Library ALEA.RpRing

RpRing.v: Ring and Field tactics for Rplus

Contributed by David Baelde, 2011

Add Rec LoadPath "." as ALEA.

Require Import Uprop.
Require Import Rplus.
Open Scope Rp_scope.

Require Export Ring.

Lemma RplusSRth : semi_ring_theory R0 R1 Rpplus Rpmult (Oeq (A:=Rp)).

Power theory and how to recognize constant in powers

Require Import NArith.

Lemma RplusSRpowertheory :
  power_theory R1 Rpmult (@Oeq Rp Rpord)
               nat_of_N Rpexp.

Morphism for coefficients in nat

Lemma RplusSRmorph :
  semi_morph R0 R1 Rpplus Rpmult (@Oeq Rp Rpord)
             0%nat 1%nat plus mult beq_nat

Ltac is_nat_cst n :=
 match n with
   | minus ?x ?y =>
       match (is_nat_cst x) with
         | true =>
             match (is_nat_cst y) with
               | true => constr:true
               | false => constr:false
         | false => constr:false
   | S ?p => is_nat_cst p
   | O => constr:true
   | _ => constr:false

Ltac nat_cst t :=
 match is_nat_cst t with
 | true => constr:(N_of_nat t)
 | false => constr:NotConstant

Ltac coeff_nat t :=
  match t with
   | N2Rp ?n =>
       match is_nat_cst n with
         | true => n | _ => constr:NotConstant
   | _ => constr:NotConstant

Add Ring Rp_ring : RplusSRth (morphism RplusSRmorph,
                              constants [coeff_nat],
                              power_tac RplusSRpowertheory [nat_cst]).


Goal forall x y, x * 2 * x + y * x == x * y + 2 * x * x.

Goal forall x y, x * y * x == y * x^2.


Require Export Field.

Lemma RplusSFth :
  semi_field_theory R0 R1 Rpplus Rpmult Rpdiv Rp1div (Oeq (A:=Rp)).

Ltac remove_Sx x := match goal with
  | |- context[(S x)] => change (S x) with (1+x)%nat

Ltac remove_S := match goal with
  | x:nat |- _ => remove_Sx x

Ltac field_pre :=
  try apply Ole_refl_eq;
  repeat remove_S;
  repeat first [
      rewrite U2Rp_Unth
    | rewrite <- plus_Sn_m
    | rewrite <- N2Rp_plus
    | rewrite N2Rp_mult ].

Add Field Rp_field : RplusSFth (morphism RplusSRmorph,
                                constants [coeff_nat],
                                power_tac RplusSRpowertheory [nat_cst],
                                preprocess [field_pre],
                                postprocess [auto]).
Trick to kill subgoals of fields
Lemma post_field_notz : forall x, notz (N2Rp x) -> ~ (mkRp x 0 == R0).
Hint Resolve post_field_notz.

Section Test.

  Variable x y z : Rp.
  Variable n : nat.

  Goal (1 / 2 * x + 1 / 2 * x == x).

  Goal (x / 2 + x) * x == x^2 * 3 / 2.

  Goal 3 * x == 6 * x * [1/2].

  Goal ([1/2] * x + x) * x <= x^2 * 3 / 2.

  Goal N2Rp (2-1)%nat == R1.

  Goal x^(2-1) == x^1.

  Goal (S (S n)) * x == (S n) * x + x.

End Test.