Library examples.cime_trace.rpo_extension

Require rpo.
Require equational_theory.
Require term.
Require Import List.
Require Import list_permut.
Require Import terminaison.
Require Import Relations.

Module Make_EQTH_facts (Eqt:equational_theory.EqTh).

Lemma rwr_as_star : forall R t t', Eqt.rwr R t t' -> star _ (Eqt.one_step R) t t'.
  induction 1.
  apply star_R. assumption.

  apply star_trans with y;auto.
  apply star_R; trivial.

Lemma one_step_list_star_decompose_cons : forall R x l l'', star _ (Eqt.one_step_list R) (x::l) l'' ->
  exists x', exists l', l'' = x'::l' /\ star _ (Eqt.one_step R) x x'/\star _ (Eqt.one_step_list R) l l'.
  intros R x l l''.
  set (l1 := x::l) in *.
  generalize (refl_equal l1);
  unfold l1 at 1;clearbody l1.
  intros H H0 .
  revert x l H.
  induction H0; intros x l He;subst.
  exists x;exists l;repeat split;constructor.

  destruct (IHstar _ _ (refl_equal (x::l))) as [x' [l' [h1 [h2 h3]]]];clear IHstar;subst.

  inversion H;clear H;subst.
  exists t2;exists l';repeat split;auto.
  constructor 2 with x';auto.
  exists x';exists l2;repeat split;auto.
  constructor 2 with l';auto.
Lemma one_step_list_star_decompose_nil : forall R l'', star _ (Eqt.one_step_list R) nil l'' -> l'' = nil.
  intros R l'' H.
  set (l:= @nil Eqt.T.term) in *.
  generalize (refl_equal l).
  unfold l at 1;clearbody l.
  induction H;intro;subst;auto.
  rewrite (IHstar (refl_equal (@nil Eqt.T.term))) in H0.
  inversion H0.

Lemma one_step_list_star_l : forall R l x y,
  star _ (Eqt.one_step R) x y ->
  star _ (Eqt.one_step_list R) (x::l) (y::l).
induction 1.
constructor 2 with (y::l).

Lemma one_step_list_star_r : forall R l l' x,
  star _ (Eqt.one_step_list R) l l' ->
  star _ (Eqt.one_step_list R) (x::l) (x::l').
induction 1.
constructor 2 with (x::y).

End Make_EQTH_facts.
Module rpo_facts   (M:term.Term)
  (Prec:rpo.Precedence with Definition A := M.symbol)
  (Eqt : equational_theory.EqTh with Module T := M)
  (Rpo : rpo.RPO with Module T := M with Module P := Prec)

  Lemma rpo_in_list :
    forall f (f_stat:Rpo.P.status f=rpo.Lex) l1 l2, length l1 = length l2 ->
    (exists t1', exists t2', Rpo.rpo t1' t2' /\ In (t1',t2') (combine l1 l2) /\
      forall t1 t2 : Eqt.T.term,
        In (t1, t2) (combine l1 l2) -> Rpo.rpo_eq t1 t2) ->
    Rpo.rpo (M.Term f l1) (M.Term f l2).
    intro f.

    intros f_stat l1 l2 H H0.
    constructor 3.
    exact f_stat.

    revert l2 H H0;induction l1.
    destruct l2;simpl length;[intros _|intros;discriminate].
    intro abs;destruct abs as [t1' [t2' [_ [abs' _]]]];simpl in abs';tauto.
    destruct l2;simpl;[intros;discriminate|intros Hlength;injection Hlength;clear Hlength;intro Hlength].
    intros H.
    destruct (H) as [t1' [t2' [Hrpo [Hin1 Hin2]]]].
    inversion Hin1.
    injection H;clear H;intros;subst.
    apply Rpo.List_gt. exact Hrpo. exact Hlength.
    assert (Hin3:forall t1 t2 : Eqt.T.term,
      In (t1, t2) (combine l1 l2) -> Rpo.rpo_eq t1 t2).
    assert (Rpo.rpo_eq a t). auto.
    destruct H0.
    apply Rpo.List_eq. assumption.
    apply IHl1. assumption.
    exists t1';exists t2';repeat split;auto.
    apply Rpo.List_gt. exact H0. exact Hlength.

    destruct (H0) as [t1' [t2' [Hrpo [Hin1 Hin2]]]].
    assert (exists s'',exists t',(Rpo.equiv s' s'' /\In (s'',t') (combine l1 l2)) /\ In t' l2).
    clear - H H0.
    revert l2 H.
    induction l1;simpl in *.
    destruct l2;simpl in *.
    intros Hlength;injection Hlength;clear Hlength;intros Hlength.
    destruct H0.
    exists a;exists t;auto.
    destruct (IHl1 H l2 Hlength) as [s'' [t' [[H' H''] H''']]].
    exists s''; exists t';auto.
    destruct H1 as [s'' [t' [[H' H''] H''']]].
    apply Rpo.Subterm with t'; auto.

    clear -H''';induction l2.
    simpl in H''';tauto.
    simpl in H''';inversion H'''.
    destruct (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_4 _ _ H' t').
    apply H2.
    apply Hin2;auto.

  Lemma equiv_in_list :
    forall f (f_stat:Rpo.P.status f=rpo.Lex) l1 l2,
      length l1 = length l2 ->
        forall t1 t2 : Eqt.T.term,
          In (t1, t2) (combine l1 l2) -> Rpo.equiv t1 t2) ->
      Rpo.equiv (M.Term f l1) (M.Term f l2).
    constructor 2.
    exact f_stat.

    revert l2 H H0.
    induction l1;destruct l2;simpl;try (intros;discriminate).
    intros Heq.
    injection Heq;clear Heq;intro Heq.
    intro Hcomb.
    apply Hcomb;auto.
    apply IHl1;auto.

  Lemma rpo_eq_in_list : forall f (f_stat:Rpo.P.status f=rpo.Lex) l1 l2,
    length l1 = length l2 ->
      forall t1 t2 : Eqt.T.term,
        In (t1, t2) (combine l1 l2) -> Rpo.rpo_eq t1 t2) ->
    Rpo.rpo_eq (M.Term f l1) (M.Term f l2).
    intros f f_stat l1 l2 Hlength H.
    assert ((exists t1',exists t2', Rpo.rpo t1' t2' /\ In (t1',t2') (combine l1 l2) /\
      forall t1 t2 : Eqt.T.term,
        In (t1, t2) (combine l1 l2) -> Rpo.rpo_eq t1 t2) \/ (forall t1 t2 : Eqt.T.term,
          In (t1, t2) (combine l1 l2) -> Rpo.equiv t1 t2)).
    revert l2 Hlength H;induction l1.
    destruct l2;simpl;[idtac|intros;discriminate].
    destruct l2;simpl;[intros;discriminate|idtac].
    injection 1. clear Hlength;intros Hlength.
    case (H a t). auto.
    assert ((forall t1 t2 : Eqt.T.term,
      In (t1, t2) (combine l1 l2) -> Rpo.rpo_eq t1 t2) ) by auto.
    destruct (IHl1 _ Hlength H1).
    destruct H2 as [t1' [t2' [h1 [h2 h3]]]].
    exists t1';exists t2';repeat split;auto.
    inversion 1;auto.
    injection H3;intros;subst. constructor;assumption.
    inversion 1;auto.
    injection H4;intros;subst. auto.

    intros;left;exists s;exists t0;repeat split;auto.
    inversion 1;auto.
    injection H2;intros;subst. constructor 2;auto.

    destruct H0.
    constructor 2;apply rpo_in_list;auto.
    constructor;apply equiv_in_list;auto.

  Ltac prove_prec := constructor;fail 0.

  Ltac is_In x l :=
    match l with
      | List.nil => constr:false
      | x::_ => constr:true
      | _::?tl => let e := is_In x tl in constr:e

  Ltac remove acc x l :=
    match l with
      | List.nil => let e := eval simpl in (List.rev acc) in constr:e
      | x::?tl => remove acc x tl
      | ?y::?tl => remove (y::acc) x tl

  Ltac prove_in t :=
    match t with
      | Rpo.LP.EDS.eq_A ?t ?t => exact (@Rpo.Eq t)
      | Rpo.LP.EDS.eq_A ?t ?t \/ _ => left;exact (@Rpo.Eq t)
      | _ \/ ?t' => right; prove_in t'

  Ltac split_lists rev_ls rev_lc l' l :=
    match l' with
      | List.nil =>
        let ls := eval simpl in (List.rev rev_ls) in
          let lc := eval simpl in (List.rev rev_lc) in
      | ?h::?tl =>
        let e := is_In h l in
          match constr:e with
            | true =>
              let l0 := remove (List.nil:list Rpo.T.term) h l in
                (let l'0 := remove (List.nil:list Rpo.T.term) h tl in
                  split_lists rev_ls (h::rev_lc) l'0 l0)
            | false =>
              let l'0 := remove (List.nil:list Rpo.T.term) h tl in
                split_lists (h::rev_ls) rev_lc l'0 l

  Ltac combine_tac l1 l2 :=
    match constr:(l1,l2) with
      | (nil,nil) => constr:nil
      | (?x::?l1,?y::?l2) =>
        let l := combine_tac l1 l2 in

  Ltac prove_permut tac :=
    match goal with
      | |- permut ?R nil nil => exact (Pnil R)
      | |- @permut ?A ?R (?a::?l) ?l2 =>
          prove_permut_aux tac R a l (@nil A) l2
  with prove_permut_aux tac R a l rev_l1 l2 :=
      match l2 with
        | nil => fail 1
        | ?b::?l2 =>
            let l1 := eval vm_compute in (List.rev rev_l1) in
              refine (@Pcons _ R a b l l1 l2 _ _);[tac | simpl app;prove_permut tac ]
          (prove_permut_aux tac R a l (b::rev_l1) l2)

  Ltac prove_equiv :=     match goal with
      | H: Rpo.equiv ?t1 ?t2 |- Rpo.equiv ?t1 ?t2 => exact H
      | |- Rpo.equiv ?t ?t => exact (@Rpo.Eq t)
      | |- Rpo.equiv (?Term ?f ?l1) (?Term ?f ?l2) =>
        let f_status := eval compute in (Rpo.P.status f) in
          match f_status with
            | rpo.Lex => prove_equiv_lex || fail 1
            | rpo.Mul => prove_equiv_mul || fail 1
            | _ => prove_equiv_lex || prove_equiv_mul || fail 1
  with prove_equiv_lex :=
        match goal with
      | |- Rpo.equiv (?Term ?f ?lhs) (?Term' ?f ?rhs) =>
        refine (@Rpo.Eq_lex f lhs rhs _ _ );
          [ reflexivity (* preuve que status f = Lex *) | prove_equiv_list_lex (* preuve que args' =equiv_list_lex args *) ]
  with prove_equiv_mul :=
    match goal with
      | |- Rpo.equiv (?Term ?f ?lhs) (?Term' ?f ?rhs) =>
          refine (@Rpo.Eq_mul f lhs rhs _ _);
            [ reflexivity (* preuve que status f = Mul *) | prove_permut prove_equiv (* preuve que args' <_lex args *) | ]
  with prove_equiv_list_lex :=
    match goal with
      | |- Rpo.equiv_list_lex nil nil => exact (Rpo.Eq_list_nil)
      | |- Rpo.equiv_list_lex (?s::?l1) (?t::?l2) =>
        refine (@Rpo.Eq_list_cons s t l1 l2 _ _);[prove_equiv | prove_equiv_list_lex]

  Ltac prove_rpo :=     match goal with
      | H: Rpo.rpo ?t ?u |- Rpo.rpo ?t ?u => exact H
      | |- Rpo.rpo _ (?Var _) => fail 1
      | |- Rpo.rpo (?Var _) (?Term ?f ?args) => (prove_rpo_subterm args) || fail 1       | |- Rpo.rpo _ (?Term ?f ?args) => prove_rpo_subterm args
      | |- Rpo.rpo (?Term ?f ?lhs) (?Term' ?f ?rhs) =>
        let f_status := eval compute in (Rpo.P.status f) in
          match f_status with
            | rpo.Lex => prove_rpo_eq_lex || fail 1
            | rpo.Mul => prove_rpo_eq_mul || fail 1
            | _ =>prove_rpo_eq_lex || prove_rpo_eq_mul || fail 1
      | H: Rpo.equiv _ ?t |- Rpo.rpo _ ?t => rewrite <- H;prove_rpo
      | H: Rpo.rpo ?t ?u |- Rpo.rpo ?v ?u =>         let Htrans := fresh "H" in
            let H2 := fresh "H" in
              (destruct (Rpo.rpo_closure u t v) as [Htrans H2];
                apply (Htrans H);clear Htrans H2;prove_rpo

        | |- Rpo.rpo (?Term ?g ?lhs) (?Term' ?f ?rhs) =>
        (refine (@Rpo.Top_gt f g rhs lhs _ _);
          [ prove_prec (* preuve que prec g f *) | prove_all_rpo (* preuve de (forall s', In s' args' -> rpo s' (Term f args)) *) ])
          prove_rpo_eq_lex || prove_rpo_eq_mul
      | H: Rpo.rpo ?t ?s |- Rpo.rpo ?u ?s => refine (Rpo.rpo_trans s t u H _);prove_rpo

    with prove_rpo_eq_lex :=
    match goal with
      | |- Rpo.rpo (?Term ?f ?lhs) (?Term' ?f ?rhs) =>
        refine (@Rpo.Top_eq_lex f rhs lhs _ _ _);
          [ reflexivity (* preuve que status f = Lex *) | prove_rpo_lex (* preuve que args' <_lex args *) | prove_all_rpo (* preuve de (forall s', In s' args' -> rpo s' (Term f args)) *) ]
    with prove_rpo_eq_mul :=
    match goal with
      | |- Rpo.rpo (?Term ?f ?lhs) (?Term' ?f ?rhs) =>
        refine (@Rpo.Top_eq_mul f rhs lhs _ _);
          [ reflexivity (* preuve que status f = Lex *) | prove_rpo_mul (* preuve que args' <_mul args *) ]
    with prove_rpo_eq :=
    match goal with
      | H: Rpo.rpo_eq ?t ?u |- Rpo.rpo_eq ?t ?u => assumption
      | |- Rpo.rpo_eq ?lhs ?rhs =>
        (refine (@Rpo.Equiv lhs rhs _); prove_equiv)||
        (refine (@Rpo.Lt lhs rhs _);prove_rpo)
    with prove_rpo_subterm args :=     match args with
      | List.nil => fail 0
      | ?arg::?largs =>
        match goal with
          | |- Rpo.rpo ?lhs (?Term ?f ?rhs) =>
            ((refine (@Rpo.Subterm f rhs lhs arg _ _);               [ (solve [simpl;match goal with |- ?t => prove_in t end])                 | prove_rpo_eq               ]
            ) ||
            (               prove_rpo_subterm largs
    with prove_rpo_lex :=
    match goal with
      | H: Rpo.rpo_lex ?t ?u |- Rpo.rpo_lex ?t ?u => exact H
      | |- Rpo.rpo_lex (?lhs::?lhss) (?rhs::?rhss) =>
        (refine (@Rpo.List_gt lhs rhs lhss rhss _ _);
          [ prove_rpo (* preuve de lhs < rhs *) | vm_compute;reflexivity ]
          (refine (@Rpo.List_eq lhs rhs lhss rhss _ _); [prove_equiv | prove_rpo_lex])
    with prove_all_rpo :=     let s := fresh "s'" in
      (let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
        (intros s Hin; simpl Rpo.LP.mem in Hin;prove_all_rpo_aux s Hin))
      with prove_all_rpo_aux s Hin :=
      match type of Hin with
        | False => inversion Hin
        | _ \/ _ =>
          let Hin' := fresh "Hin" in
            (case ( Hin);clear Hin;intro Hin';
              [ match type of Hin' with
                   Rpo.LP.EDS.eq_A ?t ?x =>
                   match goal with
                     | |- Rpo.rpo t ?rhs =>
                       let h1 := fresh "h1" in
                         destruct (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_2 _ _ Hin' rhs) as [_ h1];
                           apply h1;prove_rpo
                | prove_all_rpo_aux s Hin'               ])
      with prove_rpo_mul :=
      match goal with
        | |- Rpo.rpo_mul ?l' ?l =>
          let l := eval simpl in l in
            let l' := eval simpl in l' in
              let res := split_lists (List.nil:list Rpo.T.term) (List.nil:list Rpo.T.term) l' l in
                match constr:res with
                  | (List.nil,?ls,?lc) => fail 0
                  | (?a::?lg,?ls,?lc) =>
                    refine (@Rpo.List_mul a lg ls lc l l' _ _ _);[prove_permut|prove_permut|prove_all_rpo_mul]
      with prove_all_rpo_mul :=
      let b := fresh "b" in
        let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
          (intros b Hin;simpl in Hin; prove_all_rpo_mul_aux Hin)
          with prove_all_rpo_mul_aux Hin :=
          match type of Hin with
            | False => tauto
            | (?t1 = ?t2)\/?t =>
              let Hin' := fresh "Hin" in
                (case Hin;intro Hin';[ subst t2;prove_all_rpo_mul_exists| prove_all_rpo_mul_aux Hin' ])
          with prove_all_rpo_mul_exists :=
          match goal with
            | |- exists b' , In b' ?l /\ ?rpo ?b b' => let l := eval simpl in l in prove_all_rpo_mul_exists_aux l
          with prove_all_rpo_mul_exists_aux l :=
          match l with
            | List.nil => fail 0
            | ?h::?tl =>
              (exists h;constructor;[intuition|prove_rpo]) || prove_all_rpo_mul_exists_aux tl

  Scheme one_step_ind2 := Induction for Eqt.one_step Sort Prop
    with one_step_list_ind2 := Induction for Eqt.one_step_list Sort Prop.

  Lemma apply_subst_in :
    forall sigma t1 t2 l , In (t1,t2) (map
      (fun st : Rpo.T.term * Rpo.T.term =>
        (Rpo.T.apply_subst sigma (fst st),
          Rpo.T.apply_subst sigma (snd st))) l) ->
    exists t1', exists t2', In (t1',t2') l /\ t1 = Rpo.T.apply_subst sigma t1'
      /\ t2 = Rpo.T.apply_subst sigma t2'.
    intros sigma t1 t2 l; induction l as [ | a l IH];intro H;simpl in H.
    simpl in H;destruct H as [Heq | H'].
      destruct a as [t1' t2'];inversion Heq;subst t1 t2;exists t1'; exists t2';simpl in *;repeat split;auto.
      destruct (IH H') as [t1' [t2' [h1 [ h2 h3]]]];subst t1 t2;exists t1';exists t2';simpl in *;auto.

    Lemma In_map_l :
      forall (A B:Type) (t1:A) (t2:B) l, In (t1,t2) l ->
        In t1 (map (fun st : A*B => fst st) l)/\
        In t2 (map (fun st : A*B => snd st) l).
      induction l as [ | x l IH];intros H;simpl in H.
      destruct H.
      subst x;simpl;auto.
      simpl;destruct (IH H);auto.

    Lemma map_map_fst : forall (A B:Type) (f : A -> B) (l:list (A*A)),
      map (@fst B B) (map (fun st => (f (fst st), f (snd st))) l) =
      map f (map (@fst A A) l).
      induction l as [ | x l IH];simpl.
      rewrite IH;reflexivity.

    Lemma map_map_snd : forall (A B:Type) (f : A -> B) (l:list (A*A)),
      map (@snd B B) (map (fun st => (f (fst st), f (snd st))) l) =
      map f (map (@snd A A) l).
      induction l as [ | x l IH];simpl.
      rewrite IH;reflexivity.

  Lemma one_R_in_rpo :
    forall (R:Relation_Definitions.relation Rpo.T.term)
      (R_in_rpo:forall x y, R x y -> Rpo.rpo x y),
      forall x y, Eqt.one_step R x y -> Rpo.rpo x y.
    intros R R_in_rpo.

    induction 1 using one_step_ind2 with
      (P0:= fun l1 l2 (H: Eqt.one_step_list R l1 l2) =>
        exists l, exists l', exists x, exists y,
          l1 = l++x::l' /\ l2 = l++y::l' /\ Rpo.rpo x y
    destruct a.
    apply Rpo.rpo_subst.
    apply R_in_rpo;auto.

    destruct IHone_step as [l [l' [x [y h]]]];intuition;subst.
    replace Eqt.T.Term with M.Term.
    replace (M.Term f (l ++ x :: l')) with (M.replace_at_pos (M.Term f (l ++ x :: l')) x (length l::nil)).
    replace (M.Term f (l ++ y :: l')) with (M.replace_at_pos (M.Term f (l ++ x :: l')) y (length l::nil)).

    apply Rpo.rpo_add_context;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    injection IHl;intro h;rewrite h;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    injection IHl;intro h;rewrite h;auto.
    exists (nil:list M.term);exists l;exists t1;exists t2;intuition.

    destruct IHone_step as [l [l' [x [y h]]]];intuition;subst.
    exists (t::l);exists l';exists x;exists y;intuition.

  Lemma equiv_subst :
    forall sigma t s, Rpo.equiv s t ->
       Rpo.equiv (M.apply_subst sigma s) (M.apply_subst sigma t).
    induction t as [ n | f l IH ] using Rpo.T.term_rec3;intros s H.
    inversion H;clear H;subst.

    inversion H; clear H;subst.
    constructor 1.
    revert IH.
    induction H4.
    intros IH; simpl;constructor.
    intros IH;simpl.
    apply IH.
    apply IHequiv_list_lex.
    intros t H0 s H1.
    apply IH;auto.
    constructor 3.
    revert IH.
    induction H4.
    intros IH; simpl;constructor.
    intros IH;simpl.
    rewrite map_app;simpl map.
    constructor 2.
    apply IH.
    apply in_or_app;simpl;auto.
    rewrite <- map_app;
    apply IHpermut.
    intros t H0 s H1.
    apply IH.
    destruct (in_app_or l1 l2 t H0);apply in_or_app;simpl;auto.

   Lemma rpo_eq_subst :
    forall sigma t s, Rpo.rpo_eq s t ->
       Rpo.rpo_eq (M.apply_subst sigma s) (M.apply_subst sigma t).
    inversion 1;subst.
    constructor 1.
    apply equiv_subst;auto.
    constructor 2.
    apply Rpo.rpo_subst;assumption.

RPO is compatible with adding context.

  Lemma equiv_add_context :
    forall p ctx s t, Rpo.equiv s t -> M.is_a_pos ctx p = true ->
      Rpo.equiv (M.replace_at_pos ctx s p) (M.replace_at_pos ctx t p).
    induction p.

    destruct ctx as [v | f l];[simpl;intros;discriminate|idtac].
    intros s t s_equiv_t is_a_pos.
    do 2 rewrite M.replace_at_pos_unfold.
    case_eq (Rpo.P.status f);intro f_stat.

    constructor 2.
    exact f_stat.
    generalize dependent p.
    generalize dependent t.
    generalize dependent a.
    induction l.
    intros a t s_equiv_t p IHp is_a_pos.
    intros a0 t s_equiv_t p IHp is_a_pos.
    destruct a0.
    apply IHp.
    exact s_equiv_t.
    exact is_a_pos.
    clear;induction l.
    apply IHl.
    exact s_equiv_t.
    exact IHp.
    exact is_a_pos.

    constructor 3.
    exact f_stat.
    generalize dependent p.
    generalize dependent t.
    generalize dependent a.
    induction l.
    intros a t s_equiv_t p IHp is_a_pos.
    intros a0 t s_equiv_t p IHp is_a_pos.
    destruct a0.
    refine (@Pcons _ _ Rpo.equiv _ _ l (@nil M.term) l _ _).
    apply IHp.
    exact s_equiv_t.
    exact is_a_pos.
    clear;induction l.
    change (a::l) with (nil++a::l).
    unfold app at 1.
    change (a :: M.replace_at_pos_list l t a0 p) with (nil++(a :: M.replace_at_pos_list l t a0 p)).
    simpl. apply IHl.
    exact s_equiv_t.
    exact IHp.
    exact is_a_pos.

  Lemma rpo_eq_add_context :
    forall p ctx s t, Rpo.rpo_eq s t -> M.is_a_pos ctx p = true ->
      Rpo.rpo_eq (M.replace_at_pos ctx s p) (M.replace_at_pos ctx t p).
    intros p ctx s t H H0.
    destruct H.
    constructor 1;apply equiv_add_context;auto.
    apply Rpo.Lt.
    apply Rpo.rpo_add_context; assumption.

  Lemma one_R_in_rpo_eq :
    forall (R:Relation_Definitions.relation M.term)
      (R_in_rpo:forall x y, R x y -> Rpo.rpo_eq x y),
      forall x y, Eqt.one_step R x y -> Rpo.rpo_eq x y.
    intros R R_in_rpo.

    induction 1 using one_step_ind2 with
      (P0:= fun l1 l2 (H:Eqt.one_step_list R l1 l2) =>
        exists l, exists l', exists x, exists y,
          l1 = l++x::l' /\ l2 = l++y::l' /\ Rpo.rpo_eq x y
    destruct a.
    apply rpo_eq_subst.
    apply R_in_rpo;auto.

    destruct IHone_step as [l [l' [x [y h]]]];intuition;subst.
    replace Eqt.T.Term with M.Term by reflexivity.
    replace (M.Term f (l ++ x :: l')) with (M.replace_at_pos (M.Term f (l ++ x :: l')) x (length l::nil)).
    replace (M.Term f (l ++ y :: l')) with (M.replace_at_pos (M.Term f (l ++ x :: l')) y (length l::nil)).
    apply rpo_eq_add_context;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    injection IHl;intro h;rewrite h;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    clear;induction l;simpl in *;auto.
    injection IHl;intro h;rewrite h;auto.

    exists (nil:list M.term);exists l;exists t1;exists t2;intuition.

    destruct IHone_step as [l [l' [x [y h]]]];intuition;subst.
    exists (t::l);exists l';exists x;exists y;intuition.

  Lemma rpo_eq_trans :
    forall x y z, Rpo.rpo_eq x y -> Rpo.rpo_eq y z -> Rpo.rpo_eq x z.
    do 2 inversion 1;subst.
    constructor;destruct Rpo.equiv_equiv;eapply equiv_trans;eauto.
    constructor 2;rewrite (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_2 x y);auto.
    constructor 2;destruct Rpo.equiv_equiv;rewrite (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_1 z y);auto.
    constructor 2;apply Rpo.rpo_trans with y;auto.

  Lemma equiv_refl : forall t, Rpo.equiv t t.
    destruct Rpo.equiv_equiv;auto.

  Lemma equiv_sym : forall t t', Rpo.equiv t t' -> Rpo.equiv t' t.
    destruct Rpo.equiv_equiv;intros t t';auto.
  Lemma equiv_trans : forall t t' t'', Rpo.equiv t t' -> Rpo.equiv t' t'' -> Rpo.equiv t t''.
    destruct Rpo.equiv_equiv;intros t t';red in equiv_trans;eauto.

  Add Relation Rpo.T.term Rpo.equiv
  reflexivity proved by equiv_refl
    symmetry proved by equiv_sym
      transitivity proved by equiv_trans
  as equiv_rel.

  Add Morphism Rpo.rpo : rpo_morph .
    intros x1 x2 H x0 x3 H0.
    split;intro H1.
    rewrite <- (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_1 _ _ H0);
    rewrite <- (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_2 _ _ H);exact H1.
    rewrite (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_1 _ _ H0);
    rewrite (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_2 _ _ H);exact H1.
  Add Morphism Rpo.rpo_eq : rpo_eq_morph .
    intros x1 x2 H x0 x3 H0.
    split;intro H1.
    rewrite <- (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_3 _ _ H0);
    rewrite <- (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_4 _ _ H);exact H1.
    rewrite (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_3 _ _ H0);
    rewrite (Rpo.equiv_rpo_equiv_4 _ _ H);exact H1.

  Import Relations.
  Require Import terminaison.

  Lemma wf_prec_implies_wf_R : forall (R:relation M.term)
    (R_in_rpo: forall x y, R x y -> Rpo.rpo x y), well_founded Rpo.P.prec ->
    well_founded (Eqt.one_step R).
    intros R R_in_rpo H.
    intro x.
    apply Inclusion.wf_incl with Rpo.rpo.
    unfold inclusion.
    eapply one_R_in_rpo;eauto.
    apply Rpo.wf_rpo;assumption.

  Ltac prove_prec_wf :=
    let a := fresh "a" in
      (intro a;destruct a;
        repeat (constructor;inversion 1;subst)).

End rpo_facts.