Guillaume Charpiat's Projects in Images

Image statistics

Images are zoomed when clicked.

Aim : to build statistics of a set of images, i.e., to compute a mean image + modes of variation, which represent the variability of the set
Method : based on deformations between images
Difficulties : morphing an image to another one automatically, defining and computing the mean image, and expressing statistics
Application : a dataset of faces + expression recognition task

Face database (from Yale):
face database face database face database face database face database face database face database face database face database face database

face database face database face database face database face database face database face database face database face database face database
Warped faces (automatically, non-rigidly re-aligned).

Brute mean face
(= average of the first row)
[naive way to proceed]
brute mean face
Mean face
(= average of the second row)
[our method]
mean face

Modes of pure spatial deformation:
pure spatial deformation modes
Each column stands for one mode; each column consists of one mode applied with different amplitudes (2 A, A, 0, - A, -2 A) to the mean face, where A is the standard deviation associated to this mode. The first and last lines, with amplitudes +-2A, are exaggerations in order to better visualize the variations.

Modes of pure intensity variation:
pure intensity variation modes

We then removed the 8th subject because of his glasses.
Modes of mixed spatial/intensity variations (click on them to see the corresponding animation, or click here for the zoomed global image):
modes modes modes modes modes modes modes modes

We also performed a facial expression recognition task (by computing automatically a deformation from each subject's face in "normal" state towards his face with the expression to be recognized, and by classifying these deformations):
facial expression recognition
(When nothing is written, the expression has been recognized successfully; whereas a written word on a face indicates the wrong expression assignment)

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