Release of source and binaries

Cross-platform release: [30.1MB] (source & binaries)
Installation: Download the zip file and extract it to the folder of your preference. Execute oMusink.jar to run the application.

MacOS X release: omusink-v0.2.dmg [48MB] (binaries)
Installation: Download the dmg file and mount it. Copy its content to the folder of your preference. Double-click on to run the application.

The code of oMusink is distributed under the MIT license. It requires Java 1.6 or higher.

Enable writing on dot paper

oMusink can read pen data in the form of XML files (see an example). You can specify an external folder with XML pen data files in the content of config.txt. oMusink copies the pen data form this directory to the pendata directory, which is under its installation folder.

Depending on the pen technology that you use, you can build your own applications to read data from a pen and create the XML files. In the past, we have used the PaperToolkit project to read data from NOKIA SU-1B digital pens. As the project is not currently maintained, we provide an older version of the project (distributed under the BSD license) here: (79.6MB)

The original project's site provides documentation about how to install and use the toolkit.

Unfortunately, PaperToolkit can be only used under Windows XP (or Vista). However, it can work with a Mac OS X installation of oMusink and OpenMusic if a virtual machine software has been installed (e.g., WMware Fusion or Parallels). Complete instructions on how to install a NOKIA digital pen and use it with oMusink through PaperToolkit can be found in README.txt.

We expect that in the following months, we will be able to connect oMusink with Livescribe pens.