ML Resources

For now, this is a reading list, designed for my students.

In English:

In French:

Suggestions by the distinguished Guillaume Charpiat (I think he has good taste):

Suggestions by Isabelle Guyon:

\[TUTORIAL\] An introduction to machine learning with scikit-learn
\[TOTAL BEGINNER COURSE\] Introduction to machine learning, Sebastian Thrun, Katie Malone, Udacity (10 lessons)
\[BEGINNER COURSE\] Machine Learning, Andrew Ng, Coursera (54 hours)
\[BOOK\] The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book. Andriy Burkov.
\[BOOK\] Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow. Aurélien Géron.
\[ADVANCED COURSE\] How to win a data science competition. Dmitry Ulianov, Coursera, (4 weeks); Excellent summer program!
