Library term_algebra.equational_theory

Add LoadPath "basis".
Add LoadPath "list_extensions".

Equational theory on a term algebra

Require Import List.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import Wellfounded.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import closure.
Require Import more_list.
Require Import list_permut.
Require Import dickson.
Require Import term.

Notation " T '-[' R ']->' U " := (R U T) (at level 80) : term_scope .

Module Type EqTh, an equational theory over a term algebra.

Module Type EqTh.

  Declare Module T : term.Term.

  Import T.

Inductive defined (R : relation term) : symbol -> Prop :=
  | Def : forall f l t, R t (Term f l) -> defined R f.

Inductive constructor (R : relation term) : symbol -> Prop :=
  | Const : forall f, (forall l t, ~ (R t (Term f l))) -> constructor R f.

Inductive module (R1 R2 : relation term) : Prop :=
  | Mod : (forall f2 s t, defined R2 f2 ->
                    R1 s t -> symb_in_term_list f2 (s :: t :: nil) = false) ->
             module R1 R2.

One step at top.

Inductive axiom (R : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop :=
  | instance : forall t1 t2 sigma,
       R t1 t2 -> axiom R (apply_subst sigma t1) (apply_subst sigma t2).

One step at any position.

Inductive one_step (R : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop :=
  | at_top : forall t1 t2, axiom R t1 t2 -> one_step R t1 t2
  | in_context : forall f l1 l2,
      one_step_list R l1 l2 -> one_step R (Term f l1) (Term f l2)

with one_step_list (R : relation term) : list term -> list term -> Prop :=
  | head_step : forall t1 t2 l,
       one_step R t1 t2 -> one_step_list R (t1 :: l) (t2 :: l)
 | tail_step : forall t l1 l2,
     one_step_list R l1 l2 -> one_step_list R (t :: l1) (t :: l2).

Rewriting Theory as transitive closure of an equational step.

Definition rwr (R : relation term) t1 t2 := trans_clos (one_step R) t1 t2.

Notation " T '-[' R '+]->' U " := (rwr R T U) (at level 80) : term_scope .

Hint Constructors axiom one_step one_step_list.

Axiom one_step_list_length_eq :
  forall R l1 l2, one_step_list R l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.

Axiom R_axiom : forall (R : relation term) t1 t2, R t1 t2 -> axiom R t1 t2.

Axiom R_one_step : forall (R : relation term) t1 t2, R t1 t2 -> one_step R t1 t2.

Axiom R_rwr : forall t1 t2 (R : relation term), R t1 t2 -> rwr R t1 t2.

Generalization over lists of terms.

Fixpoint rwr_list (R : relation term) (l1 l2 : list term) {struct l1} : Prop :=
   match l1, l2 with
   | nil, nil => False
   | nil, _ :: _ => False
   | _ :: _, nil => False
   | h1::tl1, h2::tl2 => (rwr R h1 h2 /\ tl1 = tl2) \/
                                      (h1 = h2 /\ rwr_list R tl1 tl2) \/
                                      (rwr R h1 h2 /\ rwr_list R tl1 tl2)

Axiom rwr_list_length_eq : forall R l1 l2, rwr_list R l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.

Axiom one_step_list_rwr_list : forall R l1 l2, one_step_list R l1 l2 -> rwr_list R l1 l2.

Axiom rwr_list_is_trans :
  forall R l1 l2 l3, rwr_list R l1 l2 -> rwr_list R l2 l3 -> rwr_list R l1 l3.

Axiom rwr_list_trans_clos_one_step_list :
  forall R l1 l2, rwr_list R l1 l2 <-> trans_clos (one_step_list R) l1 l2.

Rewriting is a congruence.

Axiom context_cons :
  forall R f t1 t2 l, rwr R t1 t2 -> rwr R (Term f (t1 :: l)) (Term f (t2 :: l)).

Axiom one_step_context_in :
  forall R t1 t2 f l l', one_step R t1 t2 ->
   one_step R (Term f (l ++ t1 :: l')) (Term f (l ++ t2 :: l')).

Axiom context_in :
  forall R t1 t2, rwr R t1 t2 ->
  forall f l l', rwr R (Term f (l ++ t1 :: l')) (Term f (l ++ t2 :: l')).

Axiom general_context_aux :
  forall R f l1 l2 l' l'', rwr_list R l1 l2 ->
  rwr R (Term f (l' ++ l1 ++ l'')) (Term f (l' ++ l2 ++ l'')).

Axiom general_context :
  forall R f l1 l2, rwr_list R l1 l2 -> rwr R (Term f l1) (Term f l2).

Axiom one_step_in_list :
  forall R l l', one_step_list R l' l ->
  exists t, exists t', exists l1, exists l2, one_step R t' t /\ l = l1 ++ t :: l2 /\ l' = l1 ++ t' :: l2.

Compatibility with substitutions.

Axiom one_step_apply_subst :
  forall R t1 t2 sigma , one_step R t1 t2 -> one_step R (apply_subst sigma t1) (apply_subst sigma t2).

Axiom rwr_apply_subst :
  forall R t1 t2 sigma, rwr R t1 t2 -> rwr R (apply_subst sigma t1) (apply_subst sigma t2).

Inclusion of relations and associated equational theories.

Axiom rwr_inv :
  forall A R (eq : A -> A -> Prop) (f : term -> A),
  (forall a1 a2 a3, eq a1 a2 -> eq a2 a3 -> eq a1 a3) ->
  (forall t1 t2, one_step R t1 t2 -> eq (f t1) (f t2)) ->
  forall t1 t2, rwr R t1 t2 -> eq (f t1) (f t2).

Axiom R1_included_in_R2_axiom :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop) ,
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, axiom R1 t1 t2 -> axiom R2 t1 t2.

Axiom R1_included_in_R2_one_step :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop) ,
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, one_step R1 t1 t2 -> one_step R2 t1 t2.

Axiom R1_included_in_R2_rwr :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, rwr R1 t1 t2 -> rwr R2 t1 t2.

Axiom R1_included_in_R2_rwr_list :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall l1 l2, rwr_list R1 l1 l2 -> rwr_list R2 l1 l2.

Axiom rwr_R1_included_in_R2 :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, rwr R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, rwr R1 t1 t2 -> rwr R2 t1 t2.

Axiom rwr_closure_one_step :
  forall (R : term -> term -> Prop),
  forall t1 t2, one_step (rwr R) t1 t2 -> rwr R t1 t2.

Axiom rwr_closure :
  forall t1 t2 (R : term -> term -> Prop),
  rwr (rwr R) t1 t2 -> rwr R t1 t2.

Axiom split_rel :
  forall R1 R2 s t, one_step (union _ R1 R2) t s <->
  (one_step R1 t s \/ one_step R2 t s).

Axiom rwr_or_eq :
  forall R ll, (forall s t, In (s,t) ll -> s = t \/ rwr R s t) ->
            map (@fst term term) ll = map (@snd term term) ll \/
            rwr_list R (map (@fst term term) ll) (map (@snd term term) ll).

Axiom rwr_or_eq_subst :
  forall R t sigma tau, (forall x, In x (var_list t) ->
                               apply_subst sigma (Var x) = apply_subst tau (Var x) \/
                               rwr R (apply_subst sigma (Var x)) (apply_subst tau (Var x))) ->
            apply_subst sigma t = apply_subst tau t \/
            rwr R (apply_subst sigma t) (apply_subst tau t).

Axiom no_need_of_instance_is_modular :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, axiom R1 t1 t2 -> R1 t1 t2) ->
  (forall t1 t2, axiom R2 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  (forall t1 t2, axiom (union term R1 R2) t1 t2 -> (union term R1 R2) t1 t2).

Rewriting at a defined position.

Axiom one_step_at_pos :
 forall R p t sigma u v t', subterm_at_pos t p = Some (apply_subst sigma u) ->
  one_step R u v -> t' = (replace_at_pos t (apply_subst sigma v) p) -> one_step R t t'.

Axiom rwr_at_pos :
 forall R p t sigma u v t', subterm_at_pos t p = Some (apply_subst sigma u) ->
  rwr R u v -> t' = (replace_at_pos t (apply_subst sigma v) p) -> rwr R t t'.

Accessibility of the rewriting relation.

Axiom acc_one_step : forall R t, Acc (one_step R) t <-> Acc (rwr R) t.

Axiom acc_one_step_list :
 forall R l, (forall t, In t l -> Acc (one_step R) t) <-> Acc (one_step_list R) l.

Axiom acc_subterms :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
  forall f l, (forall t, In t l -> Acc (one_step R) t) -> constructor R f ->
  Acc (one_step R) (Term f l).

Axiom acc_subterms_1 :
   forall R t s, Acc (one_step R) t -> direct_subterm s t -> Acc (one_step R) s.

Axiom acc_subterms_3 :
   forall R p t s, Acc (one_step R) t -> subterm_at_pos t p = Some s ->
   Acc (one_step R) s.

Axiom acc_with_subterm_subterms :
  forall R t, Acc (union _ (one_step R) direct_subterm) t ->
                 forall s, direct_subterm s t ->
                   Acc (union _ (one_step R) direct_subterm) s.

Axiom acc_with_subterm :
  forall R t, Acc (one_step R) t <-> Acc (union _ (one_step R) direct_subterm) t.

Axiom var_acc :
   forall R l x sigma, In x (var_list_list l) ->
   (forall t, In t (map (apply_subst sigma) l) -> Acc (one_step R) t) ->
   Acc (one_step R) (apply_subst sigma (Var x)).

Axiom term_acc_subst :
  forall R t sigma, Acc (one_step R) (apply_subst sigma t) -> Acc (one_step R) t.

Axiom nf_one_step_subterm:
  forall R t, nf (one_step R) t -> forall s, direct_subterm s t -> nf (one_step R) s.

Axiom nf_rwr_subterm :
  forall R t, nf (one_step R) t -> forall p s, subterm_at_pos t p = Some s -> nf (one_step R) s.

Axiom compute_red : list (term * term) -> term -> list term.

Axiom compute_red_is_correct :
   forall rule_list : list (term * term),
   (forall l r : term, In (l, r) rule_list -> forall v : variable, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
   forall R : term -> term -> Prop,
   (forall l r : term, R r l <-> In (l, r) rule_list) ->
   forall t s : term, In s (compute_red rule_list t) <-> one_step R s t.

Axiom FB_nf_dec :
  forall R FB, (forall t s, one_step R s t <-> In s (FB t)) ->
  forall t, {nf (one_step R) t}+{~ nf (one_step R) t}.

Declare Module VT : decidable_set.S with Definition A := (variable * term)%type.

Module D := dickson.Make (VT).

Definition non_overlapping (R : relation term) :=
  forall l1 r1 l2 r2 sigma tau, R r1 l1 -> R r2 l2 ->
  forall f l p, subterm_at_pos l1 p = Some (Term f l) ->
  apply_subst sigma (Term f l) = apply_subst tau l2 -> p = nil /\ l1 = l2 /\ r1 = r2.

Definition overlay (R : relation term) :=
  forall l1 r1 l2 r2 sigma tau, R r1 l1 -> R r2 l2 ->
  forall f l p, subterm_at_pos l1 p = Some (Term f l) ->
  apply_subst sigma (Term f l) = apply_subst tau l2 -> p = nil.

Definition sym_refl R (t1 t2 : term) := R t1 t2 \/ R t2 t1 \/ t1 = t2.
Definition th_eq R := rwr (sym_refl R).

Notation " T '<-[' R '*]->' U " := (th_eq R T U) (at level 80) : term_scope .

Axiom th_refl : forall R t, th_eq R t t.

Axiom th_sym : forall R t1 t2, th_eq R t1 t2 -> th_eq R t2 t1.

End EqTh.

A functor building a Module EqTh from a term algebra.

Module Make (T1 : term.Term) <: EqTh with Module T:=T1.

Module T := T1.
Import T.

 Inductive defined (R : relation term) : symbol -> Prop :=
  | Def : forall f l t, R t (Term f l) -> defined R f.

Inductive constructor (R : relation term) : symbol -> Prop :=
  | Const : forall f, (forall l t, ~ (R t (Term f l))) -> constructor R f.

Inductive module (R1 R2 : relation term) : Prop :=
  | Mod : (forall f2 s t, defined R2 f2 ->
                    R1 s t -> symb_in_term_list f2 (s :: t :: nil) = false) ->
             module R1 R2.

One step at top.

Inductive axiom (R : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop :=
  | instance : forall t1 t2 sigma,
       R t1 t2 -> axiom R (apply_subst sigma t1) (apply_subst sigma t2).

One step at any position.

Inductive one_step (R : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop :=
  | at_top : forall t1 t2, axiom R t1 t2 -> one_step R t1 t2
  | in_context : forall f l1 l2,
      one_step_list R l1 l2 -> one_step R (Term f l1) (Term f l2)

with one_step_list (R : relation term) : list term -> list term -> Prop :=
  | head_step : forall t1 t2 l,
       one_step R t1 t2 -> one_step_list R (t1 :: l) (t2 :: l)
 | tail_step : forall t l1 l2,
     one_step_list R l1 l2 -> one_step_list R (t :: l1) (t :: l2).

Rewriting Theory as transitive closure of an equational step.

Definition rwr (R : relation term) t1 t2 := trans_clos (one_step R) t1 t2.

Notation " T '-[' R '+]->' U " := (rwr R T U) (at level 80) : term_scope .

Hint Constructors axiom one_step one_step_list.

Lemma one_step_list_length_eq :
  forall R l1 l2, one_step_list R l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
intros R l1 l2 H; induction H as [t1 t2 l H' | t k1 k2 H']; subst.
simpl; rewrite IHH'; trivial.

Lemma R_axiom : forall (R : relation term) t1 t2, R t1 t2 -> axiom R t1 t2.
intros R t1 t2 H.
replace t1 with (apply_subst nil t1); [idtac | apply empty_subst_is_id].
replace t2 with (apply_subst nil t2); [idtac | apply empty_subst_is_id].
apply instance; trivial.

Lemma R_one_step : forall (R : relation term) t1 t2, R t1 t2 -> one_step R t1 t2.
intros R t1 t2 H; apply at_top; apply R_axiom; trivial.

Lemma R_rwr :
  forall t1 t2 (R : relation term), R t1 t2 -> rwr R t1 t2.
intros t1 t2 R H; unfold rwr; apply t_step; apply R_one_step; trivial.

Generalization over lists of terms.

Fixpoint rwr_list (R : relation term) (l1 l2 : list term) {struct l1} : Prop :=
   match l1, l2 with
   | nil, nil => False
   | nil, _ :: _ => False
   | _ :: _, nil => False
   | h1::tl1, h2::tl2 => (rwr R h1 h2 /\ tl1 = tl2) \/
                                      (h1 = h2 /\ rwr_list R tl1 tl2) \/
                                      (rwr R h1 h2 /\ rwr_list R tl1 tl2)

Lemma rwr_list_length_eq :
  forall R l1 l2, rwr_list R l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
intros R l1; induction l1 as [ | t1 l1]; intros [ | t2 l2] H;
simpl in H; try contradiction; intuition.
subst; simpl; trivial.
simpl; rewrite (IHl1 l2); trivial.
simpl; rewrite (IHl1 l2); trivial.

Lemma one_step_list_rwr_list :
    forall R l1 l2, one_step_list R l1 l2 -> rwr_list R l1 l2.
intros R l1; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1]; intros l2 H;
inversion H as [t1 t2 l H' | t k1 k2 H']; subst.
left; split; trivial; unfold rwr; apply t_step; trivial.
simpl; right; left; split; trivial; apply IHl1; trivial.

Lemma rwr_list_is_trans :
  forall R l1 l2 l3, rwr_list R l1 l2 -> rwr_list R l2 l3 -> rwr_list R l1 l3.
intros R l1; induction l1 as [ | t1 l1]; intros [ | t2 l2] [ | t3 l3] H1 H2; trivial.
simpl in H1; destruct H1 as [[H1 H1'] | [[H1 H1'] | [H1 H1']]];
simpl in H2; destruct H2 as [[H2 H2'] | [[H2 H2'] | [H2 H2']]];
subst; simpl.
left; split; trivial; unfold rwr; apply trans_clos_is_trans with t2; trivial.
right; right; split; trivial.
right; right; split; trivial; unfold rwr; apply trans_clos_is_trans with t2; trivial.
right; right; split; trivial.
right; left; split; trivial; apply IHl1 with l2; trivial.
right; right; split; trivial; apply IHl1 with l2; trivial.
right; right; split; trivial; unfold rwr; apply trans_clos_is_trans with t2; trivial.
right; right; split; trivial; apply IHl1 with l2; trivial.
right; right; split.
unfold rwr; apply trans_clos_is_trans with t2; trivial.
apply IHl1 with l2; trivial.

Lemma rwr_list_trans_clos_one_step_list :
  forall R l1 l2, rwr_list R l1 l2 <-> trans_clos (one_step_list R) l1 l2.
intros R l1 l2; split; intro H.
generalize l2 H; clear l2 H; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1]; intros l2 H.
destruct l2; contradiction.
destruct l2 as [ | a2 l2].
simpl in H; destruct H as [[H H'] | [[H H'] | [H H']]]; subst.
apply (@incl_trans2 term (list term) (fun a => a :: l2) (one_step R) (one_step_list R)); trivial.
intros; apply head_step; trivial.
apply (@incl_trans2 (list term) (list term) (fun l => a2 :: l) (one_step_list R) (one_step_list R)); trivial.
intros; apply tail_step; trivial.
apply IHl1; trivial.
apply trans_clos_is_trans with (a2 :: l1).
apply (@incl_trans2 term (list term) (fun a => a :: l1) (one_step R) (one_step_list R)); trivial.
intros; apply head_step; trivial.
apply (@incl_trans2 (list term) (list term) (fun l => a2 :: l) (one_step_list R) (one_step_list R)); trivial.
intros; apply tail_step; trivial.
apply IHl1; trivial.
induction H.
apply one_step_list_rwr_list; trivial.
apply rwr_list_is_trans with y; trivial; apply one_step_list_rwr_list; trivial.

Rewriting is a congruence.

Lemma context_cons :
  forall R f t1 t2 l, rwr R t1 t2 -> rwr R (Term f (t1 :: l)) (Term f (t2 :: l)).
unfold rwr; intros R f t1 t2 l H.
induction H as [ t1 t2 H' | t1 t2 t3 H' H''].
apply t_step; apply in_context; left; trivial.
apply t_trans with (Term f (t2 :: l)); trivial; apply in_context; left; trivial.

Lemma one_step_context_in :
  forall R t1 t2 f l l', one_step R t1 t2 ->
   one_step R (Term f (l ++ t1 :: l')) (Term f (l ++ t2 :: l')).
intros R t1 t2 f l l' H; apply in_context;
induction l as [ | t l ]; simpl; [ apply head_step | apply tail_step ];

Lemma context_in :
  forall R t1 t2, rwr R t1 t2 ->
  forall f l l', rwr R (Term f (l ++ t1 :: l')) (Term f (l ++ t2 :: l')).
unfold rwr; intros R t1 t2 H;
induction H as [ t1 t2 H' | t1 t2 t3 H' H'']; subst.
intros f l l'; apply t_step; apply one_step_context_in; trivial.
intros f l l'; apply t_trans with (Term f (l ++ t2 :: l')); trivial.
apply one_step_context_in; trivial.

Lemma general_context_aux :
  forall R f l1 l2 l' l'', rwr_list R l1 l2 ->
  rwr R (Term f (l' ++ l1 ++ l'')) (Term f (l' ++ l2 ++ l'')).
unfold rwr; intros R f l1; induction l1 as [ | t1 l1]; intros [ | t2 l2] l' l'' l1_R_l2;
simpl in l1_R_l2; try contradiction.
destruct l1_R_l2 as [[t1_R_t2 l1_eq_l2] | [[t1_eq_t2 l1_R_l2] | [t1_R_t2 l1_R_l2]]].
subst; do 2 rewrite <- app_comm_cons; apply context_in; trivial.
assert (H:= IHl1 l2 (l' ++ t2 :: nil) l'' l1_R_l2).
do 2 rewrite app_ass in H; simpl in H; subst; do 2 rewrite <- app_comm_cons; trivial.
apply trans_clos_is_trans with (Term f (l' ++ (t2 :: l1) ++ l'')).
do 2 rewrite <- app_comm_cons; apply context_in; trivial.
assert (H:= IHl1 l2 (l' ++ t2 :: nil) l'' l1_R_l2).
do 2 rewrite app_ass in H; simpl in H; subst; do 2 rewrite <- app_comm_cons; trivial.

Lemma general_context :
  forall R f l1 l2, rwr_list R l1 l2 -> rwr R (Term f l1) (Term f l2).
unfold rwr; intros R f l1 l2 l1_R_l2;
assert (H:= general_context_aux R f l1 l2 nil nil l1_R_l2);
simpl in H; do 2 rewrite <- app_nil_end in H; exact H.

Lemma one_step_in_list :
  forall R l l', one_step_list R l' l ->
  exists t, exists t', exists l1, exists l2, one_step R t' t /\ l = l1 ++ t :: l2 /\ l' = l1 ++ t' :: l2.
intros R l l' H'; induction H'.
exists t2; exists t1; exists (@nil term); exists l; repeat split; trivial.
destruct IHH' as [u [u' [l3 [l4 [H1 [H2 H3]]]]]]; subst.
exists u; exists u'; exists (t :: l3); exists l4; repeat split; trivial.

Compatibility with substitutions.

Lemma one_step_apply_subst :
  forall R t1 t2 sigma , one_step R t1 t2 -> one_step R (apply_subst sigma t1) (apply_subst sigma t2).
intros R t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros x1 t2 sigma H;
inversion_clear H as [ t1' t2' H'|];
inversion_clear H' as [ t1' t2' tau H''];
do 2 (rewrite <- subst_comp_is_subst_comp); auto.
intros f1 l1 Hrec t2 sigma H;
inversion_clear H as [ t1' t2' H'| f l1' l2 H''].
inversion_clear H' as [ t1' t2' tau H''];
do 2 (rewrite <- subst_comp_is_subst_comp); auto.
simpl; apply in_context; generalize l2 H''; clear l2 H'';
induction l1 as [ | a1 l1].
intros l2 H; inversion_clear H.
intros l2' H; inversion_clear H as [ t1' a2 l H' | t' l1' l2 H'].
simpl; apply head_step; apply Hrec; trivial; left; trivial.
simpl; apply tail_step; apply IHl1; trivial; intros;
apply Hrec; trivial; right; trivial.

Lemma rwr_apply_subst :
  forall R t1 t2 sigma, rwr R t1 t2 -> rwr R (apply_subst sigma t1) (apply_subst sigma t2).
unfold rwr; intros R t1 t2 sigma H;
induction H as [ | t1 t2 t3 H1 Hrec1 H2 Hrec2].
apply t_step; apply one_step_apply_subst; trivial.
apply trans_clos_is_trans with (apply_subst sigma t2); trivial;
apply t_step; apply one_step_apply_subst; trivial.

Inclusion of relations and associated equational theories.

Lemma rwr_inv :
  forall A R (eq : A -> A -> Prop) (f : term -> A),
  (forall a1 a2 a3, eq a1 a2 -> eq a2 a3 -> eq a1 a3) ->
  (forall t1 t2, one_step R t1 t2 -> eq (f t1) (f t2)) ->
  forall t1 t2, rwr R t1 t2 -> eq (f t1) (f t2).
unfold rwr; intros A R eq f eq_trans Step_inv t1 t2 H;
induction H as [t1 t2 H' | t1 t2 t3 H' H'']; subst; auto.
apply eq_trans with (f t2); auto.

Lemma R1_included_in_R2_axiom :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop) ,
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, axiom R1 t1 t2 -> axiom R2 t1 t2.
intros R1 R2 Incl t1 t2 H; inversion H; auto.

Lemma R1_included_in_R2_one_step :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop) ,
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, one_step R1 t1 t2 -> one_step R2 t1 t2.
intros R1 R2 Incl t1; pattern t1; apply term_rec3; clear t1.
intros x1 t2 H; inversion H;
apply at_top; apply R1_included_in_R2_axiom with R1; trivial.
intros f1 l1 Hrec t2 H; inversion_clear H as [| f l1' l2 H'].
apply at_top; apply R1_included_in_R2_axiom with R1; trivial.
apply in_context; generalize l2 H'; clear l2 H';
induction l1 as [ | a1 l1 ]; intros l2 H; inversion_clear H.
apply head_step; apply Hrec; trivial; left; trivial.
apply tail_step; apply IHl1; trivial; intros; apply Hrec; trivial; right; trivial.

Lemma R1_included_in_R2_rwr :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, rwr R1 t1 t2 -> rwr R2 t1 t2.
unfold rwr; intros R1 R2 Incl t1 t2 H; induction H as [t1 t2 H' | t1 t2 t3 H' H''].
apply t_step; apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R1; trivial.
apply t_trans with t2; auto.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R1; trivial.

Lemma R1_included_in_R2_rwr_list :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall l1 l2, rwr_list R1 l1 l2 -> rwr_list R2 l1 l2.
intros R1 R2 Incl l1; induction l1 as [ | t1 l1]; intros [ | t2 l2] H.
inversion H.
inversion H.
inversion H.
simpl in H; destruct H as [[Hh H'] | [[H' Ht] | [Hh Ht]]]; subst.
left; split; trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_rwr with R1; trivial.
right; left; split; trivial; apply IHl1; trivial.
right; right; split.
apply R1_included_in_R2_rwr with R1; trivial.
apply IHl1; trivial.

Lemma rwr_R1_included_in_R2 :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, rwr R1 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  forall t1 t2, rwr R1 t1 t2 -> rwr R2 t1 t2.
unfold rwr; intros R1 R2 Incl t1 t2 H;
apply R1_included_in_R2_rwr with (rwr R1); auto.
unfold rwr; apply t_step; apply at_top;
generalize (instance (rwr R1) t1 t2 nil H);
do 2 rewrite empty_subst_is_id; trivial.

Lemma rwr_closure_one_step :
  forall (R : term -> term -> Prop),
  forall t1 t2, one_step (rwr R) t1 t2 -> rwr R t1 t2.
intros R t1; pattern t1; apply term_rec3; clear t1.
intros x1 t2 H; inversion_clear H as [ t1' t2' H' | ];
inversion_clear H'; apply rwr_apply_subst; trivial.
intros f1 l1 Hrec t2 H; inversion_clear H as [ t1' t2' H' | f' l1' l2 H'].
inversion_clear H'; apply rwr_apply_subst; trivial.
apply general_context; generalize l2 H'; clear l2 H'.
induction l1 as [ | a1 l1 ]; intros l2 H;
inversion H as [ H1 a2 H3 a1_R_a2 H5 H6 | H1 H2 l2' l1_R_l2' H5 H6]; subst.
left; split; [ apply Hrec; [left | idtac] | idtac]; trivial.
right; left; split; [idtac | apply IHl1; [ intros; apply Hrec | idtac]]; trivial.
right; trivial.

Lemma rwr_closure :
  forall t1 t2 (R : term -> term -> Prop),
  rwr (rwr R) t1 t2 -> rwr R t1 t2.
unfold rwr; intros t1 t2 R H.
induction H as [t1 t2 H' | t1 t2 t3 H' H''].
apply rwr_closure_one_step; trivial.
apply trans_clos_is_trans with t2; auto.
apply rwr_closure_one_step; trivial.

Lemma rwr_or_eq :
  forall R ll, (forall s t, In (s,t) ll -> s = t \/ rwr R s t) ->
            map (@fst term term) ll = map (@snd term term) ll \/
            rwr_list R (map (@fst term term) ll) (map (@snd term term) ll).
intros R ll; induction ll as [ | [s t] ll]; intro H.
left; trivial.
destruct (H s t (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) as [H1 | H1].
simpl; subst s; destruct IHll as [H2 | H2].
intros; apply H; right; trivial.
left; rewrite H2; trivial.
do 2 right; left; split; trivial.
simpl; destruct IHll as [H2 | H2].
intros; apply H; right; trivial.
right; left; split; trivial.
do 3 right; split; trivial.

Lemma rwr_or_eq_subst :
  forall R t sigma tau, (forall x, In x (var_list t) ->
                               apply_subst sigma (Var x) = apply_subst tau (Var x) \/
                               rwr R (apply_subst sigma (Var x)) (apply_subst tau (Var x))) ->
            apply_subst sigma t = apply_subst tau t \/
            rwr R (apply_subst sigma t) (apply_subst tau t).
intros R t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros v sigma tau H; apply H; left; trivial.
intros f l IH sigma tau H; simpl.
assert (H' : map (apply_subst sigma) l = map (apply_subst tau) l \/
            rwr_list R (map (apply_subst sigma) l) (map (apply_subst tau) l)).
rewrite var_list_unfold in H.
induction l as [ | t l].
left; trivial.
simpl; destruct (IH t (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)) sigma tau) as [H1 | H1].
intros x x_in_t; apply H; simpl; apply in_or_app; left; trivial.
destruct IHl as [H2 | H2].
intros s s_in_t sigma' tau' H'; apply IH; trivial; right; trivial.
intros x x_in_l; apply H; simpl; apply in_or_app; right; trivial.
left; rewrite H1; rewrite H2; trivial.
do 2 right; left; split; trivial.
destruct IHl as [H2 | H2].
intros s s_in_t sigma' tau' H'; apply IH; trivial; right; trivial.
intros x x_in_l; apply H; simpl; apply in_or_app; right; trivial.
right; left; rewrite H2; split; trivial.
do 3 right; split; trivial.
destruct H' as [H' | H'].
left; rewrite H'; trivial.
right; apply general_context; trivial.

Lemma split_rel :
  forall R1 R2 s t, one_step (union _ R1 R2) t s <->
  (one_step R1 t s \/ one_step R2 t s).
intros R1 R2 s; pattern s; apply term_rec2; clear s.
intro n; induction n as [ | n]; intros s Size_s.
absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (size s); trivial;
apply size_ge_one.
intros t; split; intro H.
inversion H as [s' t' H' | f' lt ls H']; subst.
inversion H' as [t' s' sigma H'']; subst.
destruct H'' as [K1 | K2].
left; apply at_top; apply instance; trivial.
right; apply at_top; apply instance; trivial.
assert (Size_ls : forall s, In s ls -> size s <= n).
intros s s_in_ls; apply le_S_n.
apply le_trans with (size (Term f' ls)); trivial.
apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.
clear H Size_s;
assert (H'' : one_step_list R1 lt ls \/
                  one_step_list R2 lt ls).
induction H' as [t' s' l H'' | s lt' ls' H'']; subst.
rewrite (IHn s' (Size_ls s' (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) t') in H''.
destruct H'' as [H1 | H2].
left; apply head_step; trivial.
right; apply head_step; trivial.
destruct IHH'' as [H1 | H2].
intros; apply Size_ls; right; trivial.
left; apply tail_step; trivial.
right; apply tail_step; trivial.
destruct H'' as [H1 | H2]; [left | right]; apply in_context; trivial.
destruct H as [H1 | H2].
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R1; trivial.
intros; left; trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R2; trivial.
intros; right; trivial.

Lemma no_need_of_instance_is_modular :
  forall (R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop),
  (forall t1 t2, axiom R1 t1 t2 -> R1 t1 t2) ->
  (forall t1 t2, axiom R2 t1 t2 -> R2 t1 t2) ->
  (forall t1 t2, axiom (union term R1 R2) t1 t2 -> (union term R1 R2) t1 t2).
intros R1 R2 H1 H2 t1 t2 H;
inversion H as [t1' t2' sigma H']; subst;
inversion H'; [left; apply H1 | right; apply H2];
apply instance; trivial.

Rewriting at a defined position.

Lemma one_step_at_pos :
 forall R p t sigma u v t', subterm_at_pos t p = Some (apply_subst sigma u) ->
  one_step R u v -> t' = (replace_at_pos t (apply_subst sigma v) p) -> one_step R t t'.
intros R p; induction p as [ | i p]; intros t sigma u v t' Sbt H H'; simpl in Sbt.
injection Sbt; intros; subst; simpl.
apply one_step_apply_subst; trivial.
destruct t as [x | f l].
subst t'; simpl; apply in_context.
generalize l Sbt; clear l Sbt; induction i as [ | i]; intros [ | s l] Sbt; simpl.
simpl in Sbt.
left; apply (IHp s sigma u v); trivial.
right; simpl in Sbt; apply (IHi _ Sbt).

Lemma rwr_at_pos :
 forall R p t sigma u v t', subterm_at_pos t p = Some (apply_subst sigma u) ->
  rwr R u v -> t' = (replace_at_pos t (apply_subst sigma v) p) -> rwr R t t'.
intros R p; induction p as [ | i p]; intros t sigma u v t' Sbt H H'; simpl in Sbt.
injection Sbt; clear Sbt; intros; subst; simpl; trivial.
apply rwr_apply_subst; trivial.
destruct t as [x | f l].
subst t'; rewrite replace_at_pos_unfold; apply general_context.
assert (H' := nth_error_ok_in i l).
destruct (nth_error l i) as [ti | ].
destruct (H' _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1 [l2 [L H'']]].
subst l i; rewrite replace_at_pos_list_replace_at_pos_in_subterm; trivial.
clear H'; induction l1 as [ | a1 l1]; simpl.
left; split; trivial; apply IHp with sigma u v; trivial.
right; left; split; trivial.

Accessibility of the rewriting relation.

Lemma acc_one_step :
  forall R t, Acc (one_step R) t <-> Acc (rwr R) t.
unfold rwr; intros R t; split; intro H.
apply Acc_incl with (trans_clos (one_step R)).
intros t1 t2; simpl; trivial.
apply acc_trans; trivial.
induction H as [t H IH].
apply Acc_intro; intros; apply IH; apply t_step; trivial.

Lemma acc_one_step_list :
 forall R l, (forall t, In t l -> Acc (one_step R) t) <-> Acc (one_step_list R) l.
assert (H : forall R t, Acc (one_step R) t ->
                      (forall l, Acc (one_step_list R) l -> Acc (one_step_list R) (t :: l))).
intros R t Acc_t; pattern t; refine (@Acc_ind _ (one_step R) _ _ t Acc_t).
clear t Acc_t; intros t Acc_t IHt l Acc_l.
pattern l; refine (@Acc_ind _ (one_step_list R) _ _ l Acc_l).
clear l Acc_l; intros l Acc_l IHl.
apply Acc_intro; intros [ | t' l'] H.
inversion H.
inversion H as [u' u l'' | u k k'' ]; subst.
apply IHt; trivial; apply Acc_intro; assumption.
apply IHl; trivial.
intros R l; split.
induction l as [ | t l].
intros _; apply Acc_intro; intros [ | t' l'] H'; inversion H'.
intros H'; apply H.
apply H'; left; trivial.
apply IHl; intros; apply H'; right; trivial.
intros Acc_l; induction Acc_l as [l Acc_l IH].
intros t t_in_l; apply Acc_intro; intros s H';
destruct (In_split _ _ t_in_l) as [l' [l'' H'']]; subst l;
apply (IH (l' ++ s :: l'')).
clear Acc_l IH t_in_l; induction l' as [ | s' l'].
simpl; apply head_step; trivial.
simpl; apply tail_step; trivial.
apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.

Lemma acc_subterms :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
  forall f l, (forall t, In t l -> Acc (one_step R) t) -> constructor R f ->
  Acc (one_step R) (Term f l).
intros R HR f l Acc_l Cf'; inversion Cf' as [f' Cf]; clear Cf'; subst f';
rewrite acc_one_step_list in Acc_l.
pattern l; refine (@Acc_ind _ (one_step_list R) _ _ l Acc_l).
clear l Acc_l; intros l Acc_l IH.
apply Acc_intro.
intros t H; inversion H as [t1 t2 H' | f' l1 l2 H']; subst.
inversion H' as [t1 t2 sigma H'' H3 H''']; subst; destruct t2 as [x2 | f2 l2].
absurd (R t1 (Var x2)); trivial; apply HR.
simpl in H'''; injection H'''; clear H'''; intros; subst;
absurd (R t1 (Term f l2)); trivial; apply Cf.
apply IH.
generalize l1 l H'.
intro k; induction k as [ | s k]; intros k' K; inversion K; subst.
apply head_step; trivial.
apply tail_step; trivial.

Lemma acc_subterms_1 :
   forall R t s, Acc (one_step R) t -> direct_subterm s t -> Acc (one_step R) s.
intros R t s Acc_t; generalize s; clear s; pattern t;
refine (@Acc_ind _ (one_step R) _ _ t Acc_t).
clear t Acc_t; intros t Acc_t IH s H; destruct t as [ x | f l]; simpl in H.
apply Acc_intro; intros u H';
destruct (In_split _ _ H) as [l1 [l2 H'']]; subst l;
apply (IH (Term f (l1 ++ u :: l2))).
apply one_step_context_in; trivial.
simpl; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.

Lemma acc_subterms_3 :
   forall R p t s, Acc (one_step R) t -> subterm_at_pos t p = Some s ->
   Acc (one_step R) s.
intros R p; induction p as [ | i p]; intros t s Acc_t H; simpl in H.
injection H; intro; subst; trivial.
destruct t as [ x | f l].
assert (H' := nth_error_ok_in i l); destruct (nth_error l i) as [ s' | ].
generalize (H' _ (refl_equal _)); clear H'; intro s'_in_l.
apply (IHp s'); trivial; apply (acc_subterms_1 R (Term f l)); trivial.
destruct s'_in_l as [l1 [l2 [_ H']]]; subst l; simpl;
apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.

Lemma acc_with_subterm_subterms :
  forall R t, Acc (union _ (one_step R) direct_subterm) t ->
                 forall s, direct_subterm s t ->
                   Acc (union _ (one_step R) direct_subterm) s.
intros R t Acc_t; induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t IH].
intros s H; apply Acc_t; right; trivial.

Lemma acc_with_subterm :
  forall R t, Acc (one_step R) t <-> Acc (union _ (one_step R) direct_subterm) t.
intros R t; split.
intro Acc_t; induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t IH].
generalize Acc_t IH; clear Acc_t IH; pattern t; apply term_rec2; clear t.
intro n; induction n as [ | n]; intros t size_t Acc_t IH.
absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (size t); trivial;
apply size_ge_one.
apply Acc_intro.
intros u H; destruct H as [H | H].
apply IH; trivial.
apply IHn.
apply le_S_n; apply le_trans with (size t); trivial.
apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.
assert (H' : Acc (one_step R) u).
apply acc_subterms_1 with t; trivial.
apply Acc_intro; apply Acc_t.
inversion H'; trivial.
intros v v_R_u.
destruct t as [ x | f l].
destruct (In_split _ _ H) as [l' [l'' H'']]; clear H; subst l.
apply (acc_with_subterm_subterms R (Term f (l' ++ v :: l''))).
apply IH; apply one_step_context_in; trivial.
simpl; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
apply Acc_incl; intros t1 t2 H; left; trivial.

Lemma var_acc :
   forall R l x sigma, In x (var_list_list l) ->
   (forall t, In t (map (apply_subst sigma) l) -> Acc (one_step R) t) ->
   Acc (one_step R) (apply_subst sigma (Var x)).
intros R l; pattern l; apply (list_rec3 size); clear l;
intro n; induction n as [ | n]; intros [ | t l] Sl x sigma H Acc_l.
simpl in H; contradiction.
simpl in Sl; absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith.
apply le_trans with (size t).
apply size_ge_one.
refine (le_trans _ _ _ _ Sl); auto with arith.
simpl in H; contradiction.
assert (Sl' : list_size size l <= n).
apply le_S_n; refine (le_trans _ _ _ _ Sl); simpl;
apply (plus_le_compat_r 1 (size t) (list_size size l)); apply size_ge_one.
destruct t as [y | g k].
simpl in H; destruct H as [y_eq_x | x_in_l].
subst y; apply Acc_l; simpl map; left; trivial.
apply (IHn l); trivial; intros; apply Acc_l; simpl map; right; trivial.
assert (Sk : list_size size k <= n).
apply le_S_n; refine (le_trans _ _ _ _ Sl); simpl; rewrite (list_size_fold size k);
apply le_n_S; apply le_plus_l.
assert (Acc_k : forall t, In t (map (apply_subst sigma) k) -> Acc (one_step R) t).
intros t H'; apply acc_subterms_1 with (Term g (map (apply_subst sigma) k)).
apply Acc_l; simpl map; left; trivial.
replace (var_list_list (Term g k :: l)) with (var_list (Term g k) ++ var_list_list l) in H; trivial.
rewrite var_list_unfold in H.
generalize (IHn _ Sk x sigma).
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [x_in_k | x_in_l].
clear H; intro H; generalize (H x_in_k); clear H; intro H; apply H.
intros t H'; apply Acc_k; trivial.

simpl in H; intros _; apply (IHn l); trivial.
intros t H'; apply Acc_l; right; trivial.

Fixpoint compute_head_red s rule_list {struct rule_list} : list term :=
  match rule_list with
  | nil => nil
  | (l,r) :: rule_list =>
           match matching ((l,s) :: nil) with
           | Some sigma => (apply_subst sigma r) :: compute_head_red s rule_list
           | None => compute_head_red s rule_list

Lemma compute_head_red_is_correct :
  forall rule_list, (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  forall R, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
  forall t s, (In s (compute_head_red t rule_list) <-> axiom R s t).
intros rule_list; induction rule_list as [ | [l r] rule_list];
intros Reg R Equiv t s; split; intro H.
inversion H; subst.
rewrite Equiv in H0; contradiction.
simpl in H.
case_eq (matching ((l,t) :: nil)).
intros sigma mlt_eq_sigma.
destruct (matching_correct mlt_eq_sigma) as [C1 [C2 C3]].
assert (H' := C3 _ _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))).
rewrite mlt_eq_sigma in H.
destruct H as [H | H].
subst; apply instance.
rewrite Equiv; left; trivial.
set (R' := fun r l => In (l,r) rule_list).
apply R1_included_in_R2_axiom with R'; trivial.
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; rewrite Equiv; intro; right; trivial.
rewrite <- IHrule_list; trivial.
intros l1 r1 l1r1_in_rule_list; apply Reg; right; trivial.
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; intuition.
intro mlt_eq_none; rewrite mlt_eq_none in H.
set (R' := fun r l => In (l,r) rule_list).
apply R1_included_in_R2_axiom with R'; trivial.
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; rewrite Equiv; intro; right; trivial.
rewrite <- IHrule_list; trivial.
intros l1 r1 l1r1_in_rule_list; apply Reg; right; trivial.
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; intuition.

inversion H; subst.
rewrite Equiv in H0.
destruct H0 as [H0 | H0].
injection H0; clear H0; intros; subst t1 t2.
assert (C := @matching_correct ((l, apply_subst sigma l) :: nil)).
assert (C' := matching_complete ((l, apply_subst sigma l) :: nil) sigma).
destruct (matching ((l, apply_subst sigma l) :: nil)) as [tau | ].
generalize (C _ (refl_equal _)); clear C; intros [C1 [C2 C3]].
assert (H' : forall v, In v (var_list r) -> apply_subst tau (Var v) = apply_subst sigma (Var v)).
intros v v_in_r;
assert (v_in_l : In v (var_list l)).
apply Reg with r; trivial; left; trivial.
apply C' with l (apply_subst sigma l); trivial.
intros p s [ps_eq_llsigma | ps_in_nil]; [idtac | contradiction].
injection ps_eq_llsigma; intros; subst; trivial.
left; trivial.
generalize r H'; clear H'; intro t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros v IH; apply IH; left; trivial.
intros f k IHl IH.
simpl; apply (f_equal (fun ll => Term f ll)).
apply map_eq; intros a a_in_k; apply IHl; trivial.
destruct (In_split _ _ a_in_k) as [k1 [k2 K]]; subst.
intros v v_in_a; apply IH.
apply (@var_in_subterm v a (Term f (k1 ++ a :: k2)) (length k1 :: nil)); trivial.
simpl; rewrite nth_error_at_pos; trivial.
assert False.
apply C'.
intros p s [ps_eq_llsigma | ps_in_nil]; [idtac | contradiction].
injection ps_eq_llsigma; intros; subst; trivial.
assert (H' : forall l r : term,
               In (l, r) rule_list ->
               forall v : variable, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)).
intros l1 r1 lr_in_rule_list; apply Reg; right; trivial.
destruct (matching ((l, apply_subst sigma t2) :: nil)) as [tau | ]; [right | idtac].
set (R' := fun r l => In (l,r) rule_list).
rewrite (IHrule_list H' R'); trivial.
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; split; trivial.
apply instance; unfold R'; trivial.
set (R' := fun r l => In (l,r) rule_list).
rewrite (IHrule_list H' R'); trivial.
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; split; trivial.
apply instance; unfold R'; trivial.

Definition o_size t1 t2 := size t1 < size t2.

Lemma wf_size : well_founded o_size.
unfold well_founded, o_size.
intros t; apply Acc_intro.
generalize (size t); clear t.
intro n; induction n as [ | n].
intros y Abs; absurd (size y < 0); auto with arith.
intros y Sy; inversion Sy; subst.
apply Acc_intro; intros x Sx; apply IHn; trivial.
apply IHn; trivial.

Lemma term_acc_subst :
  forall R t sigma, Acc (one_step R) (apply_subst sigma t) -> Acc (one_step R) t.
assert (H : forall R s, Acc (one_step R) s ->
                 forall t sigma, s = (apply_subst sigma t) -> Acc (one_step R) t).
intros R s Acc_s; induction Acc_s as [s Acc_s IH']; intros t sigma H.
subst s.
assert (IH : forall u tau, one_step R (apply_subst tau u) (apply_subst sigma t) ->
                Acc (one_step R) u).
intros u tau H; apply (IH' _ H u tau); trivial.
clear IH'.
apply Acc_intro.
intros u u_R_t; apply IH with sigma.
apply one_step_apply_subst; trivial.
intros R t sigma H'; apply H with (apply_subst sigma t) sigma; trivial.

Lemma nf_one_step_subterm:
  forall R t, nf (one_step R) t -> forall s, direct_subterm s t -> nf (one_step R) s.
intros R t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros v _ s H; contradiction.
simpl; intros f l IH Hnf s s_in_l u H.
destruct (In_split _ _ s_in_l) as [l' [l'' H']]; subst.
apply (Hnf (Term f (l' ++ u :: l''))).
apply in_context; clear IH Hnf s_in_l; induction l' as [ | s' l']; simpl.
apply head_step; trivial.
apply tail_step; apply IHl'.

Lemma nf_rwr_subterm :
  forall R t, nf (one_step R) t -> forall p s, subterm_at_pos t p = Some s -> nf (one_step R) s.
intros R t nf_t p; generalize t nf_t; clear t nf_t; induction p as [ | i p]; intros t nf_t s Sub.
injection Sub; clear Sub; intros; subst; trivial.
simpl in Sub; destruct t as [v | f l].
generalize (nth_error_ok_in i l); destruct (nth_error l i) as [ti | ].
intro H; destruct (H _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1 [l2 [L H']]]; clear H; subst.
apply (IHp ti); trivial.
apply nf_one_step_subterm with (Term f (l1 ++ ti :: l2)); trivial.
simpl; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.

Section Compute_Red.
Variable rule_list : list (term * term).

Definition of a step of compute_red.

Definition F_compute_red:
   forall t (crec : forall s, o_size s t -> list term), list term.
intros t crec; destruct t as [v | f l].
exact (compute_head_red (Var v) rule_list).
assert (crec_l : forall t (t_in_l : In t l), list term).
intros t t_in_l; exact (crec t (size_direct_subterm t (Term f l) t_in_l)).
exact ((compute_head_red (Term f l) rule_list) ++
           (map (fun k => Term f k) (mapii_dep (Dep_fun l crec_l)))).

Definition of compute_red.

Definition compute_red : term -> list term :=
Fix wf_size (fun t => list term) F_compute_red.

A more practical equivalent definition of compute_red.

Lemma compute_red_unfold :
  forall t : term, compute_red t = @F_compute_red t (fun y _ => compute_red y).
intros t; unfold compute_red.
refine (Fix_eq _ _ _ _ t).
clear t; intros t F G H.
unfold F_compute_red; destruct t as [ v | f l ]; simpl; auto.
apply (f_equal (fun kk => compute_head_red (Term f l) rule_list ++
                                          (map (fun k => Term f k) kk))).
apply mapii_dep_eq.
intros t t_in_l; apply H.

Lemma compute_red_is_correct :
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  forall R, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
  forall t s, (In s (compute_red t) <-> one_step R s t).
intros Reg R Equiv t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros v s; split; intro H.
rewrite compute_red_unfold in H; simpl in H.
apply at_top;
rewrite <- (compute_head_red_is_correct rule_list Reg R Equiv);
inversion H; subst.
rewrite compute_red_unfold; simpl.
rewrite (compute_head_red_is_correct rule_list Reg R Equiv);
intros f l IHl; split; intro H.
rewrite compute_red_unfold in H; simpl in H.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H1 | H2]; clear H.
apply at_top;
rewrite <- (compute_head_red_is_correct rule_list Reg R Equiv);
rewrite in_map_iff in H2.
destruct H2 as [k [H2 H3]].
subst s; apply in_context.
generalize IHl k H3; clear IHl k H3; induction l as [ | a l]; intros IHll k H3;
rewrite mapii_dep_unfold in H3; simpl in H3; trivial.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H3) as [H4 | H5]; clear H3.
rewrite in_map_iff in H4.
destruct H4 as [b [H4 H5]]; subst.
apply head_step.
rewrite <- (IHll a); trivial.
left; trivial.
rewrite in_map_iff in H5.
destruct H5 as [l' [H5 H6]]; subst.
apply tail_step.
apply IHl; trivial.
intros t t_in_l; apply IHll; right; trivial.

inversion H; clear H; subst.
rewrite compute_red_unfold; simpl.
apply in_or_app; left;
rewrite (compute_head_red_is_correct rule_list Reg R Equiv);
rewrite compute_red_unfold; simpl.
apply in_or_app; right.
rewrite in_map_iff; exists l1; split; trivial.
generalize IHl; clear IHl; induction H2; intros IHl.
rewrite mapii_dep_unfold; simpl.
apply in_or_app; left.
rewrite in_map_iff; exists t1; split; trivial.
rewrite (IHl _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)) t1); trivial.
rewrite mapii_dep_unfold; simpl.
apply in_or_app; right.
rewrite in_map_iff.
exists l1; split; trivial.
apply IHone_step_list; trivial.
intros u u_in_l2; apply IHl; right; trivial.

End Compute_Red.

Lemma FB_nf_dec :
  forall R FB, (forall t s, one_step R s t <-> In s (FB t)) ->
  forall t, {nf (one_step R) t}+{~ nf (one_step R) t}.
intros R FB red_dec t.
case_eq (FB t).
intro FBt ; left; unfold nf; intros s; rewrite (red_dec t s); rewrite FBt; contradiction.
intros s l FBt; right; unfold nf; intro nf_t.
apply (nf_t s); rewrite (red_dec t s); rewrite FBt; left; trivial.

Module VT : decidable_set.S with Definition A := (variable * term)%type.

Definition A := (variable * term)%type.
Definition eq_A := (@eq A).
Lemma eq_dec : forall a1 a2 : A, {eq_A a1 a2} + {~eq_A a1 a2}.
unfold eq_A; intros [v1 t1] [v2 t2].
destruct (eq_variable_dec v1 v2) as [v1_eq_v2 | v1_diff_v2].
destruct (eq_term_dec t1 t2) as [t1_eq_t2 | t1_diff_t2].
left; subst; apply refl_equal.
right; intro H; apply t1_diff_t2; injection H; intros; subst; trivial.
right; intro H; apply v1_diff_v2; injection H; intros; subst; trivial.
Lemma eq_proof : equivalence A eq_A.
unfold eq_A; constructor.
intros t1 t2 t3 H1 H2; subst; trivial.
intros t1 t2 H1; subst; trivial.

End VT.

Module D := dickson.Make (VT).

Definition rwr_subst R sigma' sigma :=
   trans_clos (D.multiset_extension_step (fun yval' xval => rwr R (snd yval') (snd xval))) sigma' sigma.

Lemma acc_rwr_subst :
  forall R sigma, (forall x val, In (x,val) sigma -> Acc (one_step R) val) <-> Acc (rwr_subst R) sigma.
intros R sigma; split.
intro Acc_sigma; unfold rwr_subst.
apply Acc_incl with (trans_clos (D.multiset_extension_step (fun yval' xval => rwr R (snd yval') (snd xval)))).
intros t1 t2; trivial.
apply acc_trans; apply D.dickson_strong.
intros [x val] H.
apply Acc_incl with (trans_clos (fun (yval' : variable * term) xval => one_step R (snd yval') (snd xval))).
intros [x1 t1] [x2 t2]; unfold rwr; simpl; intro H'; induction H'.
apply t_step; trivial.
apply t_trans with (x1,y); trivial.
apply acc_trans.
assert (Acc_val := Acc_sigma _ _ H).
generalize x; clear x Acc_sigma H; induction Acc_val as [val Acc_val IH].
intro x; apply Acc_intro; intros [y val'] H'; apply IH; trivial.

intros Acc_sigma; induction Acc_sigma as [sigma Acc_sigma IH].
intros y val yval_in_sigma; apply Acc_intro; intros val' H.
destruct (In_split _ _ yval_in_sigma) as [sigma1 [sigma2 H']]; subst.
apply (IH (sigma1 ++ (y,val') :: sigma2)) with y.
unfold rwr_subst; apply t_step.
refine (@D.rmv_case _ (sigma1 ++ (y, val') :: sigma2) (sigma1 ++ (y, val) :: sigma2)
                      (sigma1 ++ sigma2) ((y,val') :: nil) (y,val) _ _ _).
unfold D.LP.mem, D.LP.EDS.eq_A, rwr.
intros b [H' | H']; [subst; simpl; apply t_step; trivial | contradiction].
simpl; apply D.LP.permut_sym; rewrite <- D.LP.permut_cons_inside; auto.
unfold D.LP.EDS.eq_A; trivial.
simpl; apply D.LP.permut_sym; rewrite <- D.LP.permut_cons_inside; auto.
unfold D.LP.EDS.eq_A, D.LP.EDS.eq_A; trivial.
apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.

Lemma acc_nf_subst :
   forall R FB, (forall t s, In s (FB t) <-> one_step R s t) ->
   forall sigma, (forall x val, find eq_variable_dec x sigma = Some val -> Acc (one_step R) val) ->
   {sigma' : substitution | (forall x val', In (x,val') sigma' <-> find eq_variable_dec x sigma' = Some val') /\
                                       (forall x val, find eq_variable_dec x sigma = Some val ->
                                               exists val', (In (x,val') sigma' /\ nf (one_step R) val' /\
                                                (val' = val \/ trans_clos (one_step R) val' val))) /\
                                         (forall x val', In (x,val') sigma' -> nf (one_step R) val') /\
                                         (forall x val', In (x,val') sigma' -> find eq_variable_dec x sigma <> None)}.
intros R FB red_dec sigma Acc_sigma.
destruct (remove_garbage_subst sigma) as [tau [H1 [H H']]].
assert (H'' : {sigma' : substitution |
                                       (forall x val', In (x,val') sigma' <-> find eq_variable_dec x sigma' = Some val') /\
                                       (forall x val, find eq_variable_dec x tau = Some val ->
                                               exists val', (In (x,val') sigma' /\ nf (one_step R) val' /\
                                                (val' = val \/ trans_clos (one_step R) val' val))) /\
                                         (forall x val', In (x,val') sigma' -> nf (one_step R) val') /\
                                         (forall x val', In (x,val') sigma' -> find eq_variable_dec x tau <> None)}).
assert (Acc_tau : forall (x : variable) (val : term), In (x,val) tau -> Acc (one_step R) val).
intros x val H''; apply (Acc_sigma x val); rewrite H1; apply H; trivial.

clear sigma Acc_sigma H1; induction tau as [ | [x val] tau].
exists (nil : substitution); repeat split; simpl.
intros; discriminate.

destruct IHtau as [sigma' [H1 [H2 [H3 K3]]]].
intros y valy H4; destruct (In_split _ _ H4) as [tau1 [tau2 H5]]; subst tau.
rewrite <- (H y valy).
simpl; destruct (eq_variable_dec y x) as [y_eq_x | y_diff_x]; [absurd (y = x) | idtac]; trivial.
subst y; apply (H' x x val valy nil tau1 tau2); trivial.
right; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
intros y z valy valz tau1 tau2 tau3 H1;
apply (H' y z valy valz ((x,val) :: tau1) tau2 tau3); subst; trivial.
intros y valy H''; apply Acc_tau with y; right; trivial.
destruct (acc_nf FB red_dec (Acc_tau x val (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)))) as [val' [H4 H5]].
exists ((x,val') :: sigma'); split.
intros y valy; split; intro H6.
simpl in H6; destruct H6 as [H6 | H6].
injection H6; clear H6; intros; subst; simpl.
destruct (eq_variable_dec y y) as [_ | y_diff_y]; [idtac | absurd (y = y)]; trivial.
assert (H7 := K3 _ _ H6).
assert (H8 := find_mem eq_variable_dec y tau).
destruct (find eq_variable_dec y tau) as [valy' | ]; [idtac | absurd (@None term = None); trivial].
destruct (H8 _ (refl_equal _)) as [tau1 [tau2 H9]]; subst; clear H7 H8.
simpl; destruct (eq_variable_dec y x) as [y_eq_x | _].
subst y; absurd (x = x); trivial; apply (H' x x val valy' nil tau1 tau2); trivial.
rewrite <- H1; trivial.
destruct (find_mem eq_variable_dec _ _ H6) as [l1 [l2 H7]]; rewrite H7.
apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
repeat split.
intros y valy; simpl.
destruct (eq_variable_dec y x) as [y_eq_x | y_diff_x]; intro H6.
injection H6; clear H6; intros; subst y valy; exists val'; repeat split; trivial; left; trivial.
destruct (H2 _ _ H6) as [valy' [K1 [K2 K4]]].
exists valy'; repeat split; trivial; right; trivial.
simpl; intros y valy [H6 | H6].
injection H6; clear H6; intros; subst y valy; trivial.
apply H3 with y; trivial.
intros y valy; simpl.
destruct (eq_variable_dec y x) as [y_eq_x | y_diff_x]; intro H6.
apply K3 with valy; trivial.
destruct H6 as [H6 | H6]; trivial.
injection H6; intros; subst y; absurd (x = x); trivial.

destruct H'' as [sigma' [H2 [H3 [H4 H5]]]].
exists sigma'; split; [idtac | repeat split]; trivial.
intros x val H''; rewrite H1 in H''; apply H3; trivial.
intros x val H''; rewrite H1; apply H5 with val; trivial.

Definition non_overlapping (R : relation term) :=
  forall l1 r1 l2 r2 sigma tau, R r1 l1 -> R r2 l2 ->
  forall f l p, subterm_at_pos l1 p = Some (Term f l) ->
  apply_subst sigma (Term f l) = apply_subst tau l2 -> p = nil /\ l1 = l2 /\ r1 = r2.

Definition overlay (R : relation term) :=
  forall l1 r1 l2 r2 sigma tau, R r1 l1 -> R r2 l2 ->
  forall f l p, subterm_at_pos l1 p = Some (Term f l) ->
  apply_subst sigma (Term f l) = apply_subst tau l2 -> p = nil.

Definition sym_refl R (t1 t2 : term) := R t1 t2 \/ R t2 t1 \/ t1 = t2.
Definition th_eq R := rwr (sym_refl R).

Notation " T '<-[' R '*]->' U " := (th_eq R T U) (at level 80) : term_scope .

Lemma th_refl : forall R t, th_eq R t t.
unfold th_eq, sym_refl, rwr.
intros R t; apply t_step; apply at_top; rewrite <- (empty_subst_is_id t);
apply instance; right; right; trivial.

Lemma th_sym : forall R t1 t2, th_eq R t1 t2 -> th_eq R t2 t1.
intro R.
intros t1 t2 H; refine (rwr_inv term (sym_refl R)
(fun u1 u2 => th_eq R u2 u1) (fun t => t) _ _ _ _ _); trivial.
unfold th_eq, rwr; intros; apply trans_clos_is_trans with a2; trivial.
unfold th_eq, rwr; clear t1 t2 H; intros t1 t2 H; apply t_step.
assert (axiom_sym :
forall t1 t2, axiom (sym_refl R) t1 t2 -> axiom (sym_refl R) t2 t1).
clear t1 t2 H; intros t1 t2 H; inversion_clear H as [u1 u2 sigma H'].
destruct H' as [H' | [H' | H']].
apply instance; right; left; trivial.
apply instance; left; trivial.
apply instance; right; right; subst; trivial.
generalize t2 H; clear t2 H; pattern t1; apply term_rec3; clear t1.
intros v1 t2 H; inversion_clear H as [ H1 H2 H' | f l1 l2 H' ].
apply at_top; apply axiom_sym; trivial.
intros f l1 IH t2 H; inversion_clear H as [H1 H2 H' | H1 H2 l2 H'].
apply at_top; apply axiom_sym; trivial.
apply in_context; generalize l2 H'; clear f t2 l2 H';
induction l1 as [ | t1 l1].
intros l2 H'; inversion H'.
intros [ | t2 l2] H';
inversion_clear H' as [ H1 H2 H'' | f l1' l2' H'' ].
apply head_step; apply IH; trivial; left; trivial.
apply tail_step; apply IHl1; trivial; intros; apply IH; trivial; right; trivial.

End Make.