Library Systems

System.v: Formalisation of Kahn networks

Set Implicit Arguments.

Require Export Cpo_streams_type.

Definition of nodes

Definition of a multiple node :
  • index for inputs with associated types
  • index for outputs with associated types
  • continuous function on corresponding streams

Definition DS_fam (I:Type)(SI:I -> Type) (i:I) := DS (SI i).

Definition DS_prod (I:Type)(SI:I -> Type) := Dprodi (DS_fam SI).

  • A node is a continuous function from inpits to outputs

Definition node_fun (I O : Type) (SI : I -> Type) (SO : O -> Type) :cpo
              := DS_prod SI -C-> DS_prod SO.

  • node with a single output

Definition snode_fun (I : Type) (SI : I -> Type) (SO : Type) : cpo := DS_prod SI -C-> DS SO.

Definition of a system

  • Each link is either an input link or is associated to the output of a simple node, each input of that node is associated to a link with the apropriate type

Definition inlSL (LI LO:Type) (SL:(LI+LO)->Type) (i:LI) := SL (inl LO i).
Definition inrSL (LI LO:Type) (SL:(LI+LO)->Type) (o:LO) := SL (inr LI o).

A system associates a continuous functions to a set of typed output links

Definition system (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)
    := Dprodi (fun (o:LO) => DS_prod SL -C-> DS (inrSL SL o)).

Semantics of a system

Each system defines a new node with inputs for the inputs of the system

Definition of the equations

Equations are a continuous functional on links

Definition eqn_of_system : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type),
     system SL -> DS_prod (inlSL SL) -> DS_prod SL -m> DS_prod SL.
intros LI LO SL s init.
exists (fun X : DS_prod SL => fun l : LI+LO =>
                       match l return (DS (SL l)) with
                            inl i => init i
                          | inr o => s o X
red;intros X Y Hle; intro l.
case l; auto.

Lemma eqn_of_system_simpl : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)(s:system SL)
               (init : DS_prod (inlSL SL)) (X:DS_prod SL),
               eqn_of_system s init X =
                 fun l : LI+LO =>
                 match l return (DS (SL l)) with
                     inl i => init i
                   | inr o => s o X

Lemma eqn_of_system_cont : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)(s:system SL)
               (init : DS_prod (inlSL SL)), continuous (eqn_of_system s init).
intros; apply Dprodi_continuous with (Di:= fun i => DS (SL i)); intro.
red; intros.
rewrite fmon_comp_simpl.
rewrite (Proj_simpl (O:=DS_fam SL)).
rewrite (eqn_of_system_simpl (SL:=SL)).
case i; intros; auto.
apply (le_lub (c:=DS (SL (inl LO l)))) with
    (f:=(Proj (DS_fam SL) (inl LO l) @ eqn_of_system s init) @ h)
rewrite (fcont_continuous (s l)).
apply lub_le_compat; intro n; simpl.
apply DSle_refl.
Hint Resolve eqn_of_system_cont.

Definition EQN_of_system : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type),
               system SL -> DS_prod (inlSL SL) -> DS_prod SL -c> DS_prod SL.
intros LI LO SL s init; exists (eqn_of_system s init); auto.

Lemma EQN_of_system_simpl : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)(s:system SL)
               (init : DS_prod (inlSL SL)) (X:DS_prod SL),
               EQN_of_system s init X = eqn_of_system s init X.

Properties of the equations

The equations are monotonic with respect to the inputs and the system

Lemma EQN_of_system_mon : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)
            (s1 s2 : system SL) (init1 init2 : DS_prod (inlSL SL)),
            s1 <= s2 -> init1 <= init2 -> EQN_of_system s1 init1 <= EQN_of_system s2 init2.
intros; apply fcont_le_intro; intro X.
repeat (rewrite (EQN_of_system_simpl)); repeat (rewrite (eqn_of_system_simpl)).
intro l; case l; auto.
intros; apply (H l0 X).

Definition Eqn_of_system : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type),
               (system SL) -m> DS_prod (inlSL SL) -M-> DS_prod SL -C-> DS_prod SL.
intros; exact (le_compat2_mon (EQN_of_system_mon (SL:=SL))).

Lemma Eqn_of_system_simpl : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)(s:system SL)
               (init:DS_prod (inlSL SL)), Eqn_of_system SL s init = EQN_of_system s init.

The equations are continuous with respect to the inputs

Lemma Eqn_of_system_cont : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type),
            continuous2 (Eqn_of_system SL).
red; intros.
rewrite (Eqn_of_system_simpl (SL:=SL)).
apply (fcont_le_intro (D1:=DS_prod SL) (D2:=DS_prod SL)); intro X.
rewrite EQN_of_system_simpl; rewrite eqn_of_system_simpl; intro l.
case_eq l; intros.
rewrite fcont_lub_simpl.
unfold DS_prod; repeat (rewrite Dprodi_lub_simpl).
apply lub_le_compat; intro n; auto.
unfold system; rewrite Dprodi_lub_simpl.
repeat rewrite fcont_lub_simpl.
unfold DS_prod; rewrite Dprodi_lub_simpl.
apply lub_le_compat.
intro n; simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve Eqn_of_system_cont.

Lemma Eqn_of_system_cont2 : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)(s:system SL),
            continuous (Eqn_of_system SL s).
red; intros; apply continuous2_right; auto.

Lemma Eqn_of_system_cont1 : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type),
            continuous (Eqn_of_system SL).

Definition EQN_of_SYSTEM (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)
       : system SL -c> DS_prod (inlSL SL) -C-> DS_prod SL -C-> DS_prod SL
       := continuous2_cont (Eqn_of_system_cont (SL:=SL)).

Solution of the equations

The solution is defined as the smallest fixpoint of the equations it is a monotonic function of the inputs

Definition sol_of_system (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)
    : system SL -c> DS_prod (inlSL SL) -C-> DS_prod SL := FIXP (DS_prod SL) @@_ EQN_of_SYSTEM SL.

Lemma sol_of_system_simpl :
    forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type) (s:system SL) (init:DS_prod (inlSL SL)),
    sol_of_system SL s init = FIXP (DS_prod SL) (EQN_of_system s init).

Lemma sol_of_system_eq : forall (LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type) (s:system SL) (init:DS_prod (inlSL SL)),
    sol_of_system SL s init == eqn_of_system s init (sol_of_system SL s init).
intros; rewrite sol_of_system_simpl.
apply (fixp_eq (D:=DS_prod SL) (f:=eqn_of_system s init)); auto.

New node from the system

We can choose an arbitrary set of outputs
Definition node_of_system (O:Type)(LI LO:Type) (SL:LI+LO->Type)(indO : O -> LO) :
          system SL -C-> node_fun (fun i : LI => SL (inl LO i)) (fun o : O => SL (inr LI (indO o)))
:= DLIFTi (DS_fam SL) (fun o => inr LI (indO o)) @@_ (sol_of_system SL).

Global Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (24 entries)
Lemma Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (10 entries)
Definition Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (13 entries)
Library Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (1 entry)

Global Index


DS_fam [definition, in Systems]
DS_prod [definition, in Systems]


EQN_of_SYSTEM [definition, in Systems]
eqn_of_system [definition, in Systems]
EQN_of_system [definition, in Systems]
Eqn_of_system [definition, in Systems]
eqn_of_system_cont [lemma, in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_cont [lemma, in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_cont1 [lemma, in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_cont2 [lemma, in Systems]
EQN_of_system_mon [lemma, in Systems]
EQN_of_system_simpl [lemma, in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_simpl [lemma, in Systems]
eqn_of_system_simpl [lemma, in Systems]


inlSL [definition, in Systems]
inrSL [definition, in Systems]


node_fun [definition, in Systems]
node_of_system [definition, in Systems]


snode_fun [definition, in Systems]
sol_of_system [definition, in Systems]
sol_of_system_eq [lemma, in Systems]
sol_of_system_simpl [lemma, in Systems]
system [definition, in Systems]
Systems [library]

Lemma Index


eqn_of_system_cont [in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_cont [in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_cont1 [in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_cont2 [in Systems]
EQN_of_system_mon [in Systems]
EQN_of_system_simpl [in Systems]
Eqn_of_system_simpl [in Systems]
eqn_of_system_simpl [in Systems]


sol_of_system_eq [in Systems]
sol_of_system_simpl [in Systems]

Definition Index


DS_fam [in Systems]
DS_prod [in Systems]


EQN_of_SYSTEM [in Systems]
eqn_of_system [in Systems]
EQN_of_system [in Systems]
Eqn_of_system [in Systems]


inlSL [in Systems]
inrSL [in Systems]


node_fun [in Systems]
node_of_system [in Systems]


snode_fun [in Systems]
sol_of_system [in Systems]
system [in Systems]

Library Index



Global Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (24 entries)
Lemma Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (10 entries)
Definition Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (13 entries)
Library Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ (1 entry)

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