Michel Beaudouin-Lafon

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Office location : building 650, office 205, phone +33 1 59 15 69 10, e-mail mbl@lisn.fr

As of January 1st, 2020, Université Paris-Sud does not exist anymore and is part of the newly created Université Paris-Saclay.
As of January 1st, 2021, LRI has merged with LIMSI to create the new LISN, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique.


Michel Beaudouin-Lafon is Professor of Computer Science, Classe Exceptionnelle, at Université Paris-Saclay, senior fellow of Institut Universitaire de France, recipient of the CNRS Silver Medal and ACM Fellow. He has worked in human-computer interaction for over 30 years and was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy in 2006. His research interests include fundamental aspects of interaction, novel interaction techniques, computer-supported cooperative work and engineering of interactive systems. He has published over 200 papers and advised over 30 Ph.D. students. His current research is conducted in the Ex-Situ group, a joint lab between Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS and Inria. He is the laureate of an ERC Advanced Grant and an ERC Proof-of-Concept project, head of the infrastructure projects Digiscope (6.7M€) then CONTINUUM (13.6M€), and co-director of the eNSEMBLE project on the future of digital collaboration (38M€). Michel was director of LRI, the laboratory for computer science joint between Université Paris-Sud and CNRS (280 faculty, staff, and Ph.D. students) from 2002 to 2009, head of the Human-Centered Computing lab at LRI (2013-2020), and chair of the Department of Science and Technology of Information and Communication (STIC) of Université Paris-Saclay (2018-2020). He is currently adjunct director of the newly created lab LISN (380 people). He participates in the evaluation of many research institutions and research proposals at the French, European and international levels, such as the European Research Council panels for starting, advanced and synergy grants. He founded and co-directed two international masters in HCI, and was co-director of the doctoral school in computer science. He founded AFIHM, the Francophone association for human-computer interaction, and was its first president. Michel has also been active in ACM and SIGCHI for over 25 years, including as Technical Program Co-chair for CHI 2013 in Paris (3500 participants, 1000 presentations). He sits on the editorial boards of ACM Books and ACM TOCHI, has served on the ACM Council, ACM Europe Council and ACM Publications Board, and on several award and nominating committees of ACM and SIGCHI. He is currently vice-chair of the ACM Technology Policy Council. He received the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award in 2015.

Short resume (3 pages, PDF), Full resume and list of publications (78 pages, in French, PDF)

List of publicationsGoogle scholar







Activities (current)

Activities (recent and less recent)




LISN - Bâtiment 650
Université Paris-Saclay
91405 ORSAY Cedex
e-mail : mbl@lisn.fr
tél : +33 1 69 15 69 10
fax : +33 1 69 15 65 86
How to come to LISN.