YES Termination Proof using AProVETerm Rewriting System R:
[X, A, B, Y, V1, V2, y, z', x]
union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
union(union(x, y), z') == union(x, union(y, z'))
union(x, y) == union(y, x)
mult(x, mult(y, z')) == mult(mult(x, y), z')
mult(x, y) == mult(y, x)
plus(plus(x, y), z') == plus(x, plus(y, z'))
plus(x, y) == plus(y, x)

Termination of R to be shown.

Dependency Pair Analysis

R contains the following Dependency Pairs:

U111'(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U111'(tt, A, B) -> SUM(A)
U111'(tt, A, B) -> SUM(B)
U21'(tt, X, Y) -> 0'(mult(X, Y))
U21'(tt, X, Y) -> mult(X, Y)
U31'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U31'(tt, X, Y) -> 0'(mult(X, Y))
U31'(tt, X, Y) -> mult(X, Y)
U51'(tt, X, Y) -> 0'(plus(X, Y))
U51'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
U61'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
U71'(tt, X, Y) -> 0'(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U71'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z))
U71'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
U91'(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
U91'(tt, A, B) -> PROD(A)
U91'(tt, A, B) -> PROD(B)
ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> AND(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V2)
ISBIN(0(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(1(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> AND(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V2)
ISBIN(plus(V1, V2)) -> AND(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
ISBIN(plus(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(plus(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V2)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11'(isBin(X))
mult(z, X) -> ISBIN(X)
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(0(X), Y) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
mult(0(X), Y) -> ISBIN(X)
mult(0(X), Y) -> ISBIN(Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
mult(1(X), Y) -> ISBIN(X)
mult(1(X), Y) -> ISBIN(Y)
mult(mult(z, X), ext) -> mult(U11(isBin(X)), ext)
mult(mult(z, X), ext) -> U11'(isBin(X))
mult(mult(z, X), ext) -> ISBIN(X)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> mult(U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> U21'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> ISBIN(X)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> ISBIN(Y)
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> mult(U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> U31'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> ISBIN(X)
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> ISBIN(Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41'(isBin(X), X)
plus(z, X) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> ISBIN(Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> ISBIN(Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> ISBIN(Y)
plus(plus(z, X), ext) -> plus(U41(isBin(X), X), ext)
plus(plus(z, X), ext) -> U41'(isBin(X), X)
plus(plus(z, X), ext) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> plus(U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> ISBIN(Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> U61'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> ISBIN(Y)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> U71'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> AND(isBin(X), isBin(Y))
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> ISBIN(X)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> ISBIN(Y)
PROD(singl(X)) -> U81'(isBin(X), X)
PROD(singl(X)) -> ISBIN(X)
PROD(union(A, B)) -> U91'(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
PROD(union(A, B)) -> AND(isBag(A), isBag(B))
PROD(union(A, B)) -> ISBAG(A)
PROD(union(A, B)) -> ISBAG(B)
SUM(empty) -> 0'(z)
SUM(singl(X)) -> U101'(isBin(X), X)
SUM(singl(X)) -> ISBIN(X)
SUM(union(A, B)) -> U111'(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
SUM(union(A, B)) -> AND(isBag(A), isBag(B))
SUM(union(A, B)) -> ISBAG(A)
SUM(union(A, B)) -> ISBAG(B)

Furthermore, R contains five SCCs.

       →DP Problem 1
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V2)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(plus(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V2)
ISBIN(plus(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V2)
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(1(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(0(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pairs can be strictly oriented:

ISBIN(plus(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V2)
ISBIN(plus(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V1)

There are no usable rules using the Ce-refinement that need to be oriented.

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(plus(x1, x2))=  1 + x1 + x2  
  POL(0(x1))=  x1  
  POL(prod(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBAG(x1))=  x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(1(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBIN(x1))=  x1  
  POL(sum(x1))=  x1  
  POL(singl(x1))=  x1  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
           →DP Problem 6
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V2)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V2)
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(1(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(0(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pairs can be strictly oriented:

ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V2)
ISBIN(mult(V1, V2)) -> ISBIN(V1)

There are no usable rules using the Ce-refinement that need to be oriented.

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  1 + x1 + x2  
  POL(0(x1))=  x1  
  POL(prod(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBAG(x1))=  x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(1(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBIN(x1))=  x1  
  POL(sum(x1))=  x1  
  POL(singl(x1))=  x1  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
           →DP Problem 6
               →DP Problem 12
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V2)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(1(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(0(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pair can be strictly oriented:

ISBIN(1(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)

There are no usable rules using the Ce-refinement that need to be oriented.

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(0(x1))=  x1  
  POL(prod(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBAG(x1))=  x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(1(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(ISBIN(x1))=  x1  
  POL(sum(x1))=  x1  
  POL(singl(x1))=  x1  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
           →DP Problem 6
               →DP Problem 14
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V2)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(0(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pair can be strictly oriented:

ISBIN(0(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)

There are no usable rules using the Ce-refinement that need to be oriented.

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(0(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(prod(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBAG(x1))=  x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(ISBIN(x1))=  x1  
  POL(sum(x1))=  x1  
  POL(singl(x1))=  x1  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
           →DP Problem 6
               →DP Problem 16
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V2)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pairs can be strictly oriented:

ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V2)
ISBAG(union(V1, V2)) -> ISBAG(V1)

There are no usable rules using the Ce-refinement that need to be oriented.

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(prod(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBAG(x1))=  x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  1 + x1 + x2  
  POL(ISBIN(x1))=  x1  
  POL(sum(x1))=  x1  
  POL(singl(x1))=  x1  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
           →DP Problem 6
               →DP Problem 17
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)
ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pair can be strictly oriented:

ISBIN(sum(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)

There are no usable rules using the Ce-refinement that need to be oriented.

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(prod(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBAG(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBIN(x1))=  x1  
  POL(sum(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(singl(x1))=  x1  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
           →DP Problem 6
               →DP Problem 18
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)
ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pair can be strictly oriented:

ISBIN(prod(V1)) -> ISBAG(V1)

There are no usable rules using the Ce-refinement that need to be oriented.

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(prod(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(ISBAG(x1))=  x1  
  POL(ISBIN(x1))=  x1  
  POL(singl(x1))=  x1  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
           →DP Problem 6
               →DP Problem 19
Dependency Graph
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pair:

ISBAG(singl(V1)) -> ISBIN(V1)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Using the Dependency Graph resulted in no new DP problems.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

U71'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> U71'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> U61'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> plus(U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(z, X), ext) -> plus(U41(isBin(X), X), ext)
U71'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z))
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U61'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U51'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pairs can be strictly oriented:

U71'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> U71'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(1(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> U61'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)

Additionally, the following usable rules using the Ce-refinement can be oriented:

plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
U41(tt, X) -> X
0(z) -> z

Oriented Equations:

plus(plus(x, y), z') == plus(x, plus(y, z'))
plus(x, y) == plus(y, x)

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(U71(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(and(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(plus(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(prod(x1))=  0  
  POL(z)=  0  
  POL(isBag(x1))=  0  
  POL(U51'(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(sum(x1))=  0  
  POL(isBin(x1))=  0  
  POL(U51(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(U41(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(0(x1))=  x1  
  POL(1(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(U71'(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(tt)=  0  
  POL(U61(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(U61'(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(empty)=  0  
  POL(singl(x1))=  0  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
           →DP Problem 7
Dependency Graph
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> plus(U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(z, X), ext) -> plus(U41(isBin(X), X), ext)
U71'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z))
U61'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
U51'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Using the Dependency Graph the DP problem was split into 1 DP problems.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
           →DP Problem 7
               →DP Problem 11
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> plus(U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(plus(z, X), ext) -> plus(U41(isBin(X), X), ext)
U51'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pair can be strictly oriented:

plus(plus(z, X), ext) -> plus(U41(isBin(X), X), ext)

Additionally, the following usable rules using the Ce-refinement can be oriented:

and(tt, X) -> X
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U41(tt, X) -> X
0(z) -> z

Oriented Equations:

plus(plus(x, y), z') == plus(x, plus(y, z'))
plus(x, y) == plus(y, x)

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(U71(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(and(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(plus(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(prod(x1))=  0  
  POL(z)=  1  
  POL(isBag(x1))=  1  
  POL(U51'(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(sum(x1))=  0  
  POL(isBin(x1))=  1  
  POL(U51(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(0(x1))=  x1  
  POL(U41(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(1(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  x1·x2  
  POL(tt)=  1  
  POL(U61(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(empty)=  0  
  POL(singl(x1))=  0  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
           →DP Problem 7
               →DP Problem 13
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> plus(U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
U51'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pairs can be strictly oriented:

plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 0(Y)), ext) -> plus(U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(plus(0(X), 1(Y)), ext) -> plus(U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)

Additionally, the following usable rules using the Ce-refinement can be oriented:

and(tt, X) -> X
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
0(z) -> z
U41(tt, X) -> X

Oriented Equations:

plus(plus(x, y), z') == plus(x, plus(y, z'))
plus(x, y) == plus(y, x)

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(U71(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(and(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(plus(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(prod(x1))=  0  
  POL(z)=  0  
  POL(isBag(x1))=  1  
  POL(U51'(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(sum(x1))=  0  
  POL(isBin(x1))=  1  
  POL(U51(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(U41(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(0(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(1(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  x1·x2  
  POL(tt)=  1  
  POL(U61(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(empty)=  0  
  POL(singl(x1))=  0  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
           →DP Problem 7
               →DP Problem 15
Dependency Graph
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pair:

U51'(tt, X, Y) -> plus(X, Y)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Using the Dependency Graph resulted in no new DP problems.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

U111'(tt, A, B) -> SUM(B)
SUM(union(A, B)) -> U111'(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
U111'(tt, A, B) -> SUM(A)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pair can be strictly oriented:

SUM(union(A, B)) -> U111'(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Additionally, the following usable rules using the Ce-refinement can be oriented:

and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(and(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(plus(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(prod(x1))=  0  
  POL(z)=  0  
  POL(isBag(x1))=  0  
  POL(sum(x1))=  0  
  POL(isBin(x1))=  0  
  POL(U111'(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(SUM(x1))=  x1  
  POL(0(x1))=  0  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  1 + x1 + x2  
  POL(1(x1))=  0  
  POL(tt)=  0  
  POL(empty)=  0  
  POL(singl(x1))=  0  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
           →DP Problem 8
Dependency Graph
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

U111'(tt, A, B) -> SUM(B)
U111'(tt, A, B) -> SUM(A)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Using the Dependency Graph resulted in no new DP problems.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
Polynomial Ordering
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pairs:

mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> U31'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> mult(U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> U21'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> mult(U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
mult(mult(z, X), ext) -> mult(U11(isBin(X)), ext)
U31'(tt, X, Y) -> mult(X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U21'(tt, X, Y) -> mult(X, Y)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pairs can be strictly oriented:

U21'(tt, X, Y) -> mult(X, Y)
mult(mult(z, X), ext) -> mult(U11(isBin(X)), ext)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> U21'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> mult(U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U31'(tt, X, Y) -> mult(X, Y)
mult(mult(1(X), Y), ext) -> U31'(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(mult(0(X), Y), ext) -> mult(U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y), ext)

Additionally, the following usable rules using the Ce-refinement can be oriented:

and(tt, X) -> X
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U11(tt) -> z
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
0(z) -> z
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U41(tt, X) -> X

Oriented Equations:

mult(x, mult(y, z')) == mult(mult(x, y), z')
mult(x, y) == mult(y, x)
plus(plus(x, y), z') == plus(x, plus(y, z'))
plus(x, y) == plus(y, x)

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(U71(x1, x2, x3))=  2 + x2 + x3  
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  1 + 2·x1 + 2·x1·x2 + 2·x2  
  POL(and(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(plus(x1, x2))=  x1 + x2  
  POL(prod(x1))=  0  
  POL(U31(x1, x2, x3))=  2 + 2·x1·x3 + 2·x2 + 2·x2·x3  
  POL(z)=  0  
  POL(isBag(x1))=  2  
  POL(sum(x1))=  0  
  POL(U31'(x1, x2, x3))=  2 + 2·x2 + 2·x2·x3 + 2·x3  
  POL(U11(x1))=  0  
  POL(U51(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(isBin(x1))=  2  
  POL(0(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(U41(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(U21(x1, x2, x3))=  2 + 2·x2 + 2·x2·x3 + 2·x3  
  POL(1(x1))=  1 + x1  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(tt)=  2  
  POL(U21'(x1, x2, x3))=  2 + 2·x2 + 2·x2·x3 + 2·x3  
  POL(U61(x1, x2, x3))=  1 + x2 + x3  
  POL(empty)=  0  
  POL(singl(x1))=  0  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
           →DP Problem 9
Dependency Graph
       →DP Problem 5

Dependency Pair:


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Using the Dependency Graph resulted in no new DP problems.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5
Polynomial Ordering

Dependency Pairs:

U91'(tt, A, B) -> PROD(B)
PROD(union(A, B)) -> U91'(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
U91'(tt, A, B) -> PROD(A)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

The following dependency pair can be strictly oriented:

PROD(union(A, B)) -> U91'(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Additionally, the following usable rules using the Ce-refinement can be oriented:

and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)

Used ordering: Polynomial ordering with Polynomial interpretation:
  POL(mult(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(and(x1, x2))=  x2  
  POL(plus(x1, x2))=  0  
  POL(prod(x1))=  0  
  POL(z)=  0  
  POL(isBag(x1))=  0  
  POL(sum(x1))=  0  
  POL(PROD(x1))=  x1  
  POL(U91'(x1, x2, x3))=  x2 + x3  
  POL(isBin(x1))=  0  
  POL(0(x1))=  0  
  POL(union(x1, x2))=  1 + x1 + x2  
  POL(1(x1))=  0  
  POL(tt)=  0  
  POL(empty)=  0  
  POL(singl(x1))=  0  

resulting in one new DP problem.

       →DP Problem 1
       →DP Problem 2
       →DP Problem 3
       →DP Problem 4
       →DP Problem 5
           →DP Problem 10
Dependency Graph

Dependency Pairs:

U91'(tt, A, B) -> PROD(B)
U91'(tt, A, B) -> PROD(A)


union(X, empty) -> X
union(empty, X) -> X
0(z) -> z
U101(tt, X) -> X
U11(tt) -> z
U111(tt, A, B) -> plus(sum(A), sum(B))
U21(tt, X, Y) -> 0(mult(X, Y))
U31(tt, X, Y) -> plus(0(mult(X, Y)), Y)
U41(tt, X) -> X
U51(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(X, Y))
U61(tt, X, Y) -> 1(plus(X, Y))
U71(tt, X, Y) -> 0(plus(plus(X, Y), 1(z)))
U81(tt, X) -> X
U91(tt, A, B) -> mult(prod(A), prod(B))
and(tt, X) -> X
isBag(empty) -> tt
isBag(singl(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBag(union(V1, V2)) -> and(isBag(V1), isBag(V2))
isBin(z) -> tt
isBin(0(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(1(V1)) -> isBin(V1)
isBin(mult(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(plus(V1, V2)) -> and(isBin(V1), isBin(V2))
isBin(prod(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
isBin(sum(V1)) -> isBag(V1)
mult(z, X) -> U11(isBin(X))
mult(0(X), Y) -> U21(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
mult(1(X), Y) -> U31(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(z, X) -> U41(isBin(X), X)
plus(0(X), 0(Y)) -> U51(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(0(X), 1(Y)) -> U61(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
plus(1(X), 1(Y)) -> U71(and(isBin(X), isBin(Y)), X, Y)
prod(empty) -> 1(z)
prod(singl(X)) -> U81(isBin(X), X)
prod(union(A, B)) -> U91(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)
sum(empty) -> 0(z)
sum(singl(X)) -> U101(isBin(X), X)
sum(union(A, B)) -> U111(and(isBag(A), isBag(B)), A, B)

Using the Dependency Graph resulted in no new DP problems.

Termination of R successfully shown.
0:31 minutes