
DigiCosme - SPRING SCHOOL 2017

5G & Internet of Things

Campus of the CNRS

The LABEX DIGICOSME is organizing a spring school on 5G and Internet of Things, for graduate students from institues throughout France, Europe and Beyond.

The objective of the school is to provide the students with the opportunity (i) to learn from distinguished lecturers by attending tutorials, (ii) to present their own work to obtain feedback and to start up collaborations, (iii) to hear about industrial applications, and (iv) to participate in a stimulating forum of scientists.

The topics presented during the spring school are 5G, distributed storage, free space optical communications, future access network, and smart cities. Tutorial lectures will be given by distinguished speakers. Dedicated sessions for poster presentation, company visit and entrepreneurship presentations are programmed.

Organizing committee: Ghaya Rekaya-Ben Othman (Telecom ParisTech) and Steven Martin (University of Paris-Sud).