Talks and Posters
You will find below my most recent presentations, you can also go through the full list or look by thematic.
Please contact me if you need the latex source for any of the presentations.
03/10/2024 SageMath: research and experimentation in Combinatorics talk
[ Demo ] -
01/11/2024 The s-weak order and s-permutahedra talk
TU Graz --
[ Slides ] -
12/14/2023 Le s-Ordre faible et s-Permutaèdre talk
IHP, Paris -- Séminaire francilien de géométrie algorithmique et combinatoire
[ Slides ] -
06/03/2022 The s-weak order and s-permutahedra talk
Montréal --
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05/24/2022 Permutahedron and Associahedron, combinatorics and geometry talk
Montréal --
[ Slides ] [ Demo ]
Translations: fr