Advisors: Louis Mandel and Marc Pouzet
PhD defended on January 6th, 2010
To summarize
High performance video
applications need intensive processing and safety (real-time
display). In the signal-processing domain, specific hardware is
traditionally used (ASIC), but because of the cost of hardware,
and the increasing complexity of video applications, we want to
introduce software in those systems.
Our goal is to design a programming language and a compiler well-adapted to this kind of applications. Our approach is to extend the synchronous model, taking advantage of its guaranties, and relaxing it to propose a more flexible composition of dataflows.
Our support language is Lucid Synchrone.
Key-words: Synchronous languages, compilation, clock synthesis, Kahn networks, multimedia processing
Publications :
[1] |
Louis Mandel and Florence Plateau.
Typage des horloges périodiques en Lucy-n.
In Vingt deuxièmes Journées Francophones des Langages
Applicatifs (JFLA 11), La Bresse, France, January 2011. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[2] |
Louis Mandel, Florence Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
Lucy-n: a n-Synchronous Extension of Lustre.
In Tenth International Conference on Mathematics of Program
Construction (MPC 10), Québec, Canada, June 2010. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[3] |
Louis Mandel, Florence Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
Clock Typing of n-Synchronous Programs.
In Designing Correct Circuits (DCC 10), Paphos, Cyprus, March
2010. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[4] |
Louis Mandel, Florence Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
Lucy-n : une extension n-synchrone de Lustre.
In Deuxièmes Journées nationales du GDR Génie de la
Programmation et du Logiciel, Pau, France, March 2010. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[5] |
Louis Mandel, Florence Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
Lucy-n : une extension n-synchrone de Lustre.
In Vingt et unièmes Journées Francophones des Langages
Applicatifs (JFLA 10), Vieux-Port La Ciotat, France, January 2010. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[6] |
Florence Plateau.
Modèle n-synchrone pour la programmation de réseaux de
Kahn à mémoire bornée.
PhD thesis, Université Paris-Sud 11, January 2010. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[7] |
Albert Cohen, Louis Mandel, Florence Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
Relaxing Synchronous Composition with Clock Abstraction.
In Hardware Design using Functional Languages (HFL 09), York,
UK, March 2009. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[8] |
Louis Mandel and Florence Plateau.
Abstraction d'horloges dans les systèmes synchrones flot de
In Vingtièmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs
(JFLA 09), Saint-Quentin sur Isère, France, February 2009. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[9] |
Albert Cohen, Louis Mandel, Florence Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
Abstraction of Clocks in Synchronous Data-flow Systems.
In The Sixth ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and
Systems (APLAS 08), Bangalore, India, December 2008. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[10] |
Louis Mandel and Florence Plateau.
Interactive Programming of Reactive Systems.
In Proceedings of Model-driven High-level Programming of
Embedded Systems (SLA++P 08), Budapest, Hungary, April 2008. [ bib | more details | .pdf ] |
[11] |
Albert Cohen, Marc Duranton, Christine Eisenbeis, Claire Pagetti, Florence
Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
N-Synchronous Kahn Networks: a Relaxed Model of Synchrony for
Real-Time Systems.
In ACM International Conference on Principles of Programming
Languages (POPL 06), Charleston, South Carolina, USA, January 2006. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[12] |
Albert Cohen, Marc Duranton, Christine Eisenbeis, Claire Pagetti, Florence
Plateau, and Marc Pouzet.
Synchronizing Periodic Clocks.
In ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT
05), Jersey city, New Jersey, USA, September 2005. [ bib | .pdf.gz ] |
[13] |
A. Cohen, M. Duranton, C. Eisenbeis, C. Pagetti, F. Plateau, and M. Pouzet.
Synchronizing Periodic Clocks in Kahn Networks.
Technical Report 5603, INRIA, June 2005. [ bib | http ] |
I teached for one year at Orsay Université and for four years at IUT d’Orsay
Lucid Synchrone
Mail : pro ( at ) florenceplateau ( dot ) fr
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