Library ALEA.Monads

Monads.v: Monads for randomized constructions

Require Export Uprop.

Definition of monadic operators as the cpo of monotonic oerators

Definition M (A:Type) := MF A -m> U.

Instance app_mon (A:Type) (x:A) : monotonic (fun (f:MF A) => f x).

Definition unit (A:Type) (x:A) : M A := mon (fun (f:MF A) => f x).

Definition star : forall (A B:Type), M A -> (A -> M B) -> M B.

Lemma star_simpl : forall (A B:Type) (a:M A) (F:A -> M B)(f:MF B),
        star a F f = a (fun x => F x f).

Properties of monadic operators

Lemma law1 : forall (A B:Type) (x:A) (F:A -> M B) (f:MF B), star (unit x) F f == F x f.

Lemma law2 :
 forall (A:Type) (a:M A) (f:MF A), star a (fun x:A => unit x) f == a (fun x:A => f x).

Lemma law3 :
 forall (A B C:Type) (a:M A) (F:A -> M B) (G:B -> M C)
   (f:MF C), star (star a F) G f == star a (fun x:A => star (F x) G) f.

Properties of distributions

Expected properties of measures

Definition stable_inv (A:Type) (m:M A) : Prop := forall f :MF A, m (finv f) <= [1-] (m f).

Definition stable_plus (A:Type) (m:M A) : Prop :=
  forall f g:MF A, fplusok f g -> m (fplus f g) == (m f) + (m g).

Definition le_plus (A:Type) (m:M A) : Prop :=
  forall f g:MF A, fplusok f g -> (m f) + (m g) <= m (fplus f g).

Definition le_esp (A:Type) (m:M A) : Prop :=
  forall f g: MF A, (m f) & (m g) <= m (fesp f g).

Definition le_plus_cte (A:Type) (m:M A) : Prop :=
  forall (f : MF A) (k:U), m (fplus f (fcte A k)) <= m f + k.

Definition stable_mult (A:Type) (m:M A) : Prop :=
  forall (k:U) (f:MF A), m (fmult k f) == k * (m f).

Stability for equality

Lemma stable_minus_distr : forall (A:Type) (m:M A),
     stable_plus m -> stable_inv m ->
     forall (f g : MF A), g <= f -> m (fminus f g) == m f - m g.

Hint Resolve stable_minus_distr.

Lemma inv_minus_distr : forall (A:Type) (m:M A),
     stable_plus m -> stable_inv m ->
     forall (f : MF A), m (finv f) == m (fone A) - m f.
Hint Resolve inv_minus_distr.

Lemma le_minus_distr : forall (A : Type)(m:M A),
    forall (f g:A -> U), m (fminus f g) <= m f.
Hint Resolve le_minus_distr.

Lemma le_plus_distr : forall (A : Type)(m:M A),
    stable_plus m -> stable_inv m -> forall (f g:MF A), m (fplus f g) <= m f + m g.
Hint Resolve le_plus_distr.

Lemma le_esp_distr : forall (A : Type) (m:M A),
     stable_plus m -> stable_inv m -> le_esp m.

Lemma unit_stable_eq : forall (A:Type) (x:A), stable (unit x).

Lemma star_stable_eq : forall (A B:Type) (m:M A) (F:A -> M B), stable (star m F).

Lemma unit_monotonic : forall (A:Type) (x:A) (f g : MF A),
   f <= g -> unit x f <= unit x g.

Lemma star_monotonic : forall (A B:Type) (m:M A) (F:A -> M B) (f g : MF B),
      f <= g -> star m F f <= star m F g.

Lemma star_le_compat : forall (A B:Type) (m1 m2:M A) (F1 F2:A -> M B),
       m1 <= m2 -> F1 <= F2 -> star m1 F1 <= star m2 F2.
Hint Resolve star_le_compat.

Stability for inversion

Lemma unit_stable_inv : forall (A:Type) (x:A), stable_inv (unit x).

Lemma star_stable_inv : forall (A B:Type) (m:M A) (F:A -> M B),
   stable_inv m -> (forall a:A, stable_inv (F a)) -> stable_inv (star m F).

Stability for addition

Lemma unit_stable_plus : forall (A:Type) (x:A), stable_plus (unit x).

Lemma star_stable_plus : forall (A B:Type) (m:M A) (F:A -> M B),
   stable_plus m ->
   (forall a:A, forall f g, fplusok f g -> (F a f) <= Uinv (F a g))
   -> (forall a:A, stable_plus (F a)) -> stable_plus (star m F).

Lemma unit_le_plus : forall (A:Type) (x:A), le_plus (unit x).

Lemma star_le_plus : forall (A B:Type) (m:M A) (F:A -> M B),
   le_plus m ->
   (forall a:A, forall f g, fplusok f g -> (F a f) <= Uinv (F a g))
   -> (forall a:A, le_plus (F a)) -> le_plus (star m F).

Stability for product

Lemma unit_stable_mult : forall (A:Type) (x:A), stable_mult (unit x).

Lemma star_stable_mult : forall (A B:Type) (m:M A) (F:A -> M B),
   stable_mult m -> (forall a:A, stable_mult (F a)) -> stable_mult (star m F).


Lemma unit_continuous : forall (A:Type) (x:A), continuous (unit x).

Lemma star_continuous : forall (A B : Type) (m : M A)(F: A -> M B),
    continuous m -> (forall x, continuous (F x)) -> continuous (star m F).