Library Probas

Probas.v: The monad for distributions

Require Export Monads.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Module Proba (Univ:Universe).
Module MP := (Monad Univ).

Definition of distribution

Distributions are monotonic measure functions such that

Record distr (A:Type) : Type :=
  {mu : M A;
   mu_stable_inv : stable_inv mu;
   mu_stable_plus : stable_plus mu;
   mu_stable_mult : stable_mult mu;
   mu_continuous : continuous mu}.

Hint Resolve mu_stable_plus mu_stable_inv mu_stable_mult mu_continuous.

Properties of measures

Lemma mu_monotonic : forall (A : Type)(m: distr A), monotonic (mu m).
intros; apply fmonotonic; auto.
Hint Resolve mu_monotonic.
Implicit Arguments mu_monotonic [A].

Lemma mu_stable_eq : forall (A : Type)(m: distr A), stable (mu m).
intros; apply fmon_stable; auto.
Hint Resolve mu_stable_eq.
Implicit Arguments mu_stable_eq [A].

Lemma mu_zero : forall (A : Type)(m: distr A), mu m (fzero A) == 0.
apply Oeq_trans with (mu m (fmult 0 (fzero A))); auto.
apply mu_stable_eq; unfold fmult; simpl; auto.
apply Oeq_trans with (0 * (mu m (fzero A))); auto.
apply mu_stable_mult; auto.
Hint Resolve mu_zero.

Lemma mu_one_inv : forall (A : Type)(m:distr A),
   mu m (fone A) == 1 -> forall f, mu m (finv f) == [1-] (mu m f).
intros; apply Ole_antisym.
apply (mu_stable_inv m f).
apply Uplus_le_simpl_left with (mu m f); auto.
setoid_rewrite (Uinv_opp_right (mu m f)).
apply Ole_trans with (mu m (fun x => (f x) + [1-] (f x))).
setoid_rewrite <- H; apply (mu_monotonic m); auto.
assert (H1 : fplusok f (finv f)).
red; unfold finv; intro x; auto.
setoid_rewrite <- (mu_stable_plus m H1); auto.
Hint Resolve mu_one_inv.

Lemma mu_fplusok : forall (A : Type)(m:distr A) f g, fplusok f g ->
            mu m f <= [1-] mu m g.
intros; apply Ole_trans with (mu m (finv g)); auto.
apply (mu_stable_inv m g).
Hint Resolve mu_fplusok.

Lemma mu_le_minus : forall (A : Type)(m:distr A) (f g:MF A),
     mu m (fminus f g) <= mu m f.
intros; apply mu_monotonic; unfold fminus; auto.
Hint Resolve mu_le_minus.

Lemma mu_le_plus : forall (A : Type)(m:distr A) (f g:MF A),
     mu m (fplus f g) <= mu m f + mu m g.
intros; apply Ole_trans with (mu m (fplus (fminus f (fesp f g)) g)).
apply mu_monotonic.
unfold fle,fplus,fminus,fesp; intros; auto.
rewrite (mu_stable_plus m (f:=fminus f (fesp f g)) (g:=g)).
red; unfold fminus,fesp,finv; intro x; auto.
Usimpl; auto.
Hint Resolve mu_le_plus.

Lemma mu_cte : forall (A : Type)(m:(distr A)) (c:U),
   mu m (fcte A c) == c * mu m (fone A).
apply Oeq_trans with (mu m (fun x => c * 1)).
apply (mu_stable_eq m); simpl; auto.
unfold fone; rewrite <- (mu_stable_mult m c (fun x => 1)); auto.
Hint Resolve mu_cte.

Lemma mu_cte_le : forall (A : Type)(m:distr A) (c:U), mu m (fcte A c) <= c.
intros; apply Ole_trans with (c * mu m (fone A)); auto.

Lemma mu_cte_eq : forall (A : Type)(m:distr A) (c:U),
   mu m (fone A) == 1 -> mu m (fcte A c) == c.
intros; apply Oeq_trans with (c * mu m (fone A)); auto.
setoid_rewrite H; auto.

Hint Resolve mu_cte_le mu_cte_eq.

Lemma mu_stable_mult_right : forall (A : Type)(m:distr A) (c:U) (f : MF A),
   mu m (fun x => (f x) * c) == (mu m f) * c.
intros; apply Oeq_trans with
   (mu m (fun x => c * (f x))).
apply mu_stable_eq; simpl; auto.
apply Oeq_trans with (c * mu m f); auto.
exact (mu_stable_mult m c f).

Lemma mu_stable_minus : forall (A:Type) (m:distr A)(f g : MF A),
 fle g f -> mu m (fun x => f x - g x) == mu m f - mu m g.
intros; change (mu m (fminus f g) == mu m f - mu m g).
apply (stable_minus_distr (m:=mu m)); auto.

Lemma mu_inv_minus :
forall (A:Type) (m:distr A)(f: MF A), mu m (finv f) == mu m (fone A) - mu m f.
intros; apply Oeq_trans with (mu m (fun x => fone A x - f x)).
apply (mu_stable_eq m); repeat red; unfold finv,fone; intros; auto.
apply mu_stable_minus; auto.

Lemma mu_inv_minus_inv : forall (A:Type) (m:distr A)(f: MF A),
     mu m (finv f) + [1-](mu m (fone A)) == [1-](mu m f).
intros; apply Uminus_eq_perm_right.
apply Uinv_le_compat.
apply (mu_monotonic m); unfold fone; auto.
unfold Uminus.
rewrite mu_inv_minus; repeat Usimpl.
unfold Uminus.
apply Uinv_eq_compat; auto.

Lemma mu_le_esp_inv : forall (A:Type) (m:distr A)(f g : MF A),
 ([1-]mu m (finv f)) & mu m g <= mu m (fesp f g).
intros; rewrite Uesp_sym.
apply Uplus_inv_le_esp; Usimpl.
apply Ole_trans with (mu m (fplus (fesp f g) (finv f))); auto.
apply (mu_monotonic m); unfold fplus, fesp,finv; simpl; intros.
rewrite Uesp_sym; auto.
Hint Resolve mu_le_esp_inv.

Lemma mu_stable_inv_inv : forall (A:Type) (m:distr A)(f : MF A),
             mu m f <= [1-] mu m (finv f).
intros; apply Ole_trans with (mu m (finv (finv f))).
apply (mu_monotonic m); auto.
intro x; unfold finv; auto.
apply (mu_stable_inv m); auto.
Hint Resolve mu_stable_inv_inv.

Lemma mu_le_esp : forall (A:Type) (m:distr A)(f g : MF A),
 mu m f & mu m g <= mu m (fesp f g).
intros; apply Ole_trans with (([1-]mu m (finv f)) & mu m g); auto.
Hint Resolve mu_le_esp.

Definition Distr (A:Type) : ord.
intro A; exists (distr A) (fun (f g : distr A) => mu f <= mu g); auto.
intros; apply Ole_trans with (mu y); auto.

Lemma eq_distr_intro :
        forall A (m1 m2:Distr A), (forall f, mu m1 f == mu m2 f) -> m1==m2.
intros; split; auto.

Lemma eq_distr_elim : forall A (m1 m2:Distr A), m1==m2 -> forall f, mu m1 f == mu m2 f.
Hint Resolve eq_distr_intro eq_distr_elim.

Monadic operators for distributions

Definition Munit : forall A:Type, A -> Distr A.
intros A x.
exists (unit x).
apply unit_stable_inv.
apply unit_stable_plus.
apply unit_stable_mult.
apply unit_continuous.

Definition Mlet : forall A B:Type, Distr A -> (A -> Distr B) -> Distr B.
intros A B mA mB.
exists (star (mu mA) (fun x => (mu (mB x)))).
apply star_stable_inv; auto.
apply star_stable_plus; auto.
apply star_stable_mult; auto.
apply star_continuous; auto.

Lemma Mlet_simpl : forall (A B:Type) (m:Distr A) (M:A -> Distr B) (f:B->U),
     mu (Mlet m M) f = mu m (fun x => (mu (M x) f)).

Operations on distributions

Lemma Munit_compat : forall A (x y : A), x=y -> Munit x == Munit y.
intros; subst; auto.

Lemma Mlet_le_compat : forall (A B : Type) (m1 m2:Distr A) (M1 M2 : A-o> Distr B),
  m1 <= m2 -> M1<=M2 -> Mlet m1 M1 <= Mlet m2 M2.
unfold Mlet,star; simpl; intros A B m1 m2 M1 M2 Hm HM f.
apply Ole_trans with (mu m2 (fun x : A => mu (M1 x) f)); auto.
Hint Resolve Mlet_le_compat.

Definition MLet (A B : Type) : Distr A -m> (A-o>Distr B) -m> Distr B
               := le_stable2_mon (Mlet_le_compat (A:=A) (B:=B)).

Lemma MLet_simpl : forall (A B:Type) (m:Distr A) (M:A -> Distr B)(f:B->U),
     mu (MLet A B m M) f =mu m (fun x => mu (M x) f).

Lemma Mlet_eq_compat : forall (A B : Type) (m1 m2:Distr A) (M1 M2 : A-o> Distr B),
  m1 == m2 -> M1==M2 -> Mlet m1 M1 == Mlet m2 M2.
intros; apply Ole_antisym; auto.

Lemma Munit_eq : forall (A:Type) (q:A->U) x, mu (Munit x) q == q x.

Lemma mu_le_compat : forall (A:Type) (m1 m2:Distr A),
  m1 <= m2 -> forall f g : A -o>U, f <= g -> mu m1 f <= mu m2 g.
intros; apply Ole_trans with (mu m2 f); auto.

Properties of monadic operators

Lemma Mlet_unit : forall (A B:Type) (x:A) (m:A -> Distr B), Mlet (Munit x) m == m x.

Lemma Mext : forall (A:Type) (m:Distr A), Mlet m (fun x => Munit x) == m.
intros; apply eq_distr_intro; simpl; intros.
apply (mu_stable_eq m); simpl; apply ford_eq_intro; auto.

Lemma Mcomp : forall (A B C:Type) (m1: Distr A) (m2:A -> Distr B) (m3:B -> Distr C),
     Mlet (Mlet m1 m2) m3 == Mlet m1 (fun x:A => Mlet (m2 x) m3).
intros; apply eq_distr_intro; intros; simpl; trivial.

A specific distribution

Definition distr_null : forall A : Type, Distr A.
intro A; exists (fmon_cte (A -o> U) (0:U)); try red; auto.

Lemma le_distr_null : forall (A:Type) (m : Distr A), distr_null A <= m.
red; intros.
unfold distr_null; simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve le_distr_null.

Least upper bound of increasing sequences of distributions

Section Lubs.
Variable A : Type.

Definition Mu : Distr A -m> M A.
exists (mu (A:=A)); auto.

Variable muf : natO -m> Distr A.

Definition mu_lub: Distr A.
exists (lub (Mu @ muf)).

red; intros; simpl; apply lub_inv; intros; simpl.
apply (mu_stable_inv (muf n)).

red; intros; simpl.
apply Oeq_trans with (lub ((UPlus @2 ((Mu @ muf) <_> f)) ((Mu @ muf) <_> g))); auto.
apply lub_eq_stable; auto.
simpl; apply fmon_eq_intro; intro; exact (mu_stable_plus (muf n) H); auto.

red; intros; simpl.
apply Oeq_trans with (lub (UMult k @ ((Mu @ muf) <_> f))); auto.
apply lub_eq_stable; auto.
simpl; apply fmon_eq_intro; intro; exact (mu_stable_mult (muf n) k f); auto.

unfold M; apply cont_lub; intros.
apply (mu_continuous (muf n)).

Lemma mu_lub_le : forall n:nat, muf n <= mu_lub.
simpl; intros.
apply le_lub with (f:=(Mu @ muf) <_> x) (n:=n).

Lemma mu_lub_sup : forall m: distr A, (forall n:nat, muf n <= m) -> mu_lub <= m.
simpl; intros.
apply lub_le; simpl; intros; auto.

End Lubs.
Hint Resolve mu_lub_le mu_lub_sup.

Distributions seen as a Cpo

Definition cDistr : forall (A:Type), cpo.
intros; exists (Distr A) (distr_null A) (mu_lub (A:=A)); auto.

Distribution for flip

The distribution associated to flip () is

Definition flip : M bool.
exists (fun (f : bool -> U) => [1/2] * (f true) + [1/2] * (f false)).
red; intros; simpl.
apply Ole_trans with ([1/2]* y true +[1/2]* x false ); auto.

Lemma flip_stable_inv : stable_inv flip.
unfold flip, stable_inv, finv; auto.

Lemma flip_stable_plus : stable_plus flip.
unfold flip, stable_plus, fplus; intros; simpl.
rewrite (Udistr_plus_left [1/2] _ _ (H true)).
rewrite (Udistr_plus_left [1/2] _ _ (H false)).
repeat norm_assoc_right.
apply Uplus_eq_compat_right.
repeat norm_assoc_left; apply Uplus_eq_compat_left; auto.

Lemma flip_stable_mult : stable_mult flip.
unfold flip, stable_mult, fmult; intros; simpl.
assert (H:([1/2]* f true) <= ([1-] ([1/2]* f false))); auto.
rewrite (Udistr_plus_left k _ _ H); auto.

Lemma flip_continuous : continuous flip.
unfold continuous; intros; simpl.
do 2 rewrite <- lub_eq_mult.
rewrite <- lub_eq_plus; auto.

Definition ctrue : MF bool := fun (b:bool) => if b then 1 else 0.
Definition cfalse : MF bool := fun (b:bool) => if b then 0 else 1.

Lemma flip_ctrue : flip ctrue == [1/2].
unfold flip, ctrue; simpl; auto.
setoid_rewrite (Umult_one_right [1/2]).
setoid_rewrite (Umult_zero_right [1/2]); auto.

Lemma flip_cfalse : flip cfalse == [1/2].
unfold flip, cfalse; simpl; auto.
setoid_rewrite (Umult_one_right [1/2]).
setoid_rewrite (Umult_zero_right [1/2]); auto.

Hint Resolve flip_ctrue flip_cfalse.

Definition Flip : Distr bool.
exists flip.
apply flip_stable_inv.
apply flip_stable_plus.
apply flip_stable_mult.
apply flip_continuous.

Uniform distribution beween 0 and n

Require Arith.

Definition of fnth

fnth n k is defined as

Definition fnth (n:nat) : nat -> U := fun k => [1/]1+n.

Basic properties of fnth

Lemma Unth_eq : forall n, Unth n == [1-] (sigma (fnth n) n).
intro; exact (Unth_prop n).
Hint Resolve Unth_eq.

Lemma sigma_fnth_one : forall n, sigma (fnth n) (S n) == 1.
intros; rewrite sigma_S.
unfold fnth at 1.
rewrite (Unth_eq n); auto.
Hint Resolve sigma_fnth_one.

Lemma Unth_inv_eq : forall n, [1-] ([1/]1+n) == sigma (fnth n) n.
intro; setoid_rewrite (Unth_eq n); auto.

Lemma sigma_fnth_sup : forall n m, (m > n) -> sigma (fnth n) m == sigma (fnth n) (S n).
assert ((S n) <= m)%nat; auto with arith.
elim H0; intros; auto.
rewrite sigma_S; auto.
setoid_rewrite H2.
assert (m0 > n); auto with arith.
setoid_rewrite (sigma_fnth_one n); auto.

Lemma sigma_fnth_le : forall n m, (sigma (fnth n) m) <= (sigma (fnth n) (S n)).
intros; setoid_rewrite (sigma_fnth_one n); auto.

Hint Resolve sigma_fnth_le.

fnth is a retract
Lemma fnth_retract : forall n:nat,(retract (fnth n) (S n)).
red; intros.
unfold fnth at 1.
apply Ole_trans with ([1-] (sigma (fnth n) n)); auto with arith.

Implicit Arguments fnth_retract [].

Distribution for random n

The distribution associated to random n is we cannot factorize because of possible overflow

Definition random (n:nat):M nat.
intro n; exists (fun (f:nat->U) => sigma (fun k => Unth n * f k) (S n)).
red; intros; auto.

Lemma random_simpl : forall n (f : nat->U),
           random n f = sigma (fun k => Unth n * f k) (S n).

Properties of random

Lemma random_stable_inv : forall n, stable_inv (random n).
unfold random, stable_inv, finv; intros; simpl.
rewrite (sigma_inv f (fnth_retract n)); auto.

Lemma random_stable_plus : forall n, stable_plus (random n).
unfold stable_plus, fplus; intros.
repeat (rewrite random_simpl).
unfold fplusok, fle, finv in H.
apply Oeq_trans with
 (sigma (fun k : nat => ([1/]1+n * f k) + ([1/]1+n * g k)) (S n)).
apply sigma_eq_compat; intros.
assert (f k <= [1-] (g k)); auto.
apply sigma_plus with (f:=fun k : nat => Unth n * f k)
                      (g:=fun k : nat => Unth n * g k); auto.

Lemma random_stable_mult : forall n, stable_mult (random n).
unfold stable_mult, fmult; intros; repeat (rewrite random_simpl).
apply Oeq_trans with
 (sigma (fun l : nat => k * ([1/]1+n * f l)) (S n)).
apply sigma_eq_compat; intros; auto.
apply sigma_mult with (f:=fun k : nat => Unth n * f k).
red; intros.
apply Ole_trans with ([1/]1+n); auto.
apply Ole_trans with ([1-] (sigma (fun k1 => Unth n) k0)); auto.
apply (fnth_retract n k0); auto.

Lemma random_continuous : forall n, continuous (random n).
unfold continuous; intros; rewrite random_simpl.
apply Ole_trans with
    (sigma (fun k : nat => lub (c:=U) (UMult ([1/]1+n) @ (h <o> k))) (S n)).
apply sigma_le_compat; intros; simpl.
rewrite (lub_eq_mult ([1/]1+n) (h <o> k)); auto.
apply Ole_trans with
(sigma (lub (c:=nat-d>U) (ford_shift (fun k : nat => (UMult ([1/]1+n) @ (h <o> k))))) (S n)); auto.
rewrite sigma_lub1; auto.

Definition Random (n:nat) : Distr nat.
intro n; exists (random n).
apply random_stable_inv.
apply random_stable_plus.
apply random_stable_mult.
apply random_continuous.

Lemma Random_simpl : forall (n:nat), mu (Random n) = random n.

Lemma Random_total : forall n : nat, mu (Random n) (fone nat) == 1.
intros; simpl mu;unfold fone; rewrite random_simpl.
apply Oeq_trans with (sigma (fnth n) (S n)).
apply sigma_eq_compat.
intros; repeat Usimpl; auto.
Hint Resolve Random_total.

Lemma Random_inv : forall f n, mu (Random n) (finv f) == [1-] (mu (Random n) f).
intros; apply mu_one_inv; auto.
Hint Resolve Random_inv.
End Proba.

Global Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (70 entries)
Lemma Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (52 entries)
Inductive Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (1 entry)
Definition Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (15 entries)
Module Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (1 entry)
Library Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (1 entry)

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