- Knowledge Representation (the logic approach for Artificial Intelligence),
- Semantic Web (the next generation of the web), and
- Semantic methods for heterogenous data processing.
Brief Bio
I am an associate professor (Maître de Conférences) at University Paris Sud, France. Before joining the group LaHDAK (Large-scale Heterogeneous DAta and Knowledge) at Laboratory of Computer Science (LRI) of Unvi. Paris-Sud in 2014, I was a researcher assistant in the group of Prof. Franz Baader in Theoretical Computer Science of TU Dresden (Germany) during 2012-2014, working on semi-automated generation of bio-medical ontologies. During 2008 to 2012, I was a Postdoc in the group Knowledge Representation and Natural Language (RCLN) of the laboratory LIPN, University Paris Nord (France), working with Prof. Adeline Nazarenko. I received my doctorate degree from School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University (China) under the supervision of Prof. Zuoquan Lin in 2008. From 2006 to 2007, I was a visiting doctoral student in the group of Prof. Rudi Studer in the Institute AIFB of KIT (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Pascal Hitzler.
Research interests
My research interests are situated within the domain of knowledge representation and its applications. It is concerned three aspects:
I am working on classical and non-classical semantic techniques for heterogeneous semi- and unstructured data applications. The formalism that I use is mainly the DESCRIPTION LOGIC for the semantics-based applications, such as ontology construction and ontology based question answering.