Breaking boundaries between language and database runtimes

Virtual machine

A virtual machine with BOLDR already installed and ready to use is available here.

Installing BOLDR

Base of the framework

To install the framework, use the BOLDR initialization script. Use ./ --help for the list of commands and options.

For example, to install the framework with QSL and R, use ./ or ./ install_all.

Installation for Eclipse

Once the base installation is complete, the command ./ eclipse allows the use of BOLDR on Eclipse. You can then import the projects generated by the script with File -> Import -> Existing Projects from Workspace.

Installation of languages in databases

PL/Java for PostgreSQL

Use the framework


You can send queries to databases supported by QIR.

To allow access to databases, modify:

These configuration files are used to access the corresponding databases.

The tests accessing databases assume some specific data is present. The scripts postgresinit.sql and otherinit.sql must be used to initialize the PostgreSQL databases named postgres and other respectively. The script hiveinit.sql must be used to initialize the Hive database. The script must be used to initialize a HBase database. Note: Do not forget to replace julien in these scripts by the same database username as the one in the configuration files.


On terminal

Launch the command mx sl.

On Eclipse

To run a test in a file, launch the SLMain class in the package with the name of the test file as argument. To launch the test suite, launch the SLSimpleTestSuite class in the package.


On terminal

Launch the command mx R.

On Eclipse

To run a test in a file, launch the RscriptCommand class in the package with the name of the test file as argument. To launch the test suite, launch the RTestSuite class in the package.