creating and refining data and task abstractions that allow for concise overviews of sprawling information spaces that can reduce or remove the need for the memory-intensive use of navigation.
Ferstay, J.A.;Nielsen, C.B.;Munzner, T.
Information visualization, design study, bioinformatics, genetic variants
Visual Compression of Workflow Visualizations with Automated Detection of Macro Motifs
2. 2585
This paper is concerned with the creation of 'macros' in workflow visualization as a support tool to increase the efficiency of data curation tasks. We propose computation of candidate macros based on their usage in large collections of workflows in data repositories. We describe an efficient algorithm for extracting macro motifs from workflow graphs. We discovered that the state transition information, used to identify macro candidates, characterizes the structural pattern of the macro and can be harnessed as part of the visual design of the corresponding macro glyph. This facilitates partial automation and consistency in glyph design applicable to a large set of macro glyphs. We tested this approach against a repository of biological data holding some 9,670 workflows and found that the algorithmically generated candidate macros are in keeping with domain expert expectations.
Maguire, E.;Rocca-Serra, P.;Sansone, S.-A.;Davies, J.;Chen, M.
Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Oxford, Oxford, UK|c|;;;;
Workflow visualization, motif detection, glyph-based visualization, glyph generation, state-transition-based algorithm
Visual Sedimentation
2. 2455
We introduce Visual Sedimentation, a novel design metaphor for visualizing data streams directly inspired by the physical process of sedimentation. Visualizing data streams (e. g., Tweets, RSS, Emails) is challenging as incoming data arrive at unpredictable rates and have to remain readable. For data streams, clearly expressing chronological order while avoiding clutter, and keeping aging data visible, are important. The metaphor is drawn from the real-world sedimentation processes: objects fall due to gravity, and aggregate into strata over time. Inspired by this metaphor, data is visually depicted as falling objects using a force model to land on a surface, aggregating into strata over time. In this paper, we discuss how this metaphor addresses the specific challenge of smoothing the transition between incoming and aging data. We describe the metaphor's design space, a toolkit developed to facilitate its implementation, and example applications to a range of case studies. We then explore the generative capabilities of the design space through our toolkit. We finally illustrate creative extensions of the metaphor when applied to real streams of data.
Huron, S.;Vuillemot, R.;Fekete, J.
Design, Information Visualization, Dynamic visualization, Dynamic data, Data stream, Real time, Metaphor
Visualization of Shape Motions in Shape Space
2. 2652
Analysis of dynamic object deformations such as cardiac motion is of great importance, especially when there is a necessity to visualize and compare the deformation behavior across subjects. However, there is a lack of effective techniques for comparative visualization and assessment of a collection of motion data due to its 4-dimensional nature, i.e., timely varying three-dimensional shapes. From the geometric point of view, the motion change can be considered as a function defined on the 2D manifold of the surface. This paper presents a novel classification and visualization method based on a medial surface shape space, in which two novel shape descriptors are defined, for discriminating normal and abnormal human heart deformations as well as localizing the abnormal motion regions. In our medial surface shape space, the geodesic distance connecting two points in the space measures the similarity between their corresponding medial surfaces, which can quantify the similarity and disparity of the 3D heart motions. Furthermore, the novel descriptors can effectively localize the inconsistently deforming myopathic regions on the left ventricle. An easy visualization of heart motion sequences on the projected space allows users to distinguish the deformation differences. Our experimental results on both synthetic and real imaging data show that this method can automatically classify the healthy and myopathic subjects and accurately detect myopathic regions on the left ventricle, which outperforms other conventional cardiac diagnostic methods.
Taimouri, V.;Jing Hua
Dept. of Comput. Sci., Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI, USA|c|;
Medial surface, shape space, comparative visualization, left ventricle diagnosis
Visualizing Change over Time Using Dynamic Hierarchies: TreeVersity2 and the StemView
2. 2575
To analyze data such as the US Federal Budget or characteristics of the student population of a University it is common to look for changes over time. This task can be made easier and more fruitful if the analysis is performed by grouping by attributes, such as by Agencies, Bureaus and Accounts for the Budget, or Ethnicity, Gender and Major in a University. We present TreeVersity2, a web based interactive data visualization tool that allows users to analyze change in datasets by creating dynamic hierarchies based on the data attributes. TreeVersity2 introduces a novel space filling visualization (StemView) to represent change in trees at multiple levels - not just at the leaf level. With this visualization users can explore absolute and relative changes, created and removed nodes, and each node's actual values, while maintaining the context of the tree. In addition, TreeVersity2 provides overviews of change over the entire time period, and a reporting tool that lists outliers in textual form, which helps users identify the major changes in the data without having to manually setup filters. We validated TreeVersity2 with 12 case studies with organizations as diverse as the National Cancer Institute, Federal Drug Administration, Department of Transportation, Office of the Bursar of the University of Maryland, or eBay. Our case studies demonstrated that TreeVersity2 is flexible enough to be used in different domains and provide useful insights for the data owners. A TreeVersity2 demo can be found at
Guerra-Gomez, J.;Pack, M.L.;Plaisant, C.;Shneiderman, B.
Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA|c|;;;
Information visualization, Tree comparison
Visualizing Fuzzy Overlapping Communities in Networks
2. 2495
An important feature of networks for many application domains is their community structure. This is because objects within the same community usually have at least one property in common. The investigation of community structure can therefore support the understanding of object attributes from the network topology alone. In real-world systems, objects may belong to several communities at the same time, i.e., communities can overlap. Analyzing fuzzy community memberships is essential to understand to what extent objects contribute to different communities and whether some communities are highly interconnected. We developed a visualization approach that is based on node-link diagrams and supports the investigation of fuzzy communities in weighted undirected graphs at different levels of detail. Starting with the network of communities, the user can continuously drill down to the network of individual nodes and finally analyze the membership distribution of nodes of interest. Our approach uses layout strategies and further visual mappings to graphically encode the fuzzy community memberships. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated by two case studies analyzing networks of different domains: social networking and biological interactions. The case studies showed that our layout and visualization approach helps investigate fuzzy overlapping communities. Fuzzy vertices as well as the different communities to which they belong can be easily identified based on node color and position.
Vehlow, C.;Reinhardt, T.;Weiskopf, D.
VISUS, Univ. of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany|c|;;
Overlapping community visualization, fuzzy clustering, graph visualization, uncertainty visualization
Visualizing Request-Flow Comparison to Aid Performance Diagnosis in Distributed Systems
2. 2475
Distributed systems are complex to develop and administer, and performance problem diagnosis is particularly challenging. When performance degrades, the problem might be in any of the system's many components or could be a result of poor interactions among them. Recent research efforts have created tools that automatically localize the problem to a small number of potential culprits, but research is needed to understand what visualization techniques work best for helping distributed systems developers understand and explore their results. This paper compares the relative merits of three well-known visualization approaches (side-by-side, diff, and animation) in the context of presenting the results of one proven automated localization technique called request-flow comparison. Via a 26-person user study, which included real distributed systems developers, we identify the unique benefits that each approach provides for different problem types and usage modes.
Sambasivan, R.R.;Shafer, I.;Mazurek, M.L.;Ganger, G.R.
Distributed systems, human factors, problem diagnosis, visualization
What Makes a Visualization Memorable?
2. 2315
An ongoing debate in the Visualization community concerns the role that visualization types play in data understanding. In human cognition, understanding and memorability are intertwined. As a first step towards being able to ask questions about impact and effectiveness, here we ask: 'What makes a visualization memorable?' We ran the largest scale visualization study to date using 2,070 single-panel visualizations, categorized with visualization type (e.g., bar chart, line graph, etc.), collected from news media sites, government reports, scientific journals, and infographic sources. Each visualization was annotated with additional attributes, including ratings for data-ink ratios and visual densities. Using Amazon's Mechanical Turk, we collected memorability scores for hundreds of these visualizations, and discovered that observers are consistent in which visualizations they find memorable and forgettable. We find intuitive results (e.g., attributes like color and the inclusion of a human recognizable object enhance memorability) and less intuitive results (e.g., common graphs are less memorable than unique visualization types). Altogether our findings suggest that quantifying memorability is a general metric of the utility of information, an essential step towards determining how to design effective visualizations.
Borkin, M.;Vo, A.A.;Bylinskii, Z.;Isola, P.;Sunkavalli, S.;Oliva, A.;Pfister, H.
Sch. of Eng. & Appl. Sci., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA|c|;;;;;;
Visualization taxonomy, information visualization, memorability
A Lightweight Tangible 3D Interface for Interactive Visualization of Thin fiber Structures
2. 2809
We present a prop-based, tangible interface for 3D interactive visualization of thin fiber structures. These data are commonly found in current bioimaging datasets, for example second-harmonic generation microscopy of collagen fibers in tissue. Our approach uses commodity visualization technologies such as a depth sensing camera and low-cost 3D display. Unlike most current uses of these emerging technologies in the games and graphics communities, we employ the depth sensing camera to create a fish-tank sterePoscopic virtual reality system at the scientist's desk that supports tracking of small-scale gestures with objects already found in the work space. We apply the new interface to the problem of interactive exploratory visualization of three-dimensional thin fiber data. A critical task for the visual analysis of these data is understanding patterns in fiber orientation throughout a volume.The interface enables a new, fluid style of data exploration and fiber orientation analysis by using props to provide needed passive-haptic feedback, making 3D interactions with these fiber structures more controlled. We also contribute a low-level algorithm for extracting fiber centerlines from volumetric imaging. The system was designed and evaluated with two biophotonic experts who currently use it in their lab. As compared to typical practice within their field, the new visualization system provides a more effective way to examine and understand the 3D bioimaging datasets they collect.
Jackson, B.;Tung Yuen Lau;Schroeder, D.;Toussaint, K.C.;Keefe, D.F.
Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA|c|;;;;
Scientific visualization, 3D interaction, tangible interaction, microscopy visualization
A Multi-Criteria Approach to Camera Motion Design for Volume Data Animation
2. 2801
We present an integrated camera motion design and path generation system for building volume data animations. Creating animations is an essential task in presenting complex scientific visualizations. Existing visualization systems use an established animation function based on keyframes selected by the user. This approach is limited in providing the optimal in-between views of the data. Alternatively, computer graphics and virtual reality camera motion planning is frequently focused on collision free movement in a virtual walkthrough. For semi-transparent, fuzzy, or blobby volume data the collision free objective becomes insufficient. Here, we provide a set of essential criteria focused on computing camera paths to establish effective animations of volume data. Our dynamic multi-criteria solver coupled with a force-directed routing algorithm enables rapid generation of camera paths. Once users review the resulting animation and evaluate the camera motion, they are able to determine how each criterion impacts path generation. In this paper, we demonstrate how incorporating this animation approach with an interactive volume visualization system reduces the effort in creating context-aware and coherent animations. This frees the user to focus on visualization tasks with the objective of gaining additional insight from the volume data.
Wei-Hsien Hsu;Yubo Zhang;Kwan-Liu Ma
Univ. of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA|c|;;
Camera motion planning, volume rendering, visualization, animation
A Systematic Review on the Practice of Evaluating Visualization
2. 2827
We present an assessment of the state and historic development of evaluation practices as reported in papers published at the IEEE Visualization conference. Our goal is to reflect on a meta-level about evaluation in our community through a systematic understanding of the characteristics and goals of presented evaluations. For this purpose we conducted a systematic review of ten years of evaluations in the published papers using and extending a coding scheme previously established by Lam et al. [2012]. The results of our review include an overview of the most common evaluation goals in the community, how they evolved over time, and how they contrast or align to those of the IEEE Information Visualization conference. In particular, we found that evaluations specific to assessing resulting images and algorithm performance are the most prevalent (with consistently 80-90% of all papers since 1997). However, especially over the last six years there is a steady increase in evaluation methods that include participants, either by evaluating their performances and subjective feedback or by evaluating their work practices and their improved analysis and reasoning capabilities using visual tools. Up to 2010, this trend in the IEEE Visualization conference was much more pronounced than in the IEEE Information Visualization conference which only showed an increasing percentage of evaluation through user performance and experience testing. Since 2011, however, also papers in IEEE Information Visualization show such an increase of evaluations of work practices and analysis as well as reasoning using visual tools. Further, we found that generally the studies reporting requirements analyses and domain-specific work practices are too informally reported which hinders cross-comparison and lowers external validity.
Isenberg, T.;Isenberg, P.;Jian Chen;Sedlmair, M.;Moller, T.
INRIA, France|c|;;;;
Evaluation, validation, systematic review, visualization, scientific visualization, information visualization
Acuity-Driven Gigapixel Visualization
2. 2895
We present a framework for acuity-driven visualization of super-high resolution image data on gigapixel displays. Tiled display walls offer a large workspace that can be navigated physically by the user. Based on head tracking information, the physical characteristics of the tiled display and the formulation of visual acuity, we guide an out-of-core gigapixel rendering scheme by delivering high levels of detail only in places where it is perceivable to the user. We apply this principle to gigapixel image rendering through adaptive level of detail selection. Additionally, we have developed an acuity-driven tessellation scheme for high-quality Focus-and-Context (F+C) lenses that significantly reduces visual artifacts while accurately capturing the underlying lens function. We demonstrate this framework on the Reality Deck, an immersive gigapixel display. We present the results of a user study designed to quantify the impact of our acuity-driven rendering optimizations in the visual exploration process. We discovered no evidence suggesting a difference in search task performance between our framework and naive rendering of gigapixel resolution data, while realizing significant benefits in terms of data transfer overhead. Additionally, we show that our acuity-driven tessellation scheme offers substantially increased frame rates when compared to naive pre-tessellation, while providing indistinguishable image quality.
Papadopoulos, C.;Kaufman, A.
Stony Brook Univ., Stony Brook, NY, USA|c|;
Gigapixel visualization, visual acuity, focus and context, Reality Deck, gigapixel display
Adaptive Refinement of the Flow Map Using Sparse Samples
2. 2762
We present a new efficient and scalable method for the high quality reconstruction of the flow map from sparse samples. The flow map describes the transport of massless particles along the flow. As such, it is a fundamental concept in the analysis of transient flow phenomena and all so-called Lagrangian flow visualization techniques require its approximation. The flow map is generally obtained by integrating a dense 1D, 2D, or 3D set of particles across the domain of definition of the flow. Despite its embarrassingly parallel nature, this computation creates a performance bottleneck in the analysis of large-scale datasets that existing adaptive techniques alleviate only partially. Our iterative approximation method significantly improves upon the state of the art by precisely modeling the flow behavior around automatically detected geometric structures embedded in the flow, thus effectively restricting the sampling effort to interesting regions. Our data reconstruction is based on a modified version of Sibson's scattered data interpolation and allows us at each step to offer an intermediate dense approximation of the flow map and to seamlessly integrate regions that will be further refined in subsequent steps. We present a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our method on different types of flow datasets and offer a detailed comparison with existing techniques.
Barakat, S.S.;Tricoche, X.
Comput. Sci. Dept., Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN, USA|c|;
Lagrangian flow visualization, flow map, edge features, scattered data interpolation, sparse sampling, adaptive refinement, parallel reconstruction
Ambient Volume Scattering
2. 2945
We present ambient scattering as a preintegration method for scattering on mesoscopic scales in direct volume rendering. Far-range scattering effects usually provide negligible contributions to a given location due to the exponential attenuation with increasing distance. This motivates our approach to preintegrating multiple scattering within a finite spherical region around any given sample point. To this end, we solve the full light transport with a Monte-Carlo simulation within a set of spherical regions, where each region may have different material parameters regarding anisotropy and extinction. This precomputation is independent of the data set and the transfer function, and results in a small preintegration table. During rendering, the look-up table is accessed for each ray sample point with respect to the viewing direction, phase function, and material properties in the spherical neighborhood of the sample. Our rendering technique is efficient and versatile because it readily fits in existing ray marching algorithms and can be combined with local illumination and volumetric ambient occlusion. It provides interactive volumetric scattering and soft shadows, with interactive control of the transfer function, anisotropy parameter of the phase function, lighting conditions, and viewpoint. A GPU implementation demonstrates the benefits of ambient scattering for the visualization of different types of data sets, with respect to spatial perception, high-quality illumination, translucency, and rendering speed.
Ament, M.;Sadlo, F.;Weiskopf, D.
Univ. of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany|c|;;
Direct volume rendering, volume illumination, ambient scattering, preintegrated light transport, gradient-free shading
An Exploration Framework to Identify and Track Movement of Cloud Systems
2. 2905
We describe a framework to explore and visualize the movement of cloud systems. Using techniques from computational topology and computer vision, our framework allows the user to study this movement at various scales in space and time. Such movements could have large temporal and spatial scales such as the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO), which has a spatial scale ranging from 1000 km to 10000 km and time of oscillation of around 40 days. Embedded within these larger scale oscillations are a hierarchy of cloud clusters which could have smaller spatial and temporal scales such as the Nakazawa cloud clusters. These smaller cloud clusters, while being part of the equatorial MJO, sometimes move at speeds different from the larger scale and in a direction opposite to that of the MJO envelope. Hitherto, one could only speculate about such movements by selectively analysing data and a priori knowledge of such systems. Our framework automatically delineates such cloud clusters and does not depend on the prior experience of the user to define cloud clusters. Analysis using our framework also shows that most tropical systems such as cyclones also contain multi-scale interactions between clouds and cloud systems. We show the effectiveness of our framework to track organized cloud system during one such rainfall event which happened at Mumbai, India in July 2005 and for cyclone Aila which occurred in Bay of Bengal during May 2009.
Doraiswamy, H.;Natarajan, V.;Nanjundiah, R.S.
Dept. of Comput. Sci. & Eng., Polytech. Inst. of New York Univ., New York, NY, USA|c|;;
Cloud clusters, tracking, computational topology, split tree, weather and climate simulations
An Information-Aware Framework for Exploring Multivariate Data Sets
2. 2692
Information theory provides a theoretical framework for measuring information content for an observed variable, and has attracted much attention from visualization researchers for its ability to quantify saliency and similarity among variables. In this paper, we present a new approach towards building an exploration framework based on information theory to guide the users through the multivariate data exploration process. In our framework, we compute the total entropy of the multivariate data set and identify the contribution of individual variables to the total entropy. The variables are classified into groups based on a novel graph model where a node represents a variable and the links encode the mutual information shared between the variables. The variables inside the groups are analyzed for their representativeness and an information based importance is assigned. We exploit specific information metrics to analyze the relationship between the variables and use the metrics to choose isocontours of selected variables. For a chosen group of points, parallel coordinates plots (PCP) are used to show the states of the variables and provide an interface for the user to select values of interest. Experiments with different data sets reveal the effectiveness of our proposed framework in depicting the interesting regions of the data sets taking into account the interaction among the variables.
Biswas, A.;Dutta, S.;Han-Wei Shen;Woodring, J.
Gravity Group, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH, USA|c|;;;
Information theory, framework, isosurface, multivariate uncertainty
Area-Preservation Mapping using Optimal Mass Transport
2. 2847
We present a novel area-preservation mapping/flattening method using the optimal mass transport technique, based on the Monge-Brenier theory. Our optimal transport map approach is rigorous and solid in theory, efficient and parallel in computation, yet general for various applications. By comparison with the conventional Monge-Kantorovich approach, our method reduces the number of variables from O(n2) to O(n), and converts the optimal mass transport problem to a convex optimization problem, which can now be efficiently carried out by Newton's method. Furthermore, our framework includes the area weighting strategy that enables users to completely control and adjust the size of areas everywhere in an accurate and quantitative way. Our method significantly reduces the complexity of the problem, and improves the efficiency, flexibility and scalability during visualization. Our framework, by combining conformal mapping and optimal mass transport mapping, serves as a powerful tool for a broad range of applications in visualization and graphics, especially for medical imaging. We provide a variety of experimental results to demonstrate the efficiency, robustness and efficacy of our novel framework.
Xin Zhao;Zhengyu Su;Gu, X.;Kaufman, A.;Jian Sun;Jie Gao;Feng Luo
Area-preservation mapping, surface flattening, optimal transport map, Monge-Brenier theory, visualization and graphics applications