Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction
HCID-101 • Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
M2R Interaction • Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction
Lectures : building 640 (PUIO), room D203 (Wednesday) or B109 (Thursday)
Instructor : Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
TA : David Bonnet - TA web site
Exam Date 27 November, 2-4pm, room D203
The only allowed document for the exam is one two-sided A4 sheet with your own notes.
This page and its content are solely for students enrolled in the 2013-2014 HCID and Interaction Masters at Université Paris-Sud. It contains instructor's material (slides and audio recordings) that are not to be distributed without the author's written consent, and copyrighted materials (such as articles) that are only made available under the fair use exception to copyright law.
Lecture 1 : Wednesday 25 September, 9am-12pm, D203
Lecture 2 : Thursday 26 September, 9am-12pm, B109
Lecture 3 : Wednesday 2 October, 9am-12pm, D203
TA 1: Thursday 3 October, 9am-12pm, B109
TA 2: Wednesday 9 October, 9am-12pm, B109
TA 3: Thursday 10 October, 9am-12pm, B109
Lecture 4 : Thursday 17 October, 9am-12pm, B109
Lecture 5 : Wednesday 23 October, 9am-12pm, D203
TA 4: Thursday 24 October, 9am-12pm, B109
Lecture 6 : Wednesday 30 October, 9am-12pm, D203
Lecture 7 : Thursday 31 October, 9am-12pm, B109
TA 5: Wednesday 6 November, 9am-12pm, B109
TA 6: Thursday 7 November, 9am-12pm, B109
Lecture 8 : Wednesday 13 November, 9am-12pm, B109
TA 7: Thursday 14 October, 9am-12pm, B109
TA 8: Thursday 21 November, 9am-12pm, room E210
Former exams (please note that the content of the course has changed over the years)
Course Summary
This is a joint course between the first year of the ICT Labs Master in Human-Computer Interaction and Design and the second year Specialty in Interaction of the Research Master in Computer Science.
The course gives an overview of the field of human-computer interaction, including a short history of HCI, a review of interaction styles, basic elements of psychology and software engineering for HCI, an in-depth analysis of graphical interaction, a sampling of post-WIMP interaction techniques, the notion of conceptual modeling, and a range of theories and models for HCI.
Lecture 1 — 25 September 2013 — Introduction and History of HCI
Audio recordings
Videos shown in class
Note: some videos don't play in the browser and must be downloaded to view them with VLC.
Papers about visions:
As we May Think . Vannevar Bush, The Atlantic Monthly , 1947
Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework . Douglas Engelbart, SRI Report , 1962 (original report )
The Computer for the 21st Century . Mark Weiser, Scientific American , 1991
Interaction is more Powerful than Algorithms . Peter Wegner, Communications of the ACM , 1997
Interacting in Chaos . Dan Olsen, ACM Interactions , 1999
Historical papers:
Historical videos:
Note: some videos don't play in the browser and must be downloaded to view them with VLC.
About innovation and invention:
Lecture 2 — 26 September 2013 — Interaction styles, Psychology 101
Audio recordings
Videos shown in class
Historical videos
Videos about gesture-based interaction:
Interaction Styles:
Direct Manipulation Interfaces . Ed Hutchins, James Hollan & Don Norman, HCI Journal , 1985.
Direct Manipulation vs. Interface Agents . Ben Shneiderman & Pattie Maes, ACM Interactions , 1997.
Augmented Reality: Linking Real and Virtual Worlds . Wendy Mackay, Proc. Advanced Visual Interfaces , 1998.
Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms . Hiroshi Ishii & Brygg Ullmer, Proc. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'97) , 1997.
Lecture 3 — 2 October 2013 — Psychology 101 - Graphical Interaction
Audio recordings
Readings in Psychology
Visual system:
Visual illusions:
Auditory illusion:
Motor system:
Lecture 4 — 17 October 2013 — Graphical Interaction
Audio recordings
Videos shown in class
Videos from the UIST 2013 conference:
Soft Composite Materials for Shape Changing Interfaces - Yao, Niiuama, Ou, Follmer, Della Silva and Ishii
Touch & Activate: Adding Interactivity to Existing Objects using Active Acoustic Sensing - Ono, Shizuki and Tanaka
Controlling Widgets with One Power-up Button - Spelmezan, Appert, Chapuis and Pietriga
Transmogrification: Casual Manipulation of Visualizations - Brosz, Nacenta, Pusch, Carpendale and Hurter
dePENd: Augmented Handwriting System - Yamahoka and Kakehi
Imaginary Reality Games - Baudisch, Pohl, Reinicke, Wittmers, Lühne, Knaust, Köhler, Schmidt, Holz
inFORM: Dynamic Physical Affordances and Constraints through Shape and Object Actuation - Follmer, Leithinger, Olwal, Hogge and Ishii
Lecture 5 — 22 October 2013 — Advanced Graphical Interaction
Audio recordings
Videos shown in class
Demos shown in class
Zip archive containing 3 Tcl/Tk demos that can be run from the terminal, assuming you have installed the Tcl/Tk (installed by default on Mac OS X):
% wish indirect.tcl - direct vs. indirect manipulation
% wish search.tcl - instrumental text search
% wish guidelines.tcl - magnetic guidelines
Fitt's Law as a Research and Design Tool in Human-Computer Interaction , I. Scott MacKenzie, Human-Computer Interaction, 1992.
Pad - An Alternative Approach to the Computer Interface , Perlin & Fox, SIGGRAPH 1992.
Instrumental Interaction: An Interaction Model for Designing Post-WIMP Interfaces , Beaudouin-Lafon, ACM CHI 2000.
Reification, Polymorphism and Reuse: Three Design Principles for Designing Visual Interfaces , Beaudouin-Lafon & Mackay
The Architecture and Implementation of CPN2000,
A Post-WIMP Graphical Application , Beaudouin-Lafon & Lassen, ACM UIST 2000. CPNtools web site .
Lecture 6 — 30 October 2013 — Conceptual Modeling
Audio recordings
Lecture 7 — 13 November 2013 — Theories and Models
Audio recordings
Action and perception:
Pre-attentive processing (infovis wiki) . Research paper:
Search asymmetry: A diagnostic for preattentive processing of separable features , A. Treisman and J. Souther, Journal of Experimental Psychology , 1985.
Gestalt perception
Ecological Psychology . James J. Gibson's seminal book:
The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (also on Google Books )
Hick's law (also known as Hick-Hyman law). Research paper:
On the rate of gain of information , W.E. Hick, Journal of Experimental Psychology , 1952.
Fitts' law . Research paper:
The Information Capacity of the Human Motor System in Controlling the Amplitude of Movement , P. Fitts, Journal of Experimental Psychology , 1954.
Fitts' Law as a Research and Design Tool in Human-Computer Interaction . Scott Mackenzie, HCI Journal , 1992.
Kinematic chain - this entry describes the general concept of a kinematic chain.
Asymmetric Division of Labo in Human Skilled Bimanuel Action: The Kinematic Chain as a Model , Y. Guiard, Journal of Motor Behaviour , 1987. Research paper about kinematic chain and bimanual interaction.
A study in two-handed input , W. Buxton and B. Myers, Proc. ACM CHI'86 , 1986. The first study of bimanual input (HTML version ).
Toolglass and Magic Lenses: The See-Through Interface , E. Bier et al., Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 93 , 1993. An advanced bimanual interface using Guiard's principles. Video
Cognition and behaviour:
Action Theory , from The Design of Everyday Things , Don Norman, 2002. The revised edition is not out yet.
Plans and Situated Action , Lucy Suchman. PDF version .
Human-Machine Reconfigurations , recently revised version of the above.
Activity Theory
Beyond the Interface: Encountering Artifacts in Use , L. Bannon and S. Bodker, in Designing Interaction: Psychology at the Human-Computer Interface , 1991. Introduced Activity Theory into HCI.
Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design , V. Kaptelenin and B. Nardi, 2009. A recent book on activity theory and HCI.
Cognitive Dimensions of Notation . Research paper:
Notational Systems – the Cognitive Dimensions of Notations framework , A. Blackwell and T. Green, in HCI Models, Theories and Frameworks , 2003.
Web site with additional resources.
HCI models and theories:
A Morphological Analysis of the Design Space of Input Devices , S. Card et al., ACM Trans. Office Information Systems , 1991.
The UAN: a user-oriented representation for direct manipulation interface designs , R. Hartson, A. Siochi and D. Hix, ACM Trans. Office Information Systems , 1990.
SwingStates: Adding state machines to Java and the Swing toolkit , C. Appert and M. Beaudouin-Lafon. Jal Software Practice and Experience, 2008.
Web site with downlable library and examples.
GOMS , Keystroke-level model
The Psychology of Human Computer Interaction , S. Card, T. Moran and A. Newell, 1983.
Project Ernestine: A validation of GOMS for prediction and explanation of real-world task performance W. Gray et al., Human-Computer Interaction , 1993.
Extensions of GOMS analyses to expert performance requiring perception of dynamic visual and auditory information , B. John, Proc. ACM CHI'90 , 1990.
Instrumental Interaction: An Interaction Model for Designing Post-WIMP Interfaces , M. Beaudouin-Lafon, Proc. ACM CHI 2000 , 2000.
Software engineering:
User Interface Management Systems: Present and Future , M. Beaudouin-Lafon, Eurographics , 1994.
MVC , see also history of MVC
A cookbook for using the model-view controller user interface paradigm in Smalltalk-80 , G. Krasner and S. Pope, Jal Object-Oriented Programming , 1988.
PAC, an Object-Oriented Model for Dialog Design , J. Coutaz, Proc. INTERACT 87 , 1987.
Lecture 8 — 30 October 2013 — User Interface Toolkits
Audio recordings
Material shown in class