Library term_orderings.dp

Add LoadPath "basis".
Add LoadPath "list_extensions".
Add LoadPath "term_algebra".

Termination of rewriting

Require Import List.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import Wellfounded.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Recdef.
Require Import Coq.subtac.Utils.
Require Import closure.
Require Import more_list.
Require Import term.
Require Import equational_theory.

Module Type Termin, for termination of rewriting systems.

Module MakeDP (E : EqTh).

  Import E.
  Import T.

Inductive dp (R : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop:=
  | Dp : forall t1 t2 p f2 l2 sigma, R t2 t1 ->
        (forall i p, subterm_at_pos t1 (i :: p) <> Some (Term f2 l2)) ->
                subterm_at_pos t2 p = Some (Term f2 l2) -> defined R f2 ->
                dp R (apply_subst sigma (Term f2 l2)) (apply_subst sigma t1).

Inductive rdp_step (R1 R2 : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop :=
   | Dp_simple_step : forall t1 t2, dp R1 t2 t1 -> rdp_step R1 R2 t2 t1
   | Dp_gen_step : forall f l1 l2 t3, rwr_list R2 l2 l1 -> dp R1 t3 (Term f l2) ->
                              rdp_step R1 R2 t3 (Term f l1).

Definition dp_step R := rdp_step R R.

Definition subterm_at_pos_dec :
  forall t s,
    {p : list nat | subterm_at_pos t p = Some s}+
    {~exists p, subterm_at_pos t p = Some s}.
  intros t s.
  case (subterm_at_pos_dec t s).
  intro H;left;exact H.

  intro not_Sub.
  right;intro abs.
  case abs. intros p H.
  apply (not_Sub _ H).

Lemma dp_criterion_aux :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
  (forall s t, R s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t)) ->
  (forall f, {constructor R f} + {defined R f}) ->
  forall t, Acc (dp_step R) t -> (forall s, direct_subterm s t -> Acc (one_step R) s) ->
              Acc (one_step R) t.
intros R HR RR CD.
assert (Acc_var : forall x, Acc (one_step R) (Var x)).
intro x; apply Acc_intro;
intros s H; inversion H as [t1 t2 H' | f' l1 l2 H']; subst.
inversion H' as [t1 t2 sigma H'' H3 H''']; subst; destruct t2 as [x2 | f2 l2].
absurd (R t1 (Var x2)); trivial; apply HR.
simpl in H'''; discriminate.
intros t Acc_t; induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t IH].
intros Acc_l; destruct t as [x | f l].
apply Acc_var.
simpl direct_subterm in Acc_l;
setoid_rewrite acc_one_step_list in Acc_l; generalize IH; clear IH.
induction Acc_l as [l Acc_l IHl]; intros IH'.
assert (Acc_l' : forall t, In t l -> Acc (one_step R) t).
setoid_rewrite acc_one_step_list; apply Acc_intro; exact Acc_l.
apply Acc_intro;
intros s H; destruct s as [x1 | f1 l1].
apply Acc_var.
inversion H as [t1 t2 H' | f' l1' l2 H']; clear H; subst.
inversion H' as [t1 t2 sigma t1_R_t2 H1 H2]; clear H'.
destruct t2 as [x | g k].
absurd (R t1 (Var x)); trivial; apply HR.
simpl in H2; injection H2; clear H2; intros; subst g l.
assert (H'' : forall n t, size (apply_subst sigma t) <= n ->
                      (exists p, subterm_at_pos t1 p = Some t) ->
                      Acc (one_step R) (apply_subst sigma t)).
intro n; induction n as [ | n].
intros t St; absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith;
apply le_trans with (size (apply_subst sigma t)); trivial; apply size_ge_one.
intros [x | g h] St [p H''].

apply E.var_acc with k; trivial.
assert (H : In x (var_list (Term f k))).
apply RR with t1; trivial.
apply var_in_subterm with (Var x) p; trivial.
simpl; left; trivial.
rewrite var_list_unfold in H; trivial.
assert (Acc_h : forall t, In t h -> Acc (one_step R) (apply_subst sigma t)).
intros t t_in_h; destruct (In_split _ _ t_in_h) as [h' [h'' K]]; subst h.
apply IHn.
apply le_S_n; refine (le_trans _ _ _ _ St); apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.
simpl; rewrite map_app; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
exists (p ++ (length h' :: nil)).
generalize t1 H''; clear t1 H'' H1 t1_R_t2 IHn; induction p as [ | i p].
intros t1 H''; simpl in H''; injection H''; intros; subst; simpl.
rewrite nth_error_at_pos; trivial.
intros t1 H''; simpl; simpl in H''; destruct t1 as [ | g1 k1].
destruct (nth_error k1 i) as [ti | ].
apply IHp; trivial.
destruct (CD g) as [Cg | Dg].
simpl; apply acc_subterms; trivial.
intros t t_in_map_h; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in t_in_map_h.
destruct t_in_map_h as [t' [H''' t'_in_h]]; subst; apply Acc_h; trivial.

destruct (subterm_at_pos_dec (Term f k) (Term g h)) as [[q Sub] | not_Sub].
destruct q as [ | i q].
apply IH'.
unfold dp_step; apply Dp_simple_step.
replace (Term f (map (apply_subst sigma) k)) with
(apply_subst sigma (Term f k)); trivial.
apply Dp with t1 p; trivial.
intros i q; simpl in Sub; injection Sub; clear Sub; intros; subst g h.
intro H; absurd (size (Term f k) < size (Term f k)).
auto with arith.
generalize (size_subterm_at_pos (Term f k) i q).
rewrite H; trivial.
simpl; intros t t_in_map_h; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in t_in_map_h.
destruct t_in_map_h as [t' [H''' t'_in_h]]; subst; apply Acc_h; trivial.
simpl in Sub.
generalize (nth_error_ok_in i k); destruct (nth_error k i) as [ti | ].
intro H; destruct (H _ (refl_equal _)) as [k1 [k2 [L H']]].
apply acc_subterms_3 with q (apply_subst sigma ti).
apply Acc_l'.
rewrite in_map_iff; exists ti; split; trivial.
subst; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
generalize (subterm_at_pos_apply_subst_apply_subst_subterm_at_pos ti q sigma).
rewrite Sub; trivial.
apply IH'.
unfold dp_step; apply Dp_simple_step.
replace (Term f (map (apply_subst sigma) k)) with
(apply_subst sigma (Term f k)); trivial.
apply Dp with t1 p; trivial.
intros i q H; apply not_Sub.
exists (i :: q); trivial.
intros s s_in_h; simpl in s_in_h.
rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_h.
destruct s_in_h as [u [H2 u_in_h]]; subst.
apply Acc_h; trivial.
apply (H'' (size (Term f1 l1))).
rewrite H1; apply le_n.
exists (@nil nat); simpl; trivial.
apply IHl; trivial.
intros t H; apply Acc_t.
inversion H; subst.
unfold dp_step; apply Dp_gen_step with l1; trivial; apply one_step_list_rwr_list; trivial.
unfold dp_step; apply Dp_gen_step with l2; trivial; apply rwr_list_is_trans with l1; trivial.
apply one_step_list_rwr_list; trivial.

intros s H'' H'''; apply IH'; trivial.
inversion H''; subst.
apply (Dp_gen_step R R f l l1 s); trivial.
apply one_step_list_rwr_list; trivial.
apply (Dp_gen_step R R f l l2 s); trivial.
apply rwr_list_is_trans with l1; trivial; apply one_step_list_rwr_list; trivial.

Lemma dp_criterion :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
  (forall s t, R s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t)) ->
  (forall f, {constructor R f} + {defined R f}) ->
   well_founded (dp_step R) -> well_founded (one_step R).
intros R HR RR CD Wf t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intro x; apply Acc_intro;
intros s H; inversion H as [t1 t2 H' | f' l1 l2 H']; subst.
inversion H' as [t1 t2 sigma H'' H3 H''']; subst; destruct t2 as [x2 | f2 l2].
absurd (R t1 (Var x2)); trivial; apply HR.
simpl in H'''; discriminate.
intros; apply dp_criterion_aux; trivial.

Lemma acc_one_step_acc_dp :
 forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
    forall t, Acc (one_step R) t -> Acc (dp_step R) t.
intros R HR t Acc_t.
rewrite acc_with_subterm in Acc_t.
assert (H : forall s t, dp R s t ->
trans_clos (union term (one_step R) direct_subterm) s t).
clear t Acc_t; intros s t H'.
inversion H' as [t1 t2 p f l sigma H'' _ H3 Df]; clear H'; subst.
assert (H : (apply_subst sigma (Term f l)) = (apply_subst sigma t2) \/
                  trans_clos direct_subterm
                           (apply_subst sigma (Term f l)) (apply_subst sigma t2)).
generalize (Term f l) t2 H3; clear l t2 H3 H''.
induction p as [ | i p]; intros t t2 H.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intro H; subst; left; trivial.
simpl in H; destruct t2 as [v2 | f2 l2].
assert (H' := nth_error_ok_in i l2);
destruct (nth_error l2 i) as [ti | ].
destruct (H' _ (refl_equal _)) as [l' [l'' [L H'']]]; subst l2.
destruct (IHp t ti H) as [H1 | H2].
right; apply t_step; simpl; rewrite map_app;
apply in_or_app; right; left; rewrite H1; trivial.
right; apply trans_clos_is_trans with (apply_subst sigma ti); trivial.
apply t_step; simpl; rewrite map_app; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
destruct H as [H1 | H2].
rewrite H1; apply t_step; left; apply at_top; apply instance; trivial.
apply trans_clos_is_trans with (apply_subst sigma t2).
apply incl_trans with direct_subterm; trivial.
intros s t H; right; trivial.
apply t_step; left; apply at_top; apply instance; trivial.

apply Acc_incl with (trans_clos (union term (one_step R) direct_subterm)).
clear t Acc_t; intros s t H'; inversion H' as [t1 t2 H'' | f' l1 l2 H'']; clear H'; subst.
apply H; trivial.
apply trans_clos_is_trans with (Term f' l2).
apply H; trivial.
apply incl_trans with (one_step R).
intros s' t' H'; left; trivial.
apply general_context; trivial.
apply acc_trans; trivial.

Lemma dp_necessary :
 forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
    well_founded (one_step R) -> well_founded (dp_step R).
intros R HR Wf.
intro t; apply acc_one_step_acc_dp; trivial.

Fixpoint defined_subterms (def_symbols:list symbol) (lhs : term) (acc: list term) (t:term) {struct t} :=
  match t with
    | Var _ => acc
    | Term f l =>
      let acc' :=
        if (@In_dec _ F.Symb.eq_dec f def_symbols)
               if eq_term_dec lhs t
               then t :: acc
                  if subterm_at_pos_dec lhs t
                  then acc
                  else t :: acc
           else acc
            fold_left (defined_subterms def_symbols lhs) l acc'

Lemma defined_subterms_accumulates :
  forall def_symbols lhs x acc y, In y acc -> In y (defined_subterms def_symbols lhs acc x).
intros def_symbols lhs x; induction x using term_rec3;
intros acc y y_in_acc; simpl; trivial.
apply fold_left_in_acc.
intros acc0 x y0 H1 H2; apply H;auto with *.
destruct (In_dec F.Symb.eq_dec f def_symbols) as [f_in_def | f_not_in_def].
destruct (eq_term_dec lhs (Term f l)) as [lhs_eq_fl | lhs_diff_fl].
right; assumption.
destruct (subterm_at_pos_dec lhs (Term f l)) as [Sub | not_Sub].
right; assumption.

Lemma defined_subterms_complete:
  forall def_symbols lhs,
    forall r p f l acc,
      subterm_at_pos r p = Some (Term f l) ->
      In f def_symbols ->
      (~exists i, exists p, subterm_at_pos lhs (i :: p) = Some (Term f l)) ->
      In (Term f l) (defined_subterms def_symbols lhs acc r).
  intros def_symbols lhs r.
  induction r using term_rec3.
  intros p f l acc H f_in_def Sub; destruct p; simpl in H; discriminate.
  intros [ | i p] g k acc H' g_in_def Sub.
  simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros; subst g k; simpl.
  apply fold_left_in_acc.
  intros; apply defined_subterms_accumulates; auto.
  destruct (In_dec eq_symbol_dec f def_symbols) as [_ | f_not_in_def].
  destruct (eq_term_dec lhs (Term f l)) as [lhs_eq_fl | lhs_diff_fl].
  left; trivial.
  destruct (subterm_at_pos_dec lhs (Term f l)) as [Sub' | _].
  assert False.
  apply Sub.
  destruct Sub' as [[ | i p] Sub'].
  simpl in Sub'; absurd (lhs = Term f l); trivial; injection Sub'; intros; trivial.
  exists i; exists p; trivial.
  left; trivial.
  absurd (In f def_symbols); trivial.
  generalize (more_list.nth_error_ok_in i l).
  simpl in H'; destruct (nth_error l i) as [ti | ].
  intro h; destruct (h _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1 [l2 [h1 h2]]]; clear h; subst.
  simpl; rewrite fold_left_app; simpl.
  apply fold_left_in_acc.
  intros; apply defined_subterms_accumulates; auto.
  apply H with p; auto with *.

Definition defined_list (l : list (term*term)) :=
  fold_left (fun (acc : list symbol) (rule : (term*term)) =>
    (let (lhs,_) := rule in
      match lhs with
        | Var _ => nil
        | Term f _ => (f :: nil)
      end) ++ acc)
  l (@nil symbol).

Lemma defined_list_complete :
  forall R rule_list, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
    forall f, defined R f -> In f (defined_list rule_list).
unfold defined_list.
intros R rule_list; revert R;
induction rule_list as [ | [l r] rule_list]; intros R Equiv f Df; simpl;
inversion Df as [f' l' t H]; subst.
rewrite Equiv in H; contradiction.

set (R' := fun r l => In (l,r) rule_list).
assert (Equiv' : forall l r : term, R' r l <-> In (l, r) rule_list).
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; split; trivial.
rewrite fold_left_in_acc_split; left.
destruct l as [v | g l''].
rewrite Equiv in H.
destruct H as [H | H]; [discriminate | idtac].
apply IHrule_list with (R:=R'); trivial.
rewrite <- Equiv' in H.
apply (Def R' f l' t H).
replace (g :: nil) with (nil ++ g :: nil) by reflexivity.
rewrite fold_left_in_acc_split.
rewrite Equiv in H.
destruct H as [H | H]; [injection H; clear H; intros; subst | idtac].
right; left; trivial.
left; apply IHrule_list with R'; trivial.
rewrite <- Equiv' in H.
apply (Def R' f l' t H).

Lemma defined_list_sound :
  forall R rule_list, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
    forall f,
    (In f (defined_list rule_list)) -> defined R f .
intros R rule_list; revert R;
induction rule_list as [ | [l r] rule_list]; intros R Equiv f f_in_def; simpl in f_in_def.
set (R' := fun r l => In (l,r) rule_list).
assert (Equiv' : forall l r : term, R' r l <-> In (l, r) rule_list).
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; split; trivial.
unfold defined_list in *; simpl in f_in_def.
replace ((match l with
         | Var _ => nil (A:=symbol)
         | Term f0 _ => f0 :: nil
         end ++ nil)) with
        (nil ++ (match l with
         | Var _ => nil (A:=symbol)
         | Term f0 _ => f0 :: nil
         end ++ nil)) in f_in_def by reflexivity.
rewrite fold_left_in_acc_split in f_in_def.
destruct f_in_def as [f_in_def | f_in_def].
assert (Df : defined R' f).
apply IHrule_list; auto.
inversion Df as [f' l' t H]; subst.
apply (Def R f l' t).
rewrite Equiv' in H; rewrite Equiv; right; trivial.
destruct l as [v | g l'].
simpl in f_in_def; destruct f_in_def as [f_eq_g | f_in_nil]; [idtac | contradiction].
subst g;
apply (Def R f l' r).
rewrite Equiv; left; trivial.

Lemma defined_dec :
   forall R rule_list, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
   forall f, {defined R f} + { ~ defined R f}.
  intros R rule_list Equiv f.
  case (In_dec F.Symb.eq_dec f (defined_list rule_list)).
  intro; left; apply (defined_list_sound _ _ Equiv f); assumption.
  intro h; right; intro abs; elim h.
 apply defined_list_complete with R; assumption.

Lemma constructor_defined_dec : forall R rule_list, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
   forall f, {constructor R f} + {defined R f}.
  intros R rule_list H f.
  destruct (defined_dec R rule_list H f).
  intros;intro abs;apply n.
  apply (Def R f l t abs).

Definition dp_rule (def_symbols:list symbol) (lhs rhs:term) :=
  map (fun r => (lhs,r)) (defined_subterms def_symbols lhs (@nil term) rhs).

Definition dp_list (def_symbols:list symbol) rule_list :=
  fold_left (fun acc (rule : term*term) => (let (lhs,rhs) := rule in (dp_rule def_symbols lhs rhs))++acc)
  rule_list (@nil (term*term)).

Lemma dp_list_complete :
   forall R rule_list, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
     forall x y, dp R x y ->
     exists x', exists y', exists sigma,
     x = apply_subst sigma x' /\
     y = apply_subst sigma y' /\
     In (y',x') (dp_list (defined_list rule_list) rule_list).
intros R rule_list Equiv s t H.
inversion H as [t1 t2 p f2 l2 sigma H' _Sub Sub Df]; subst; clear H.
rewrite Equiv in H'.
assert (Df' := defined_list_complete _ _ Equiv f2 Df).
assert (Sub' : forall acc, In (Term f2 l2) (defined_subterms (defined_list rule_list) t1 acc t2)).
intro acc; apply (defined_subterms_complete (defined_list rule_list) t1 t2 p f2 l2 acc Sub Df').
intros [i [q H]].
apply (_Sub i q H).
generalize (defined_list rule_list) Df' Sub'; clear Df Df' Sub Sub'.
intros def_symbs Df Sub.
exists (Term f2 l2); exists t1; exists sigma; split; [trivial | split; trivial].
clear Equiv p sigma; revert t1 t2 f2 l2 H' Sub _Sub Df.
induction rule_list as [ | [l r] rule_list];
intros t1 t2 f2 l2 H Sub _Sub Df.
simpl in H; destruct H as [H | H].
injection H; clear H; intros; subst t1 t2.
unfold dp_list; simpl.
replace (dp_rule def_symbs l r ++ nil) with (nil ++ (dp_rule def_symbs l r ++ nil)) by reflexivity.
rewrite fold_left_in_acc_split.
right; rewrite <- app_nil_end.
unfold dp_rule.
rewrite in_map_iff.
exists (Term f2 l2); split; trivial.

unfold dp_list; simpl.
replace (dp_rule def_symbs l r ++ nil) with (nil ++ (dp_rule def_symbs l r ++ nil)) by reflexivity.
rewrite fold_left_in_acc_split.
apply IHrule_list with t2; trivial.

Lemma dp_criterion_lift :
  forall R rule_list, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
   well_founded (dp_step R) -> well_founded (one_step R).
intros R rule_list Equiv R_var R_reg Wf;
apply dp_criterion; trivial.
intros x t H; rewrite Equiv in H.
apply (R_var (Var x) t H x); trivial.
intros s t H; rewrite Equiv in H.
apply (R_reg t s H).
apply constructor_defined_dec with rule_list; trivial.

Definition Interp_dom R1 R2 t :=
  forall p f l, subterm_at_pos t p = Some (Term f l) -> defined R2 f ->
                   Acc (one_step (union _ R1 R2)) (Term f l).

Lemma interp_well_defined_1 :
  forall R1 R2 f1 l, Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f1 l) ->
  forall t, In t l -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros R1 R2 f1 l H t t_in_l p f2 k H' Df2.
destruct (In_split _ _ t_in_l) as [l' [l'' H'']]; subst l.
apply (H ((length l') :: p)); trivial.
simpl; rewrite nth_error_at_pos.

Lemma interp_dom_subterm :
  forall R1 R2 s t p, Interp_dom R1 R2 s -> subterm_at_pos s p = Some t -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros R1 R2 s t p Is Sub q g l Sub' Dg.
apply Is with (p ++ q); trivial.
apply subterm_in_subterm with t; trivial.

Lemma interp_well_defined_2 :
  forall R1 R2 f2 l, Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f2 l) -> defined R2 f2 ->
  forall (t : term), one_step (union _ R1 R2) t (Term f2 l) -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros R1 R2 f2 l H Df2 t t_R_f2l p.
assert (Acc_f2l : Acc (one_step (union _ R1 R2)) (Term f2 l)).
apply H with (@nil nat); simpl; trivial.
assert (Acc_t : Acc (one_step (union _ R1 R2)) t).
inversion Acc_f2l as [IH]; apply IH; trivial.
clear t_R_f2l Acc_f2l H Df2.
generalize t Acc_t; clear t Acc_t;
induction p as [ | i p]; intros t Acc_t g2 k H' Dg2.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intro; subst t; trivial.
destruct t as [ | g ll].
simpl in H'.
generalize (nth_error_ok_in i ll); destruct (nth_error ll i) as [ti | ].
intro H; destruct (H ti (refl_equal _)) as [ll1 [ll2 [L H'']]]; subst ll; clear H.
assert (Acc_ti : Acc (one_step (union _ R1 R2)) ti).
apply (acc_subterms_1 _ _ ti Acc_t); simpl; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
apply IHp with ti; trivial.

Inductive interp_call R1 R2 : term -> term -> Prop :=
  | Constr : forall f1 l t, ~defined R2 f1 -> In t l -> interp_call R1 R2 t (Term f1 l)
  | Defd : forall f2 l t, defined R2 f2 ->
            one_step (union _ R1 R2) t (Term f2 l) ->
            interp_call R1 R2 t (Term f2 l).

Lemma interp_well_defined_3 :
  forall R1 R2 t, Acc (one_step (union _ R1 R2)) t ->
  Acc (interp_call R1 R2) t.
intros R1 R2 t Acc_t; setoid_rewrite acc_with_subterm in Acc_t.
induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t' IH].
apply Acc_intro.
intros s Call_s_t; inversion Call_s_t as [f1 l s' not_def_f2 s_in_l | f2 l s' def_f2 s_R_fl]; subst.
apply IH; right; trivial.
apply IH; left; trivial.

Lemma interp_well_defined :
  forall R1 R2 t, Interp_dom R1 R2 t -> Acc (interp_call R1 R2) t.
intros R1 R2 t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros v H; apply Acc_intro; intros s Call_s_t; inversion Call_s_t.
intros f l IHl H; apply Acc_intro.
intros s Call_s_t;
inversion Call_s_t as [f1 l' s' not_def_f s_in_l | f2 l' s' def_f s_R_fl]; subst.
apply IHl; trivial.
apply interp_well_defined_1 with f l; trivial.
assert (Acc_t : Acc (interp_call R1 R2) (Term f l)).
apply interp_well_defined_3.
apply H with (@nil nat); trivial.
inversion Acc_t as [H'].
apply H'; trivial.

Lemma interp_dom_subst :
  forall R1 R2 t, (forall f, symb_in_term f t = true -> ~defined R2 f) ->
  forall sigma, Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma t) ->
  forall v, In v (var_list t) -> Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma (Var v)).
intros R1 R2 t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros x Ct sigma tsigma v v_in_x.
simpl in v_in_x; destruct v_in_x as [v_eq_x | v_in_nil].
subst v; simpl in tsigma; trivial.
intros f l; induction l as [ | t l]; intros IH Ct sigma Itsigma v v_in_l.
simpl in v_in_l; contradiction.
rewrite var_list_unfold in v_in_l; simpl in v_in_l.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ v_in_l) as [v_in_t | v_in_l'].
apply IH with t; trivial.
left; trivial.
intros g Sg; apply Ct.
rewrite symb_in_term_unfold.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec g f); trivial.
replace (t :: l) with ((t :: nil) ++ l); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app.
simpl; rewrite Sg; trivial.
simpl in Itsigma; apply (interp_well_defined_1 R1 R2 _ _ Itsigma); left; trivial.
apply IHl.
intros s s_in_l Cs tau H x; apply IH; trivial; right; trivial.
intros g H; apply (Ct g).
rewrite symb_in_term_unfold.
rewrite symb_in_term_unfold in H.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec g f); trivial.
replace (t :: l) with ((t :: nil) ++ l); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app.
simpl; rewrite H; destruct (symb_in_term g t); simpl; trivial.
assert (Cf : ~defined R2 f).
apply Ct; rewrite symb_in_term_unfold.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f); trivial.
absurd (f=f); trivial.
simpl in Itsigma.
unfold Interp_dom in Itsigma; unfold Interp_dom.
intros p g k Hp.
destruct p as [ | i p]; simpl in Hp.
injection Hp; intros _ H; subst g; simpl; intro; absurd (defined R2 f); trivial.
apply (Itsigma (S i :: p) g); simpl; trivial.
rewrite var_list_unfold; trivial.

Lemma interp_dom_R1_R2 :
  forall R1 R2, module R1 R2 ->
  (forall f, {defined R2 f}+{~defined R2 f}) ->
  (forall s t, R1 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t)) ->
  (forall v t, ~ R2 t (Var v)) ->
  forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s ->
  one_step (union _ R1 R2) t s -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros R1 R2 module_R1_R2 def_dec R1_reg R2_var; inversion module_R1_R2 as [M].
intros s; pattern s; apply term_rec2; clear s.
intro n; induction n as [ | n]; intros s Size_s t Hs t_R_s.
absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (size s); trivial;
apply size_ge_one.
inversion t_R_s as [ t1 s1 t1_R_s1 | f lt ls lt_R_ls]; subst.
inversion t1_R_s1 as [r l sigma r_R_l]; subst.
clear t1_R_s1 t_R_s.
destruct r_R_l as [r_R1_l | r_R2_l].

assert (Cl : forall f, symb_in_term f l = true -> ~defined R2 f).
intros f f_in_l Df; generalize (M f r l Df r_R1_l).
replace (r :: l :: nil) with ((r :: nil) ++ (l :: nil)); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app.
simpl; rewrite f_in_l.
destruct (symb_in_term f r); simpl; discriminate.
assert (Cr : forall f, symb_in_term f r = true -> ~defined R2 f).
intros f f_in_r Df; generalize (M f r l Df r_R1_l).
replace (r :: l :: nil) with ((r :: nil) ++ (l :: nil)); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app.
simpl; rewrite f_in_r; simpl; discriminate.
assert (reg := R1_reg _ _ r_R1_l).
generalize r reg Cr; clear reg Size_s r Cr r_R1_l.
intro r; pattern r; apply term_rec3; clear r.
intros v reg _.
apply interp_dom_subst with l; trivial.
apply reg; left; trivial.
intros f lr IH reg Cr.
intros [ | i p] g k H Dg.
absurd (defined R2 g); trivial.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros _ H; subst g; simpl.
apply (Cr f); rewrite symb_in_term_unfold.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; trivial.
absurd (f=f); trivial.
simpl in H.
assert (H' := nth_error_map (apply_subst sigma) lr i).
destruct (nth_error (map (apply_subst sigma) lr) i) as [ti | ].
assert (H'' := nth_error_ok_in i lr).
destruct (nth_error lr i) as [ri | ].
destruct (H'' _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1 [l2 [L1 H''']]].
assert (ri_in_lr : In ri lr).
subst lr; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
assert (reg' : forall x : variable, In x (var_list ri) -> In x (var_list l)).
intros x x_in_ri; apply (reg x).
apply (@var_in_subterm x ri (Term f lr) (i :: nil)); trivial.
subst i lr; simpl; rewrite nth_error_at_pos; trivial.
assert (Cri : forall f, symb_in_term f ri = true -> ~ defined R2 f).
intros h h_in_ri; apply (Cr h).
apply symb_in_direct_subterm with ri; trivial.
apply (IH _ ri_in_lr reg' Cri p); trivial; subst ti; trivial.

destruct l as [v | f l].
absurd (R2 r (Var v)); trivial; apply R2_var.
simpl in Hs; apply (interp_well_defined_2 R1 R2 _ _ Hs).
apply (Def _ _ _ _ r_R2_l).
apply at_top; apply (instance (union _ R1 R2) r (Term f l) sigma); right; trivial.

destruct (def_dec f) as [Df | Cf].
apply interp_well_defined_2 with f ls; trivial.

assert (Size_ls : forall s, In s ls -> size s <= n).
intros s s_in_ls; apply le_S_n; apply le_trans with (size (Term f ls)); trivial.
apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.

assert (Hlt : forall t, In t lt -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t).
assert (Hls : forall s, In s ls -> Interp_dom R1 R2 s).

intros; apply interp_well_defined_1 with f ls; trivial.
generalize Hls Size_ls; clear Hls Size_ls Size_s Hs t_R_s.
induction lt_R_ls as [t s l t_R_s | s lt ls lt_R_ls]; intros Hls Size_ls.
intros u [u_eq_t | u_in_l].
subst; apply IHn with s; trivial.
apply Size_ls; left; trivial.
apply Hls; left; trivial.
apply Hls; right; trivial.
intros u [u_eq_s | u_in_lt].
apply Hls; left; trivial.
apply IHlt_R_ls; trivial.
intros; apply Hls; right; trivial.
intros; apply Size_ls; right; trivial.

intros [ | i p]; intros g l H Dg; simpl in H.
injection H; intros; subst; absurd (defined R2 g); trivial.
assert (H' := nth_error_ok_in i lt).
destruct (nth_error lt i) as [ ti | ].
generalize (H' _ (refl_equal _)); clear H';
intros [l1 [l2 [L1 H']]].
assert (ti_in_lt : In ti lt).
subst; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
apply (Hlt _ ti_in_lt p); trivial.


Lemma interp_dom_R1 :
 forall R1 R2, module R1 R2 ->
  (forall f, {defined R2 f}+{~defined R2 f}) ->
  (forall s t, R1 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t)) ->
  (forall v t, ~ R2 t (Var v)) ->
  forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s ->
  one_step R1 t s -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros R1 R2 module_R1_R2 def_dec R1_reg R2_var;
intros s t Is H; apply (interp_dom_R1_R2 R1 R2 module_R1_R2 def_dec R1_reg R2_var s); trivial.
setoid_rewrite split_rel; left; trivial.

Lemma interp_dom_R2 :
 forall R1 R2, module R1 R2 ->
  (forall f, {defined R2 f}+{~defined R2 f}) ->
  (forall s t, R1 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t)) ->
  (forall v t, ~ R2 t (Var v)) ->
  forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s ->
  one_step R2 t s -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros R1 R2 module_R1_R2 def_dec R1_reg R2_var;
intros s t Is H; apply (interp_dom_R1_R2 R1 R2 module_R1_R2 def_dec R1_reg R2_var s); trivial.
setoid_rewrite split_rel; right; trivial.

Lemma interp_dom_R1_R2_rwr :
 forall R1 R2, module R1 R2 ->
  (forall f, {defined R2 f}+{~defined R2 f}) ->
  (forall s t, R1 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t)) ->
  (forall v t, ~ R2 t (Var v)) ->
  forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s ->
  rwr (union _ R1 R2) t s -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros R1 R2 module_R1_R2 def_dec R1_reg R2_var;
intros s t Is H; induction H as [t1 t2 | t1 t2 t3 H1 H2].
apply interp_dom_R1_R2 with t2; trivial.
apply interp_dom_R1_R2 with t2; trivial.
apply IHH2; trivial.

Inductive Pi pi (v1 v2 : variable) : relation term :=
  | Pi1 : Pi pi v1 v2 (Var v1) (Term pi (Var v1 :: Var v2 :: nil))
  | Pi2 : Pi pi v1 v2 (Var v2) (Term pi (Var v1 :: Var v2 :: nil)).

Lemma pi_subterm :
  forall pi v1 v2 s t, axiom (Pi pi v1 v2) t s -> direct_subterm t s.
intros pi v1 v2 s t H; inversion H as [t2' s' sigma H']; clear H; subst.
inversion H' as [pi' H1 | pi' H2]; subst; simpl.
left; trivial.
right; left; trivial.

Definition is_primary_pi pi R :=
   forall s t, R s t -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f s = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                             (symb_in_term f t = true -> f <> pi))).

Lemma acc_subterms_pi :
  forall pi v1 v2 R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) -> is_primary_pi pi R ->
  forall l, (forall t, In t l -> Acc (one_step (union _ R (Pi pi v1 v2))) t) ->
                   Acc (one_step (union _ R (Pi pi v1 v2))) (Term pi l).
intros pi x1 x2 R R_var P l Hl;
assert (Acc_l : Acc (one_step_list (union _ R (Pi pi x1 x2))) l).
rewrite <- acc_one_step_list; trivial.
generalize Hl; clear Hl; induction Acc_l as [l Acc_l IH].
intros Acc_l'; apply Acc_intro;
intros t H; inversion H; clear H; subst.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
destruct t2 as [v2 | f2 l2].
absurd ((union _ R (Pi pi x1 x2)) t1 (Var v2)); trivial.
intros [H' | HPi].
apply (R_var _ _ H').
inversion HPi.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros; subst.
destruct H2 as [H2 | Hpi].
destruct (P t1 (Term pi l2) H2 pi) as [_ F]; simpl in F.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi].
absurd (pi =pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
absurd (pi =pi); trivial.
assert (t1_in_ll : In (apply_subst sigma t1) (map (apply_subst sigma) l2)).
inversion Hpi; subst; simpl; [left | right; left]; trivial.
apply Acc_l'; trivial.
apply IH; trivial.
generalize l H2 Acc_l'; clear l H2 Acc_l' Acc_l IH.
intros l H; induction H.
intros Acc_l t [t_eq_t1 | t_in_l].
subst; assert (Acc_t2 := Acc_l t2 (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))).
inversion Acc_t2.
apply H0; trivial.
apply Acc_l; right; trivial.
intros Acc_l2 u [u_eq_t | u_in_l1].
subst; apply Acc_l2; left; trivial.
apply IHone_step_list; trivial.
intros; apply Acc_l2; right; trivial.

Section Interp_definition.
Variable V0 : variable.
Variable V1 : variable.
Variable V0_diff_V1 : V0 <> V1.
Variable pi : symbol.
Variable bot : symbol.
Variable R1 : relation term.
Variable R2 : relation term.
Variable R1_reg : forall s t, R1 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t) .
Variable R2_reg : forall s t, R2 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t) .
Variable R1_var : forall v t, ~ R1 t (Var v).
Variable R2_var : forall v t, ~ R2 t (Var v).
Variable P2 : is_primary_pi pi R2.
Variable module_R1_R2 : module R1 R2.
Variable def_dec : forall f, {defined R2 f}+{~defined R2 f}.
Variable R1_red : term -> list term.
Variable R2_red : term -> list term.
Variable FB1 : forall t s, one_step R1 s t <-> In s (R1_red t).
Variable FB2 : forall t s, one_step R2 s t <-> In s (R2_red t).

Definition R1_R2_red t := R1_red t ++ R2_red t.

Lemma FB12 : forall s t, one_step (union _ R1 R2) s t <-> In s (R1_R2_red t).
intros s t; split.
intro s_R_t; setoid_rewrite split_rel in s_R_t; unfold R1_R2_red;
destruct s_R_t as [s_R1_t | s_R2_t]; apply in_or_app.
left; setoid_rewrite <- FB1; trivial.
right; setoid_rewrite <- FB2; trivial.

intro s_in_l; unfold R1_R2_red in s_in_l; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ s_in_l) as [K1 | K2].
setoid_rewrite split_rel; left; setoid_rewrite FB1; trivial.
setoid_rewrite split_rel; right; setoid_rewrite FB2; trivial.

Fixpoint Comb (l : list term) : term :=
  match l with
  | nil => Term bot nil
  | t :: l => Term pi (t :: (Comb l) :: nil)

Inductive Interp : term -> term -> Prop :=
  | Vcase : forall x, Interp (Var x) (Var x)
  | Ccase : forall f l l' ll , ~defined R2 f ->
                l = (map (fun st => fst st)) ll -> l' = (map (fun st => snd st)) ll ->
                (forall s s', In (s,s') ll -> Interp s s') ->
                Interp (Term f l) (Term f l')
  | Dcase : forall f l l' ll, defined R2 f ->
                 R1_R2_red (Term f l) = (map (fun st => fst st)) ll -> l' = (map (fun st => snd st)) ll ->
                 (forall s s', In (s,s') ll -> Interp s s') ->
                Interp (Term f l) (Comb l').

Lemma interp_unicity :
   forall t, Interp_dom R1 R2 t -> forall s1 s2, Interp t s1 -> Interp t s2 -> s1 = s2.
intros t Ht;
assert (Acc_t :=interp_well_defined R1 R2 t Ht).
induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t IH].
destruct t as [x | f l];
intros s1 S2 H1 H2;
inversion H1 as [ | f1 l1 l1' ll1 Cf1 Hl1 Hl1' Hll1 | f1 l1 l1' ll1 Df1 Hl1 Hl1' Hll1 ];
inversion H2 as [ | f2 l2 l2' ll2 Cf2 Hl2 Hl2' Hll2 | f2 l2 l2' ll2 Df2 Hl2 Hl2' Hll2 ]; subst; trivial.
apply (f_equal (fun ll => Term f (map (fun st => snd (A := term) st) ll))).
assert (H : forall s s1 s2, In (s,s1) ll1 -> In (s,s2) ll2 -> s1 = s2).
intros s s1 s2 ss1_in_ll1 ss2_in_ll2.
assert (s_in_l : In s (map (fun st => fst st) ll1)).
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists (s,s1); split; trivial.
apply IH with s; trivial.
apply (Constr R1 R2 f (map (fun st => fst st) ll1) s Cf1 s_in_l).
apply (interp_well_defined_1 R1 R2 _ _ Ht _ s_in_l).
apply Hll1; trivial.
apply Hll2; trivial.
generalize ll1 ll2 Hl2 H; clear ll1 ll2 Hl2 H Hll1 Hll2 Ht Acc_t IH H2 H1.
intro ll1; induction ll1 as [ | [s s1] ll1]; intros [ | [s' s2] ll2] H' H; trivial.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros H' s_eq_s'; subst s'.
rewrite (H s s1 s2); try (left; trivial).
rewrite IHll1 with ll2; trivial.
intros t t1 t2 tt1_in_ll1 tt2_in_ll2; apply (H t t1 t2); right; trivial.
absurd (defined R2 f); trivial.
absurd (defined R2 f); trivial.
apply (f_equal (fun ll => Comb (map (fun st => snd (A := term) st) ll))).
assert (H : forall s s1 s2, In (s,s1) ll1 -> In (s,s2) ll2 -> s1 = s2).
intros s s1 s2 ss1_in_ll1 ss2_in_ll2.
assert (s_in_l : In s (map (fun st => fst st) ll1)).
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists (s,s1); split; trivial.
apply IH with s; trivial.
apply (Defd R1 R2 f l s Df1).
rewrite <- Hl1 in s_in_l.
setoid_rewrite FB12; trivial.
apply (interp_well_defined_2 R1 R2 f l Ht Df1 s).
rewrite <- Hl1 in s_in_l.
setoid_rewrite FB12; trivial.
apply Hll1; trivial.
apply Hll2; trivial.
rewrite Hl1 in Hl2;
generalize ll1 ll2 Hl2 H; clear ll1 ll2 Hl2 H Hll1 Hll2 Ht Acc_t IH H2 H1 Hl1.
intro ll1; induction ll1 as [ | [s s1] ll1]; intros [ | [s' s2] ll2] H' H; trivial.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros H' s_eq_s'; subst s'.
rewrite (H s s1 s2); try (left; trivial).
rewrite IHll1 with ll2; trivial.
intros t t1 t2 tt1_in_ll1 tt2_in_ll2; apply (H t t1 t2); right; trivial.

Lemma interp_defined : forall t, Interp_dom R1 R2 t -> {s : term | Interp t s}.
intros t Ht;
assert (Acc_t := interp_well_defined R1 R2 t Ht).
induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t IH].
destruct t as [x | f l].
exists (Var x); apply Vcase.
destruct (def_dec f) as [Df | Cf].
assert (interp_l : forall s, In s (R1_R2_red (Term f l)) -> {u : term | Interp s u}).
intros s s_in_red_t; apply IH.
apply (Defd R1 R2 f l s Df).
setoid_rewrite FB12; trivial.
apply interp_well_defined_2 with f l; trivial.
setoid_rewrite FB12; trivial.
assert (ll : {ll : list (term * term) | R1_R2_red (Term f l) = (map (fun st => fst st)) ll /\
                                                        (forall s s', In (s,s') ll -> Interp s s')}).
generalize (R1_R2_red (Term f l)) interp_l.
intro k; induction k as [ | s k].
intros _; exists (@nil (term * term)); split; trivial; contradiction.
intros interp_sk.
destruct (interp_sk s) as [u Isu].
left; trivial.
destruct IHk as [kk [Hk Pk]].
intros; apply interp_sk; right; trivial.
exists ((s,u) :: kk); split.
simpl; rewrite Hk; trivial.
simpl; intros t t' [tt'_eq_su | tt'_in_kk].
injection tt'_eq_su; intros; subst; trivial.
apply Pk; trivial.
destruct ll as [ll [Hl Pl]].
exists (Comb (map (fun st => snd st) ll)).
apply Dcase with ll; trivial.

assert (interp_l : forall s, In s l -> {u : term | Interp s u}).
intros s s_in_l; apply IH.
apply (Constr R1 R2 f l s Cf s_in_l).
apply interp_well_defined_1 with f l; trivial.
assert (ll : {ll : list (term * term) | l = (map (fun st => fst st)) ll /\
                                                        (forall s s', In (s,s') ll -> Interp s s')}).
generalize l interp_l.
intro k; induction k as [ | s k].
intros _; exists (@nil (term * term)); split; trivial; contradiction.
intros interp_sk.
destruct (interp_sk s) as [u Isu].
left; trivial.
destruct IHk as [kk [Hk Pk]].
intros; apply interp_sk; right; trivial.
exists ((s,u) :: kk); split.
simpl; rewrite Hk; trivial.
simpl; intros t t' [tt'_eq_su | tt'_in_kk].
injection tt'_eq_su; intros; subst; trivial.
apply Pk; trivial.
destruct ll as [ll [Hl Pl]].
exists (Term f (map (fun st => snd st) ll)).
apply Ccase with ll; trivial.

Lemma recover_red :
  forall f l t s' t', defined R2 f -> Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f l) ->
  Interp (Term f l) s' -> Interp t t' ->
  one_step (union _ R1 R2) t (Term f l) -> rwr (Pi pi V0 V1) t' s'.
intros f l t s' t' Df Idfl Is It t_R_fl.
inversion Is as [ | f' l' l'' ll Cf Hl Hl' Hll | f' l' l'' ll _ Hl Hl' Hll]; subst.
absurd (defined R2 f); trivial.
assert (tt'_in_ll : In (t,t') ll).
assert (t_R_fl_bis := t_R_fl); setoid_rewrite FB12 in t_R_fl_bis.
rewrite Hl in t_R_fl_bis.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in t_R_fl_bis.
destruct t_R_fl_bis as [[u u'] [u_eq_t H]].
simpl in u_eq_t; subst u.
replace t' with u'; trivial.
apply interp_unicity with t; trivial.
apply interp_well_defined_2 with f l; trivial.
apply Hll; trivial.
destruct (In_split _ _ tt'_in_ll) as [ll1 [ll2 H]]; subst ll.
rewrite map_app; simpl.
generalize ll1; intro ll; induction ll as [ | [u u'] ll]; simpl.
unfold rwr; apply t_step; apply at_top.
assert (H1sigma : t' = apply_subst
                                        ((V0,t') :: (V1,Comb (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)) :: nil)
                                        (Var V0)).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V0 V0) as [_ | V0_diff_V0]; trivial.
absurd (V0 = V0); trivial.
assert (H2sigma : Term pi (t' :: Comb (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2) :: nil) =
                                   ((V0,t') :: (V1,Comb (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)) :: nil)
                                   (Term pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil))).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V0 V0) as [_ | V0_diff_V0].
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V0) as [V1_eq_V0 | _].
absurd (V0 = V1); trivial; subst V0; trivial.
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V1) as [_ | V1_diff_V1]; trivial.
absurd (V1 = V1); trivial.
absurd (V0 = V0); trivial.
pattern t' at 1.
rewrite H1sigma.
pattern t' at 1.
rewrite H2sigma.
apply instance.
apply Pi1.
unfold rwr;
apply trans_clos_is_trans with
           (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll ++
            t' :: map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)); trivial.
apply t_step; apply at_top.
assert (H1sigma : (Comb
                               (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll ++
                               t' :: map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)) =
                                        ((V0,u') :: (V1,Comb (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll ++
                                                           t' :: map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)) :: nil)
                                        (Var V1)).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V0) as [V1_eq_V0 | _].
absurd (V0 = V1); trivial; subst V0; trivial.
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V1) as [_ | V1_diff_V1]; trivial.
absurd (V1 = V1); trivial.
assert (H2sigma : Term pi (u' :: Comb
                                                        (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll ++
                                                        t' :: map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2) :: nil) =
                                        ((V0,u') :: (V1,Comb (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll ++
                                                           t' :: map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)) :: nil)
                                   (Term pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil))).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V0 V0) as [_ | V0_diff_V0].
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V0) as [V1_eq_V0 | _].
absurd (V0 = V1); trivial; subst V0; trivial.
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V1) as [_ | V1_diff_V1]; trivial.
absurd (V1 = V1); trivial.
absurd (V0 = V0); trivial.
simpl; pattern (Comb (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll ++
      t' :: map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)) at 1.
rewrite H1sigma.
pattern (Comb (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll ++
      t' :: map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll2)) at 1.
rewrite H2sigma.
apply instance.
apply Pi2.

Definition Interp_subst lv sigma sigma' :=
  forall v, In v lv -> Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma (Var v)) /\
  Interp (apply_subst sigma (Var v)) (apply_subst sigma' (Var v)).

Lemma R1_at_top_aux_1 :
 forall t sigma sigma', (forall f, symb_in_term f t = true -> ~defined R2 f) ->
                       Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma t) ->
                       Interp_subst (var_list t) sigma sigma' ->
  Interp (apply_subst sigma t) (apply_subst sigma' t).
intro t; pattern t; apply term_rec3; clear t.
intros v sigma sigma' _ Ht Hsigma; apply (proj2 (Hsigma v (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)))).
intros f l IH sigma sigma' Ct Ht Hsigma; simpl.
apply (Ccase f (map (apply_subst sigma) l)
  (map (apply_subst sigma') l)
  (map (fun t => (apply_subst sigma t, apply_subst sigma' t)) l)).
simpl; apply Ct; rewrite symb_in_term_unfold.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; trivial; absurd (f=f); trivial.
rewrite map_map; simpl; trivial.
rewrite map_map; simpl; trivial.
intros s s'; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; intros [u [H' u_in_l]].
injection H'; intros; subst; clear H'.
assert (Cu : forall f0, symb_in_term f0 u = true -> ~ defined R2 f0).
intros g Hg; apply Ct.
rewrite symb_in_term_unfold.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec g f); trivial.
destruct (In_split _ _ u_in_l) as [l' [l'' H1]]; subst l.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app.
destruct (symb_in_term_list g l'); simpl; trivial.
rewrite Hg; simpl; trivial.
assert (Hu : Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma u)).
simpl in Ht; apply (interp_well_defined_1 R1 R2 _ _ Ht).
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
exists u; split; trivial.
apply (IH u u_in_l sigma sigma' Cu Hu).
intros v v_in_u; apply (Hsigma v).
rewrite var_list_unfold.
generalize l u_in_l; intro k; induction k as [ | t k].
intros [u_eq_t | u_in_k].
subst; simpl; apply in_or_app; left; trivial.
simpl; apply in_or_app; right; apply IHk; trivial.

Lemma R1_at_top_aux_2 :
  forall t, (forall f, symb_in_term f t = true -> ~defined R2 f) ->
  forall sigma, Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma t) ->
  {sigma' : substitution | Interp_subst (var_list t) sigma sigma'}.
intros t Ct sigma Ht.
assert (H : forall v, In v (var_list t) ->
               {s' : term | Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma (Var v)) /\
                                     Interp (apply_subst sigma (Var v)) s'}).
intros v v_in_l;
assert (H' := interp_dom_subst R1 R2 t Ct sigma Ht v v_in_l).
destruct (interp_defined _ H') as [s' Hs']; exists s'; split; trivial.
assert (H' : forall l, (forall v, In v l ->
           {s' : term | Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma (Var v)) /\
                                  Interp (apply_subst sigma (Var v)) s'}) ->
                        {l' : substitution | Interp_subst l sigma l'}).
intro l; induction l as [ | x l].
intros _; exists (nil : substitution);
unfold Interp_subst; intros; contradiction.
intro H''; destruct IHl as [sigma' Hsigma'].
intros v v_in_l; apply H''; right; trivial.
destruct (H'' x) as [x' [Hx' Hx'']].
left; trivial.
exists ((x,x') :: sigma').
unfold Interp_subst.
intros v [v_eq_x | v_in_l].
subst v; simpl; split; trivial.
destruct (X.eq_dec x x) as [_ | x_diff_x]; trivial.
absurd (x=x); trivial.
destruct (Hsigma' v v_in_l) as [H''' H'''']; split; trivial.
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec v x) as [v_eq_x | v_diff_x].
subst v; simpl in Hx'; trivial.
destruct (H' _ H) as [sigma' Hsigma'].
exists sigma'; trivial.

Lemma R1_at_top :
  forall S1, inclusion _ S1 R1 -> forall l r, S1 r l -> forall sigma,
  Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma l)->
  {sigma' : substitution & {s' : term & {t' : term |
     Interp_subst (var_list l) sigma sigma' /\
     Interp (apply_subst sigma l) s' /\
     Interp (apply_subst sigma r) t' /\
     axiom S1 t' s'} } }.
inversion module_R1_R2 as [M].
intros S1 S1_in_R1 l r r_R1_l sigma Hl.
assert (Cl : forall f, symb_in_term f l = true -> ~defined R2 f).
intros f f_in_l Df; generalize (M f r l Df (S1_in_R1 _ _ r_R1_l)).
replace (r :: l :: nil) with ((r :: nil) ++ (l :: nil)); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app.
simpl; rewrite f_in_l.
destruct (symb_in_term f r); simpl; discriminate.
assert (Cr : forall f, symb_in_term f r = true -> ~defined R2 f).
intros f f_in_r Df; generalize (M f r l Df (S1_in_R1 _ _ r_R1_l)).
replace (r :: l :: nil) with ((r :: nil) ++ (l :: nil)); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app; simpl.
rewrite f_in_r; simpl; discriminate.

destruct (R1_at_top_aux_2 l Cl sigma Hl) as [sigma' Hsigma].
exists sigma'.
destruct (interp_defined _ Hl) as [s' Hs']; exists s'.
assert (Hsigma' : Interp_subst (var_list r) sigma sigma').
intros v v_in_r; apply (Hsigma v).
apply R1_reg with r; trivial; apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
assert (Hr : Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma r)).
refine (interp_dom_R1 R1 R2 _ _ _ _ _ _ Hl _); trivial.
apply at_top; apply instance; apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ Hr) as [t' Ht']; exists t'.
split; trivial.
split; trivial.
split; trivial.
assert (Hs'' := R1_at_top_aux_1 l sigma sigma' Cl Hl Hsigma).
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Hl _ _ Hs' Hs'').
assert (Ht'' := R1_at_top_aux_1 r sigma sigma' Cr Hr Hsigma').
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Hr _ _ Ht' Ht'').
apply instance; trivial.

Lemma R1_at_top_dp :
  forall S1, inclusion _ S1 R1 -> forall l t r p, S1 t l -> subterm_at_pos t p = Some r ->
  forall sigma,
  Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma l)->
  {sigma' : substitution |
      Interp_subst (var_list l) sigma sigma' /\
      Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma r) /\
      Interp (apply_subst sigma l) (apply_subst sigma' l) /\
      Interp (apply_subst sigma r) (apply_subst sigma' r) }.
inversion module_R1_R2 as [M].
intros S1 S1_in_R1 l t r p t_R1_l t_p_eq_r sigma Hl.

assert (Cl : forall f, symb_in_term f l = true -> ~defined R2 f).
intros f f_in_l Df; generalize (M f t l Df (S1_in_R1 _ _ t_R1_l)).
replace (t :: l :: nil) with ((t :: nil) ++ (l :: nil)); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app.
simpl; rewrite f_in_l.
destruct (symb_in_term f t); simpl; discriminate.

assert (Ct : forall f, symb_in_term f t = true -> ~defined R2 f).
intros f f_in_t Df; generalize (M f t l Df (S1_in_R1 _ _ t_R1_l)).
replace (t :: l :: nil) with ((t :: nil) ++ (l :: nil)); trivial.
rewrite symb_in_term_list_app; simpl.
rewrite f_in_t; simpl; discriminate.

assert (Cr : forall f, symb_in_term f r = true -> ~defined R2 f).
intros f f_in_r; apply Ct; apply symb_in_subterm with r p; trivial.

destruct l as [v | f l].
absurd (R1 t (Var v)).
apply R1_var.
apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
assert (Cf : ~defined R2 f).
apply Cl; rewrite symb_in_term_unfold.
destruct ( F.Symb.eq_dec f f); trivial; absurd (f=f); trivial.
assert (H' := R1_at_top _ S1_in_R1 _ _ t_R1_l sigma).
destruct (R1_at_top_aux_2 (Term f l) Cl sigma Hl) as [sigma' Hsigma].
exists sigma'.

assert (Hsigma' : Interp_subst (var_list t) sigma sigma').
intros v v_in_t; apply (Hsigma v);
apply R1_reg with t; trivial; apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
assert (Hsigma'' : Interp_subst (var_list r) sigma sigma').
intros v v_in_r; apply (Hsigma' v).
apply var_in_subterm with r p; trivial.

assert (Ht : Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma t)).
refine (interp_dom_R1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hl _); trivial.
apply at_top; apply instance; apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
assert (Hr : Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma r)).
generalize t r t_p_eq_r Ht; clear t r t_p_eq_r Ht t_R1_l Ct Cr H' Hsigma' Hsigma''.
induction p as [ | i p]; intros t r t_p_eq_r Ht.
simpl in t_p_eq_r; injection t_p_eq_r; intro; subst; trivial.
simpl in t_p_eq_r; destruct t as [ | g ll].
assert (H' := nth_error_ok_in i ll).
destruct (nth_error ll i) as [ti | ].
destruct (H' _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1 [l2 [L H'']]]; subst ll.
apply (IHp ti r); trivial.
simpl in Ht; apply (interp_well_defined_1 R1 R2 _ _ Ht).
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
exists ti; split; trivial.
apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.

split; trivial; split; trivial; split.
exact (R1_at_top_aux_1 (Term f l) sigma sigma' Cl Hl Hsigma).
destruct r as [v | g k].
apply (proj2 (Hsigma'' v (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)))).
exact (R1_at_top_aux_1 (Term g k) sigma sigma' Cr Hr Hsigma'').

Lemma R1_case :
   forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s -> one_step R1 t s ->
   exists s', exists t', Interp s s' /\ Interp t t' /\ rwr (union _ R1 (Pi pi V0 V1)) t' s'.
assert (R1_in_R1 : inclusion _ R1 R1).
intros t1 t2; trivial.
intro s; pattern s; apply term_rec2; clear s.
intro n; induction n as [ | n]; intros s Size_s t Is t_R_s.
absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (size s); trivial;
apply size_ge_one.
induction t_R_s as [t' s' t'_R_s' | f' lt ls lt_R_ls]; subst.
inversion t'_R_s' as [t3 s3 sigma t3_R_s3]; subst.
destruct (R1_at_top R1 R1_in_R1 s3 t3 t3_R_s3 sigma Is) as [sigma' [s' [t' [_ [H1 [H2 H3]]]]]].
exists s'; exists t'; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
unfold rwr; apply t_step.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R1.
intros t1 t2 H; left; trivial.
apply at_top; trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ Is) as [s' Hs'].
exists s'.
assert (It : Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f' lt)).
refine (interp_dom_R1 R1 R2 _ _ _ _ _ (Term f' lt) Is _); trivial.
apply in_context; trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ It) as [t' Ht'].
exists t'; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
inversion Hs' as [ | f l' l'' ll Cf Hl Hl' Hll | f l' l'' ll Df Hl Hl' Hll].
inversion Ht' as [ | g k' k'' kk Cg Hk Hk' Hkk | g k' k'' kk Dg Hk Hk' Hkk].
assert (Size_ls : forall s, In s ls -> size s <= n).
intros s s_in_ls; apply le_S_n; apply le_trans with (size (Term f' ls)); trivial.
apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.
assert (Hls : forall s, In s ls -> Interp_dom R1 R2 s).
intros; apply interp_well_defined_1 with f' ls; trivial.
assert (Hlt : forall t, In t lt -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t).
intros; apply interp_well_defined_1 with f' lt; trivial.
apply general_context.
subst f g l'' l' s' k'' k' t'.
generalize ll Hl Hll kk Hk Hkk ;
clear Size_s Is Hs' It Ht' ll Hl Hll kk Hk Hkk.

induction lt_R_ls as [t s l t_R1_s | s lt ls lt_R1_ls]; subst;
intros ll Hl Hll kk Hk Hkk.
destruct ll as [ | [s' s''] ll].
simpl in Hl; injection Hl; clear Hl; intros; subst.
destruct kk as [ | [t' t''] kk].
simpl in Hk; injection Hk; clear Hk; intros; subst.
simpl; replace (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) kk) with
            (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll).
left; split; trivial.
assert (Size_s' : size s' <= n).
apply Size_ls; left; trivial.
assert (Is' : Interp_dom R1 R2 s').
apply Hls; left; trivial.
destruct (IHn s' Size_s' t') as [u [v [Hu [Hv H1]]]]; trivial.
rewrite (interp_unicity s' Is' s'' u); trivial.
assert (It' : Interp_dom R1 R2 t').
apply Hlt; left; trivial.
rewrite (interp_unicity t' It' t'' v); trivial.
apply Hkk; left; trivial.
apply Hll; left; trivial.
assert (Hkl : forall u u' u'', In (u,u') ll -> In (u,u'') kk -> u' = u'').
intros u u' u'' uu'_in_ll uu''_in_kk;
refine (interp_unicity u _ u' u'' _ _).
apply Hlt; trivial.
right; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists (u,u'); split; trivial.
apply Hll; right; trivial.
apply Hkk; right; trivial.
generalize ll kk H Hkl; clear H Hkl;
intro l1; induction l1 as [ | [u u'] l1]; intros [ | [v v'] l2] H Hkl.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros H u_eq_v; subst v.
simpl; rewrite (IHl1 l2); trivial.
rewrite (Hkl u u' v'); trivial; left; trivial.
intros w w' w'' H1 H2; apply (Hkl w); right; trivial.

destruct ll as [ | [s' s''] ll].
simpl in Hl; injection Hl; clear Hl; intros; subst.
destruct kk as [ | [t' t''] kk].
simpl in Hk; injection Hk; clear Hk; intros; subst.
simpl; right; left.
refine (interp_unicity t' _ t'' s'' _ _).
apply Hlt; left; trivial.
apply Hkk; left; trivial.
apply Hll; left; trivial.
apply IHlt_R1_ls; trivial.
intros; apply Size_ls; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hls; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hlt; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hll; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hkk; right; trivial.

absurd (defined R2 f'); trivial.
simpl in Is; apply R1_included_in_R2_rwr with (Pi pi V0 V1).
intros t1 t2; right; trivial.
refine (recover_red f' _ _ _ _ _ Is Hs' Ht' _); trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R1.
intros t1 t2 H; left; trivial.
apply in_context; trivial.

Lemma R2_case :
   forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s -> one_step R2 t s ->
   exists s', exists t', Interp s s' /\ Interp t t' /\ rwr (Pi pi V0 V1) t' s'.
intro s; pattern s; apply term_rec2; clear s.
intro n; induction n as [ | n]; intros s Size_s t Is t_R_s.
absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (size s); trivial;
apply size_ge_one.
induction t_R_s as [t' s' t'_R_s' | f' lt ls lt_R_ls]; subst.
inversion t'_R_s' as [t3 s3 sigma t3_R_s3]; subst.
assert (It : Interp_dom R1 R2 (apply_subst sigma t3)).
refine (interp_dom_R2 R1 R2 _ _ _ _ _ _ Is _); trivial.
apply at_top; trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ Is) as [s' Hs'].
destruct (interp_defined _ It) as [t' Ht'].
exists s'; exists t'; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
destruct s3 as [v | f ls].
absurd (R2 t3 (Var v)); trivial; apply R2_var.
simpl in Is; refine (recover_red f _ _ _ _ _ Is Hs' Ht' _); trivial.
apply (Def _ _ _ _ t3_R_s3).
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R2.
intros; right; trivial.
apply at_top; trivial.
destruct (def_dec f') as [Df' | Cf'].
destruct (interp_defined _ Is) as [s' Hs'].
assert (It : Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f' lt)).
refine (interp_dom_R2 R1 R2 _ _ _ _ _ _ Is _); trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R2; trivial.
apply in_context; trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ It) as [t' Ht'].
exists s'; exists t'; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
simpl in Is; refine (recover_red f' _ _ _ _ _ Is Hs' Ht' _); trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R2.
intros; right; trivial.
apply in_context; trivial.
assert (It : Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f' lt)).
refine (interp_dom_R2 R1 R2 _ _ _ _ _ _ Is _); trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R2; trivial.
apply in_context; trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ Is) as [s' Hs'].
destruct (interp_defined _ It) as [t' Ht'].
exists s'; exists t'; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
inversion Hs' as [ | f l' l'' ll Cf Hl Hl' Hll | f l' l'' ll Df Hl Hl' Hll].
inversion Ht' as [ | g k' k'' kk Cg Hk Hk' Hkk | g k' k'' kk Dg Hk Hk' Hkk].
assert (Size_ls : forall s, In s ls -> size s <= n).
intros s s_in_ls; apply le_S_n; apply le_trans with (size (Term f' ls)); trivial.
apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.
assert (Hls : forall s, In s ls -> Interp_dom R1 R2 s).
intros; apply interp_well_defined_1 with f' ls; trivial.
assert (Hlt : forall t, In t lt -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t).
intros; apply interp_well_defined_1 with f' lt; trivial.
apply general_context.
subst f g l'' l' s' k'' k' t'.
generalize ll Hl Hll kk Hk Hkk ;
clear Size_s Is Hs' It Ht' ll Hl Hll kk Hk Hkk.

induction lt_R_ls as [t s l t_R2_s | s lt ls lt_R2_ls]; subst;
intros ll Hl Hll kk Hk Hkk.
destruct ll as [ | [s' s''] ll].
simpl in Hl; injection Hl; clear Hl; intros; subst.
destruct kk as [ | [t' t''] kk].
simpl in Hk; injection Hk; clear Hk; intros; subst.
simpl; replace (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) kk) with
            (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll).
left; split; trivial.
assert (Size_s' : size s' <= n).
apply Size_ls; left; trivial.
assert (Is' : Interp_dom R1 R2 s').
apply Hls; left; trivial.
destruct (IHn s' Size_s' t') as [u [v [Hu [Hv H1]]]]; trivial.
rewrite (interp_unicity s' Is' s'' u); trivial.
assert (It' : Interp_dom R1 R2 t').
apply Hlt; left; trivial.
rewrite (interp_unicity t' It' t'' v); trivial.
apply Hkk; left; trivial.
apply Hll; left; trivial.
assert (Hkl : forall u u' u'', In (u,u') ll -> In (u,u'') kk -> u' = u'').
intros u u' u'' uu'_in_ll uu''_in_kk;
refine (interp_unicity u _ u' u'' _ _).
apply Hlt; trivial.
right; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists (u,u'); split; trivial.
apply Hll; right; trivial.
apply Hkk; right; trivial.
generalize ll kk H Hkl; clear H Hkl;
intro l1; induction l1 as [ | [u u'] l1]; intros [ | [v v'] l2] H Hkl.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros H u_eq_v; subst v.
simpl; rewrite (IHl1 l2); trivial.
rewrite (Hkl u u' v'); trivial; left; trivial.
intros w w' w'' H1 H2; apply (Hkl w); right; trivial.

destruct ll as [ | [s' s''] ll].
simpl in Hl; injection Hl; clear Hl; intros; subst.
destruct kk as [ | [t' t''] kk].
simpl in Hk; injection Hk; clear Hk; intros; subst.
simpl; right; left.
refine (interp_unicity t' _ t'' s'' _ _).
apply Hlt; left; trivial.
apply Hkk; left; trivial.
apply Hll; left; trivial.
apply IHlt_R2_ls; trivial.
intros; apply Size_ls; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hls; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hlt; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hll; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hkk; right; trivial.

absurd (defined R2 f'); trivial.
simpl in Is; refine (recover_red f' _ _ _ _ _ Is Hs' Ht' _); trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step with R2.
intros; right; trivial.
apply in_context; trivial.

Lemma R1_R2_case_one_step :
   forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s ->
   one_step (union _ R1 R2) t s ->
   exists s', exists t', Interp s s' /\ Interp t t' /\ rwr (union _ R1 (Pi pi V0 V1)) t' s'.
intros s t Is H.
setoid_rewrite split_rel in H.
destruct H as [H1 | H2].
apply R1_case; trivial.
destruct (R2_case s t Is H2) as [s' [t' [Hs' [Ht' H']]]].
exists s'; exists t'; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_rwr with (Pi pi V0 V1); trivial.
intros t1 t2 H''; right; trivial.

Lemma R1_R2_case :
   forall (s t : term), Interp_dom R1 R2 s ->
   rwr (union _ R1 R2) t s ->
   exists s', exists t', Interp s s' /\ Interp t t' /\ rwr (union _ R1 (Pi pi V0 V1)) t' s'.
intros s t Is t_R_s; induction t_R_s as [t1 t2 H | t1 t2 t3 H1 H2]; subst.
apply R1_R2_case_one_step; trivial.
destruct (IHH2 Is) as [s' [t' [Hs' [Ht' t'_R_s']]]].
assert (It2 : Interp_dom R1 R2 t2).
apply interp_dom_R1_R2_rwr with t3; trivial.
assert (H3 := R1_R2_case_one_step t2).
destruct (H3 _ It2 H1) as [s'' [t'' [Hs'' [H4 H5]]]].
rewrite (interp_unicity _ It2 _ _ Hs'' Ht') in H5.
exists s'; exists t''; repeat split; trivial.
unfold rwr; apply trans_clos_is_trans with t'; trivial.

Lemma technical_lemma_1 :
  forall S1, inclusion _ S1 R1 ->
  forall s s' t t', Interp_dom R1 R2 s -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t ->
  Interp s s' -> Interp t t' ->
  dp S1 t s -> dp S1 t' s'.
intros S1 S1_in_R1 s s' t t' Is It Hs' Ht' t_S1_s.
inversion t_S1_s as [ s'' t'' p f l sigma t''_S1_s'' Sub H Df H1 H2]; clear t_S1_s; subst.
destruct s'' as [v'' | f' l'].
absurd (R1 t'' (Var v'')).
apply R1_var.
apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
assert (H' := R1_at_top_dp _ S1_in_R1 _ _ _ _ t''_S1_s'' H sigma).
destruct (H' Is) as [sigma' [Isigma [_ [Hs Ht]]]]; clear H'.
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Is _ _ Hs' Hs).
rewrite (interp_unicity _ It _ _ Ht' Ht).
apply (Dp _ _ _ _ _ _ sigma' t''_S1_s'' Sub H Df).

Lemma technical_lemma :
  forall S1, inclusion _ S1 R1 -> forall s s' t t',
  Interp_dom R1 R2 s -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t ->
  Interp s s' -> Interp t t' ->
  rdp_step S1 (union _ R1 R2) t s -> rdp_step S1 (union _ R1 (Pi pi V0 V1)) t' s'.
inversion module_R1_R2 as [M].
intros S1 S1_in_R1 s s' t t' Is It Hs' Ht' t_R_s.
inversion t_R_s as [s'' t'' t_S1_s | f l1 l2 t'' l2_R_l1 H ]; subst; clear t_R_s.
apply Dp_simple_step;
apply technical_lemma_1 with s t; trivial.
assert (Cf : ~defined R2 f).
inversion H; subst.
destruct t1 as [v1 | f1 k1].
absurd (R1 t2 (Var v1)).
apply R1_var.
apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
injection H0; intros; subst f.
intro D2f; generalize (M f1 _ _ D2f (S1_in_R1 _ _ H1)).
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term f1 t2); simpl.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f1 f1) as [_ | f1_diff_f1]; [idtac | absurd (f1 = f1); trivial].

assert (Is2 : Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f l2)).
assert (t2_R_t1 : rwr (union _ R1 R2) (Term f l2) (Term f l1)).
apply general_context; trivial.
apply interp_dom_R1_R2_rwr with (Term f l1); trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ Is2) as [s'' Hs''].
inversion Hs' as [ | f' l' l'' ll Cf' Hl Hl' Hll | f' l' l'' ll Df Hl Hl' Hll]; subst.
inversion Hs'' as [ | f'' k' k'' kk Cf'' Hk Hk' Hkk | f'' k' k'' kk Df' Hk Hk' Hkk]; subst.
assert (T1 := technical_lemma_1 _ S1_in_R1 _ _ _ _ Is2 It Hs'' Ht' H).
apply (Dp_gen_step S1 (union term R1 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f (map (fun st : term * term => snd st) ll)
(map (fun st : term * term => snd st) kk) t'); trivial.
assert (Ikk : forall s, In s (map (fun st : term * term => fst st) kk) ->
Interp_dom R1 R2 s).
intros; apply (interp_well_defined_1 R1 R2 _ _ Is2); trivial.
assert (Ill : forall s, In s (map (fun st : term * term => fst st) ll) ->
Interp_dom R1 R2 s).
intros; apply (interp_well_defined_1 R1 R2 _ _ Is); trivial.
generalize kk ll Ikk Ill Hkk Hll l2_R_l1.
clear kk ll Ikk Ill Hkk Hll l2_R_l1 Is Hs' H Is2 Hs'' T1.
intro kk; induction kk as [ | [u u'] kk];
intros [ | [v v'] ll] Ikk Ill Hkk Hll l2_R_l1;
simpl in l2_R_l1; try contradiction.
destruct l2_R_l1 as [l2_R_l1 | [l2_R_l1 | l2_R_l1]]; destruct l2_R_l1 as [K1 K2].
simpl; left; split.
assert (Iu : Interp_dom R1 R2 u).
apply Ikk; simpl; left; trivial.
assert (Iv : Interp_dom R1 R2 v).
apply Ill; simpl; left; trivial.
destruct (R1_R2_case _ _ Iv K1) as [s'' [t'' [Hs'' [Ht'' H]]]].
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Iv _ _ (Hll _ _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) Hs'').
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Iu _ _ (Hkk _ _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) Ht'').
assert (Hkk' : forall s s', In (s,s') kk -> Interp s s').
intros; apply Hkk; right; trivial.
assert (Hll' : forall s s', In (s,s') ll -> Interp s s').
intros; apply Hll; right; trivial.
generalize ll (tail_prop _ Ikk) Hkk' Hll' K2;
clear ll IHkk u v u' v' Ikk Ill Hkk Hkk' Hll Hll' K1 K2;
induction kk as [ | [u u'] kk]; intros [ | [v v'] ll] Ikk Hkk Hll K2.
simpl in K2; injection K2; clear K2; intros K2 u_eq_v; subst v.
assert (Iu : Interp_dom R1 R2 u).
apply Ikk; left; trivial.
assert (Hu' : Interp u u').
apply Hkk; left; trivial.
assert (Hv' : Interp u v').
apply Hll; left; trivial.
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Iu _ _ Hv' Hu').
simpl; rewrite (IHkk ll); trivial.
intros; apply Ikk; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hkk; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hll; right; trivial.
subst v; simpl; right; left; split; trivial.
apply (interp_unicity u).
apply Ikk; left; trivial.
apply Hkk; left; trivial.
apply Hll; left; trivial.
apply IHkk; trivial.
intros; apply Ikk; right; trivial.
intros; apply Ill; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hkk; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hll; right; trivial.
simpl; do 2 right; split.
assert (Iu : Interp_dom R1 R2 u).
apply Ikk; left; trivial.
assert (Iv : Interp_dom R1 R2 v).
apply Ill; left; trivial.
destruct (R1_R2_case _ _ Iv K1) as [s'' [t'' [Hs'' [Ht'' H]]]].
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Iv _ _ (Hll _ _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) Hs'').
rewrite (interp_unicity _ Iu _ _ (Hkk _ _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) Ht'').
apply IHkk; trivial.
intros; apply Ikk; right; trivial.
intros; apply Ill; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hkk; right; trivial.
intros; apply Hll; right; trivial.

absurd (defined R2 f); trivial.
absurd (defined R2 f); trivial.

Lemma acc_interp_acc :
  forall S1, inclusion _ S1 R1 -> forall s s',
  Interp_dom R1 R2 s -> Interp s s' ->
  Acc (rdp_step S1 (union _ R1 (Pi pi V0 V1))) s' -> Acc (rdp_step S1 (union _ R1 R2)) s.
intros S1 S1_in_R1 s s' Is Hs' Acc_s';
generalize s Is Hs'; clear s Is Hs';
induction Acc_s' as [s' Acc_s' IH].
intros s Is Hs'; apply Acc_intro; intros t t_R_s.
assert (It : Interp_dom R1 R2 t).
inversion t_R_s as [s'' t'' t_S1_s | f l1 l2 t'' l2_R_l1 H ]; subst; clear t_R_s.
inversion t_S1_s as [ s'' t'' p f l sigma t''_S1_s'' Sub H Df H1 H2]; clear t_S1_s; subst.
destruct s'' as [v'' | f' l'].
absurd (R1 t'' (Var v'')).
apply R1_var.
apply S1_in_R1; trivial.
assert (H' := R1_at_top_dp _ S1_in_R1 _ _ _ _ t''_S1_s'' H sigma).
destruct (H' Is) as [sigma' [Isigma [It [Hs Ht]]]]; clear H'.
assert (Is2 : Interp_dom R1 R2 (Term f l2)).
assert (t2_R_t1 : rwr (union _ R1 R2) (Term f l2) (Term f l1)).
apply general_context; trivial.
apply interp_dom_R1_R2_rwr with (Term f l1); trivial.
inversion H as [s'' t' p f' l sigma t''_S1_s'' Sub H' Df H1 H2]; subst.
rewrite <- H2 in Is2.
destruct (R1_at_top_dp _ S1_in_R1 _ _ _ _ t''_S1_s'' H' _ Is2)
               as [sigma' [_ [K _]]]; trivial.
destruct (interp_defined _ It) as [t' Ht'].
apply (IH t'); trivial.
apply (technical_lemma _ S1_in_R1 s s' t t'); trivial.

Lemma wf_interp_acc :
  forall S1, inclusion _ S1 R1 -> well_founded (rdp_step S1 (union _ R1 (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  forall s, Interp_dom R1 R2 s -> Acc (rdp_step S1 (union _ R1 R2)) s.
intros S1 S1_in_R1 wf s Is.
destruct (interp_defined _ Is) as [s' Hs'].
apply acc_interp_acc with s'; trivial.

Lemma acc_interp_dom :
  forall t, Acc (one_step (union _ R1 R2)) t -> Interp_dom R1 R2 t.
intros t Acc_t p f l Sub _.
apply acc_subterms_3 with p t; trivial.

End Interp_definition.

Section Modular_termination.
Variable V0 : variable.
Variable V1 : variable.
Variable V0_diff_V1 : V0 <> V1.
Variable pi : symbol.
Variable bot : symbol.
Variable R1 : relation term.
Variable R2 : relation term.
Variable R3 : relation term.
Variable def_dec1 : forall f, {defined R1 f}+{~defined R1 f}.
Variable def_dec2 : forall f, {defined R2 f}+{~defined R2 f}.
Variable def_dec3 : forall f, {defined R3 f}+{~defined R3 f}.
Variable R1_red : term -> list term.
Variable R2_red : term -> list term.
Variable R3_red : term -> list term.
Variable FB1 : forall t s, one_step R1 s t <-> In s (R1_red t).
Variable FB2 : forall t s, one_step R2 s t <-> In s (R2_red t).
Variable FB3 : forall t s, one_step R3 s t <-> In s (R3_red t).
Variable module_R1_R2 : module R1 R2.
Variable module_R1_R3 : module R1 R3.
Variable R1_reg : forall s t, R1 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t) .
Variable R2_reg : forall s t, R2 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t) .
Variable R3_reg : forall s t, R3 s t -> forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t) .
Variable R1_var : forall v t, ~ R1 t (Var v).
Variable R2_var : forall v t, ~ R2 t (Var v).
Variable R3_var : forall v t, ~ R3 t (Var v).
Variable P1 : is_primary_pi pi R1.
Variable P2 : is_primary_pi pi R2.
Variable P3 : is_primary_pi pi R3.
Variable Indep2 : forall s t f, defined R2 f -> R3 s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false.
Variable Indep3 : forall s t f, defined R3 f -> R2 s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false.
Variable W2 : well_founded (one_step (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1))).
Variable W3 : well_founded (rdp_step R3 (union _ (union _ R1 R3) (Pi pi V0 V1))).

Lemma R132_reg' :
    forall s t, union _ (union _ R1 R3) (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) s t ->
    forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t) .
intros s t [[H1 | H3] | [H2 | HPi]].
apply (R1_reg _ _ H1).
apply (R3_reg _ _ H3).
apply (R2_reg _ _ H2).
inversion HPi as [ H1 | H2].
intros x [x_eq_v1 | x_in_nil]; [idtac | contradiction].
subst; left; trivial.
intros x [x_eq_v1 | x_in_nil]; [idtac | contradiction].
subst; right; left; trivial.

Lemma R123_reg' :
    forall s t, union _ (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) s t ->
    forall x, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t) .
intros s t H; destruct H as [[H1 | H2] | [H3 | HPi]].
apply (R1_reg _ _ H1).
apply (R2_reg _ _ H2).
apply (R3_reg _ _ H3).
inversion HPi as [H1 | H2].
intros x [x_eq_v1 | x_in_nil]; [idtac | contradiction].
subst; left; trivial.
intros x [x_eq_v1 | x_in_nil]; [idtac | contradiction].
subst; right; left; trivial.

Lemma R12_var' : forall (v : variable) (t :term), ~ (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1)) t (Var v).
intros v u H; destruct H as [H12 | H].
destruct H12 as [H1 | H2].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).
inversion H.

Lemma R123_var' : forall v t, ~ (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) t (Var v).
intros v t [[H1 | H2] | [H3 | HPi]].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).
apply (R3_var _ _ H3).
inversion HPi.

Lemma R132_var' : forall v t, ~ (union _ (union _ R1 R3) (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))) t (Var v).
intros v t [[H1 | H3] | [H2 | HPi]].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R3_var _ _ H3).
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).
inversion HPi.

Lemma Incomp12 : forall f, defined R1 f -> defined R2 f -> False.
inversion module_R1_R2 as [M2].
intros f D1 D2; inversion D1 as [h' l1 u1 H1]; clear D1; subst.
assert (H := M2 f u1 (Term f l1) D2 H1).
simpl in H; destruct (symb_in_term f u1).
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; [discriminate | absurd (f=f); trivial].

Lemma Incomp13 : forall f, defined R1 f -> defined R3 f -> False.
inversion module_R1_R3 as [M3].
intros f D1 D3; inversion D1 as [h' l1 u1 H1]; clear D1; subst.
assert (H := M3 f u1 (Term f l1) D3 H1).
simpl in H; destruct (symb_in_term f u1).
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; [discriminate | absurd (f=f); trivial].

Lemma Incomp23 : forall f, defined R2 f -> defined R3 f -> False.
intros f D2 D3; inversion D2 as [h' l2 u2 H2]; clear D2; subst.
assert (H := Indep3 u2 (Term f l2) f D3 H2).
simpl in H; destruct (symb_in_term f u2).
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; [discriminate | absurd (f=f); trivial].

Lemma Incomp : forall (R : relation term), is_primary_pi pi R -> ~defined R pi.
intros R P D; inversion D as [f l u H]; subst f.
destruct (P u (Term pi l) H pi) as [_ F].
apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; [trivial | absurd (pi=pi); trivial].

Definition Incomp1' := Incomp R1 P1.
Definition Incomp2' := Incomp R2 P2.
Definition Incomp3' := Incomp R3 P3.

Lemma Incomp123' :
  forall f, defined (union _ R1 R2) f -> defined (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f -> False.
intros f D12f D3f';
inversion D12f as [f' l u [H1 | H2]]; clear D12f; subst;
inversion D3f' as [f'' l' u' [H3 | Hpi]]; clear D3f'; subst.
apply (Incomp13 f (Def R1 f l u H1) (Def R3 f l' u' H3)).
inversion Hpi; subst f; apply (Incomp1' (Def R1 pi l u H1)).
apply (Incomp23 f (Def R2 f l u H2) (Def R3 f l' u' H3)).
inversion Hpi; subst f; apply (Incomp2' (Def R2 pi l u H2)).

Lemma split_dp_top :
  forall f g ls lt,
   dp (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) (Term g lt) (Term f ls) ->
   ( (defined (union _ R1 R2) f /\ defined (union _ R1 R2) g) \/
     (defined R3 f /\ defined R3 g) \/
     (defined R3 f /\ defined (union _ R1 R2) g)).
destruct module_R1_R2 as [M2].
destruct module_R1_R3 as [M3].
intros f g ls lt H.
inversion H as [s' t' p h l sigma H' Sub' Sub Dh]; clear H; subst.
destruct s' as [x' | f' ls'].
assert False.
apply (R123_var' _ _ H').
simpl in H3; injection H3; clear H3; intros; subst.
destruct H' as [H12 | [ H3 | HPi]].
inversion Dh as [h' l' u [K12 | [K3 | KPi]]]; clear Dh; subst.
left; split.
apply (Def _ _ _ _ H12).
apply (Def _ _ _ _ K12).
destruct H12 as [H1 | H2].
generalize (M3 g _ _ (Def R3 g l' u K3) H1).
simpl; rewrite (symb_in_subterm g _ _ Sub).
simpl; intro; discriminate.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec g g) as [_ | g_diff_g]; trivial; absurd (g = g); trivial.
assert (F := Indep3 _ _ _ (Def _ _ _ _ K3) H2).
simpl in F; rewrite (symb_in_subterm g _ _ Sub) in F.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec g g) as [_ | g_diff_g]; trivial; absurd (g = g); trivial.
inversion KPi; subst g l' u.
destruct H12 as [H1 | H2].
assert (H := P1 _ _ H1).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
assert (H := P2 _ _ H2).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
destruct H12 as [H1 | H2].
assert (H := P1 _ _ H1).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
assert (H := P2 _ _ H2).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.

inversion Dh as [h' l' u K]; clear Dh; subst.
destruct K as [K12 | [K3 | KPi]].
destruct K12 as [K1 | K2].
right; right; split.
apply (Def _ _ _ _ H3).
apply (Def (union _ R1 R2) g l' u); left; trivial.
assert (F := Indep2 _ _ _ (Def _ _ _ _ K2) H3).
simpl in F; rewrite (symb_in_subterm g _ _ Sub) in F.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec g g) as [_ | g_diff_g]; trivial; absurd (g = g); trivial.
right; left; split.
apply (Def _ _ _ _ H3).
apply (Def _ _ _ _ K3).

inversion KPi; subst g u l'.
assert (H := P3 _ _ H3).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
assert (H := P3 _ _ H3).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.

inversion HPi; subst; destruct p; discriminate.

Lemma split_rdp_step_top :
  forall R f g ls lt,
   rdp_step (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) R (Term g lt) (Term f ls) ->
   ( (defined (union _ R1 R2) f /\ defined (union _ R1 R2) g) \/
     (defined R3 f /\ defined R3 g) \/
     (defined R3 f /\ defined (union _ R1 R2) g)).
intros R f g ls lt H;
inversion H as [s' t' H' | f' l1 l2 t3 H' H'']; subst.
apply (split_dp_top f g ls lt); trivial.
apply (split_dp_top f g l2 lt); trivial.

Lemma split_dp :
  forall s t,
   dp (union _ (union _ (union _ R1 R2) R3) (Pi pi V0 V1)) s t ->
   (dp (union _ R1 R2) s t \/
   dp R3 s t \/
   (exists t3, exists t1, exists p, exists f1, exists l1, exists sigma,
    R3 t1 t3 /\
   subterm_at_pos t1 p = Some (Term f1 l1) /\
   defined R1 f1 /\
   t = apply_subst sigma t3 /\
   s = apply_subst sigma (Term f1 l1))).
inversion module_R1_R2 as [M2].
inversion module_R1_R3 as [M3].
intros s t H.
inversion H as [s' t' p f l sigma H' Sub' Sub Df]; clear H; subst.
destruct H' as [H123 | HPi].
destruct H123 as [H12 | H3].
inversion Df as [f' l' u K]; clear Df; subst.
destruct K as [K123 | KPi].
destruct K123 as [K12 | K3].
left; apply Dp with t' p; trivial.
apply (Def _ _ _ _ K12).
destruct H12 as [H1 | H2].
generalize (M3 f t' s' (Def R3 f l' u K3) H1).
simpl; rewrite (symb_in_subterm f _ _ Sub).
simpl; intro; discriminate.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; trivial; absurd (f = f); trivial.
assert (F := Indep3 _ _ _ (Def _ _ _ _ K3) H2).
simpl in F; destruct (symb_in_term f s').
destruct (symb_in_term f t'); discriminate.
rewrite (symb_in_subterm f _ _ Sub) in F.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; trivial; absurd (f = f); trivial.
inversion KPi; subst f u l'.
destruct H12 as [H1 | H2].
assert (H := P1 _ _ H1).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
assert (H := P2 _ _ H2).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
destruct H12 as [H1 | H2].
assert (H := P1 _ _ H1).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
assert (H := P2 _ _ H2).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.

inversion Df as [f' l' u K]; clear Df; subst.
destruct K as [K123 | KPi].
destruct K123 as [K12 | K3].
destruct K12 as [K1 | K2].
right; right; trivial.
exists s'; exists t'; exists p; exists f; exists l; exists sigma; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
apply (Def _ _ _ _ K1).
split; trivial.
assert (F := Indep2 _ _ _ (Def _ _ _ _ K2) H3).
simpl in F; destruct (symb_in_term f s').
destruct (symb_in_term f t'); discriminate.
rewrite (symb_in_subterm f _ _ Sub) in F.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f]; trivial; absurd (f = f); trivial.
right; left; apply Dp with t' p; trivial.
apply (Def _ _ _ _ K3).

inversion KPi; subst f u l'.
assert (H := P3 _ _ H3).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.
assert (H := P3 _ _ H3).
destruct (H pi) as [F _].
rewrite (symb_in_subterm pi _ _ Sub) in F.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial; apply F; trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi]; trivial.
absurd (pi=pi); trivial.

inversion HPi; subst; destruct p; discriminate.

Lemma split_rdp_step :
  forall R s t,
   rdp_step (union _ (union _ (union _ R1 R2) R3) (Pi pi V0 V1)) R s t ->
   (rdp_step (union _ R1 R2) R s t \/
   rdp_step R3 R s t \/
   (exists t1, exists f3, exists l2, exists p, exists f1, exists l1, exists sigma, exists l3,
   R3 t1 (Term f3 l2) /\
   subterm_at_pos t1 p = Some (Term f1 l1) /\
   defined R1 f1 /\
   (rwr_list R (map (apply_subst sigma) l2) l3 \/
    map (apply_subst sigma) l2 = l3) /\
   t = Term f3 l3 /\
   s = apply_subst sigma (Term f1 l1))).
intros R s t H.
destruct H as [s' t' H' | f l1 l2 t3 H' H''].
destruct (split_dp t' s' H') as [H1 | [H2 | H2]].
left; apply Dp_simple_step; trivial.
right; left; apply Dp_simple_step; trivial.
right; right.
destruct H2 as [t3 [t1 [p [f1 [l1 [sigma [K3 [Sub' [Df1 [K1 K2]]]]]]]]]].
destruct t3 as [v3 | f3 l3].
absurd (R3 t1 (Var v3)); trivial; apply R3_var.
exists t1; exists f3; exists l3; exists p; exists f1.
exists l1; exists sigma.
exists (map (apply_subst sigma) l3); split; trivial.
split; trivial.
split; trivial.
right; trivial.
split; trivial.

destruct (split_dp _ _ H'') as [H1 | [H2 | H2]]; clear H''.
left; apply Dp_gen_step with l2; trivial.
right; left; apply Dp_gen_step with l2; trivial.
right; right.
destruct H2 as [t3' [t1 [p [f1 [l2' [sigma [K3 [Sub' [Df1 [K1 K2]]]]]]]]]].
destruct t3' as [v3 | f3 l3].
absurd (R3 t1 (Var v3)); trivial; apply R3_var.
exists t1; exists f3; exists l3; exists p; exists f1.
exists l2'; exists sigma.
exists l1; split; trivial.
split; trivial.
split; trivial.
simpl in K1; injection K1; clear K1; intros K1 f_eq_f3.
left; subst l2; trivial.
split; trivial.
subst f; trivial.

Fixpoint Pi_red (t : term) : list term :=
   match t with
   | Var _ => nil
   | Term f l =>
      let Pi_red_list :=
         (fix Pi_red_list (l : list term) {struct l} : list (list term) :=
            match l with
            | nil => nil
            | t :: lt => (map (fun t' => t' :: lt) (Pi_red t)) ++
                             (map (fun l' => t :: l') (Pi_red_list lt))
            end) in
    if F.Symb.eq_dec f pi
      match l with
              | t1 :: t2 :: nil => t1 :: t2 :: map (fun l' => Term pi l') (Pi_red_list l)
              | _ =>map (fun l' => Term pi l') (Pi_red_list l)
    else map (fun l' => Term f l') (Pi_red_list l)

Fixpoint Pi_red_list (l : list term) {struct l} : list (list term) :=
            match l with
            | nil => nil
            | t :: lt => (map (fun t' => t' :: lt) (Pi_red t)) ++
                             (map (fun l' => t :: l') (Pi_red_list lt))

Lemma FB_Pi : forall s t, one_step (Pi pi V0 V1) t s <-> In t (Pi_red s).
intros s; pattern s; apply term_rec3; clear s.
intros s t; simpl; split; intro H.
inversion H; subst.
inversion H0; subst.
destruct t2 as [v2 | f2 l2].
inversion H3.

intros f l IH t; split; intro H.
inversion H; clear H; subst.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
destruct t2 as [v2 | f2 l2]; inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros H f2_eq_f; subst f f2.
simpl Pi_red.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi].
left; trivial.
absurd (pi = pi); trivial.
simpl in H; injection H; clear H; intros H f2_eq_f; subst f f2.
simpl Pi_red.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec pi pi) as [_ | pi_diff_pi].
right; left; trivial.
absurd (pi = pi); trivial.

assert (H' : In l1 (Pi_red_list l)).
induction H2; simpl.
apply in_or_app; left.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
exists t1; split; trivial.
setoid_rewrite <- IH; trivial; left; trivial.
apply in_or_app; right.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists l1; split; trivial.
apply IHone_step_list; trivial.
intros; apply IH; right; trivial.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst f; destruct l as [ | t1 [ | t2 [ | t3 l]]].
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists l1; split; trivial.
right; right; setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists l1; split; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists l1; split; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff; exists l1; split; trivial.
assert (H' : forall l', In l'
      ((fix Pi_red_list (l : list term) : list (list term) :=
          match l with
          | nil => nil (A:=list term)
          | t :: lt =>
              map (fun t' : term => t' :: lt) (Pi_red t) ++
              map (fun l' : list term => t :: l') (Pi_red_list lt)
          end) l) -> one_step_list (Pi pi V0 V1) l' l).
intros l' H'.
assert (H'' : In l' (Pi_red_list l)).
clear IH H; induction l as [ | s l]; trivial.
generalize l' H''; clear l' H H' H''; induction l as [ | s l]; intros l' H''.
simpl in H''; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H'') as [H1 | H2].
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H1; destruct H1 as [t' [H1' H1]]; subst l'.
apply head_step.
setoid_rewrite IH; trivial.
left; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H2; destruct H2 as [l'' [H2' H2]]; subst l'.
apply tail_step.
apply IHl; trivial.
intros; apply IH; right; trivial.

simpl in H.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst f; destruct l as [ | t1 [ | t2 [ | t3 l]]].
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [l' [H'' H]]; subst t.
apply in_context; apply H'; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [l' [H'' H]]; subst t.
apply in_context; apply H'; trivial.
destruct H as [t_eq_t1 | [t_eq_t2 | H]].
assert (H1sigma : t1 = apply_subst
                                        ((V0,t1) :: (V1,t2) :: nil)
                                        (Var V0)).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V0 V0) as [_ | V0_diff_V0]; trivial.
absurd (V0 = V0); trivial.
assert (H2sigma : Term pi (t1 :: t2 :: nil) =
                                   ((V0,t1) :: (V1,t2) :: nil)
                                   (Term pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil))).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V0 V0) as [_ | V0_diff_V0].
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V0) as [V1_eq_V0 | _].
absurd (V0 = V1); trivial; subst V0; trivial.
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V1) as [_ | V1_diff_V1]; trivial.
absurd (V1 = V1); trivial.
absurd (V0 = V0); trivial.
subst t; pattern t1 at 1.
rewrite H1sigma.
pattern t1 at 1.
rewrite H2sigma.
apply at_top.
apply instance.
apply Pi1.

assert (H1sigma : t2 = apply_subst
                                        ((V0,t1) :: (V1,t2) :: nil)
                                        (Var V1)).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V0) as [V1_eq_V0 | _].
absurd (V0 = V1); trivial; subst V0; trivial.
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V1) as [_ | V1_diff_V1]; trivial.
absurd (V1 = V1); trivial.

assert (H2sigma : Term pi (t1 :: t2 :: nil) =
                                   ((V0,t1) :: (V1,t2) :: nil)
                                   (Term pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil))).
simpl; destruct (X.eq_dec V0 V0) as [_ | V0_diff_V0].
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V0) as [V1_eq_V0 | _].
absurd (V0 = V1); trivial; subst V0; trivial.
destruct (X.eq_dec V1 V1) as [_ | V1_diff_V1]; trivial.
absurd (V1 = V1); trivial.
absurd (V0 = V0); trivial.
subst t; pattern t2 at 1.
rewrite H1sigma.
pattern t2 at 1.
rewrite H2sigma.
apply at_top.
apply instance.
apply Pi2.

rewrite map_app in H; destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H1 | H2]; clear H.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H1; destruct H1 as [l' [H'' H]]; subst t.
apply in_context; apply H'; apply in_or_app; left; trivial.
simpl in H2; rewrite <- app_nil_end in H2.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H2; destruct H2 as [l' [H'' H]]; subst t.
apply in_context; apply H'; apply in_or_app; right.
simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end; trivial.

setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [l' [H'' H]]; subst t.
apply in_context; apply H'; trivial.
setoid_rewrite in_map_iff in H; destruct H as [l' [H'' H]]; subst t.
apply in_context; apply H'; trivial.

Lemma def_dec3' : forall f : symbol, {defined (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f} + {~ defined (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f}.
intros f; destruct (def_dec3 f) as [Df | Cf].
left; inversion Df as [f' l s H]; subst.
apply (Def (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f l s); left; trivial.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst f; left; apply (Def (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil) (Var V0)).
right; apply Pi1.
right; intro Df; inversion Df as [f' l s [H3 | Hpi]]; subst.
apply Cf; apply (Def R3 f l s); trivial.
inversion Hpi; subst f; absurd (pi = pi); trivial.

Lemma R3_var' : forall (v : variable) (t :term), ~ (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) t (Var v).
intros v u [H3 | HPi].
apply (R3_var _ _ H3).
inversion HPi.

Lemma R12_var : forall (v : variable) (t :term), ~ (union _ R1 R2) t (Var v).
intros v u [H1 | H2].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).

Lemma R12_reg : forall s t : term,
         union term R1 R2 s t ->
         forall x : variable, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t).
intros s t [H1 | H2] x x_in_s.
apply R1_reg with s; trivial.
apply R2_reg with s; trivial.

Lemma module123' : module (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)).
inversion module_R1_R2 as [M2].
inversion module_R1_R3 as [M3].
apply Mod.
intros f s t Df [H1 | H2].
inversion Df as [f' l u [H3 | HPi]]; subst.
apply M3; trivial; apply (Def R3 f l u); trivial.
inversion HPi; subst f; subst.
destruct (P1 s t H1 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.
destruct (P1 s t H1 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.
inversion Df as [f' l u [H3 | HPi]]; subst.
apply Indep3; trivial; apply (Def R3 f l u); trivial.
inversion HPi; subst f; subst.
destruct (P2 s t H2 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.
destruct (P2 s t H2 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.

Lemma W12' : well_founded (rdp_step (union _ R1 R2) (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1))).
assert (W2' := dp_necessary _ R12_var' W2).
unfold dp_step in W2'.
refine (wf_incl _ _ _ _ W2').
intros t1 t2 H; inversion H as [s t H' | f l l' u H1 H2 H3]; clear H; subst.
apply Dp_simple_step.
inversion H' as [s t p f l2 sigma H'' Sub' Sub Df sigma' H2]; clear H'; subst.
refine (Dp _ _ _ p f l2 sigma _ Sub' Sub _).
left; trivial.
inversion Df as [g l u H'''].
subst f; refine (Def _ g l u _); left; trivial.
inversion H2 as [s' t' p f' l2' sigma H'' Sub' Sub Df sigma' H4]; clear H2; subst.
apply Dp_gen_step with l'; trivial.
destruct s' as [v' | g' k'].
destruct H'' as [K1 | K2].
absurd (R1 t' (Var v')); trivial; apply R1_var.
absurd (R2 t' (Var v')); trivial; apply R2_var.
simpl in H4; injection H4; clear H4; intros H4 g'_eq_f; subst.
refine (Dp (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f k') t' p f' l2' sigma _ Sub' Sub _).
left; trivial.
inversion Df as [g k u H'''].
subst g; refine (Def _ f' k u _); left; trivial.

Definition T12 :=
     wf_interp_acc V0 V1 V0_diff_V1 pi bot
                           (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) R12_reg R12_var R3_var'
                           module123' def_dec3' _ _
                           (fun s t => FB12 _ _ _ _ FB1 FB2 t s)
                           (fun s t => FB12 _ _ _ _ FB3 FB_Pi t s)
                           (union _ R1 R2) (fun s t H => H) W12'.

Lemma def_dec2' :
   forall f : symbol, {defined (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f} + {~ defined (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f}.
intros f; destruct (def_dec2 f) as [Df | Cf].
left; inversion Df as [f' l s H]; subst.
apply (Def (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f l s); left; trivial.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst f; left; apply (Def (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil) (Var V0)).
right; apply Pi1.
right; intro Df; inversion Df as [f' l s [H2 | Hpi]]; subst.
apply Cf; apply (Def R2 f l s); trivial.
inversion Hpi; subst f; absurd (pi = pi); trivial.

Lemma R2_var' : forall (v : variable) (t :term), ~ (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) t (Var v).
intros v u [H2 | HPi].
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).
inversion HPi.

Lemma R13_var : forall (v : variable) (t :term), ~ (union _ R1 R3) t (Var v).
intros v u [H1 | H3].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R3_var _ _ H3).

Lemma R13_reg : forall s t : term,
         union term R1 R3 s t ->
         forall x : variable, In x (var_list s) -> In x (var_list t).
intros s t [H1 | H3] x x_in_s.
apply R1_reg with s; trivial.
apply R3_reg with s; trivial.

Lemma module132' : module (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)).
inversion module_R1_R3 as [M3].
inversion module_R1_R2 as [M2].
apply Mod.
intros f s t Df [H1 | H3].
inversion Df as [f' l u [H2 | HPi]]; subst.
apply M2; trivial; apply (Def R2 f l u); trivial.
inversion HPi; subst f; subst.
destruct (P1 s t H1 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.
destruct (P1 s t H1 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.
inversion Df as [f' l u [H2 | HPi]]; subst.
apply Indep2; trivial; apply (Def R2 f l u); trivial.
inversion HPi; subst f; subst.
destruct (P3 s t H3 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.
destruct (P3 s t H3 pi) as [Hs Ht].
simpl; destruct (symb_in_term pi s).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Hs; trivial.
destruct (symb_in_term pi t).
absurd (pi = pi); trivial; apply Ht; trivial.

Definition T3 :=
         wf_interp_acc V0 V1 V0_diff_V1 pi bot
                               (union _ R1 R3) (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))
                               R13_reg R13_var R2_var' module132'
                               def_dec2' _ _
                               (fun s t => FB12 _ _ _ _ FB1 FB3 t s)
                               (fun s t => FB12 _ _ _ _ FB2 FB_Pi t s)
                               R3 (fun s t H => (or_intror _ H)) W3.

Lemma def_dec123' :
   forall f : symbol,
     {constructor (union term (union term R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) f} +
     {defined (union term (union term R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) f}.
intros f; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst; right.
refine (Def _ pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil) (Var V0) _).
do 2 right; apply Pi1.
destruct (def_dec1 f) as [D1f | C1f].
right; inversion D1f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); do 2 left; trivial.
destruct (def_dec2 f) as [D2f | C2f].
right; inversion D2f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); do 1 left; right; trivial.
destruct (def_dec3 f) as [D3f | C3f].
right; inversion D3f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); right; left; trivial.
left; assert (Cf : forall k t, ~ (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) t (Term f k)).
intros k t [[H1 | H2] | [H3 | HPi]].
apply C1f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H1).
apply C2f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H2).
apply C3f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H3).
inversion HPi; subst; absurd (f=f); trivial.
apply Const; trivial.

Lemma def_dec132' :
   forall f : symbol,
     {constructor (union term (union term R1 R3) (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))) f} +
     {defined (union term (union term R1 R3) (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))) f}.
intros f; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst; right.
refine (Def _ pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil) (Var V0) _).
do 2 right; apply Pi1.
destruct (def_dec1 f) as [D1f | C1f].
right; inversion D1f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); do 2 left; trivial.
destruct (def_dec2 f) as [D2f | C2f].
right; inversion D2f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); right; left; trivial.
destruct (def_dec3 f) as [D3f | C3f].
right; inversion D3f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); left; right; trivial.
left; assert (Cf : forall k t, ~ (union _ (union _ R1 R3) (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))) t (Term f k)).
intros k t [[H1 | H3] | [H2 | HPi]].
apply C1f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H1).
apply C3f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H3).
apply C2f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H2).
inversion HPi; subst; absurd (f=f); trivial.
apply Const; trivial.

Lemma modular_var : forall v,
                      Acc (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) (Var v).
intro x; apply Acc_intro; intros s H; inversion H; subst.
inversion H0; subst.
destruct t1 as [v1 | f1 l1].
assert False.
apply (R123_var' _ _ H2).

Lemma def_dec12 :
  forall f : symbol, {defined (union _ R1 R2) f} + {~ defined (union _ R1 R2) f}.
intro f; destruct (def_dec1 f) as [D1f | C1f].
left; inversion D1f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); left; trivial.
destruct (def_dec2 f) as [D2f | C2f].
left; inversion D2f as [f' k t H1]; subst f'.
refine (Def _ f k t _); right; trivial.
right; intros Df; inversion Df as [f' k t [H1 | H2]]; subst f'.
apply C1f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H1).
apply C2f; apply (Def _ _ _ _ H2).

Lemma Dummy :
   forall t, Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) t <->
              Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) t.
intros t; split; apply Acc_incl;
clear t; intros t1 t2; apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step.
clear t1 t2; intros t1 t2 [[H1 | H3] | [H2 | Hpi]].
left; left; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
left; right; trivial.
right; right; trivial.
clear t1 t2; intros t1 t2 [[H1 | H2] | [H3 | Hpi]].
left; left; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
left; right; trivial.
right; right; trivial.

Lemma Case12 :
  forall f l, defined (union _ R1 R2) f ->
             (Interp_dom (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f l)) ->
              Acc (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))))
                     (Term f l).
intros f l D12 It.
inversion D12 as [f' k u H12]; subst.
assert (Ts := T12 _ It).
assert (D12' : match Term f l with
                     | Var _ => False
                     | Term g _ => defined (union _ R1 R2) g
generalize (Term f l) Ts D12' It; clear f l It Ts D12' D12 H12.
intros t Acc_t; induction Acc_t as [[ v | f l] Acc_t IH]; intros D12f It.
apply Acc_intro; intros t H.
assert (Simple_step :
forall l
(IH : forall y : term,
     rdp_step (union term R1 R2)
       (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) y (Term f l) ->
     match y with
     | Var _ => False
     | Term g _ => defined (union term R1 R2) g
     end ->
     Interp_dom (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) y ->
     Acc (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) y)
(It : Interp_dom (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f l))
(t : term)
(H : dp (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) t (Term f l)),
Acc (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) t).
clear l Acc_t IH It t H;
intros l IH It t Hm.
inversion Hm as [s [ v| f' k'] p g'' k'' sigma t_R_s _Sub Sub Df'' H1 H']; subst.
destruct p; discriminate.
destruct (split_dp_top _ _ _ _ Hm) as [D12' | [D13 | D3]]; clear Hm.
destruct D12' as [Df Dg].
assert (t_R12_s : (union term R1 R2) (Term f' k') s).
clear k; destruct s as [ v | g k].
absurd (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f' k') (Var v)); trivial.
intros [[H1 | H2] | [H3 | Hpi]].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).
apply (R3_var _ _ H3).
inversion Hpi.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros H' f_eq_g; subst.
destruct t_R_s as [H12 | H3']; trivial.
destruct module123' as [M].
clear u; inversion Df as [f'' l u H12]; subst.
assert (F := M f _ _ (Def (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f k (Term f' k') H3') H12).
simpl in F; destruct (symb_in_term f u).
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f].
absurd (f=f); trivial.
assert (H : rdp_step (union term R1 R2) (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))
                           (Term g'' (map (apply_subst sigma) k''))
                           (Term f l)).
apply Dp_simple_step.
clear k; destruct s as [ v | g k].
absurd ((union term R1 R2) (Term f' k') (Var v)); trivial.
intros [H1 | H2].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros H' f_eq_g; subst.
apply (Dp (union _ R1 R2) (Term f k) (Term f' k') p g'' k'' sigma); trivial.
apply IH; trivial.
assert (s_not_in_F3 : forall g : symbol, symb_in_term g s = true -> ~ defined (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) g).
intros g g_in_s D3g.
destruct module123' as [M].
assert (H'' := M g _ _ D3g t_R12_s).
pattern (Term f' k') in H''; simpl symb_in_term_list in H''; cbv beta in H''.
rewrite g_in_s in H''; destruct (symb_in_term g (Term f' k')); discriminate.
destruct s as [v | ff ll].
absurd (union term R1 R2 (Term f' k') (Var v)); trivial.
apply R12_var.

assert (f'k'_not_in_F3 : forall g : symbol, symb_in_term g (Term f' k') = true -> ~ defined (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) g).
intros g g_in_s D3g.
destruct module123' as [M].
assert (H'' := M g _ _ D3g t_R12_s).
pattern (Term f' k') in H''; simpl symb_in_term_list in H''; cbv beta in H''.
rewrite g_in_s in H''; discriminate.
assert (interp_dom_var : forall v, In v (var_list (Term ff ll))
              -> Interp_dom (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (apply_subst sigma (Var v))).
intros v v_in_s'.
rewrite <- H' in It.
exact (interp_dom_subst (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) _ s_not_in_F3 sigma It v v_in_s').
intros [ | i q] h kk Sub' D3h.
simpl in Sub'; injection Sub'; clear Sub'; intros; subst.
assert False.
destruct module123' as [M].
inversion Dg as [g' kk v H1 H2]; subst.
generalize (M h _ _ D3h H1); simpl.
destruct (symb_in_term h v).
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec h h) as [_ | h_diff_h]; [discriminate | absurd (h=h); trivial].

generalize (subterm_in_instantiated_term _ _ _ Sub').
case_eq (subterm_at_pos (Term g'' k'') (i :: q)).
intros t Sub4 K.
assert (Sub5 := subterm_in_subterm _ _ _ Sub Sub4).
destruct t as [v | h' ll'].
assert (v_in_s : In v (var_list (Term ff ll))).
apply R12_reg with (Term f' k'); trivial.
apply var_in_subterm with (Var v) (p ++ i :: q); trivial.
left; trivial.
apply (interp_dom_var v v_in_s nil); trivial.
rewrite K; trivial.
simpl in K; injection K; clear K; intros; subst.
absurd (defined (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) h'); trivial.
apply f'k'_not_in_F3.
rewrite (symb_in_subterm h' _ _ Sub5); trivial.
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec h' h') as [_ | h'_diff_h']; trivial.
absurd (h'=h'); trivial.
intros _ [v [_ [q' [_ [v_in_g''k'' [_ Sub3]]]]]].
assert (v_in_s : In v (var_list (Term ff ll))).
apply R12_reg with (Term f' k'); trivial.
apply var_in_subterm with (Term g'' k'') p; trivial.
apply (interp_dom_var v v_in_s q'); trivial.

destruct D13 as [D3 _].
destruct module123' as [M].
clear k u; inversion D12f as [g k u H12]; subst.
inversion D3 as [g' k''' u' H3]; subst.
assert (F := M f _ _ (Def (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f k''' u' (or_introl _ H3)) H12).
simpl in F; destruct (symb_in_term f u).
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f].
absurd (f=f); trivial.

destruct D3 as [D3 _].
destruct module123' as [M].
clear k u; inversion D12f as [g k u H12]; subst.
inversion D3 as [g' k''' u' H3]; subst.
assert (F := M f _ _ (Def (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) f k''' u' (or_introl _ H3)) H12).
simpl in F; destruct (symb_in_term f u).
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f) as [_ | f_diff_f].
absurd (f=f); trivial.

clear k; inversion H as [ t' s' Hm | g k l' s'' l_R_l' Hm]; clear H; subst.
apply (Simple_step l); trivial.
apply (Simple_step l'); trivial.
intros [v | g k] H D12 Iu.
apply IH; trivial.
inversion H as [ t'' s'' Hm' | g' k' l'' s''' l'_R_l'' Hm']; clear H; subst.
apply Dp_gen_step with l'; trivial.
apply Dp_gen_step with l''; trivial.
apply rwr_list_is_trans with l'; trivial.

intros [ | i p] g k Sub Dg.
simpl in Sub; injection Sub; clear Sub; intros; subst g k.
assert False; [apply (Incomp123' f); trivial | contradiction].
assert (It' := interp_dom_R1_R2_rwr _ _ module123' def_dec3' R12_reg R3_var'
                        _ _ It (general_context _ f _ _ l_R_l')).
apply (It' (i :: p)); trivial.

Lemma dp_incl : forall R1 R2, inclusion _ R1 R2 -> inclusion _ (dp R1) (dp R2).
intros R1' R2' R1_in_R2 t1 t2 H.
inversion H as [t1' t2' p f2 l2 sigma H' Subt' Subt Df2]; subst.
apply (Dp R2' t1' t2' p f2 l2 sigma); trivial.
apply R1_in_R2; trivial.
inversion Df2 as [g2 l u H1]; subst.
apply (Def R2' f2 l u).
apply R1_in_R2; trivial.

Lemma dp_step_incl : forall R1 R2, inclusion _ R1 R2 -> inclusion _ (dp_step R1) (dp_step R2).
intros R1' R2' R1_in_R2 t1 t2 H.
inversion H as [ t' s' Hm | g k l' s'' l_R_l' Hm]; clear H; subst.
unfold dp_step; apply Dp_simple_step.
apply dp_incl with R1'; trivial.
unfold dp_step.
apply Dp_gen_step with l'.
apply R1_included_in_R2_rwr_list with R1'; trivial.
apply dp_incl with R1'; trivial.

Lemma rdp_step_incl : forall R R' R1 R2, inclusion _ R R' -> inclusion _ R1 R2 ->
               inclusion _ (rdp_step R R1) (rdp_step R' R2).
intros R R' R1' R2' R_in_R' R1_in_R2 t1 t2 H.
inversion H as [ t' s' Hm | g k l' s'' l_R_l' Hm]; clear H; subst.
apply Dp_simple_step; apply (dp_incl R R'); trivial.
apply Dp_gen_step with l'; trivial.
apply R1_included_in_R2_rwr_list with R1'; trivial.
apply (dp_incl R R'); trivial.

Lemma Case3 :
  forall f l, defined R3 f ->
                  ( forall t : term,
                    In t l ->
                       Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) t) ->
    Acc (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) (Term f l).
intros f l D3 IHl.
assert (H : Interp_dom (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f l)).
intros [ | i p] g k Sub D2.
simpl in Sub; injection Sub; clear Sub; intros; subst g k.
inversion D2 as [g k u [H2 | HPi]]; subst.
assert False; [ apply (Incomp23 f (Def R2 f k u H2) D3) | contradiction].
assert False; [ inversion HPi; subst f; apply (Incomp3' D3) | contradiction].
simpl in Sub; assert (H := nth_error_ok_in i l);
destruct (nth_error l i) as [ti | ]; [idtac | discriminate].
destruct (H _ (refl_equal _)) as [ls1 [ls2 [L H']]]; clear H; subst l.
assert (Hti : Interp_dom (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) ti).
apply acc_interp_dom.
apply IHl; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
apply (Hti p); trivial.

assert (D3' : match Term f l with
                     | Var _ => False
                     | Term g _ => defined R3 g
assert (Ts := T3 _ H).
assert (IHl' : forall t, direct_subterm t (Term f l) ->
                Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) t).
simpl; trivial.
generalize (Term f l) Ts D3' IHl'; clear f l H Ts D3' IHl D3 IHl'.
intros t Acc_t; induction Acc_t as [[ v | _f l] Acc_t IH]; intros D3 IHl.
apply Acc_intro; intros t H.
assert (Simple_step :
forall l
(IH : forall y : term,
     rdp_step R3 (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))) y
       (Term _f l) ->
     match y with
     | Var _ => False
     | Term g _ => defined R3 g
     end ->
     (forall t : term,
      direct_subterm t y ->
      Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))))
        t) ->
     Acc (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) y)
(D3 : defined R3 _f)
(IHl : forall t : term,
      direct_subterm t (Term _f l) ->
      Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) t)
(t : term)
(H : dp (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))) t
      (Term _f l)),
Acc (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) t).
clear l Acc_t IH D3 IHl t H;
intros l IH D3 IHl t Hm.
inversion Hm as [s [ v | f' k'] p g'' k'' sigma t_R_s _Sub Sub Df'' H1 H']; clear Hm; subst.
destruct p; discriminate.
destruct s as [ v | g k].
absurd (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f' k') (Var v)); trivial.
apply R132_var'.

assert (t_R3_s : R3 (Term f' k') (Term g k)).
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros H' f_eq_g; subst g l.
destruct t_R_s as [[ H1 | H3] | [H2 | HPi]]; trivial.
assert False; [apply (Incomp13 _f (Def _ _ _ _ H1) D3) | contradiction].
assert False; [apply (Incomp23 _f (Def _ _ _ _ H2) D3) | contradiction].
assert False; [inversion HPi; subst _f; apply (Incomp3' D3) | contradiction].

assert (Hm' : dp (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))
                           (apply_subst sigma (Term g'' k'')) (Term _f l)).
rewrite <- H';
refine (Dp (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) _ (Term f' k') p g'' k'' sigma _ _ _ _); trivial.
right; left; trivial.
inversion Df'' as [h'' l'' u'' [[H1 | H3] | [H2 | Hpi]]]; subst.
apply (Def (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) g'' l'' u''); left; left; trivial.
apply (Def (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) g'' l'' u''); right; left; trivial.
apply (Def (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) g'' l'' u''); left; right; trivial.
apply (Def (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) g'' l'' u''); right; right; trivial.
destruct (split_dp_top _ _ _ _ Hm') as [D12' | DD3]; clear Hm'.
destruct D12' as [Df Dg].
absurd (defined (union term R1 R2) _f); trivial.
intros D12f; inversion D12f as [f'' k''' u [H1 | H2]]; subst.
apply (Incomp13 _f (Def R1 _f k''' u H1) D3).
apply (Incomp23 _f (Def R2 _f k''' u H2) D3).
assert (D123 : match Term g'' k'' with
                       | Var _ => False
                       | Term f _ => defined R3 f \/ defined (union _ R1 R2) f
destruct DD3 as [[_ D3'] | [_ D12]]; [left | right]; trivial.
clear DD3.
generalize (Term g'' k'') p _Sub Sub D123; clear g'' k'' p _Sub Sub Df'' D123.
intro t; pattern t; apply term_rec2; clear t.
intro n; induction n as [ | n]; intros t St p _Sub Sub D123.
absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (size t); trivial; apply size_ge_one.
assert (IHk'' : forall s q, subterm_at_pos t q = Some s ->
                      Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))))
                        (apply_subst sigma s)).
intro s; pattern s; apply term_rec2; clear s.
intro m; induction m as [ | m]; intros s Ss q Sub'.
absurd (1 <= 0); auto with arith; apply le_trans with (size s); trivial; apply size_ge_one.
destruct s as [v | g3 k3].
assert (v_in_s : In v (var_list (Term g k))).
apply R3_reg with (Term f' k'); trivial.
apply var_in_subterm with (Var v) (p ++ q).
apply subterm_in_subterm with t; trivial.
left; trivial.
destruct (var_in_subterm2 _ _ v_in_s) as [q' Sub''].
destruct q' as [ | i q'].
assert (H'' := nth_error_ok_in i k).
simpl in Sub''; destruct (nth_error k i) as [si | ].
destruct (H'' _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1 [l2 [L1 H''']]].
apply acc_subterms_3 with q' (apply_subst sigma si).
apply IHl.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros; subst.
simpl; rewrite map_app; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
assert (Sub3 := subterm_at_pos_apply_subst_apply_subst_subterm_at_pos
                               si q' sigma).
rewrite Sub'' in Sub3; trivial.
assert (Hk3 : forall s, In s k3 ->
                  Acc (one_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))))
                         (apply_subst sigma s)).
intros s' s'_in_k3;
destruct (In_split _ _ s'_in_k3) as [k3' [k3'' H]]; subst k3.
apply IHm with (q ++ (length k3' :: nil)).
apply le_S_n.
apply le_trans with (size (Term g3 (k3' ++ s' :: k3''))); trivial.
apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.
apply subterm_in_subterm with (Term g3 (k3' ++ s' :: k3'')); trivial.
simpl; rewrite nth_error_at_pos; trivial.
destruct (subterm_at_pos_dec (Term g k) (Term g3 k3)) as [[[ | i q'] _Sub'] | not_Sub].
apply dp_criterion_aux.
apply R132_var'.
apply R132_reg'.
apply def_dec132'.
apply IH; trivial.
apply Dp_simple_step.
assert (H''' := Dp R3 _ _ (p ++ q) g3 k3 sigma t_R3_s).
rewrite H' in H'''.
apply H'''; trivial.
intros i q''; intro H3;
simpl in _Sub'; injection _Sub'; intros; subst g3 k3;
absurd (size (Term g k) < size (Term g k)).
auto with arith.
generalize (size_subterm_at_pos (Term g k) i q'').
rewrite H3; trivial.
apply subterm_in_subterm with t; trivial.
simpl in _Sub'; injection _Sub'; intros; subst g3 k3;
apply (Def R3 g _ _ t_R3_s).
simpl in _Sub'; injection _Sub'; intros; subst g3 k3;
apply (Def R3 g _ _ t_R3_s).
simpl; intros s s_in_k3; rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_k3; destruct s_in_k3 as [s' [H s'_in_k3]]; subst.
apply Hk3; trivial.
simpl; intros s s_in_k3; rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_k3; destruct s_in_k3 as [s' [H s'_in_k3]]; subst.
apply Hk3; trivial.
simpl in _Sub'.
generalize (nth_error_ok_in i k); destruct (nth_error k i) as [ti | ]; [idtac | discriminate].
intros H''; destruct (H'' _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1' [l2' [L H3]]]; clear H''; subst k.
apply acc_subterms_3 with q' (apply_subst sigma ti).
apply IHl.
simpl; injection H'; intros; subst.
rewrite in_map_iff; exists ti; split; trivial; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
generalize (subterm_at_pos_apply_subst_apply_subst_subterm_at_pos ti q' sigma).
rewrite _Sub'; trivial.
destruct (def_dec132' g3) as [Cg3 | Dg3].
simpl; apply acc_subterms; trivial.
apply R132_var'.
intros s s_in_k3; rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_k3; destruct s_in_k3 as [s' [H s'_in_k3]]; subst.
apply Hk3; trivial.
destruct q as [ | i q].
simpl in Sub'; injection Sub'; clear Sub'; intros; subst t.
destruct D123 as [Dg | Dg].
assert (H : rdp_step R3 (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))
                           (Term g3 (map (apply_subst sigma) k3))
                           (Term _f l)).
apply Dp_simple_step.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros H' _f_eq_g; subst g l.
apply (Dp R3 (Term _f k) (Term f' k') p g3 k3 sigma); trivial.
apply dp_criterion_aux.
apply R132_var'.
apply R132_reg'.
apply def_dec132'.
apply IH; simpl; trivial.
intros s s_in_k3; rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_k3; destruct s_in_k3 as [s' [H'' s'_in_k3]]; subst.
apply Hk3; trivial.
intros s s_in_k3; rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_k3; destruct s_in_k3 as [s' [H'' s'_in_k3]]; subst.
apply Hk3; trivial.
apply dp_criterion_aux.
apply R132_var'.
apply R132_reg'.
apply def_dec132'.
apply Acc_incl with (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
refine (dp_step_incl _ _ _).
intros t1 t2 [[H1 | H3] | [H2 | HPi]].
do 2 left; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
left; right; trivial.
do 2 right; trivial.
apply (Case12 g3 (map (apply_subst sigma) k3)); trivial.
intros [ | i r] g4 k4 Sub'' Dg4.
simpl in Sub''; injection Sub''; clear Sub''; intros; subst.
assert False; [apply (Incomp123' g4); trivial | contradiction].
simpl in Sub''.
assert (H'' := nth_error_map (apply_subst sigma) k3 i).
destruct (nth_error (map (apply_subst sigma) k3) i) as [ti | ].
assert (H''' := nth_error_ok_in i k3).
destruct (nth_error k3 i) as [si | ].
destruct (H''' _ (refl_equal _)) as [l1 [l2 [L1 H'''']]].
assert (si_in_lr : In si k3).
subst k3; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
apply acc_subterms_3 with r ti; trivial.
subst; rewrite Dummy; apply IHm with (length l1 :: nil); trivial.
apply le_S_n.
apply le_trans with (size (Term g3 (l1 ++ si :: l2))); trivial.
apply size_direct_subterm; trivial.
simpl; rewrite nth_error_at_pos; trivial.
intros s s_in_k3; rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_k3; destruct s_in_k3 as [s' [H'' s'_in_k3]]; subst.
apply Hk3; trivial.
apply dp_criterion_aux.
apply R132_var'.
apply R132_reg'.
apply def_dec132'.
apply IHn with (p ++ i :: q).
apply le_S_n.
apply le_trans with (size t); trivial.
generalize (size_subterm_at_pos t i q).
rewrite Sub'; trivial.
intros j q' Sub''; apply not_Sub; exists (j :: q'); trivial.
apply subterm_in_subterm with t; trivial.
destruct Dg3 as [g' l' u [[H1 | H3] | [H2 | Hpi]]].
right; apply (Def (union _ R1 R2) g' l' u); left; trivial.
left; apply (Def R3 g' l' u); trivial.
right; apply (Def (union _ R1 R2) g' l' u); right; trivial.
assert False; [idtac | contradiction].
destruct (P3 _ _ t_R3_s g') as [F _]; apply F.
apply (symb_in_subterm g' _ p Sub).
apply (symb_in_subterm g' _ (i :: q) Sub').
simpl; destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec g' g') as [ _ | g'_diff_g']; [idtac | absurd (g' = g')]; trivial.
inversion Hpi; subst; trivial.
intros s s_in_k3; rewrite in_map_iff in s_in_k3; destruct s_in_k3 as [s' [H'' s'_in_k3]]; subst.
apply Hk3; trivial.

apply acc_one_step_acc_dp.
apply R132_var'.
apply IHk'' with (@nil nat); trivial.

inversion H as [ t' s' Hm | g k l' s'' l_R_l' Hm]; clear H; subst.
apply (Simple_step l); trivial.
apply (Simple_step l'); trivial.
intros [v | g k] H D3' Iu.
apply IH; trivial.
inversion H as [ t'' s'' Hm' | g' k' l'' s''' l'_R_l'' Hm']; clear H; subst.
apply Dp_gen_step with l'; trivial.
apply Dp_gen_step with l''; trivial.
apply rwr_list_is_trans with l'; trivial.

simpl; intros u' u'_in_l'.
assert (H : exists u, In u l /\ (u=u' \/
                                              (rwr (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) u' u)).
generalize l l' l_R_l' u'_in_l'.
intro k1; induction k1 as [ | t1 k1]; intros [ | t2 k2] H u_in_k1.
destruct H as [[H1 H2] | [[H1 H2] | [H1 H2]]].
destruct u_in_k1 as [u_eq_t2 | u_in_k2].
exists t1; split.
left; trivial.
subst; right; trivial.
exists u'; split.
right; subst; trivial.
left; trivial.
destruct u_in_k1 as [u_eq_t2 | u_in_k2].
exists t1; split.
left; trivial.
subst; left; trivial.
destruct (IHk1 k2) as [u [u_in_k1 H]]; trivial.
exists u; split; trivial.
right; trivial.
destruct u_in_k1 as [u'_eq_t2 | u'_in_k2].
exists t1; split.
left; trivial.
subst; right; trivial.
destruct (IHk1 k2) as [u [u_in_k1 H]]; trivial.
exists u; split; trivial.
right; trivial.
destruct H as [u [u_in_l [u_eq_u' | H]]].
subst; apply IHl; simpl; trivial.
assert (Acc_u : Acc (rwr (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))) u).
setoid_rewrite <- acc_one_step.
apply IHl; trivial.
setoid_rewrite acc_one_step.
inversion Acc_u.
apply H0; trivial.

Lemma modular_termination :
   well_founded (dp_step (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
intros s; apply dp_necessary; simpl; trivial.
apply R123_var'.

clear s; intro s; pattern s; apply term_rec3; clear s; trivial.
intro x; apply Acc_intro; intros s H; inversion H; subst.
inversion H0; subst.
destruct t2 as [v2 | f2 l2].
assert False; [apply (R123_var' _ _ H3) | contradiction].

intros f l IHl;
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst f.
apply Acc_incl with (one_step (union _ (union _ (union _ R1 R2) R3) (Pi pi V0 V1))).
intros t1 t2; apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step; clear t1 t2.
intros t1 t2 [[H1 | H2] | [H3 | Hpi]].
do 3 left; trivial.
do 2 left; right; trivial.
left; right; trivial.
right; trivial.
apply acc_subterms_pi; trivial.
intros x t [[H1 | H2] | H3].
apply (R1_var _ _ H1).
apply (R2_var _ _ H2).
apply (R3_var _ _ H3).
intros t1 t2 [[H1 | H2] | H3].
apply (P1 t1 t2 H1).
apply (P2 t1 t2 H2).
apply (P3 t1 t2 H3).
intros t t_in_ll;
apply Acc_incl with (one_step (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
intros t1 t2; apply R1_included_in_R2_one_step; clear t1 t2.
intros t1 t2 [[[H1 | H2] | H3] | Hpi].
do 2 left; trivial.
left; right; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
right; right; trivial.
apply IHl; trivial.

apply dp_criterion_aux; simpl; trivial.
apply R123_var'.
apply R123_reg'.
apply def_dec123'.

destruct (def_dec12 f) as [D12 | C12].
apply Case12; trivial.
intros [ | i p] g k Sub D3.
simpl in Sub; injection Sub; clear Sub; intros; subst g k.
assert False; [idtac | contradiction].
apply (Incomp123' f); trivial.
simpl in Sub; assert (H := nth_error_ok_in i l);
destruct (nth_error l i) as [ti | ]; [idtac | discriminate].
destruct (H _ (refl_equal _)) as [ls1 [ls2 [L H']]]; clear H; subst l.
assert (Hti : Interp_dom (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) ti).
apply acc_interp_dom.
apply IHl; apply in_or_app; right; left; trivial.
apply (Hti p); trivial.

destruct (def_dec3 f) as [D3' | C3].
apply Acc_incl with (dp_step (union term (union term R1 R3) (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
refine (dp_step_incl _ _ _).
intros t1 t2 [[H1 | H2] | [H3 | HPi]].
left; left; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
left; right; trivial.
right; right; trivial.
apply Case3; trivial.
intros t t_in_l; setoid_rewrite <- Dummy; apply IHl; trivial.
apply Acc_intro; intros t H.
inversion H as [ t' s' Hm | g k l' s'' l_R_l' Hm]; clear H; subst.
inversion Hm as [s [ v | f' k'] p g'' k'' sigma t_R_s _Sub Sub Df'' H1 H']; subst.
destruct p; discriminate.
destruct s as [x | g k].
absurd (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f' k') (Var x)); trivial.
apply R123_var'.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros; subst.
assert False.
destruct t_R_s as [H12 | [H3 | HPi]].
apply C12; apply (Def (union _ R1 R2) f _ _ H12).
apply C3; apply (Def R3 f _ _ H3).
apply f_diff_pi; inversion HPi; subst; trivial.

inversion Hm as [s [ v | f' k'] p g'' k'' sigma t_R_s _Sub Sub Df'' H1 H']; subst.
destruct p; discriminate.
destruct s as [x | g k].
absurd (union term (union term R1 R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (Term f' k') (Var x)); trivial.
apply R123_var'.
simpl in H'; injection H'; clear H'; intros; subst.
assert False.
destruct t_R_s as [H12 | [H3 | HPi]].
apply C12; apply (Def (union _ R1 R2) f _ _ H12).
apply C3; apply (Def R3 f _ _ H3).
apply f_diff_pi; inversion HPi; subst; trivial.

End Modular_termination.

Lemma def_dec_rules :
   forall R rule_list, (forall l r, R r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list) ->
   forall f, {defined R f} + {~ defined R f}.
intros R rule_list; generalize R; clear R;
induction rule_list as [ | [l r] rule_list]; intros R Equiv f.
right; intro Df; inversion Df as [f' k u H]; subst.
rewrite Equiv in H; contradiction.
set (R' := fun r l => In (l,r) rule_list).
assert (Equiv' : forall l r : term, R' r l <-> In (l, r) rule_list).
intros l1 r1; unfold R'; split; trivial.
destruct (IHrule_list R' Equiv' f) as [Df | Cf].
left; inversion Df as [f' k u H]; subst.
apply (Def R f k u).
rewrite Equiv; right; trivial.
destruct l as [v | f' k'].
right; intro Df; inversion Df as [f' k u H]; subst.
apply Cf.
rewrite Equiv in H.
destruct H as [H | H].
rewrite <- Equiv' in H.
apply (Def R' f k u); trivial.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f f') as [f_eq_f' | f_diff_f'].
left; apply (Def R f k' r); subst; rewrite Equiv; left; trivial.
right; intro Df; inversion Df as [f'' k u H]; subst.
rewrite Equiv in H; destruct H as [H | H].
apply f_diff_f'; injection H; intros; subst; trivial.
apply Cf.
rewrite <- Equiv' in H.
apply (Def R' f k u); trivial.

Lemma modular_termination_lift :
  forall (V0 V1 : variable), V0 <> V1 ->
  forall pi R1 R2 R3, module R1 R2 -> module R1 R3 ->

  forall rule_list1, (forall l r, R1 r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list1) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list1 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list1 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list1 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->

  forall rule_list2, (forall l r, R2 r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list2) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list2 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list2 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list2 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->

  forall rule_list3, (forall l r, R3 r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list3) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->

  (forall s t f, defined R2 f -> R3 s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false) ->
  (forall s t f, defined R3 f -> R2 s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false) ->

  well_founded (dp_step (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  well_founded (rdp_step R3 (union _ (union _ R1 R3) (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  well_founded (dp_step (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
intros V0 V1 V0_diff_V1 pi R1 R2 R3 M12 M13
rule_list1 Equiv1 R1_var R1_reg P1
rule_list2 Equiv2 R2_var R2_reg P2
rule_list3 Equiv3 R3_var R3_reg P3
Indep2 Indep3 W12 W3.
apply (modular_termination _ _ V0_diff_V1 pi pi R1 R2 R3
(def_dec_rules _ _ Equiv1)
(def_dec_rules _ _ Equiv2)
(def_dec_rules _ _ Equiv3) _ _ _
(fun s t => iff_sym (compute_red_is_correct _ R1_reg _ Equiv1 s t))
(fun s t => iff_sym (compute_red_is_correct _ R2_reg _ Equiv2 s t))
(fun s t => iff_sym (compute_red_is_correct _ R3_reg _ Equiv3 s t))); trivial.
intros s t H1; apply R1_reg; rewrite <- Equiv1; trivial.
intros s t H2; apply R2_reg; rewrite <- Equiv2; trivial.
intros s t H3; apply R3_reg; rewrite <- Equiv3; trivial.
intros x t H1; rewrite Equiv1 in H1; apply (R1_var _ _ H1 x); trivial.
intros x t H2; rewrite Equiv2 in H2; apply (R2_var _ _ H2 x); trivial.
intros x t H3; rewrite Equiv3 in H3; apply (R3_var _ _ H3 x); trivial.
intros s t H1; apply (P1 t s); rewrite <- Equiv1; trivial.
intros s t H2; apply (P2 t s); rewrite <- Equiv2; trivial.
intros s t H3; apply (P3 t s); rewrite <- Equiv3; trivial.
apply dp_criterion; trivial.
apply R12_var'.
intros x t H1; rewrite Equiv1 in H1; apply (R1_var _ _ H1 x); trivial.
intros x t H2; rewrite Equiv2 in H2; apply (R2_var _ _ H2 x); trivial.
intros s t [[H1 | H2] | Hpi].
apply R1_reg; rewrite <- Equiv1; trivial.
apply R2_reg; rewrite <- Equiv2; trivial.
inversion Hpi; subst.
intros x [x_eq_v1 | x_in_nil]; [left; trivial | contradiction].
intros x [x_eq_v2 | x_in_nil]; [right; left; trivial | contradiction].
intros f; destruct (def_dec_rules _ _ Equiv1 f) as [D1 | C1].
right; inversion D1 as [f' l u H1].
subst f'; apply (Def (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1)) f l u); left; left; trivial.
destruct (def_dec_rules _ _ Equiv2 f) as [D2 | C2].
right; inversion D2 as [f' l u H2].
subst f'; apply (Def (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1)) f l u); left; right; trivial.
destruct (F.Symb.eq_dec f pi) as [f_eq_pi | f_diff_pi].
subst f; right;
apply (Def (union _ (union _ R1 R2) (Pi pi V0 V1)) pi (Var V0 :: Var V1 :: nil) (Var V0)).
right; apply Pi1.
left; apply Const; intros l u [[H1 | H2] | Hpi].
apply C1; apply (Def R1 f l u H1).
apply C2; apply (Def R2 f l u H2).
inversion Hpi; subst f; apply f_diff_pi; trivial.

Inductive Empty_R : term -> term -> Prop := .

Lemma module_empty : forall R, module Empty_R R.
intros R; apply Mod.
intros f s t _ H; case H.

Lemma list_rules_empty : forall l r, Empty_R r l <-> In (l,r) nil.
intros l r; split; intro H; case H.

Lemma Empty_R_reg :
  (forall l r, In (l,r) nil -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)).
intros l r lr_in_nil; case lr_in_nil.

Lemma modular_termination_indep_lift :
  forall (V0 V1 : variable), V0 <> V1 ->
  forall pi R2 R3,

  forall rule_list2, (forall l r, R2 r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list2) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list2 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list2 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list2 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->

  forall rule_list3, (forall l r, R3 r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list3) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->

  (forall s t f, defined R2 f -> R3 s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false) ->
  (forall s t f, defined R3 f -> R2 s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false) ->

  well_founded (dp_step (union _ R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  well_founded (dp_step (union _ R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  well_founded (dp_step (union _ (union _ R2 R3) (Pi pi V0 V1))).
intros V0 V1 V0_diff_V1 pi R2 R3
rule_list2 Equiv2 R2_var R2_reg P2
rule_list3 Equiv3 R3_var R3_reg P3
Indep2 Indep3 W12 W3.
apply wf_incl with (dp_step (union term (union _ Empty_R R2) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
intros t1 t2; apply dp_step_incl; clear t1 t2.
intros t1 t2 [[H2 | H3] | Hpi].
left; right; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
do 2 right; trivial.

apply (modular_termination_lift _ _ V0_diff_V1 pi Empty_R R2 R3
(module_empty R2) (module_empty R3)) with (@nil (term * term)) rule_list2 rule_list3; trivial.
apply list_rules_empty.
intros s t H; case H.
intros s t H; case H.
intros s t H; case H.
apply wf_incl with (dp_step (union term R2 (Pi pi V0 V1))); trivial.
apply dp_step_incl.
intros t1 t2 [[HE | H2] | Hpi].
case HE.
left; trivial.
right; trivial.

apply wf_incl with (rdp_step (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1))); trivial.
apply rdp_step_incl.
intros t1 t2; left; trivial.
intros t1 t2 [[HE | H3] | Hpi].
case HE.
left; trivial.
right; trivial.

Lemma modular_termination_hierarch_lift :
  forall (V0 V1 : variable), V0 <> V1 ->
  forall pi R1 R3, module R1 R3 ->

  forall rule_list1, (forall l r, R1 r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list1) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list1 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list1 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list1 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->

  forall rule_list3, (forall l r, R3 r l <-> In (l,r) rule_list3) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rule_list3 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->

  well_founded (dp_step (union _ R1 (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  well_founded (rdp_step R3 (union _ (union _ R1 R3) (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  well_founded (dp_step (union _ (union _ R1 R3) (Pi pi V0 V1))).
intros V0 V1 V0_diff_V1 pi R1 R3 M13
rule_list1 Equiv1 R1_var R1_reg P1
rule_list3 Equiv3 R3_var R3_reg P3
W12 W3.
apply wf_incl with (dp_step (union term (union _ R1 Empty_R) (union term R3 (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
intros t1 t2; apply dp_step_incl; clear t1 t2.
intros t1 t2 [[H1 | H3] | Hpi].
do 2 left; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
do 2 right; trivial.

apply (modular_termination_lift _ _ V0_diff_V1 pi R1 Empty_R R3) with rule_list1 (@nil (term * term)) rule_list3; trivial.
apply Mod; intros f s t [f' l u HE]; case HE.
apply list_rules_empty.
intros s t H; case H.
intros s t H; case H.
intros s t H; case H.
intros s t f [f' l u HE]; case HE.
intros s t f _ HE; case HE.
apply wf_incl with (dp_step (union term R1 (Pi pi V0 V1))); trivial.
apply dp_step_incl.
intros t1 t2 [[H1 | HE] | Hpi].
left; trivial.
case HE.
right; trivial.

Record rwr_rel (pi : F.Symb.A) : Type :=
     ident : nat;
     Rel : relation term;
     rules : list (term * term);
     REquiv : (forall l r, Rel r l <-> In (l,r) rules);
     RR_var : (forall l r, In (l,r) rules -> forall v, l <> Var v);
     RR_reg : (forall l r, In (l,r) rules -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l));
     RP : (forall l r, In (l,r) rules -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi))))

Lemma Equiv_empty : forall (l r : term), Empty_R r l <-> In (l,r) nil.
intros l r; split; intro H; case H.

Lemma R_var_empty : forall (l r : term), In (l,r) nil -> forall v, l <> Var v.
intros l r H; case H.

Lemma R_reg_empty : forall l r, In (l,r) nil -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l).
intros l r H; case H.

Lemma P_empty :
 forall pi, forall l r, In (l,r) nil -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi))).
intros pi l r H; case H.

Definition rwr_rel_empty pi : rwr_rel pi :=
  mk_set pi 0 Empty_R nil Equiv_empty R_var_empty R_reg_empty (P_empty pi).

Lemma Equiv_comb :
  forall R1 R2 rules1 rules2, (forall l r, R1 r l <-> In (l,r) rules1) -> (forall l r, R2 r l <-> In (l,r) rules2) ->
          (forall (l r : term), (union _ R1 R2) r l <-> In (l,r) (rules1 ++ rules2)).
intros R1 R2 rules1 rules2 Equiv1 Equiv2.
intros l r; split; intro H.
destruct H as [H | H]; apply in_or_app; [left; rewrite <- Equiv1 | right; rewrite <- Equiv2]; trivial.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H' | H']; [left; rewrite Equiv1 | right; rewrite Equiv2]; trivial.

Lemma R_var_comb :
  forall rules1 rules2, (forall l r, In (l,r) rules1 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rules2 -> forall v, l <> Var v) ->
  (forall (l r : term), In (l,r) (rules1 ++ rules2) -> forall v, l <> Var v).
intros rules1 rules2 R1_var R2_var l r H v.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H' | H']; [apply (R1_var l r H' v) | apply (R2_var l r H' v)].

Lemma R_reg_comb :
  forall rules1 rules2, (forall l r, In (l,r) rules1 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) rules2 -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)) ->
  (forall l r, In (l,r) (rules1 ++ rules2) -> forall v, In v (var_list r) -> In v (var_list l)).
intros rules1 rules2 R1_reg R2_reg l r H v.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H' | H']; [apply (R1_reg l r H' v) | apply (R2_reg l r H' v)].

Lemma P_comb :
 forall pi rules1 rules2, (forall l r, In (l,r) rules1 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->
(forall l r, In (l,r) rules2 -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))) ->
(forall l r, In (l,r) (rules1 ++ rules2) -> (forall f, ((symb_in_term f r = true -> f <> pi) /\
                                                              (symb_in_term f l = true -> f <> pi)))).
intros rules1 rules2 pi P1 P2 l r H f.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H' | H']; [apply (P1 l r H' f) | apply (P2 l r H' f)].

Definition rwr_rel_comb pi (R1 R2 : rwr_rel pi) : rwr_rel pi :=
  mk_set pi (ident pi R1) (union _ (Rel pi R1) (Rel pi R2)) (rules pi R1 ++ rules pi R2)
                  (Equiv_comb _ _ _ _ (REquiv pi R1) (REquiv pi R2))
                  (R_var_comb _ _ (RR_var pi R1) (RR_var pi R2))
                  (R_reg_comb _ _ (RR_reg pi R1) (RR_reg pi R2))
                  (P_comb _ _ _ (RP pi R1) (RP pi R2)).

Lemma modular_termination_indep_list_lift :
  forall (V0 V1 : variable), V0 <> V1 -> forall pi (list_rel : list (rwr_rel pi)) R',
   (forall R1 R2 L' L'' L''', list_rel = L' ++ R1 :: L'' ++ R2 :: L''' -> ident pi R1 <> ident pi R2) ->
   well_founded (dp_step (union _ (Rel pi R') (Pi pi V0 V1))) ->
  (forall R, In R list_rel -> module (Rel pi R') (Rel pi R)) ->
  (forall R, In R list_rel -> well_founded (rdp_step (Rel pi R) (union _ (union _ (Rel pi R) (Rel pi R')) (Pi pi V0 V1)))) ->
  (forall R1 R2, In R1 list_rel -> In R2 list_rel -> ident pi R1 <> ident pi R2 ->
        (forall s t f, defined (Rel pi R1) f -> (Rel pi R2) s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false)) ->
    well_founded (dp_step (fold_left (fun acc Rr => union _ (Rel pi Rr) acc) list_rel (union _ (Rel pi R') (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
intros V0 V1 V0_diff_V1 pi L R' U W' ML WL IL.
assert (fold_incl : forall (L0 : list (rwr_rel pi)) (P0 P1 : term -> term -> Prop),
inclusion term P0 P1 ->
inclusion term
     (fun (acc : relation term) (Rr : rwr_rel pi) =>
      union term (Rel pi Rr) acc) L0 P0)
     (fun (acc : relation term) (Rr : rwr_rel pi) =>
      union term (Rel pi Rr) acc) L0 P1)).
intro L'; induction L' as [ | R'' L'']; simpl; intros P1 P2 P1_in_P2; trivial.
apply IHL''.
intros t1 t2 [H'' | H1].
left; trivial.
right; apply P1_in_P2; trivial.

assert (Gen : forall (R0 : rwr_rel pi), module (Rel pi R') (Rel pi R0) ->
                     (well_founded (rdp_step (Rel pi R0) (union _ (union _ (Rel pi R') (Rel pi R0)) (Pi pi V0 V1)))) ->
                     (forall R2, In R2 L ->
                          (forall s t f, defined (Rel pi R0) f -> (Rel pi R2) s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false)) ->
                     (forall R1, In R1 L ->
                            (forall s t f, defined (Rel pi R1) f -> (Rel pi R0) s t -> symb_in_term_list f (s :: t :: nil) = false)) ->
                     well_founded (dp_step (fold_left (fun acc Rr => union _ (Rel pi Rr) acc) L (union _ (union _ (Rel pi R') (Rel pi R0)) (Pi pi V0 V1))))).
induction L as [ | R L]; intros R0 M0 W0 I1 I2; simpl; trivial.
apply (modular_termination_hierarch_lift V0 V1 V0_diff_V1) with (rules pi R') (rules pi R0); trivial.
apply (REquiv pi R').
apply (RR_var pi R').
apply (RR_reg pi R').
apply (RP pi R').
apply (REquiv pi R0).
apply (RR_var pi R0).
apply (RR_reg pi R0).
apply (RP pi R0).

apply wf_incl with
        (fun (acc : relation term) (Rr : rwr_rel pi) =>
         union term (Rel pi Rr) acc) L
        (union term (union term (Rel pi R') (Rel pi (rwr_rel_comb pi R R0))) (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
apply dp_step_incl.
apply fold_incl.
intros t1 t2 [H | [[H' | H0] | Hpi]].
left; right; left; trivial.
do 2 left; trivial.
left; do 2 right; trivial.
right; trivial.

apply IHL.
intros R1 R2 L' L'' L''' H; apply (U R1 R2 (R :: L') L'' L'''); simpl; rewrite H; trivial.
intros R1 R1_in_L; apply ML; right; trivial.
intros R1 R1_in_L; apply WL; right; trivial.
intros R1 R2 R1_in_L R2_in_L; apply IL; right; trivial.
simpl; apply Mod.
intros f s t Df H'; destruct Df as [f' l u [H | H0]].
destruct (ML R (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) as [M'].
apply (M' f' s t (Def (Rel pi R) f' l u H)); trivial.
destruct M0 as [M0].
apply (M0 f' s t (Def (Rel pi R0) f' l u H0)); trivial.
simpl; assert (M := modular_termination_lift _ _ V0_diff_V1 pi (Rel pi R') (Rel pi R) (Rel pi R0)
(ML _ (or_introl _ (refl_equal _))) M0
_ (REquiv pi R') (RR_var pi R') (RR_reg pi R') (RP pi R')
_ (REquiv pi R) (RR_var pi R) (RR_reg pi R) (RP pi R)
_ (REquiv pi R0) (RR_var pi R0) (RR_reg pi R0) (RP pi R0)
(I2 R (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)))
(I1 R (or_introl _ (refl_equal _)))).
apply wf_incl with (dp_step
         (union term (union term (Rel pi R') (Rel pi R))
            (union term (Rel pi R0) (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
unfold dp_step; apply rdp_step_incl.
intros t1 t2 [H | H0].
left; right; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
intros t1 t2 [[H' | [H | H0]] | Hpi].
do 2 left; trivial.
left; right; trivial.
right; left; trivial.
do 2 right; trivial.
apply M; trivial.
apply (modular_termination_hierarch_lift V0 V1 V0_diff_V1) with (rules pi R') (rules pi R); trivial.
apply ML; left; trivial.
apply (REquiv pi R').
apply (RR_var pi R').
apply (RR_reg pi R').
apply (RP pi R').
apply (REquiv pi R).
apply (RR_var pi R).
apply (RR_reg pi R).
apply (RP pi R).
apply wf_incl with (rdp_step (Rel pi R)
     (union term (union term (Rel pi R) (Rel pi R')) (Pi pi V0 V1))).
apply rdp_step_incl.
intros t1 t2; trivial.
intros t1 t2 [[H | H'] | Hpi].
left; right; trivial.
do 2 left; trivial.
right; trivial.
apply WL; left; trivial.
intros R2 R2_in_L.
intros s t f Df H2; simpl in Df; destruct Df as [f' l u [H | H0]].
apply IL with R R2; trivial.
left; trivial.
right; trivial.
destruct (In_split _ _ R2_in_L) as [L'' [L''' H']].
apply (U R R2 nil L'' L'''); simpl; subst L; trivial.
apply (Def (Rel pi R) f' l u H).
apply I1 with R2; trivial.
right; trivial.
apply (Def (Rel pi R0) f' l u H0).
intros R1 R1_in_L.
intros s t f Df [H | H0].
apply IL with R1 R; trivial.
right; trivial.
left; trivial.
destruct (In_split _ _ R1_in_L) as [L'' [L''' H']].
intro H'''; refine (U R R1 nil L'' L''' _ _); simpl; subst; symmetry; trivial.
apply I2 with R1; trivial; right; trivial.

apply wf_incl with (dp_step
              (fun (acc : relation term) (Rr : rwr_rel pi) =>
               union term (Rel pi Rr) acc) L
              (union term (union term (Rel pi R') (Rel pi (rwr_rel_empty pi))) (Pi pi V0 V1)))).
apply dp_step_incl.
apply fold_incl.
intros t1 t2 [H' | Hpi].
do 2 left; trivial.
right; trivial.
apply Gen.
apply Mod; intros f s t Df; inversion Df as [f' l u H]; case H.
simpl; intro s; apply Acc_intro; intros t H.
inversion H as [ t' s' Hm | g k l' s'' l_R_l' Hm]; clear H; subst;
inversion Hm as [s' t' p g'' k'' sigma t_R_s _Sub Sub Df'' H1 H']; case t_R_s.
intros R2 _ s t f Df; inversion Df as [f' l u H]; case H.
intros R1 _ s t f _ H; case H.

Section Marked_DP.

Variable mark : symbol -> symbol.
Variable unmark : symbol -> symbol.
Variable mark_bij : forall f, unmark (mark f) = f.

Definition mark_term (t : term) : term :=
  match t with
  | Var x => Var x
  | Term f l => Term (mark f) l

Inductive mdp (R : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop:=
  | Mdp : forall t1 t2 p f2 l2 sigma, R t2 t1 ->
        (forall i p, subterm_at_pos t1 (i :: p) <> Some (Term f2 l2)) ->
                subterm_at_pos t2 p = Some (Term f2 l2) -> defined R f2 ->
                mdp R (apply_subst sigma (mark_term (Term f2 l2)))
                           (apply_subst sigma (mark_term t1)).

Inductive rmdp_step (R1 R2 : relation term) : term -> term -> Prop :=
 | Rmdp_simple_step : forall t1 t2, mdp R1 t2 t1 -> rmdp_step R1 R2 t2 t1
 | Rmdp_gen_step : forall f l1 l2 t3, rwr_list R2 l2 l1 -> mdp R1 t3 (Term f l2) ->
                              rmdp_step R1 R2 t3 (Term f l1).

Lemma x_to_x2_commutes_mark :
  forall sigma f l, apply_subst sigma (mark_term (Term f l)) = (mark_term (apply_subst sigma (Term f l))).
intros sigma f l; simpl; trivial.

Definition unmark_term (t : term) : term :=
 match t with
  | Var x => Var x
  | Term f l => Term (unmark f) l

Lemma mark_term_bij :
  forall t, unmark_term (mark_term t) = t.
intros [v | f l]; simpl; trivial.
rewrite mark_bij; trivial.

Lemma dp_mdp :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
  forall s t, dp R s t -> mdp R (mark_term s) (mark_term t).
intros R HR s t H; inversion H; subst.
destruct t1 as [v1 | f1 l1].
absurd (R t2 (Var v1)); trivial; apply HR.
do 2 rewrite <- x_to_x2_commutes_mark.
apply Mdp with t2 p; trivial.

Lemma rdp_step_rmdp_step :
  forall R1 R2, (forall x t, ~ (R1 t (Var x))) ->
  forall s t, rdp_step R1 R2 s t -> rmdp_step R1 R2 (mark_term s) (mark_term t).
intros R1 R2 HR1 s t H; inversion H; subst.
apply Rmdp_simple_step; apply dp_mdp; trivial.
simpl; apply Rmdp_gen_step with l2; trivial.
apply (dp_mdp R1 HR1 s (Term f l2)); trivial.

Lemma mdp_criterion_strong :
  forall R1 R2, (forall x t, ~ (R1 t (Var x))) ->
   forall s, Acc (rmdp_step R1 R2) (mark_term s) -> Acc (rdp_step R1 R2) s.
intros R1 R2 HR1 t Acc_t;
assert (Tt : exists t', mark_term t = mark_term t').
exists t; trivial.
rewrite <- mark_term_bij.
generalize Acc_t Tt; clear Tt Acc_t.
generalize (mark_term t); clear t; intros t Acc_t.
induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t IH].
intros [t'' H].
apply Acc_intro; intros s H'.
rewrite <- mark_term_bij.
apply IH; subst.
apply rdp_step_rmdp_step; trivial.
rewrite mark_term_bij in H'; trivial.
exists s; trivial.

Lemma mdp_criterion :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
   well_founded (rmdp_step R R) -> (well_founded (dp_step R)).
unfold dp_step; intros R HR Wf t; apply mdp_criterion_strong; trivial.

Lemma mdp_dp :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
  forall s t, mdp R s t -> dp R (unmark_term s) (unmark_term t).
intros R HR s t H; inversion H; subst.
destruct t1 as [v1 | f1 l1].
absurd (R t2 (Var v1)); trivial; apply HR.
simpl; do 2 rewrite mark_bij.
apply (Dp R (Term f1 l1) t2 p f2 l2 sigma); trivial.

Lemma rmdp_step_rdp_step :
  forall R1 R2, (forall x t, ~ (R1 t (Var x))) ->
  forall s t, rmdp_step R1 R2 s t ->
                       rdp_step R1 R2 (unmark_term s) (unmark_term t).
intros R1 R2 HR1 s t H; inversion H as [ | f l' l'' t' H' H'']; subst.
unfold dp_step; apply Dp_simple_step; apply mdp_dp; trivial.
inversion H'' as [t1 t2 p f' l sigma t2_R_t1 Sub' Sub Df' H4 H5].
destruct t1 as [v1 | g1 k1].
absurd (R1 t2 (Var v1)); trivial; apply HR1.
subst s; injection H5; clear H5; intros; subst.
simpl; do 2 rewrite mark_bij.
unfold dp_step; apply Dp_gen_step with (map (apply_subst sigma) k1); trivial.
assert (H4 := mdp_dp R1 HR1 (Term (mark f') (map (apply_subst sigma) l))
                                 (Term (mark g1) (map (apply_subst sigma) k1))).
simpl in H''; assert (H5 := H4 H''); simpl in H5; do 2 rewrite mark_bij in H5; trivial.

Lemma acc_rdp_acc_rmdp :
  forall R1 R2, (forall x t, ~ (R1 t (Var x))) ->
  forall t, Acc (rdp_step R1 R2) t -> Acc (rmdp_step R1 R2) (mark_term t).
intros R1 R2 R1_var t Acc_t.
induction Acc_t as [t Acc_t IH].
apply Acc_intro; intros s H.
assert (H' : exists s', s = mark_term s').
inversion H as [ H1 H2 H' | f l' l'' t' H' H'']; subst.
inversion H' as [t1 t2 p f2 l2 sigma t2_R_t1 Sub' Sub Df2]; subst.
exists (apply_subst sigma (Term f2 l2)).
rewrite x_to_x2_commutes_mark; trivial.
inversion H'' as [t1 t2 p f2 l2 sigma t2_R_t1 Sub' Sub Df2]; subst.
exists (apply_subst sigma (Term f2 l2)).
rewrite x_to_x2_commutes_mark; trivial.
destruct H' as [s' H']; subst s.
apply IH.
generalize (rmdp_step_rdp_step R1 R2 R1_var _ _ H).
do 2 rewrite mark_term_bij; trivial.

Lemma acc_one_step_acc_mdp :
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
  forall t, Acc (one_step R) t -> Acc (rmdp_step R R) (mark_term t).
intros R R_var t Acc_t.
apply acc_rdp_acc_rmdp; trivial.
assert (Acc_t' := acc_one_step_acc_dp R R_var t Acc_t).
unfold dp_step in Acc_t'; trivial.

Lemma mdp_necessary:
  forall R, (forall x t, ~ (R t (Var x))) ->
   well_founded (dp_step R) -> (well_founded (rmdp_step R R)).
intros R HR Wf.
assert (Wf' := wf_inverse_image _ _ _ unmark_term Wf).
refine (wf_incl _ _ _ _ Wf').
unfold dp_step in *;
intros s t; apply rmdp_step_rdp_step; trivial.

End Marked_DP.
End MakeDP.