Library ibw_def

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Import Bool.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import misc.

Coercion Local Z_of_nat : nat >-> Z.

Definition ibw := nat -> bool.

Fixpoint ones (w:ibw) (i:nat) { struct i } :=
  match i with
  | 0 => 0
  | S i' =>
    let w_i := if w i then 1 else 0 in
     w_i + ones w i'

Definition ibw_of_ones (ones_w: nat -> nat): ibw :=
  fun i =>
    match i with
    | O => false
    | S i' => negb (beq_nat (ones_w i) (ones_w i'))

Definition on (w1:ibw) (w2:ibw) : ibw :=
  (fun i =>
    match w1 i with
    | true => w2 (ones w1 i)
    | false => false

Definition not (w:ibw) : ibw :=
  (fun n =>
    match n with
    | 0 => false
    | _ => negb (w n)

Definition prec (w1 w2: ibw) : Prop :=
  forall i,
  ones w1 i >= ones w2 i.

Definition ones_supremum (w1 w2: ibw) : nat -> nat :=
  fun i => Arith.Min.min (ones w1 i) (ones w2 i).

Definition ones_infimum (w1 w2: ibw) : nat -> nat :=
  fun i => Arith.Max.max (ones w1 i) (ones w2 i).

Definition supremum (w1 w2: ibw) : ibw :=
  ibw_of_ones (ones_supremum w1 w2).

Definition infimum (w1 w2: ibw) : ibw :=
  ibw_of_ones (ones_infimum w1 w2).

Definition sync (w1 w2: ibw) : Prop :=
  exists b1: Z,
  exists b2: Z,
  forall i, (b1 <= ones w2 i - ones w1 i <= b2)%Z.

Definition subtyping (w1 w2: ibw) : Prop :=
  prec w1 w2 /\ sync w1 w2.

Definition size (w1 w2: ibw) (s: nat) :=
  forall i,
    (ones w1 i) - (ones w2 i) <= s
    exists i, (ones w1 i) - (ones w2 i) = s.