- Publications HAL (with PDFs) - Google Scholar - DBLP
- CVs Short bio - A brief history - 3-pages (Sept. 2023) - 1-page (Sept. 2023)
- Current responsibilities
- Current European Projects
- 2022-2025 Adra-e, Scientific coordinator: an ICT49 Coordinated Support Action for the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership.
- 2020-2024 TRUST-AI, Transparent, Reliable and Unbiased Smart Tool for Artificial Intelligence: H2020 RIA, coordinated by Gonçalo Figueira, INESC, Portugal
- 2020-2023 TAILOR - Trustworthy AI - Integrating Learning, Optimization and Reasoning: ICT48 Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres, coordinated by Fredrik Heintz, Linköping U., Sweden
- Miscelaneous Member of the Villani mission that delivered the so-called "Villani report" on the French Strategy for AI on March 29., 2018
- More (older) details
Un-related work