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The GRAMMAR package: Context-Free Grammars(CFG)

Minimal amount of language theory

For many years, the context free grammars have been used in the theoretical languages field They seem to be the best compromise between computability and expressivity. Applied to genomics, they can model long range interactions, such as base pairings inside an RNA, as shown by D.B. Searls[12]. We provide in this package generation algorithms for two classes of models based on Context Free Grammars: the uniform models and the weighted models. In the former, each sequence of a given size has the same probability of being drawn. In the latter, each sequence's probability is proportional to its composition. Like stochastic grammars, a weight set can be guessed to achieve specific frequencies. Unlike stochastic grammars, one can control precisely the size of the output sequences.

The term context-free for our grammars equals to a restriction over the form of the rules. This restriction is based on language theoretical properties. A sample of context-free grammar, and the way a sequence is produced from the axiom can be seen in figures 4.1 and 4.2.
Figure 4.1: A context free grammar for the well-balanced words
\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{\vert r\vert rcl\vert} \hline
... 2&S &\to& \epsilon \\ \hline
Figure 4.2: Derivation of the word $ aababbaabb$ from the axiom $ S$. $ {\bf Bold}$ are the freshly produced letters. $ {\underline{Underlined}}$ are the letters that will be rewritten at next step.
\underline S & \underse...
...o} \; a a b a b b a a b b \\

Grammars and discrete models

In the computer science and combinatorics fields, words issued from grammars are used as codes for certain objects, like computer programs, combinatorial objects, ...For instance, the grammar whose rules are given in figure 4.1 naturally encodes well balanced parenthesis words, if $ a$ stands for a opening parenthesis and $ b$ stands for a closing one . A one to one correspondence has also been shown between the words generated by this grammar and some classes of trees. As trees are also used as approximations of biological structures, it is possible to consider the use of context-free grammars as discrete models for genomic structures.

Toward models for structures: Modelling long range interactions

We now discuss the utility of context-free grammars as discrete models for genomic structures. Most of the commonly-used models do only take into account a smallest subset of their neighborhood. For instance, in a Markov model, the probability of emission of a letter depends only on a fixed number of previously emitted letters. Although these models can prove sufficient when structural data can be neglected, they fail to capture the long-range interaction in structured macromolecules such that RNAs or Proteins. Back to our CFGs, figure 4.2 illustrates the fact that letters produced at the same step can at the end of the generation be separated by further derivations. As we claim that dependencies inside a CFG-based model rely on some terminal symbols proximity inside of the rules, CFGs can capture both sequential and structural properties, as illustrated by figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3: Long range interaction between bases 1 and 2 can be captured by CFGs, as they are generated at the same stage, and then separated by further non-terminal expansions. The CFG used here is an enrichment of the one shown in Figure 4.2
Image longRangeInteraction

Uniform random generation of words of context-free languages

The uniform random generation algorithm, adapted from a more general one[8], is briefly described here. At first, we motivate the need for a precomputation stage, by pointing out the fact that a stochastic approach is not sufficient to achieve uniform generation. Moreover, controlling the size of the output using stochastic grammar is already a challenge in itself.

Stochastic approach does not guarantee uniformity

To illustrate this point, we introduce the historical grammar for RNA structures, whose rules are described in figure 4.4.
Figure 4.4: A CFG grammar for the RNA Secondary Structures
\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{\vert r\vert rcl\vert} \hline
5&T &\to& c S\\ \hline
Now, suppose one wants to generate a word of size $ 6$ uniformly at random from this grammar. A natural idea would be to rewrite from the axiom $ S$ until a word of size $ 6$ is obtained. Therefore, you have to check wether each derivation yields a word of the desired length, as, for instance, the $ S \rightarrow \epsilon$ rule produces only the empty word and needs not to be investigated.

Once you have built a set of derivations suitable for a given length, you have to carefully associate probabilities with each derivation. Indeed, choosing any of the eligible $ k$ rules with probability $ 1/k$ may end in a biased generation, as the numbers of sequences accessible from any rules are not equal. This fact is illustrated by the example from figure 4.4, where the two eligible rules for sequences of size $ 6$ from the axiom $ S$ are $ S \rightarrow a T b S$(1) and $ S \rightarrow c S$(2).
Figure 4.5: Deriving words of size $ 6$ from $ S$
Image SSARN6
As illustrated by figure4.5, choosing rules (1) or (2) with equal probabilities is equivalent to grant the set of words produced by rules (1) and (2) with total probabilities $ 1/2$ and $ 1/2$. As these sets do not have equal cardinalities, uniform random generation cannot be achieved.

A precomputation stage is needed

That is why the grammar is first analyzed during a preprocessing stage, that precomputes the probabilities of choosing rules at any stage of the generation. These probabilities are proportional to the number of sequences accessible after the choice of each applicable rule for a given non-terminal, normalized by the total number of sequence for this non-terminal.

Once these computations are made, it is possible to perform uniform random generation by choosing a rewriting using the precomputed probabilities, as shown in figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6: The complete tree of probabilities for the words of size $ 6$.
Image SSARN6Proba

Weighted languages for controlled non-uniform random generation

Although uniform models can prove useful in the analysis of algorithms, or to shed the light on some overrepresented phenomena, they are not always sufficient to model biological sequences or structures. For instance, it can be shown using combinatorial tools that the classical model for RNA secondary structures from figure 4.4 produces on the average one base-pair-long helices (see [10] or [11]), which is not realistic. Furthermore, substituting the rule $ 1$ with a rule $ S \to a^k T b^k S$ in order to constrain the minimal number of base pairs inside an helix only raises the average length of an helix to exactly $ k$, loosing all variability during the process.

Thus, we proposes in [5] a way to control the values of the parameters of interest by putting weights $ \pi_{i_1},\pi_{i_1}\ldots\pi_{i_\alpha}$ on the terminal letters $ i_1,i_2\ldots i_\alpha$. We then define the weight of a sequence to be the product of the individual weights of its letters. For instance, in a weighted CFG model having weights $ \pi_{a}=2$, $ \pi_{b}=1$ and $ \pi_{c}=3$, a sequence $ aacbcacbcbc$ has a weight of $ 2^3.1^3.3^5=1944$.

By making a few adjustments during the precomputation stage, it is possible to constrain the probability of emission of a sequence to be equal to its weight, normalized by the sum of weights of all sequences of the same size. Under certain hypothesis, it can be proved that for any expected frequencies for the terminal letters, there exists weights such that the desired frequencies are observed. By assigning heavy weights to the nucleotides inside helices, and low ones to helices starts, it is now possible to control the average size of helices, terminal loops, bulges and multiloops.

To illustrate the effect of such weightings, we consider the previous example from figure 4.5, and we point the fact that the average number of unpaired bases equals to $ \frac{58}{17}\approx 3.412\ldots$ in the uniform model. By assigning a weight $ \pi _c = 10$ to each unpaired base letter, we obtain the probabilities of emission for sequences of size $ 6$ summarized in table 4.7.
Figure 4.7: Probabilities for all words of size $ 6$ under $ \pi _c = 10$
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert l\vert}\hline
$Total$\ & 1100600 \\ \hline
These probabilities yield a new expectancy for the number of unpaired bases in a random structure of $ \frac{506}{103}\approx 4.91\ldots$. So, by assigning a weight barely higher than $ 10$($ <12$), it is possible to constrain the average number of the unpaired base symbol c to be $ 5$ out of $ 6$. This property holds only for sequences of size $ 6$, but another weight can be computed for any sequence size. Moreover, we claim that, under certain common sense hypothesis, the frequency of a given symbol quickly reaches an asymptotic behaviour, so that the weight do not need to be adapted to the sequence size above a certain point.

Implementing a CFG-based model

This section describes the syntax and semantics of context-free grammar based description files.

Main structure

Figure 4.8: Main structure of a context-free grammar description file
...] \\ [0.1cm]
[ALIASES = ...]
Clauses nested inside square brackets are optional. The given order for the clauses is mandatory.

Grammar generation specific clauses

Context-free grammar based description files define some attributes and properties of the grammar.

The SYMBOLS clause

Optional, defaults to SYMBOLS = WORDS
Chooses the type of symbols to be used for random generation.
When WORDS is selected, each pair of symbols must be separated by at least a blank character (space, tabulation or newline). This affects mostly the RULES clause, where the right-hand-sides of the rules will be made of words, separated by blank characters. This feature can greatly improve the readability of the description file as shown in the example from figure 4.9.
Figure 4.9: The skeleton of a grammar for the tRNA
...i\_C\_Stem ;\\
\quad \ldots
A LETTERS value for the SYMBOLS parameter will force GenRGenS to see a word as sequence of symbols. For instance, the right hand side of the rule S->aSbS will decompose into S -> a S b S if this option is invoked. Moreover, blank characters will be inserted between symbols in the output.

The START clause

START = $ nt$
Optional, defaults to START = $ n_0$, with $ n_0$ being the left hand side of the first rule defined by the RULES clause.
Defines the axiom $ nt$ of the grammar, that is the non-terminal letter initiating the generation. This letter must of course be the left-hand-side of some rule inside the RULES clause below.

The RULES clause

RULES = $ nt_1$ -> $ s_1$; $ nt_2$ -> $ s_2$; ...
Defines the rules of the grammar.
Rules are composed of letters, also called symbols. Each symbol $ nt_i$ that appears as the left-hand side of a rule becomes a non-terminal symbol, that is a symbol that needs further rewriting. $ s_i$ are sequences of symbols that can weither appear or not as the left-hand side of rules, separated by spaces or tabs if SYMBOLS=LETTERS is selected.
If the START clause is omitted, the axiom for the grammar will be $ nt_1$.
The characters ::= can be used instead of -> to separate the left-hand side symbols from the right-hand side ones.

The WEIGHTS clause

WEIGHTS = $ l_1$ $ w_1$ $ l_2$ $ w_2$ ...
$ w_i\in\mathbb{R}$
Optional, weights default to $ 1$.
Defines the weights of the terminal letters $ l_i$.
As discussed in section 4.3, assigning a weight $ w_i$ to a terminal letter $ l_i$ is a way to gain control over the average frequency of $ l_i$. For instance, in a grammar over the alphabet $ \{a,b\}$, adding a clause WEIGHTS = a 2 will grant sequences aaab and bbbb with weights $ 8$ and $ 1$, i.e. the generation probability of aaab will be $ 8$ times higher than that of bbbb.

A complete example


The following description file captures some structural properties of the tRNA.
Figure 4.10: A basic CFG-based model for the tRNA
\texttt{\begin{tabular}{\vert c\vert l\vert}\h...
...G\_c = G \; g\_C = C \\ \hline


In 1, we choose a context free grammar-based model.

In 2, we use words, a reader-friendly choice for such a complicated(though still a little simplistic) model.

In 3, we choose the non-terminal symbol tRNA as our starting symbol. Every generated sequence will be obtained from iterative rewritings of this symbol. Here, this clause has no real effect, as the default behaviour of GenRGenS is to choose the first non-terminal to appear in a rule as the starting symbol.

Clause 4 describes the set of rules. The correspondance between non-terminal symbols an substructures is detailled in figure 4.11.
Figure 4.11: Non-terminal symbols and substructures
Image arnt
Note that we use different alphabets to discern paired bases from unpaired ones, which allows discrimination of unpaired bases using weights in clause 5.
Of course, it is possible to get a more realistic model by substituting the X_Loop -> Fill rules with specific set of rules, using different alphabets. Thus, one would be able to control the size and composition of each loop.

In 5, we discriminate the unpaired bases, which increases size of the helices. Indeed, uniformity tends to favor very small if not empty helices whereas the weighting scheme from this clause penalizes so much the occurences of unpaired bases that the generated structures now have very small loops.

In 6, the sequence's alphabet is unified by removing traces of the structure.

Grammar-specific command line options

During the precomputation stage, GenRGenS uses arbitrary precision arithmetics to handle numbers that can grow over the size in an exponential way. However, for special languages or small sequences, it is possible to avoid using time-consumming arithmetics, and to limit the computation to double variables. This is the purpose of the -f option. The -s option toggles on and off the computation and display of frequencies of symbols for each generated sequence. Grammar specific command line options usage:
java -cp . GenRGenS.GenRGenS -size n -nb k -f [T$ \mid$F] -s [T$ \mid$F] GrammarGGDFile

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Yann Ponty 2007-04-19