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The MASTER package : Hierarchical models

Sometimes, true uniformity or total control over the distribution of the sequences is not needed, and the hierarchical aspects of some models can be captured. The MASTER generation is then a good tradeoff between computational efficiency and expressivity. The main principle is to generalize the idea behind hidden Markovian to any type of master and hidden states models. At first, a sequence is derived from a master description file, having a length passed to the main generation engine of GenRGenS. Then each of its symbols can either or not be defined non-terminal and rewritten using another description file coupled with a size distribution.

Hierarchical models: Principles

This class of models has been included to allow different models to be combined. For example, a simple model for the Intergenic/ORF alternation could describe the framed aspect of the ORFs (using the Framed Markov model) as well as the lack of a start codon in the intergenic areas (using the Rational expression model). This can be modelled using our hierarchical models.

Hierarchical models comprise a main master model, a set of auxiliary models and a set of rules defining how to rewrite letters of the master sequence using the auxiliary models. This can also be seen as a generalisation of the HMMs, as the hidden state sequence can be computed independently from the letters arising from each hidden state. A sequence length distribution can be provided with each rule through an expressive language, enabling complex constraints such as the overall length of the sequence is a multiple of $ 3$ to be expressed.

Saving time and space

It is noticeable that this approach to random can save some time and space while using models that require more than linear time and space complexities. Indeed, if $ n_1$ and $ n_2$ are the sizes of the two parts of an expected sequence then $ n_1^{1+\epsilon}+n_2^{1+\epsilon}<{(n_1+n_2)}^{1+\epsilon}$, for all $ \epsilon>0$.

Ambiguity and bias

It also implies a small loss of control over the distribution of sequences. For instance, a model built up by concatenating two sequences chosen uniformly is unlikely to be uniform itself. More generally, let $ M_1$ and $ M_2$ be two models, a sequence $ s$ issued from the model $ M_1.M_2$ may admit different decompositions $ s=\alpha_1.\beta_1=\alpha_2.\beta_2=\ldots=\alpha_k.\beta_k$. Its global probability is then $ p(s\vert M_1.M_2)=\sum_{i=1}^kp(\alpha_i\vert M_1)p(\beta_i\vert M_2)$, which induces a bias if uniformity is aimed at. Furthermore, as it is impossible to constrain the ending of a Markov chain, the concatenation of two sequences issued from some Markovian models may induce some bias at the cutpoint.

Implementing a hierarchical model

This section describes the syntax and semantics of MASTER description files.

Main structure

Figure 6.1: Main structure of a MASTER description file
TYPE = MASTER \\ ...
...SIZE = $law2$\ \\
\quad ...
Clauses nested inside square brackets are optional. The given order for the clauses is mandatory.

Master generation specific clauses

A hierarchical model must define the way symbols from the main sequence are to be expanded.

The SYMBOLS clause

Optional, defaults to SYMBOLS = WORDS
Chooses the type of symbols to be used for random generation.
When WORDS is selected, each pair of subsequent symbols is separated with spaces during the generation.

The MAINFILE clause

MAINFILE = " $ MainFilePath$"
Defines the main random generation model description file. The file must be accessible by appending the string $ MainFilePath$ to the current directory.
A so-called master sequence is generated from this description file for further rewritings. Its length equals to the size provided to GenRGenS.
Remark: The overall size of the sequence generated from a MASTER model is usually not related to the size parameter provided to GenRGenS.

The WHERE clause

    $ s_1$ : "$ AuxPath_1$" SIZE = $ var_1$
    $ s_2$ : "$ AuxPath_2$" SIZE = $ var_2$ ...
Defines the way to expand each occurrences of a symbol $ s_i$ from the main file to sequences issued from $ AuxPath_i$, having size given by the distribution $ law_i$.
Each $ s_i$ is a symbol that must belong to the vocabulary of the master file, but not necessarily to the sequence generated from it.
$ AuxPath_i$ is the path to a description file that must be read-access enabled.
$ var_i$ is a description of the random value associated to the size of this symbol's expansion.

The SIZE definitions

A size can either be a constant, one of the predefined random variate generator, or an arithmetic expression defined recursively.
integer or float constant: Generates a constant sequence size. If a non-integer size is specified at top-level, the value is rounded to the closest integer value, as it would be have been using round.
+,-,*,/,^ : Classical binary arithmetic operators, acting on real numbers and returning a real value.
($ e$): An expression nested by parenthesis is evaluated separately and priorly from its context. It can be used to overrule usual operator precedences. Ex : $ 7$+$ 3$*$ 5\neq$ ($ 7$+$ 3$)*$ 5$
pow($ e_1$,$ e_2$): Functional form of the power operator ^ , returns $ e_1^{e_2}$. If first argument $ e_1$ is omitted, returns $ 2^{e_2}$.
log($ e_1$,$ e_2$): Returns $ \log_{e_1}(e_2)$. If $ e_1$ is omitted, returns $ \log_{2}(e_2)$.
floor($ e$): Returns the closest integer value smaller than $ e$.
round($ e$): Returns the closest integer to $ e$.
ceil($ e$): Returns the closest integer value greater than $ e$.
min($ e_1$,$ e_2$): Returns the smallest number among {$ e_1,e_2$}.
max($ e_1$,$ e_2$): Returns the smallest number among {$ e_1,e_2$}.
length: Returns the former length of the master sequence. Equivalent syntax: size or N.
normal($ m$,$ sd$): Generates a pseudorandom real value obeying a normal law having mean $ m$ and standard deviation $ sd$. Equivalent syntax: gaussian($ m$,$ sd$).
uniform($ low$,$ up$): Generates a pseudorandom integer value uniformly distributed over $ [low,up)$ (e.g. $ [low,up-1]$). If $ low$ is omitted, defaults to 0. Equivalent syntax: random($ lowm$,$ up$).
var($ \omega$,$ e$): Declares a variable $ \omega$, whose value always equals the most recent evaluation of $ e$. Once declared, $ \omega$ can be used anywhere among the SIZE declaration parts of the ggd file. Each variable carries the value 0 as long as it is not assigned.

Capturing Dependencies between sequences size

MASTER package introduces a way to capture the dependency between two subsequences' size. A typical dependency that one may find useful would be : The total size of the two subsequence is 100nt, although the first's size has been observed to vary with respect to a given distribution. The MASTER package offers the possibility to declare variables, which is a powerful and delicate feature.
Inside of a MASTER description file, simply enclose any expression of a length definition inside a VAR declaration. Ex.:
MAINFILE = "MainFile.ggd"
A : "AuxFile1.ggd" SIZE VAR(X,UNIFORM(0,5)+1)
B : "AuxFile2.ggd" SIZE MAX(5-X,0)
In this example, each evaluation of the random variable UNIFORM(0,5)+1 is assigned to a variable named X. Each evaluation of the expression MAX(5-X,0) will then make use of the current value of X. This is likely to trick one into bad assumptions over the resulting sequences, for instance if the sequences issued from MainFile.ggd do not only present simple A-B alternations. Suppose that MainFile.ggd contains an implementation of a simple RATIONAL model, based on the regular expression (A|B|m)*, that AuxFile1.ggd and AuxFile2.ggd are RATIONAL models based on the regular expressions T* and U*, and that a sequence $ \omega$ is issued from MainFile.ggd. Rewritings according to the SIZE definitions above result in the following sequence $ \omega'$.
Figure 6.2: Dependencies during generation stage
It can be seen in figure 6.2 that a variable's assignment can either be used by several subsequent dependant variables assignments, as in $ A_2\to B_2\ldots B_{2'}$, or be ignored like $ A_4$. Therefore, this feature should only be used when the sequences issued from MainFile.ggd are sufficiently constrained, for instance by showing a strict assignment/use alternation such as the regular expression m*(Am*Bm*)*.

A complete example


This example is inspired by a simple model for stem-loop ribosomal -1 frameshifting sites. A frameshifting RNA causes the ribosome to slip over a specific sequence/structure motif and shift to another phase. A model inspired by the HIV-1 stem-loop frameshift site is detailed in figure 6.3.
Figure 6.3: A simple stem-loop frameshift model. X stands for any base, Y means A or U and Z is anything but C
Image frameshift
The Heptamer part can be modeled with a regular expression, similar to a mutation model. The Spacer will use a Bernoulli model(model of order 0). The Stem_Loop requires the full power of a context free grammar. Lastly, the frame shift sites are drowned into an ocean of coding RNA(symbol Fill) modeled again by a markov model.
Figure: A MASTER description file for the frameshift model from figure 6.3.1
\texttt{\begin{tabular}{\vert c\vert l\vert} \...
...100)+X+Y+7)/3)-X-Y-7 \\ \hline
Figure 6.5: Auxiliary description files
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert l\vert} \hline
...end{tabular}} & \quad \\ \hline


On line 1, a MASTER generator is chosen.

On line 2, we use words as symbols to avoid confusion.

On line 3, we define the main description file, whose content is listed in figure 6.5.

On line 5, we ask the generator to rewrite each occurrence of the symbol Heptamer with a sequence issued from heptamers.ggd, having size $ 7$.

On line 6, we ask the generator to rewrite each occurrence of Spacer with a sequence issued from spacers.ggd, using a size uniformly distributed over $ [5,7)$. Note that UNIFORM(5,8) is an equivalent syntax for 5 + UNIFORM(0,3). After each evaluation, the resulting size is stored inside a variable X.

On line 7, we ask the generator to rewrite each occurrence of Stem_Loop with a sequence issued from stem_loops.ggd, using a size uniformly distributed over $ [24,33)$. After each evaluation, the resulting size is stored inside a variable Y.

On line 8, we ask the generator to rewrite each occurrence of Fill using a size that depends on the previous assignments. The somehow cabalistic formula for the size of Fill's expansion is just a little trick to ensure that the Heptamer motif always occurs on phase 0. That is, NORMAL(300 , 100)+X+Y+7 must be a multiple of $ 3$. So, by dividing by $ 3$ and rounding to the closest smaller integer and then multiplying by $ 3$, we get the closest sum of the sizes of Heptamer, Spacer, Stem_Loop and Fill that is divided by $ 3$ without a remainder. It suffices then to substract 7 (Heptamer's size), X (Spacer's size) and Y (Stem_Loop's size), to get an eligible size for Fill.
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Yann Ponty 2007-04-19