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Code for FirstBitGA

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// FirstBitGA.cpp
// An instance of a VERY simple Bitstring Genetic Algorithm
// standard includes
#include <stdexcept>  // runtime_error 
#include <iostream>    // cout
#include <strstream>  // ostrstream, istrstream
// the general include for eo
#include <eo>
#include <ga.h>
// define your individuals
typedef eoBit<double> Indi;        // A bitstring with fitness double
// a simple fitness function that computes the number of ones of a bitstring
//  @param _indi A biststring individual
double binary_value(const Indi & _indi)
 double sum = 0;
 for (unsigned i = 0; i < _indi.size(); i++)
     sum += _indi[i];
 return sum;
void main_function(int argc, char **argv)
 // all parameters are hard-coded!
 const unsigned int SEED = 42;          // seed for random number generator
 const unsigned int T_SIZE = 3;        // size for tournament selection
 const unsigned int VEC_SIZE = 8;    // Number of bits in genotypes
 const unsigned int POP_SIZE = 20;  // Size of population
 const unsigned int MAX_GEN = 100;  // Maximum number of generation before STOP
 const float CROSS_RATE = 0.8;          // Crossover rate
 const double P_MUT_PER_BIT = 0.01; // probability of bit-flip mutation
 const float MUT_RATE = 1.0;              // mutation rate
 //  Random seed
 //reproducible random seed: if you don't change SEED above, 
 // you'll aways get the same result, NOT a random run
 // Fitness function
 // Evaluation: from a plain C++ fn to an EvalFunc Object
 eoEvalFuncPtr<Indi> eval(  binary_value );
 // Initilisation of population
 // declare the population
 eoPop<Indi> pop;
 // fill it!
 for (unsigned int igeno=0; igeno<POP_SIZE; igeno++)
         Indi v;                    // void individual, to be filled
         for (unsigned ivar=0; ivar<VEC_SIZE; ivar++)
                 bool r = rng.flip(); // new value, random in {0,1}
                 v.push_back(r);          // append that random value to v
         eval(v);                                // evaluate it
         pop.push_back(v);              // and put it in the population
 // sort pop before printing it!
 // Print (sorted) intial population (raw printout)
 cout << "Initial Population" << endl;
 cout << pop;
 // selection and replacement
 // The robust tournament selection
 eoDetTournamentSelect<Indi> select(T_SIZE);  // T_SIZE in [2,POP_SIZE]
 // The simple GA evolution engine uses generational replacement
 // so no replacement procedure is needed
 // The variation operators
 // 1-point crossover for bitstring
 eo1PtBitXover<Indi> xover;

 // standard bit-flip mutation for bitstring
 eoBitMutation<Indi>  mutation(P_MUT_PER_BIT);
 // termination condition
 // stop after MAX_GEN generations
 eoGenContinue<Indi> continuator(MAX_GEN);
 // the algorithm
 // standard Generational GA requires as parameters
 // selection, evaluation, crossover and mutation, stopping criterion

 eoSGA<Indi> gga(select, xover, CROSS_RATE, mutation, MUT_RATE, 
                                 eval, continuator);
 // Apply algo to pop - that's it!

 // Print (sorted) intial population
 cout << "FINAL Population\n" << pop << endl;
// A main that catches the exceptions
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
 //  rng.reseed(42);
     int flag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF);
       flag |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF;
//    _CrtSetBreakAlloc(100);
             main_function(argc, argv);
     catch(exception& e)
             cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
     return 1;

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Marc Schoenauer

Last modified: Sun Nov 19 08:31:26 2000